stars and stripes, pajamas, bananas in pajamas, jail, inmate, idk idk idk idk, zebra tiger, i quit
a very hilarious film staring bill murray about the army and how silly it can be. i think stripes can be very fashionable but not flattering.
stephen and marie
flag. american. 13 stripes. zebras, tigers, lions and bears oh my. stripes diagonally and horozontally.
I dunno. It seems generic, but I think of a zebra.
once i had the stripes. they had me down for a week. it wasn’t fun. except that i got to stay home from school. but even that was ruined by the fact that i had to do homework. so much for watching tv all day. i was glad when the stripes subsided.
stars and stripes. White Stripes. Stripe candy. Candy stripe. Cancer.Bacon.
Zebras have stripes
Stripes on the flag
stripes on that special gum that we all chewed in the 80″s
what was it called
stripes on your shirt
stripes, stripes, stripes
stripe makes me think of strike
why is that
wy would I take a word that connotates fashion and equate it with violence
violent stripes on that polo shirt
violent stripes as the lion eats the zebra
stripes striking in their….
stars and stripes are part of the make up of the us flaf, I’m not sure what they represent but they are pleasing to the eye and if I had my way I would make it pink and blue. Isn’t stripes also someting a militry band plays, I couldn’t tell you, tese are just things I hear about. I hear stripes can make you
stripes are on shirts
stripes are on rainbows
they are cool looking i t
alex davis
my socks have stripes on them, i think of these socks and think of the weekend where i wore them, the same weekend i was wearing them that bobby broke my heart. is that all i can ever think of anymore? its becoming a problem. i need to learn to move on! its becoming an nuisance to my life
Stripes remind me of pixies, christmas, madness and murder. These things can be interconnected for extra awesome.
Zexion sighed as the portal was opened and he and Demyx stepped out into the Pride Lands. He had turned into a lion, but Demyx had turned into a zebra.
stripes are what i think of when the united states flag is there. It has stripes on it obviously and it is a key word that comes to mind when the word stripes is given. However being from canada i hate americans because they are iggnorant
stripes are on zebras. want to go to africa and see zebras because they look badass.. wear verticle stripes to look skinny but no one cares if you look fat so you can wear horizontal stripes as well. for some reason stipes remind me of cardboard starbucks coffee warmers. no idea why. stripes remind me of sweaters and snow boots
pretty boring subject. like you only put them on clothes or whatever. they make some people look fat, lol.
i guess its a design element.
i like them, a lot. they make me happy. i like them in summer, in spring, winter and otom. yes, i like stripes white.
the corporal had earned his stripes the hard way. After the battle he was the most senior non-com left. It had been very bloody but his actions after taking command saved many private’s lives.
stripes remind me of zebras. zebras bring more thoughts about Africa and the wild and being free. fresh air and no worries or cares, just my stripes.
jail cell blooming like a dead rose. orange stripes upon your nose. hairs and hairs and dirty rhymes. stripes and stripes til the end of time. black and white prison sentence. boy you best beg for repentance. if you don’t this is what they say: in the stripes they’ll drag you away.
The stripes on the rug in his apartmenmt ran horizontally. Of everything last night, that much I remember. “But what’s his name, Mona?” my best friend asks. I blink as I try to put a face on the man I spent last night with, but nothing comes to mind. I shake my head, “I don’t remember.”
stripes. your sweater with stripes on it, dark blue and black. any word that comes up is going to make me think of you, which i guess i’m okay with. i miss you and i miss your sweater. i miss having my hands under your sweater. i miss sitting in your sweater, watching a movie on the couch.
The color of the striped shirt was beautiful. It was silken, satin red, with little golden ribbon sized side stripes. The gorgeous sweater was a have-to-have. Kelly bought it immediately.
Kristina Crews
Make me one with everything. Line me up against the wall. And shoot me.
