
November 22nd, 2009 | 564 Entries

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564 Entries for “stripes”

  1. plaid

  2. stripes are horizontal or vertical. they can either be long in short. they can be used to compliment fashion, or they can be placed on an animal for recognition of its species. stripes kind of remind me of paris. its stripes, how much can you really say about it?

  3. There are many types of stripes.
    There are wide, long, short, and even skinny stripes.
    I personally like stripes. They go with a lot of my personal belongings. I think they are very useful.

  4. zebras go fast and their stripes with them moving so fast that they create the blur you see when stars fly across the sky. the stripes in the sky from airplanes intersect and remain

  5. stripes are flowy lines that cascade down people shirts, across our nation’s flag, and through our nation’s hearts. Stripes represent everything.

  6. one word

  7. let me show you-
    i’m made of chemicals.
    carbon blocks of ego &
    inflated sense of urgency,
    seeking to engage in the
    life that only poets can
    fathom & imagine that
    it’s only down from here.
    my stripes are so varied
    from your social norm
    that i glow like a
    spotlight in a funhouse.

  8. Full of color. Make up uniforms. Zebra have stripes and unicorns are the far advanced version of Zebra. Everytime I think of

    JAKe Glaza
  9. The girl ran by with stripes coming from her hair and landing almost to my face. I raced with her as fast as I could. I could feel the stripes.

    Adam Gillikin
  10. sripy t-shirts are stripy because they make you look thinner but not always thye case when you weigh 800 pounds but whatever i once saw a man who wieghed 1000 pounds! and stripes didn’t make HIM look thinner

  11. all across my wall
    i count them
    they remind me of better days
    of colors so far away
    now all i have is dots

    lorraine colunga
  12. This reminds me of a zebra.
    A whole herd standing on the plains in Africa.
    They are very similar to horses. Although much more free.
    I also think that they are well suited to living with other African herd animals.

  13. I never looked good in stripes, but my Uncle Jeffery, recommended that I wear the two-piece suit to the meeting. Okay, so it wasn’t much of a meeting, more of a gathering so we could bounce ideas off of one another before next Friday. That’s when the Laurence&Stevenson representatives would arrive asking to merge with us.

    Adjusting my tie, I tilted my head and then turned it to the side.

    “I look ridiculous.” I said out loud. “Might as well be related to Beetlejuice, of all people.”

    After I was done, I went downstairs to talk to mom real quick and upon entering the kitchen, she burst into tears.

    “Honey! You look wonderful.” Then she give me a bear hug, knocking the wind out of me.

    Gouldin Lion
  14. i think of zebras :-) or the strips on this piece of paper where i should be writing my essay lol..

  15. Stripes, Stripes on shirts. Stripes on Couches. Stripes on your soul that are bruises from the bars.
    Livin’ on nothing but pure color,
    You work and work and work,
    And all we give each other are half-assed smiles and half smiling asses.

    Fine yourself some stripes, to break the black and white up a bit.

    Keynan Bailey
  16. zebra decorations comforter tiles, flags,

  17. stripes only remind me of wheres waldo which to be completely honest is a very stupid game…It needs to be rethought completely… I mean come on a man in stripes red and white strips with glasses and a matching tuque is not that hard 2 find

  18. the stripes on his back were like the answer to the question she had been asking for thirty-six years and she didn’t hesitate she just climbed aboard. around and around and around and letting go felt like dying but a dying that was not dark and lonely. people were watching her, maybe hating her for being a thirty-six year old woman on a carousel zebra crying tears of joy but having let go she did not realize. she could not see anything other than the music in the air.

  19. My favourite lolly are sour straps. They have rainbow stripes.SooooGAAAADD

  20. On stripes day, I wore my bright pink and white striped spaghetti tank top with my heavy Fox jacket over it, which sucked, because in my history class the heater is always on and I burned up. But in Algebra 2, the girl next to me asked if I knew the name of the girl in the back in the ‘stripes.’ It was STRIPES DAY. Everyone was wearing stripes! How was I supposed to know which girl? Why, I asked? Because she looked sad. I thought it was stupid, but the girl looked really happy when I saw the girl next to me talking to her after class. It made me wonder how happy I would be if someone noticed I wasn’t okay.

