The zebra looked up. Grass stayed int its mouth, unchewed. It listened. The noise came again, a slow rumbling at the horizon. A dust storm rose. The rumble grew into a roar.
zebras have stripes- they’re funky. i used to have a stripey multicoloured dress as a kid, i loved it. i think i prefer dots generally though, or block colour if i’m honest
The thing about zebras is that they all look alike. It reminds me of the sea of people that you encounter on you travels. All of them can be classified into certain groups according to appearance. It always seem like someone looks like somebody else in some way. It’s not very often you come across someone unique. Its like running into a zebra whose stripes are a different colour altogether. They tend to stick out from the heard. I like to think that I bear stripes of a different colour, maybe even a different pattern. It’s not always easy to stand out from the pack, but sometimes wearing different stripes can make life an adventure.
Cameron J. Clark
It’s difficult to make people show their true stripes in this day and age. People want to be couched besides intricate facades, revealing only what they want others to see. I despise this. I want to see people’s true faces again.
jail clothing. american flag referees zebras blinds parrallel
I like stripes. I think they look good on me. I like black and white stripes the best- they remind me of piano keys. I simply adore the piano, but I have no desire to play it, unlike the guitar. I guess I like the mystery behind it.
stipes are pretty cool i guess, it depends wich way they’re going, im a big fan of horizontal, but some people i know prefer the verticle
I really love my family. My kids are the best. Wouldn’t be me without them.
i see stripes stripes are diffrent colors stripes go up and down
Stripes are for emo kids with no imagination. Stripes are not flattering on fuller figures, because they draw attention to the width of a person. I don’t think I own anything with stripes, just underpants. stripes remind me of the cat in the hat. which I don’t like. I never have.
dumb bitch fuck stripes
the stripes on the peppermint sticks that I bought at the general store as a child. it sounds like i am old! ha, i’m only 19. I just come from an old world.
Zebras are so glamorous. I can’t really pinpoint the reason for me thinking so. Maybe it has been embedded in my brain from Vouge or other fashion mags. However it happened, I really enjoy the sight of a zebra.
so i just went winter clothes shopping, and i got some really cute striped sweaters. =)
physically appealing, perhaps vertical, perhaps horizontal. Strips and Stripes –interchangeable. On a flag, on your clothes.
There’s this band, The White Stripes. I was really into them for awhile, I guess I still am now but there’s something magical about when you first disocver a band that really suits you. I have all of their albums. Well, all of them except the one with Jimmy the Explorer and Fell In Love With A Girl. The rest, though, I have. I bought them at Record Village. I wanted to work there and was looking forward to getting a job, but they went out of business and now it’s a hair salon.
i saw your sweatshirt,
covered in stripes,
i heard in the distance,
the playing of pipes;
an organ played,
through the night,
i danced away,
without you
Every shirt that Dave owns has a stripe across the chest. Why is it that men’s clothing companies want them all to look like some derivation of Charlie Brown? I suppose because the women in their lives only hear the “wah wah wah” when those same men talk.
i saw your sweatshirt,
covered in stripes,
i heard in the distance,
the playing of pipes;
an organ played,
through the night,
i danced away,
without you
The stripes went vertical, making him taller. way taller than him. So freakin intimidating that ji had to crane his neck to see. Seung hyun looked down at smiled to him, and pat his blond head.
i saw your sweatshirt,
covered in stripes,
i heard in the distance,
the playing of pipes;
an organ played,
through the night,
i danced away,
without you
she sat with her back to the wall, frightened and alone. She stared at the square of sunlight, bright and out of place on the cold stone floor in front of her. The bars on the window cast striped shadows through the square. She shifted her feet so her toes were lit by the sun… strange, the warmth in such a forlorn and desolate place……
she sat with her back to the wall, frightened and alone. She stared at the square of sunlight, bright and out of place on the cold stone floor in front of her. The bars on the window cast striped shadows through the square. She shifted her feet so her toes were lit by the sun… strange, the warmth in such a forlorn and desolate place……
she sat with her back to the wall, frightened and alone. She stared at the square of sunlight, bright and out of place on the cold stone floor in front of her. The bars on the window cast striped shadows through the square. She shifted her feet so her toes were lit by the sun… strange, the warmth in such a forlorn and deselate place……
she sat with her back to the wall, frightened and alone. She stared at the square of sunlight, bright and out of place on the cold stone floor in front of her. The bars on the window cast striped shadows through the square. She shifted her feet so her toes were lit by the sun… strange, the warmth in such a forlorn and deselate place……
she sat with her back to the wall, frightened and alone. She stared at the square of sunlight, bright and out of place on the cold stone floor in front of her. The bars on the window cast striped shadows through the square. She shifted her feet so her toes were lit by the sun… strange, the warmth in such a forlorn and deselate place……
she sat with her back to the wall, frightened and alone. She stared at the square of sunlight, bright and out of place on the cold stone floor in front of her. The bars on the window cast striped shadows through the square. She shifted her feet so her toes were lit by the sun… strange, the warmth in such a forlorn and deselate place……
zebras. tigers. fish. stripes. you can’t really change them. alternating shadow and light. windows. crossings. paint. difference.
zebras. tigers. fish. stripes. you can’t really change them. alternating shadow and light. windows. crossings. paint. difference.