A. Pittman
The only shirt he had left. A blue and gray striped shirt. He hated it. Despised it’s very presence. Yet he kept it, right there in his closet.
blue and yellow
Her hair had stripes, like a zebra’s may. It was striking, really, the difference between the blonde and the purple in her hair, but that was her personality. She loved sticking out like a sore thumb.
sdhsrhbsfh soon many a do. here we are and here we stand. no we do not have wander for we. we are solid and true. my stripes and stars.
black. white. black. white. paint me up and down… separate my tomorrows from yesterdays. but i never meant it in the way we say “this is right and you are wrong” because sharp contrasts bleed grey down here… underground. each line of color, threaded tightly to the next… we are not just a random sequence of events.
Stripes I saw upon her skirt, upon her shirt, upon her eyes. Stripes that I felt would make me sick, would make me mad, would make me love. I saw her again, with all those stripes beneath all of her body. And I tough to myself… And I saw her again… In my dreams I could see her everynight. Among all those stripes of hers.
Stripes everywhere, I can’t forget.
The american flag. The stars and stripes. Horizontal stripes are never flattering, they make you look fat.
fuckin stripes are crazy, they are decrative and cool and look good, stripes on flags symbolize the 13 things that we did
stripes: black & white.
this is all she can think,
of zebras and of fancy illusions,
when she watches his personality
ping pong back and forth;
opposites dancing in front of
her eyes, like somebody caught
up in the limbo between striped felt.
and stars. makes me think of my american boyfirend. i’ll always wonder if we lived int eh same country would we still eb together? I think we would, and wonder how many people don’t find their love because of visas and borders. The worlds so small and yet so big.
Pretty red stripes, she thinks to herself. She’s woozy from pain and blood loss, and has no idea where she is.
But she knows that the pretty red stripes should mean more to her than they do.
The neighbors find her the next day. She’s dead.
The police say that there was a struggle. They point out the marks that her blood-stained hand had made as she had tried to get away from her assailant.
stars and stripes, pajamas, bananas in pajamas, jail, inmate, idk idk idk idk, zebra tiger, i quit
a very hilarious film staring bill murray about the army and how silly it can be. i think stripes can be very fashionable but not flattering.
flag. american. 13 stripes. zebras, tigers, lions and bears oh my. stripes diagonally and horozontally.
I dunno. It seems generic, but I think of a zebra.
once i had the stripes. they had me down for a week. it wasn’t fun. except that i got to stay home from school. but even that was ruined by the fact that i had to do homework. so much for watching tv all day. i was glad when the stripes subsided.
stars and stripes. White Stripes. Stripe candy. Candy stripe. Cancer.Bacon.
Zebras have stripes
Stripes on the flag
stripes on that special gum that we all chewed in the 80″s
what was it called
stripes on your shirt
stripes, stripes, stripes
stripe makes me think of strike
why is that
wy would I take a word that connotates fashion and equate it with violence
violent stripes on that polo shirt
violent stripes as the lion eats the zebra
stripes striking in their….
stars and stripes are part of the make up of the us flaf, I’m not sure what they represent but they are pleasing to the eye and if I had my way I would make it pink and blue. Isn’t stripes also someting a militry band plays, I couldn’t tell you, tese are just things I hear about. I hear stripes can make you
stripes are on shirts
stripes are on rainbows
they are cool looking i t
my socks have stripes on them, i think of these socks and think of the weekend where i wore them, the same weekend i was wearing them that bobby broke my heart. is that all i can ever think of anymore? its becoming a problem. i need to learn to move on! its becoming an nuisance to my life
Stripes remind me of pixies, christmas, madness and murder. These things can be interconnected for extra awesome.