    Ashley Nicole Brooks Flowers
  21. stripes are a strange occurrence in the world. sometimes, i it is unclear whether they appear as a pattern of the fur, or the skin, as is raised by various observations concerning animals such as tigers (whose skin is also striped, and are the only striped wild cat), and zebras (of which it is unclear whether they are black with white stripes or white with black stripes).

  22. Stripes of blue. Swatches of grey. A loose button that his coat relinquished easily enough after my fingers’ persuasion. Those were the backdrops of my first night in love. A childish laugh, a curious tongue, a small hope of what’s to come was all it took.

  23. Today I was walking through the park. Nothing caught my eye until I noticed one person wearing a striped three quater sleeved trench coat. I was drawn to the way the stripes interwined and danced across her body.

  24. penis

  25. Well I first think of that zebra gum that comes in the little tin. Reminds me of being a little kid again.

    Cameron argon
  26. stripes were what i wore they day i thought i looked so trendy and indie, taking my guitar to a campfire to sing gospel songs to impress my friends.
    sudden realization, i cant play guitar that well.
    how humiliating.

  27. Stripes are pretty. They are often just black and white, but can be many colors. They can be on cats, shirts, buildings or many other things! People wearing black and white stripes might be escapees from prison! Uh-Oh! Zebra’s have stripes.

  28. Stripes is the name of my cat. I remember seeing him drop out of his mother, Suzie — a round ball of stripes. I wanted actually to call him something exotic like Tutankhamen but my children said, “He’s Stripey!” and Stripey he became. He is still my “baby” at 12 years old. Sometimes I look at him and listen to him purring and think a couple of different genes and he could be a tiger, and our relationship would be very very different.

    Margo Lamont
  29. stripes of a zebra were working their way under my hollowed skin, I could not believe that I was covered in the jailhouse lines of loneliness once again. God what i would give to put you behind, inside that cage, of black. To blush myself red with the want of you trapped.

    Kelsey M
  30. I never saw the movie, but my husband quotes it all the time.
  31. one clothes and walls and the stripes than dthe pedals god the white wall never catch on…. now what I wanna…. tkhe whitw stripes arre on ok band. yeah

  32. horizontal stripes. old jail suit, i avoid them. makes you look wider, my mother always said. no one wants to look wider, but can we look further? i want to look further, deeper, stronger, fuller. look at me look in me look with me let me outletmeout.

  33. Stripes are the pattern i adore the most. Every day, i see stripes everywhere. There’s a bunch of stripes every turn you take. They separate different colors. Stripes of the flag. Black and white stripes. I really miss you. But you never looked good in stripes. I never thought you did. I hate how you wear flannels now, and i love you a little more. Stripes, no one looks good in stripes. Only me.

  34. zebras.
    hot pants.


  35. Stripes are fun. They go and go without stopping, its for eternity. As long as there are stripes, everything will be alright.

  36. stripes are straight and sometimes they go side to side or up and down. I don’t really like stripes because it seems like whatever they’re on should make up what color they want to be. There are not many things that are striped that are very famous. I think it is their indecisiveness.

  37. white, blank, black, its a long line, several long lines.
    that or take off clothes.

  38. There were stripes on the wall, and now I can no longer look at stripes. I saw then on the walls as he pushed me down. Then on the ceiling as he held me down. Stripes. I tried to think of who would paint a room full of stripes to not think of what was happening. Now, when I see stripes, I can only think of what did happen. The night my life was changed, stripes signify when my innocence was stolen.

    Jen Newsome
  39. stripes have set the fashion for the next few decades. This started in France and has quickly spread to all corners of the world, still quite settled in France though. Its hard to say what will top this fashion phenomena but dots may have a come back.

  40. Stripes can create the perfect finish to any outfit. They also are quite prolific on zebra;s, zerba’s are pretty cool they like to graze on prairies.Prairie dogs always interested me, they’re like a sub species of a sub species, I mean how many types of dogs are there anyway? Silly dogs and their silly games, they remind me of hydrants man.
