
November 22nd, 2009 | 564 Entries

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564 Entries for “stripes”

  1. stripes stripes, lines that seem to never end, lines that never bend. Lines that are forever divided and separated, why do they never converge? Stripes are lines, big and wide, thin and narrow. no matter what, it’s that division, there’s a difference, there’s something that keeps them apart, away. There’s something significant there. There’s something there.

    S. Smile
  2. both the dark brown of her hair and the light brown tan that was created by the golden light on her face made him fall even deeper in love with her. he couldn’t explain it, but somehow the contrast between who she appeared to be and who she was on the inside (or rather, the fact that the contrast was much more defined to those who didn’t know her as well) was her most attractive feature.

  3. the oil and water broke apart, refusing to mingle together as one. in the same manner, aimee and her friends refused to mingle. they could not bring themselves to mix their hurt emotions and the misunderstandings of the fight that had ensued, breaking apart the oil and water again. this time, aimee feared that it may be permanent.

  4. Bill Murray, sadly, is the only thing that comes to my head when I think of the military. I don’t consider wars foght, battles won, enemies defeated, heroes lost. I just think of Bill Murray acting like a complete goon for a total of 90 minutes under the context of a military base.

  5. stripes, stars and stripes, pj’s, pink and white, red white and blue stipes on the road, on the coat, on the page, on the zebra, on the highly interesting designs, the horti

  6. Stripes. Red White Blue. Forever strong. Freedom in the Making. Freedom of Speech. Fighting and dying. Brave Solderers. Never returning home. Children without Fathers but with freedom.

    Mira Rose
  7. I see the stripes of the flowers. Little colorful soldiers, marching in little rows. I see the stripes of the wind, asking me to sway along with them. I see the stripes of love, asking me to dance. So I dance.

  8. are nice and green and blue. i like this website. we should have this in english class. but why stripes of all things? reminds me of clothing stripes. black friday is coming up. yay. i’m scared of black friday, though. this reminds me of write nows on fridays. i think about that walmart employee who was trampled over and died last year becuase of black friday. stripes.

  9. The tiger curled up in the corner, yawning and then stretched back out. I was seeing striped then, all across my back, for I was a caged animal too. Scolded, punished, and lock upo until my next performance.

  10. Given the slashes the tears, his flesh began to trickle with blood. His crimson stripes became a badge of honor that he carried to his inevitable and impending death.

  11. my socks are stripes my socks are stripes i am stripes i am stripping down off of my rocker. strip away the pieces, banana, self. inside organs that spill out, overflowing like boiling water. i am boiling over like fever death. please understand me – leave the academia out of it – essays – that’s not the point.

  12. gahh stripes. vertical stripes make you look thinner. horizontal make you look chunky. pinstripes are sexy. uhmm wow that green stripe at the top turned orange. now red. uh oh i think the stripe is telling me time is up.

  13. The herd of zebra appeared to be one large mass of stripes. Together, they all blurred into one group.

    Lady Psychic
  14. The candy-cane stripes on his stocking hat made her think helplessly of elves. Santa elves. Singing as they painted little wooden trains. And as incredibly cute as the kid was, it was all she could do from giggling constantly as the two of them talked over the coffee counter he was working behind. She really, really wanted to get to know the guy… but absolutely could NOT take him seriously, with that hat.

    Ananda Daydream
  15. yellow stripey fun little lines that go across tee shirts like wheres waldo and maybe also elmo there are also polka dots and plaid that come on tee shirts too. one time i saw a guy wearing horizontal stripes and it made him look really fat. vertical stripes probably make you look skinny. who knows? this is ridiculous i dont know what im doing.

  16. She bent forward, biting her lip, trying not to release the sound. Lydia breathed heavily next to her, and Aurelia swallowed hard.

    Behind her, he slapped the leather against his palm. “Teach ’em to run off,” he said, teeth winking white as his skin.

