I flick my finger against his temple. He frowns and refastens his belt. I laugh and a stud falls off.
Sarah Peterson
brown hair
blue eyes
ass bitcj jjjfjfj jfj jfjjfj fjhomo jfjf gay fagot hor asain hormo your a gay faggot fuck you
i really have no idea what this word means.. but it sounds like stupid or something like that. still i dont know what to write about.. STUD STUD.. im running out of ideas and time..
study , stupid, studsss, stuface
saftifisfy ,
k wrong work all time budy firen do do this then go with you young listen think tink gol sol mi la do re fa yo no se lo que cantyan pero si se q ue la vida es corta encotnces tengpo que dejar d e hacer estas cosas para terminar lo que me gusta parender aprender
stud is a man who is looking good or maybe not so good but he thinks he looks good, and he thinks leaves an impression with his appearance. To others he may even look
i am not a stud. i am tall and thin and look like a corpse and sometimes i stand in front of mirrors oddly, that way i look like a stud and feel like a stud but i’ll always look like a corpse.
muffin.. I suppose muffins are nice though and if you eat a lot of them,, you wont become a stud.. that makes me wonder why people say stud muffin.. perhaps it should be stud protein shake?
someone who take your breathaway. not always a good guy, but a hottie and someone who takes
I have a studded belt. In fact it was a fashion I way too easily bought into. But I still have the belt, and it’s amazing. Studs were also the beginning of metal fashion, thanks to the gay community. And it’s come full circle, thanks to surrounded by monsters.
I used to love this guy. i thought he was a stud. Turns out that looks are deceiving and he was more like a dud. Its funny how the perception of people change over time. It’s sad how your heart breaks over a matter of seconds. I wish he never looked like a stud.
I LOVE (asian) STUDS they are reallllllllllyyyyyyy sexy!!!!!
Princess Emma
“I’m gonna be a stud some day” Bellowed little Johny in a hearty lumberjack-like voice
he thought he was such a stud. i had to laugh everytime he walked by the group of bimbos in the hall; they would giggle and damn near wet themselves and he would give a slight sneer. a subtle look of aloofness, and lets be honest, conceit.
Once upon a time there was a princess named Emma. She was locked in a tower where jigglypuff was holding her prisoner. Just then this hot asian guy arrived on his white horse and saved the day. And they lived happily ever after, because he was a stud. The end.
What does it mean to be a stud? Isn’t it just the male version of ‘bimbo’? Who cares if it gets you laid!
A person that is succesfull and have a very confident way of walking. Smiling. Looking good.
Thomas Hedlund
A person that is succesfull and have a very confident way of walking. Smiling. Looking good.
Thomas Hedlund
What does it mean to be a stud? Is that always a positive thing? Isn’t it the male version of ‘bimbo’? Who cares if it gets you laid?
tell me about it, stud
I love studs, they’re ssooooo hot. Mmmm. Though stud also means wood in a wall. Interesting. Either way, studs are enjoyable. And only four letters! How awesome.
She wore a pendant studded with turquoise stones. Each circle was a smooth, milky blue and grasped onto a silvery platter.
It was an early runner of todays dating shows. Not the blind dates of the world but more along the lines of bachelor and just as interesting. I would watch with a neighbor girl named Gwen. Nothing much between us but that stupid fox show. Still time and time again we watched it. Then she had a date and I realized that I was nothing to her but someone to watch a bad show on a local station.
Leather pants and a bell jacket, riding a motorcycle down I-95, which happens to be in the middle of the desert in the Western part of America. Sun beating down on the cracked mud, the Stud cruises, the only music in his ears being the wind.
Snaedis V.
lol, this makes me think about sports players. I don’t know why…i guess i always aspired to be that, but stud also connotates a negativity asspciated with douchbaggery.
I don’t want to stud…y.
offering drinks
and dick
and an end to longing
i am xley miguel. girls call me stud. that’s what they think. but i think otherwise. i’m just a simple guy… who rocks their world hehe
offering drinks
and dick
and an end to longing
He’s my stud muffin.
I think he’s kinda a cute.
And when we walk and talk about.
All he says is mute.
