
December 11th, 2009 | 410 Entries

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410 Entries for “stud”

  1. A stud is a horse. Horses are sometimes refered to studs because they are the alpha male per say. Some studs are diamonds or fantasy football players. That my friend is what a stud is all about

  2. Stud. John definitely thought he was one. Funny how a skinny little monkey like him could think such a thing, but it was probably because he got the lead in Romeo and Juliet (the very fact that I have to clarify that it was the MALE lead should tell you everything you need to know about his lack of studliness.

  3. He met the cow at the fence. “How are you he said. I’m fine and you? Just um wondering what you’re doing later. Well, I imagine you.

  4. Stud is a thing on a boot or shoe. Football boots have studs to help the players grip the turf. Stud is also slang for someone (typically a man) who does well with the ladies. Some people like to say, for example, “he’s such a stud muffin.” I don’t know about the muffin bit.

    Stephen Long
  5. a spiked wall
    everything that is corny about nicknaming a man in the prime of his good looks that would be known as a strong wall.

  6. Oh it poops when it hurts in my anus and my boyfriend loves it up the but. Not really, he’d probably hurt me for sayiung this or at least not appreciate it at all but hey – it’s all good. Not like he’s going to see this anyway, right?!?!?!!??! Soo yesh – gatoraaaaaade!!! NOMNOMNOMNOMNOM! The rantings of a crazy female at

  7. Hey baby, she says, swinging her hips around on the barstool, like the trail of a lasso. Hey baby, you’re such a stud, she croons, and you can tell from the rush of her breath– pungent and bitter– that this is not her first shot, nor her third.
    Baby, she says, come home with me.

  8. something on a shoe. or someone, a stud. A man. thinks he’s all that, but really he’s probably not. He lords it about the place, like a stud. But he probably doesn’t have studs on his clothes, which is the other kind of stud. Backwrds, it sounds a bit like dust, but that’s a completely different word so we won’t go there. and a stud wouldn’t have dust on him else he’d be a pretty rubbish sort of stud.

  9. He was a fox and a half. A regular stud. His leather jacket made me weak in the knees. Oh, those gently worn in jeans, ripped ever so purposefully. I melted.

  10. stud is something sexy or a carpenter’s tool or both.

  11. I used to use studs on my leather coat when I was in high school. Unfortunately my teachers always tried to take them out of my coat. I hated the entire school system for this.

  12. he was a real stud, walking in through the door, making a quick glance across the room, eyeing in what tail he could. It was all just a game. One piece knocked over by the king, piece by piece by piece until attrition brought the game to an end.

    Who was he to check tonight? Who was to be his queen?

    Master Hixola
  13. The cost of a male stud German Shepherd is around ten thousand dollars. That’s with blood line papers. My husband and I decided against it.

  14. cold metal burning against your skin…first set of earrings…stud muffin….studded with crystals

  15. He was a real stud, all the girls agreed. But as pleasant as he was to look at, he still gave me a bad feeling. I don’t know why. I just know I hated to be around him at all. I would have done anything to be able to leave the room right now, but I’d told the coach I’d tutor anyone who needed help with math, so I was stuck here. Just my luck he’d be the only one that would show up.

  16. her; excuse me stud, may i help you today?
    him; well hello beautiful. i’m just looking for something special.
    her; you’re looking at it.
    him; i was hoping so.

  17. this gorgeous guy was tood at the bar. he worse a black jackey and a smirk in his eye. He twirled a cocktail stick and looked up through his dark fringe and took a sip from his drink. he held my stare until i went red. he ordered something for the little lady from the barman

    Miss P
  18. stud muffin. nick jonas. bad buys who are douches and don’t want to think of others other than themselves (girls). i’m not sure what else. nick jonas was a stud muffin in his younger days, but not a stud. stud has a bad connotation to it. ahh almost sixty seconds

  19. Stud finders are one of the biggest embarassments. The title, I mean. I cannot tell you how many parties I’ve gone to with my mother… Middle aged women, chasing men around with them with blind-folds on. A party game. Honestly.

  20. there was once a stud that held all things together. a stud that kept all things in place. a stud that made everything feel secure. a STUD was broken for me. JESUS.

    Jody Johnston
  21. this is cool. stud

  22. Oh my god Adam Brody is such a stud. Remember him in the Oc? I loved him so much and still do. Can someone please get me in contact with him? Hellooooo there studly Adam. I mean I don’t want to be creepy, I just really like him. He’s super kind, cute, quirky, funny, intelligent. My kind of stud.

    Joy Coleman
  23. bar in sanfrancisco that was all 80’s and alway open late. Did I mention that it was way gay?

  24. a board a horse a man a penis a breeding that’s it i think.

  25. I am not a stud. Ciara is not a stud. Megan is ot a stud. I guess you could say Hunter is, but I dont know. I am strong though.

  26. i am a stud………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””

  27. a person who thinks that he is the shit but only makes people feel horrible simply becasue they may not be as good looking or good at what the so called “stud” is.

  28. studded belts on studly men. he’s such a stud. i want him so bad, it’s terrible, it’s eating me alive. i stand in the shower and wonder why, why can’t i have the stud? he’s beautiful. he’s handsome. he’s studly. what a strange word. slightly cheesy. i’m not sure how i feel about this. nobody gets out alive.

  29. i hate those leather belts that have so many of those metal studs on them. why cant people just sport normal leather belts? those belts make people look alot better in my opinion.

  30. I want to pierce my sisters ears. I hate that she doesn’t have them. I pierced my own with cubic zirconia studs from the drugstore, holding a potato behind my earlobe to push against. It hurt. I bit my lip.

  31. that is what i am . I think that several girls want to go out with me due to that fact of which, i am a big ol’ stud. ha ha i dont think my mom kikes that i typed that i dont care, im on the clock

  32. I rapped along the wall slowly, listening for that hollow moment to end so I could attach the coat hook, but I never hit solid. Surely the sheetrock wasn’t magically suspended from the ceiling.

  33. nostrils flare, coat gleams, neck arches
    he surveys his domain
    like a monarch
    she kicks out
    he knows it’s just a game

  34. I was pounding, pounding, pounding but I just couldn’t find it. There was now a small row of holes on my ceiling. Dang that stud. At this rate, I would never get my hammock chair hung.

  35. he threw back his long, light, silky hair, grinning facetiously at her. “yeah, of course I’ll take it.”

    she slapped him in the face and walked out.

    “i’d rather have someone less likely to try date rape.”

  36. A well turned cuff, steel-toed boots, stilettos and studs: non identical twins.

    Cy Margucci
  37. You think you’re so sexy. With your nasty six pack abs.
    I think it’s gross.
    Put that shirt on. It’s very unflattering.

  38. Total stud. That’s all I could think. Not a word I would normally use, but after reading his bio, and exchanging one liners on line… Oh ya, total stud. Can’t meet him fast enough.

  39. it was stud to learn about my new brother

  40. You know you’re a stud, bro. You’re gettin’ some, tonight and you know it. You’re looking good,, feeling good. It’s in the bag. Just get out there and seal the deal.