
March 10th, 2011 | 487 Entries

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487 Entries for “statement”

  1. It was a harsh man that could not see beyond the strangled views of his 60 years of doing. his boy stood up against him

  2. statement is a word that i do not want to talk about right now it is vary boring.

  3. A statement is something some one says.

  4. something that u state like i hate stupid preppy

  5. I made a statement. The worst thing that could be. Y? MR.d is FAt. okay maybe that was mean. but im not sorry

  6. statement i dont now what to say about this word i say a lot statement

  7. A statement is some thing you say!!! ya No !! so ya!!!

  8. Statement is an odd word it means that someone said something. Like a fashion statement.

  9. I made a statement. A statement is something you say.

  10. she did not have the courage to make a statement. I did not have the courage to ask a question. and so we embraced this cowardly silence with such resoluteness that we became brave.

  11. A statement is when you say something and it is not an opinion or anything like that.

  12. A statement is when someone tells you something thats true. A statement is something that is true and is an opion

    Caitlin Cordova
  13. Statement – everyone is trying to make a statement that they are individuals however, making a statement about your individuality blends you in with the rest of the crowd. so sily

  14. Beth had some bad news for Bill lecturing sarcastically…

    “We owe the bank an additional hundred twenty bucks…trying to balance the books, bounced another check. Dang! This is the second time! Three strikes I’m out!”

    “That’s quite a statement” Bill retorted.

  15. I would like to read a statement to you regarding the murder that happened last
    night at the public library .

    Linda Berryman
  16. i will make a statement that i already wrote under Anonymous.

    I love you.

    I love love.

    Please smile today.

  17. Something bold. That someone, or many people will hear. It can make you rich and make you poor. It’ll start a new trail of mind, it’ll disgust people. What it is is what it is. Don’t worry about it. It’s something that can do anything. Without violence. It’s a statement.

    Avenue :)
  18. How do I express this feeling to you? I can’t just tell you. I couldn’t paint you a picture. It’s a bit of a statement. But because we understand – I hope you understand, how deep this statement is to me. I love you.

  19. Everyone makes a statement when they walk out of their room. How they dress is who they are or how they feel. But you… You’re always so casual.. so uncaring, but then again you always look amazing. Every time you walk up to me and hug me you smell so amazing. I can’t figure out what kind of cologne it is. Maybe you don’t wear anything. Most likely its just the smell of your amazingness. I believe it is. Too bad we can never be together though. My best friend likes you. And I could never be anything more than friends with because of that reason. So I guess for now all I have to do is enjoy your awesome hugs, amazing laugh, and wonderful smell.

    a nini mous
  20. Every carefully chosen word, every movement, flicker of an eyelash, twitch of the finger. Everything is declared prominently. It’s howling to the world bright garish information. You are dying to make a statement.

  21. idk wat a statement is .

  22. I will make a statement: I love you.

    I love you!

    I don’t know who you is exactly. My friends, I guess. And my family.

    It’s love.

    I love love.

    Smile, please.

  23. I’m a man who keeps his promises
    why would he make such a statement/
    why i wondered? he looked right into my eyes and it was as if his pierced right into my soul
    i looked away but his statement remained in my head

    Arooj Alam
  24. Everything we do makes a statement, even when we don’t realize it. Choose a big-name newspaper over an electronic news aggregator, or an indie publication? That’s a statement. Choose a t-shirt instead of a suit and tie? That’s a statement. They don’t all mean much, and we don’t always think about them, but that doesn’t mean they’re not there. It took me a long time to realize this – longer than I may care to admit.

  25. it’s something that i’m doing right now just talking about something. making a statement about a statement. and realizing i can’t type fast under pressure. there i just made statement, it can change your life forever. just by putting a few simple words together… by saying it to someone, or even not saying it att all.

  26. i made a statement. it was quick. i didn’t think much about it. it wasn’t a question. it was a statement. and it changed me forever.

    it was the fifth grade. and it really wasn’t that poignant. At least, not at the time. But looking back, I realize that it was the statement that got my life going.

    Gabriela Szewcow
  27. I don’t know what your statement means really. Is it merely an attempt at provoking the company assembled this evening? I truly cannot believe you to hold such views. A well bred, intelligent young man ought to have a more sensible view of society. But perhaps you are merely teasing us, I know you love stirring up a controversy.

  28. It wasn’t just a simple phrase, it was a statement. The fact that Magnus had said it, out loud, in front of his parents, was a hard one to grasp. Although, to be honest, Alec was more focused on the words, than the meaning. If he focused on the meaning, he would break.

  29. to make a statement, one would think that you know something. But people make statements all the time, and don’t know anything. What really needs to be said, most of the time? why not just take in life, rather than comment on it?

  30. A statment is when you speak out and say something also it has different meanings and one of those is he made a fashion statment.

  31. I’m delighted to have this opportunity to offer a statement in support of the proposition before the Board. In making this statement, I do not mean to state that I have previously stated any proposition contrary to the statement taken by the Board previously. Rather, I intend my statement to be self-evident and — yes — understated.

  32. There is a difference between a statement ad a question. The difference is one is something to be asked and the other is something you already know. I make my statements very clear when say them.

  33. A statement is something that you say or something like that.

  34. one of my classes made a statement to the president and said hi. he said hi back and we talked to the president.

  35. a statement is something some one says some times its long or short.

  36. As she said her statement it was obvious to see that she was lying about everything but nobody thought she was lying and she was able to get an innocent man convicted for murder.

  37. The cops told me to make a statement about the man who cut off my cats tail, but I was afraid. I was afraid of what was next. If this guy was willing to harm another creature like that over a divorce who knows what else he is capable of and willing to do. I never really knew him at all..

  38. Political statements. They get old.

    Punk was a statement, until it was just fashion. I think of an old punk I saw in London. A Sex Pistols shirt as he pushed a stroller down the street, chain wallet clanging against the metal. How odd.

  39. boring tg of words only. no art in it or creativity. A statement is a matter of fact and cannot be altered usually to tailor a situation, inflexible, unbending, still, rigid, words, more words, too many words. God that’s boring!

  40. i had to google it because i’m spanish and i didn’t know what this word means.
