
March 13th, 2009 | 432 Entries

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432 Entries for “startled”

  1. i was startled by what i saw.
    who honestly expects to see crack lying there on a plate in their father’s bedroom?
    who wants to see the crackpipes, and burned spoon?
    why me?

  2. i am startled often. I have a huge jumpy reflex. Sometimes I jump when people just walk into the room. I think its from fear or anticipation. Maybe because I have had such a hard life. Abuse?
    I dont know. Its embarassing sometimes.
    I have lots of fears. I jump startled at scary movies.

  3. the careless boy leaped in a panic as his father opened the door. putting his hand to his crotch, the elder would never notice the beauty hidden under the bed.

  4. I was startled when I found you with her.
    What does she have that I don’t?
    I was startled. I am jealous.


  5. I am often startled when I wake up.. The whole gradient between wakefulness and sleep is startling. In one all is so cruel and unforgiving in the other so soft and timeless. I faught it again this morning and again lost the battle. It seems like a never ending day.

  6. I was startled to get this prompt for the word “startled.” Honestly, there isn’t that much to write about other than the fact that you are just so surprised to get the word at all. I could have gotten something more practical… more fun. But no… startled. Fun stuff. I love this word. I love this prompt. I love life!

  7. I sometimes worry that a time will come when nothing will surprise me anymore. The tumblers of my mind will crystallize, never to turn again.

    Francis Stone
  8. startled. it’s what i was. it’s what i am. it’s what we all are when we look in the mirror, to see that odd looking person staring back at us. how did we become them?

  9. i was startled at the finding of this site. i don’t understand what this means or why i am doing it but it definitely startles me. it startles me that anyone would come here. i guess i am kind of a startling person. am i doing this right? i don’t know. i don’t know anything anymore. oh my god im running out of time oh god. this is freaking me out. what happens when it

  10. I got a bit scared. The prompt came so suddenly and I am not very good…creative good oh I’m just getting all twisted and nervous.

  11. I was startled. Sometimes I am jumpy, other times I’m cool as a cumcumber. But this time, I was genuinely startled. Now, that my heart was back in my chest, I was able to look up and break a smile. A warm smile.

  12. on the way home a burglar startled my party and we all got the living daylights scared out of us

    Paul S Rynehart
  13. When you touched my shoulder
    i jumped
    i looked back
    i couldn’t see through the rain
    but i knew it was you
    you always had a way with finding the right way to startle me
    i can’t believe its been so long
    since you called me your sister for the first time

  14. I am often startled by what is happening in my life. one day something happens and the next day something totally different happens.

  15. scared, afraid. One time when I was younger my mom was putting the dishes away and I came up and “BOO’d” and she made the weirdest noise..and I now make that noise when I’m startled.

  16. So seem i was startled to actually begin something like this. You are given one word and are supposed to come up with something; something clever, something kind of interesting. But I seem to always be startled. Like a deer in headlights when I am face to face with something. Startled because I have a midterm tomorrow and I’m doing this instead.

    jared orlando
  17. i hate being startled, heart thumping, think i might die a small but powerful death. brendan scared me tonight and this is what came to mind. no wonder i am having panic attacks.

  18. I found myself in the dark world of hell, a place I had created where no god or existence truly held a place, this didn’t leave me startled for I was brought up in a place like this earth.

  19. so I startled her
    with a simple declarative:
    “I love you.”
    She just turned to me
    and said “no. can’t be.”
    and walked away.

    nothing else to be said.

    Don H.
  20. I was startled at the dazzaling array of lights that spun around me in the darkness and tore away at my spirit, I didn’t know or understand what to do, my only thought was to escape the hell.

  21. I was startled by the sudden lust I felt for her. SHe was nothing I had ever liked before, but her appeal was endless. The mole on her cheek just scream “LICK ME”. So I did.

    She slapped me, and at first I was taken aback, but then I realised she was into S&M, so we went back to my place

  22. I was startled when I found that I had left my billfold on my dashboard with the car parked outside overnight. I was startled when I found that no one had broke into the car and abscounded with my money.

    David Irwin
  23. chair house sit down please yes nice alcanice. I dont know what is the meaning of the word

  24. I was startled when the door opened abruptly. It could’ve been her, it could’ve been him, it could have been the cops. No one knows. I will never know either. As soon as the door slammed, everything went black. That was the end.

  25. AAAHHHH! I’m scared. That shocked me into a panic. I was paralyzed with fear for a moment. Thank goodness it was you. I am relieved. Don’t do that again!

  26. i hate when am startled. its a very uncomfortable feeling.

    lindsay pratt
  27. I saw you and I was startled. I did not expect you there, so suddenly, so soon. My breath stopped, my body stood still. By the time I thought of something to say, you had already moved on.

  28. i trip
    i tumble down a flight of stairs
    flailing grasping at the useless air
    my slilent prayer
    that the falling will someday stop
    and some how I’ll end up right back on top

  29. Walking into a room this cold was hard enough – the door was sealed shut; the warm air of the humid south was kept out and the darkness kept it frigid. I didn’t even think about the human leg I saw lying in the middle of the floor.

  30. I turned and she was there and she jumped and so did I and there should have been no surprise. She knew I was coming, just as I knew I would one day have to. Look at me. I am your fate. I am your future, your end, your destiny.

    Mat Johnson
  31. The girl was startled when she saw the boy under the tree. He had not said a word nor moved at all. He looked at her was a strange curiousity. And the girl let him watch her.

  32. you have nothing your dead wrong and long gone i have memories they’re long gone. time got it i want it it. i just don’t want to be aware of it. i want to live like when i was a child, when days were endless and time didn’t exist. when i was a princesss

  33. The randomness of life creates the great emotional disconnect that is envisioned above. That’s right, this masterpiece of flesh is only viable in the treasures that are found with the instance of the rhetoric and meaning found above.

  34. once a man was startled. he jumped, twirled and danced through the air in a fightful manner. never did see that miniature hampster skydive again though. after the startle, the hampster became a flower, upon which the man gave to a woman, and behold. babies!

    josh johanson
  35. I am not startled right now. I’m just worried that my friends are all falling apart and I can’t do anything about it. It’s really frustrating, I don’t know what to do or why I’m typing this. Startled is a great word, I actually wish I used it more often… it’s STARTLING how often I don’t use it, really… yay, that was a nice pun. Anyway. Play on words, startled, friends yeah. Startling. All of it. There is actually a startling amount of time to do this.

  36. OMG! I screamed as the alarm went off for school. I cursed under my breath and gathered my clothes and went to the bathroom to change. Another day to waste away my life.

  37. i waited until you came and then I was sad when you did. sometimes I think my head in the sand would be better, take the noise out of my head, take the words out of my lips. You make the sky a startled wind, you make the earth a startled member of my audience. Take me down to the rail-yard and make me laugh. i am here for you.

  38. shocked
    rocked to the core
    boaring into the waring
    that suddenly

  39. This page startled me. I wasn’t sure what I was coming across, but I’m glad that I did. It’s great to force myself to do writing exercises and I probably don’t do enough of them. Just like real exercise.

  40. wow the word is startled, i am startled by my own self preservation in this often funny and odd world that men call the best of all possibilites. I do not think this is too wise, i must make myself vulnerable like the small child in the precece of wolves.