Zexion sighed as the portal was opened and he and Demyx stepped out into the Pride Lands. He had turned into a lion, but Demyx had turned into a zebra.
stripes are what i think of when the united states flag is there. It has stripes on it obviously and it is a key word that comes to mind when the word stripes is given. However being from canada i hate americans because they are iggnorant
stripes are on zebras. want to go to africa and see zebras because they look badass.. wear verticle stripes to look skinny but no one cares if you look fat so you can wear horizontal stripes as well. for some reason stipes remind me of cardboard starbucks coffee warmers. no idea why. stripes remind me of sweaters and snow boots
pretty boring subject. like you only put them on clothes or whatever. they make some people look fat, lol.
i guess its a design element.
i like them, a lot. they make me happy. i like them in summer, in spring, winter and otom. yes, i like stripes white.
the corporal had earned his stripes the hard way. After the battle he was the most senior non-com left. It had been very bloody but his actions after taking command saved many private’s lives.
stripes remind me of zebras. zebras bring more thoughts about Africa and the wild and being free. fresh air and no worries or cares, just my stripes.
jail cell blooming like a dead rose. orange stripes upon your nose. hairs and hairs and dirty rhymes. stripes and stripes til the end of time. black and white prison sentence. boy you best beg for repentance. if you don’t this is what they say: in the stripes they’ll drag you away.
The stripes on the rug in his apartmenmt ran horizontally. Of everything last night, that much I remember. “But what’s his name, Mona?” my best friend asks. I blink as I try to put a face on the man I spent last night with, but nothing comes to mind. I shake my head, “I don’t remember.”
stripes. your sweater with stripes on it, dark blue and black. any word that comes up is going to make me think of you, which i guess i’m okay with. i miss you and i miss your sweater. i miss having my hands under your sweater. i miss sitting in your sweater, watching a movie on the couch.
The color of the striped shirt was beautiful. It was silken, satin red, with little golden ribbon sized side stripes. The gorgeous sweater was a have-to-have. Kelly bought it immediately.
Make me one with everything. Line me up against the wall. And shoot me.
The only shirt he had left. A blue and gray striped shirt. He hated it. Despised it’s very presence. Yet he kept it, right there in his closet.
blue and yellow
Her hair had stripes, like a zebra’s may. It was striking, really, the difference between the blonde and the purple in her hair, but that was her personality. She loved sticking out like a sore thumb.
Hab soon many a do. here we are and here we stand. no we do not have wander for we. we are solid and true. my stripes and stars.
black. white. black. white. paint me up and down… separate my tomorrows from yesterdays. but i never meant it in the way we say “this is right and you are wrong” because sharp contrasts bleed grey down here… underground. each line of color, threaded tightly to the next… we are not just a random sequence of events.
Stripes I saw upon her skirt, upon her shirt, upon her eyes. Stripes that I felt would make me sick, would make me mad, would make me love. I saw her again, with all those stripes beneath all of her body. And I tough to myself… And I saw her again… In my dreams I could see her everynight. Among all those stripes of hers.
Stripes everywhere, I can’t forget.
The american flag. The stars and stripes. Horizontal stripes are never flattering, they make you look fat.
fuckin stripes are crazy, they are decrative and cool and look good, stripes on flags symbolize the 13 things that we did
stripes: black & white.
this is all she can think,
of zebras and of fancy illusions,
when she watches his personality
ping pong back and forth;
opposites dancing in front of
her eyes, like somebody caught
up in the limbo between striped felt.
and stars. makes me think of my american boyfirend. i’ll always wonder if we lived int eh same country would we still eb together? I think we would, and wonder how many people don’t find their love because of visas and borders. The worlds so small and yet so big.
Pretty red stripes, she thinks to herself. She’s woozy from pain and blood loss, and has no idea where she is.
But she knows that the pretty red stripes should mean more to her than they do.
The neighbors find her the next day. She’s dead.
The police say that there was a struggle. They point out the marks that her blood-stained hand had made as she had tried to get away from her assailant.
“Almost perfectly straight,” says one. “Like stripes.”
i stared at the stripes on his shirt before i gathered my strength and looked him in the eye. ” i love you, too,” i lied and looked away.