
December 8th, 2009 | 377 Entries

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377 Entries for “stem”

  1. Long and bright
    Clean and White
    Stems! Stems!

    Vee Vee
  2. The stem of the flower was bent, and the bud seemed, despite it’s short life, as if it had given up.

    The rain kept falling, forming a puddle for the bud to rest in.

    It wasn’t long before black rain boots tromped by and crushed the delicate bud without a care

  3. stem. leaves and trees. flowers. nature.
    but then my mind goes to stem cell research, and biology.
    or a stem and leaf plot, like mathematics.

  4. oooooooo

  5. Twilight wrapped around a post
    leaves unfolding collect the moist air
    intertwining to the rhythm of the sun
    casting it’s hands upon their body.

  6. It goes up and up and up and then blooms, leaves pouring down its side, letting the petals rest upon its head. It is the backbone, the strength, the thing in all of us. It is our foundation, as it allows the beauty and thought of the world to rest upon it, but entangles itself with the thorns at its side.

    Elizabeth Lee
  7. things growing. a new beginning. hope. breaking off. seperation. depression. the root. growth. stunted. a journey. mapping something.

    Adam V
  8. I found a stem on the ground and it was very dry. but it was still very green. i ran inside and put it in a bag with a wet towel and planted it the next day. soon it became a beautiful flower.

  9. Grass: turning to the light,
    each blade a stem
    each edge a knife.

    Cy Margucci
  10. the leaf of my tree of life stems fromthe water that is poured from my gardener. That sounds religious but isn’t. progressive thought is my tree and reading is my water.

  11. Stem? Stem from what? Stem OF what? Where do we come from? Maybe from whence we stem determines what stems from us. Our past predicts our future, and so we beat on… But where do we come from? What defines who we are and what we call “origin?”

  12. My thoughts stem off each other, like new sweet potato vines. Nine of ten lead to you. Your eyes and smile.
    And that you’re too far gone.

  13. My fear stems from so many things- experiences and dreams, thoughts and actions- both my own and other people’s. What stems from my fear? Prohibition. Inhibition. Restriction. Now it’s time for me to cut this stem- take it back to the roots and try to grow something different- this time, I’m starting my stem of hope.

  14. Its the part of the flower that gives it strength; that allows nutrients to travel, and hold the weight of the bloom. Its the part that gets the least amount of credit yet needs a little love.

  15. most things stem from your perception. You think someone is dead because you see a tomb stone. It is your assumption they have died. It could be a fake. This person might have debts to the mob and faked his death, maybe he’s still breathing in his coffin. all this stemmed from your illusion of reality.

  16. Stem. All of this drama in my life has stemmed from one stupid night. It’s roting my mind and I cannot escape it.

  17. stem from the bottom. i’m not even sure. plants and shit. jack and the beanstalk. all we’ve ever wanted to hear about attaining our goals, it stems from the roots. the roots of our life? what say you, my love?

    possibly nature is breaking from the outskirts of my life into the reality of it. a metaphor for all the shit i’ve done, it stems from whatever i did as a child.

  18. The flower was vibrant red in his hand. His eyes poured over it, looking for answers in the crevices of that rose. Each petal started out so innocently, only to delve deep into the pit of the flower to be lot. The whole of the bud said nothing to him, but the stem spoke with great clarity. For it was there that he found the thorns.

  19. the stem of a bottle. the systemic violence in so many parts of the world. my econ exam.

  20. Stems can be thorny, like that of a rose. Roses, however, symbolize love and junk like that. Why a rose? Why? I don’t find love to have the threat of pain at all. I seriously don’t see why this emotion called love has something so unpleasant associated with it. I hate thorns.

  21. Stem cell research is roses with thorns coming up but very beautiful. Powerful orange like a sun giving life to roses and violets and tulips too. Love is universal!!!

  22. are for plants. they are supposed to be sturdy but sometimes they flop. that’s when flowers and/or plants die.. they are supportive, strong things. much like stems are legs to humans. they keep us up and stay standing

  23. seed, stem, grow, produce, effect, influence, change, revolution…seed, stem, grow, produce, effect, influence, change, revolution…

  24. I am always on the run, from myself, from relationships, from life itself. I feel as if it will go on forever constantly stemming from the problems that I so idoly play at…

    Charlie Moniz
  25. The little girl gripped the weak flower tightly in her hand. She ran, excitedly flapping her arms about, to show it to her mother. Upon revealing, the stem was crushed seeping sticky juice.

  26. Stem: the bottom of the flower, of life. It’s the point where you start to realize where you base your life. The beginning of something beautiful that you must care for and nurture.

  27. i have a stem an entire stem and it comes from a flower. sometimes the stem breaks and the thorns really hurt but it is supportive none the less. green black blue, all the stems have a color. mostly green like best friends….mostly on roses or oranges

  28. cells are good for people. but the stems of flowers are beautiful. either way, they are beneficial because one shows beauty and gives life to the plant, while the other gives life to us. i don;t know why anyone could hate on either such entity. it seems to me to be a d=crime to do so, a travesty. sad times this is.

    sam sigelakis-minski
  29. stem

  30. sjfidsagnaioghf ogifo gfdhiuhf duiafdh assfdusiagdas stem cdsjifoasfh stem cisoaufdasoutegnfjkvbz stem fhsuiafy8eawthewuafdsa stem fhdusiahgdusianvjdskaghdui stem dfhsigfdgnfd fhdsuinbdf stem

  31. the stem was the beginning
    it had so much hope for new light
    more like new insight to a new time
    of happier days
    with no complaints
    because we were all ready
    for out ways
    it’s not our fault
    that it had to come to this

    just jes
  32. the bottom of a growth. the length of a flower. the birth of a new thing. green. long. able and willing. the root and the nature of the earth. the beginning of beauty. the start of something new. hello flower hellow green. you are as beautiful as you seem.

    anastasia montenegro
  33. Stem makes me think of the stem of a plant. Or a brain stem. What if our brain stem was actually a plant? That might be weird. Would we get energy from photosynthesis? Would we be any different at all? Would we be less likely to grow plants to eat? To kill plants? Would we be able to talk to plants? What would a plant say?

  34. the flower shoots up from the stem, going in all directions, petals flying everywhere. you never know where it’s going to go, and if it’s caught on a breeze, you never know where it’s going to land. a riot of color, contrasting on a beautiful blue day, blues and greens and reds.

    mary ann
  35. Pulled up from the roots, that’s what it feels like. Uprooted with no home to take her back, no one waiting at the end of the night. She plants roses in winter and calla lilies in summer because no one tells her any better.

    sera b
  36. leaves.

  37. Stem is a beginning.
    A beginning that could lead to anything.
    A relationship
    An idea
    Or A beautiful flower.

    Pat Corliss
  38. The stem of the flower is dark green, smooth, except for where the thorns jut out. They end like curved talons, waiting for an unwary finger to catch, to bleed. Deep crimson drops trickling down to mar the ground below, matching the tone of the petals.

  39. Give life. Water, food, nutrients. Stem Cell research. Stem of a flower. Life. Keeps life going, and absorbs. It does all the work and is not appreciated as it should be. But who are we to not appreciate?

  40. My anger stems from the way my relationship with my ex girlfriend ended. It keeps me up at night, and drives me to drink and abuse drugs regularly. I hate her and I HATE MYSELF