Here yellow stripes rain down upon me. Blonde hair that smells like comfort, and sedation. I never imagined being taken away like this. I never imagined being addicted to someone.
Josh Zeliger
she sat with her back to the wall, frightened and alone. She stared at the square of sunlight, bright and out of place on the cold stone floor in front of her. The bars on the window cast striped shadows through the square. She shifted her feet so her toes were lit by the sun… strange, the warmth in such a forlorn and deselate place……
I hear horizontal stripes make you look wider and vertical ones make you look shorter. I never saw that movie “Racing Stripes”, nor did I ever want to. I love that Broken Social Scene song “Stars and Sons”. That has nothing to do with stripes, but for some reason I thought about it.
Julie Astraea
Stripes made her outfit look a little plastic-like, they were garish colors that reminded me of the sixties. She could have had flares on, but didn’t– just a plain gray skirt and all these stripes…
patterns on a zebra. a movie with bill murray.whats the point of this?
white stripes live in the middle of the sahara desert with palm trees and wild things and guillotines and tambourines and slot machines and yeah.
spencer Rhodes
Here is what we know. We stand in the cold and the dark and this day will never be the same: blue light on black. Your face is pale and sharp in all the right places and I can’t help but appreciate it from behind the blinds. I’m pretty sure that makes me a creep, but there’s something satisfying in watching you this way.
Abby G/
The stripes on the mans shirt were fading with him into obscurity as the years went by. And yet they also convey a sense of dignity as well, for these stripes were earned, not bought.
We painted stripes in her nursery. They were pink. We thought we were to bring her home from the hospital that day. Instead, I left my wife and my baby girl there. They both died in the birthing process.
t buy them. Only time and effeort bring them into your life but once their there your life will never be the same.
The zebra looked up. Grass stayed int its mouth, unchewed. It listened. The noise came again, a slow rumbling at the horizon. A dust storm rose. The rumble grew into a roar.
zebras have stripes- they’re funky. i used to have a stripey multicoloured dress as a kid, i loved it. i think i prefer dots generally though, or block colour if i’m honest
The thing about zebras is that they all look alike. It reminds me of the sea of people that you encounter on you travels. All of them can be classified into certain groups according to appearance. It always seem like someone looks like somebody else in some way. It’s not very often you come across someone unique. Its like running into a zebra whose stripes are a different colour altogether. They tend to stick out from the heard. I like to think that I bear stripes of a different colour, maybe even a different pattern. It’s not always easy to stand out from the pack, but sometimes wearing different stripes can make life an adventure.
It’s difficult to make people show their true stripes in this day and age. People want to be couched besides intricate facades, revealing only what they want others to see. I despise this. I want to see people’s true faces again.
jail clothing. american flag referees zebras blinds parrallel
I like stripes. I think they look good on me. I like black and white stripes the best- they remind me of piano keys. I simply adore the piano, but I have no desire to play it, unlike the guitar. I guess I like the mystery behind it.
stipes are pretty cool i guess, it depends wich way they’re going, im a big fan of horizontal, but some people i know prefer the verticle
I really love my family. My kids are the best. Wouldn’t be me without them.
i see stripes stripes are diffrent colors stripes go up and down
Stripes are for emo kids with no imagination. Stripes are not flattering on fuller figures, because they draw attention to the width of a person. I don’t think I own anything with stripes, just underpants. stripes remind me of the cat in the hat. which I don’t like. I never have.
dumb bitch fuck stripes
the stripes on the peppermint sticks that I bought at the general store as a child. it sounds like i am old! ha, i’m only 19. I just come from an old world.
Zebras are so glamorous. I can’t really pinpoint the reason for me thinking so. Maybe it has been embedded in my brain from Vouge or other fashion mags. However it happened, I really enjoy the sight of a zebra.
so i just went winter clothes shopping, and i got some really cute striped sweaters. =)
physically appealing, perhaps vertical, perhaps horizontal. Strips and Stripes –interchangeable. On a flag, on your clothes.