  17. make you look fat

    tessa plant
  18. i think stripes are pretty fun. it reminds me of that movie the boy in the striped pajamas, which kind of reminds me of tigers in a way, just because they also have stripes. who else would get tigers out of the word “stripes”?

  19. like angry and ancient rivers that destroyed the one peace and beautiful hunk of mass, the stripes on his pants lead to an even greater place to be founds. I couldn’t make out their pattern because I had drank myself a liquid jacket, but I knew his intention…only a stripe wearer would.

  20. Stripes are fun, like that gum from when I was little; it was fruity and turned your tongue colors and had temporary tattoos on the wrappers.

  21. The White stripes are a band that consist of two people. They have a unique sound which draws people to it. The band is bascially just a female drummer (which I think is pretty cool) and a male bassist.

  22. lines design on a flag, shirt, dress etc. Zebra and tiger too have stripes on their bodies.

    pavalamani pragasam
  23. The zebra has stripes. Some say a zebra is white with black stripes, others say a zebra is black with white stripes. The word may never know.

  24. the stripes on the zebra she noticed as the peaceful animal walked by. she sat there sipping her mixed drink under the hot african sun. the stripes were beautiful just like her.

  25. sexy sex ass vagina penis please sexy sex sexy love hate dear oh my god no please forgive me

  26. is one of the funniest movies i’ve ever seen, starring bill murray, harold ramis, and john candy, it tells the tale of slackers who join the army and a series of events, and general mayhem, ensues. the famous seargant hulka is their squad leader, and is a general jerk of a man who treats the gentleman like crap and gets his comeuppance when a missile lands dangerously close to him and he is injured. as a result, bill murray’s character has to lead them through their boot camp graduation. after the graduation they for some inexplicable reason they steal a tank.

  27. tigers are fearsome beasts! they growl, bite, snarl, and eat babies! everyone should fear them, even in urban american cities such as san francisco, portland, and missoula montana. in fact, large metro areas are at the highest risk of tiger infestation. tigers prey on ignorance and obliviousness. so beware!

  28. These were the sign that he had been to hell and back, the stars and the medallions were nothing. Those three stripes were where it all began. Wearing those stripes he agreed to give his life.

    Leslie Cook
  29. the stripes on the flag make me happy, I guess that goes back to my childhood, I love them. The stripes on my heart are related and will never separate.

  30. Stripes. What a funny thing. I like stripes on shirts. Stripes on pants? Not so much. Striped on cars? Depends. Colorful stripes. Black and white stripes. They can be fun. They can also be a drab. What is the deal with stripes? They seem to be everywhere, yet nowhere at the same time. Stripes.

  31. The stripes are different: red instead of yellow, and the ballasts neglected in favour of barrettes. The same gloves, boots, goggles. He is kind of flattered… for once it is Bart Allen’s legacy, not the Flash: just Bart.

  32. yeps, stripes !!!

    Jim Cannell
  33. efrgt whoretube wefrgthygh redtube better than

  34. Imagine a world where you felt no pain no anger no fear no hunger. This world is what we need, no more worries, just IMAGINE. Stripes. Sick song:axwell and bob sinclar feat ron carol – what a wonderful world (dabruck and klein remix)

    Mike Hawk
  35. red stripes black stripes, crossing through my mind, memories of foreing friends kissing my brains

  36. I saw the zebra across the tall grass. His stripes were not as obvious as they appear in picture books and national geographic, perhaps it was the play of light

  37. Horozontal makes you fat, vertical makes you slim, stars and stripes and prisoner’s clothes, bars of jails and light through venetian blinds,

  38. Derek loved stripes

    He always said the first reason
    he fell in love with me was because of
    the blue and white striped dress I had on the first day we met

    It had an empire waist
    And I paired it with my little blue shoes

    M Ehrlicher
  39. long shadows in the trees,a cold nip of the nose.Quite,now,darkness falls and soon Orion will shine up in the sky

  40. zebras have stripes, they are bllack and white, horizontal stripes make you look fat. but then again so do most things if you are fat. pin strips on pants look rediculous