There’s this band, The White Stripes. I was really into them for awhile, I guess I still am now but there’s something magical about when you first disocver a band that really suits you. I have all of their albums. Well, all of them except the one with Jimmy the Explorer and Fell In Love With A Girl. The rest, though, I have. I bought them at Record Village. I wanted to work there and was looking forward to getting a job, but they went out of business and now it’s a hair salon.
i saw your sweatshirt,
covered in stripes,
i heard in the distance,
the playing of pipes;
an organ played,
through the night,
i danced away,
without you
Every shirt that Dave owns has a stripe across the chest. Why is it that men’s clothing companies want them all to look like some derivation of Charlie Brown? I suppose because the women in their lives only hear the “wah wah wah” when those same men talk.
i saw your sweatshirt,
covered in stripes,
i heard in the distance,
the playing of pipes;
an organ played,
through the night,
i danced away,
without you
The stripes went vertical, making him taller. way taller than him. So freakin intimidating that ji had to crane his neck to see. Seung hyun looked down at smiled to him, and pat his blond head.
i saw your sweatshirt,
covered in stripes,
i heard in the distance,
the playing of pipes;
an organ played,
through the night,
i danced away,
without you
she sat with her back to the wall, frightened and alone. She stared at the square of sunlight, bright and out of place on the cold stone floor in front of her. The bars on the window cast striped shadows through the square. She shifted her feet so her toes were lit by the sun… strange, the warmth in such a forlorn and desolate place……
she sat with her back to the wall, frightened and alone. She stared at the square of sunlight, bright and out of place on the cold stone floor in front of her. The bars on the window cast striped shadows through the square. She shifted her feet so her toes were lit by the sun… strange, the warmth in such a forlorn and desolate place……
she sat with her back to the wall, frightened and alone. She stared at the square of sunlight, bright and out of place on the cold stone floor in front of her. The bars on the window cast striped shadows through the square. She shifted her feet so her toes were lit by the sun… strange, the warmth in such a forlorn and deselate place……
she sat with her back to the wall, frightened and alone. She stared at the square of sunlight, bright and out of place on the cold stone floor in front of her. The bars on the window cast striped shadows through the square. She shifted her feet so her toes were lit by the sun… strange, the warmth in such a forlorn and deselate place……
she sat with her back to the wall, frightened and alone. She stared at the square of sunlight, bright and out of place on the cold stone floor in front of her. The bars on the window cast striped shadows through the square. She shifted her feet so her toes were lit by the sun… strange, the warmth in such a forlorn and deselate place……
she sat with her back to the wall, frightened and alone. She stared at the square of sunlight, bright and out of place on the cold stone floor in front of her. The bars on the window cast striped shadows through the square. She shifted her feet so her toes were lit by the sun… strange, the warmth in such a forlorn and deselate place……
zebras. tigers. fish. stripes. you can’t really change them. alternating shadow and light. windows. crossings. paint. difference.
zebras. tigers. fish. stripes. you can’t really change them. alternating shadow and light. windows. crossings. paint. difference.
Here yellow stripes rain down upon me. Blonde hair that smells like comfort, and sedation. I never imagined being taken away like this. I never imagined being addicted to someone.
she sat with her back to the wall, frightened and alone. She stared at the square of sunlight, bright and out of place on the cold stone floor in front of her. The bars on the window cast striped shadows through the square. She shifted her feet so her toes were lit by the sun… strange, the warmth in such a forlorn and deselate place……
I hear horizontal stripes make you look wider and vertical ones make you look shorter. I never saw that movie “Racing Stripes”, nor did I ever want to. I love that Broken Social Scene song “Stars and Sons”. That has nothing to do with stripes, but for some reason I thought about it.
Stripes made her outfit look a little plastic-like, they were garish colors that reminded me of the sixties. She could have had flares on, but didn’t– just a plain gray skirt and all these stripes…
patterns on a zebra. a movie with bill murray.whats the point of this?
white stripes live in the middle of the sahara desert with palm trees and wild things and guillotines and tambourines and slot machines and yeah.
Here is what we know. We stand in the cold and the dark and this day will never be the same: blue light on black. Your face is pale and sharp in all the right places and I can’t help but appreciate it from behind the blinds. I’m pretty sure that makes me a creep, but there’s something satisfying in watching you this way.
The stripes on the mans shirt were fading with him into obscurity as the years went by. And yet they also convey a sense of dignity as well, for these stripes were earned, not bought.
We painted stripes in her nursery. They were pink. We thought we were to bring her home from the hospital that day. Instead, I left my wife and my baby girl there. They both died in the birthing process.
t buy them. Only time and effeort bring them into your life but once their there your life will never be the same.
Stars and