Stud rhymes with Chud, my last name, which is the common way i help someone remember my name. Chud muffin is a quick replacement. Studs make me think of Alaska and putting them on our car tires so as not to skid all over the snow and ice. Stud is what the hs kids
someone who is very handsome. like johnny bravo. he has to be muscular and probably wears a black tight shirt. with the black tight shirt comes some jeans but not ripped jeans. he can look professional but he’s usually young and deals well with the ladies. he must be tan, tooo. as artificial as it gets
A stud is someone who’s hot, sexy, and irresistable. Many tweens think Rob Pattinson is a Stud, but I don’t think so. What’s so studly about a pale necrophiliac? Who I really think is a stud is John Mayer. He’s sweet, funny, and classy. That’s a real stud ;)
She wore two sliver studs on each of her ears. Her mom wasn’t happy that she got her ears pierced.
stud. mike reynolds. studdly studlerson. stud. studded. studded belt. stud muffin. studdly. stud..fuck.
I flick my finger against his temple. He frowns and refastens his belt. I laugh and a stud falls off.
brown hair
blue eyes
ass bitcj jjjfjfj jfj jfjjfj fjhomo jfjf gay fagot hor asain hormo your a gay faggot fuck you
i really have no idea what this word means.. but it sounds like stupid or something like that. still i dont know what to write about.. STUD STUD.. im running out of ideas and time..
study , stupid, studsss, stuface
saftifisfy ,
k wrong work all time budy firen do do this then go with you young listen think tink gol sol mi la do re fa yo no se lo que cantyan pero si se q ue la vida es corta encotnces tengpo que dejar d e hacer estas cosas para terminar lo que me gusta parender aprender
stud is a man who is looking good or maybe not so good but he thinks he looks good, and he thinks leaves an impression with his appearance. To others he may even look
i am not a stud. i am tall and thin and look like a corpse and sometimes i stand in front of mirrors oddly, that way i look like a stud and feel like a stud but i’ll always look like a corpse.
muffin.. I suppose muffins are nice though and if you eat a lot of them,, you wont become a stud.. that makes me wonder why people say stud muffin.. perhaps it should be stud protein shake?
someone who take your breathaway. not always a good guy, but a hottie and someone who takes
I have a studded belt. In fact it was a fashion I way too easily bought into. But I still have the belt, and it’s amazing. Studs were also the beginning of metal fashion, thanks to the gay community. And it’s come full circle, thanks to surrounded by monsters.
I used to love this guy. i thought he was a stud. Turns out that looks are deceiving and he was more like a dud. Its funny how the perception of people change over time. It’s sad how your heart breaks over a matter of seconds. I wish he never looked like a stud.
I LOVE (asian) STUDS they are reallllllllllyyyyyyy sexy!!!!!
“I’m gonna be a stud some day” Bellowed little Johny in a hearty lumberjack-like voice
he thought he was such a stud. i had to laugh everytime he walked by the group of bimbos in the hall; they would giggle and damn near wet themselves and he would give a slight sneer. a subtle look of aloofness, and lets be honest, conceit.
Once upon a time there was a princess named Emma. She was locked in a tower where jigglypuff was holding her prisoner. Just then this hot asian guy arrived on his white horse and saved the day. And they lived happily ever after, because he was a stud. The end.
What does it mean to be a stud? Isn’t it just the male version of ‘bimbo’? Who cares if it gets you laid!
A person that is succesfull and have a very confident way of walking. Smiling. Looking good.
A person that is succesfull and have a very confident way of walking. Smiling. Looking good.
What does it mean to be a stud? Is that always a positive thing? Isn’t it the male version of ‘bimbo’? Who cares if it gets you laid?
tell me about it, stud
I love studs, they’re ssooooo hot. Mmmm. Though stud also means wood in a wall. Interesting. Either way, studs are enjoyable. And only four letters! How awesome.
She wore a pendant studded with turquoise stones. Each circle was a smooth, milky blue and grasped onto a silvery platter.
It was an early runner of todays dating shows. Not the blind dates of the world but more along the lines of bachelor and just as interesting. I would watch with a neighbor girl named Gwen. Nothing much between us but that stupid fox show. Still time and time again we watched it. Then she had a date and I realized that I was nothing to her but someone to watch a bad show on a local station.
Leather pants and a bell jacket, riding a motorcycle down I-95, which happens to be in the middle of the desert in the Western part of America. Sun beating down on the cracked mud, the Stud cruises, the only music in his ears being the wind.
lol, this makes me think about sports players. I don’t know why…i guess i always aspired to be that, but stud also connotates a negativity asspciated with douchbaggery.
I don’t want to stud…y.
offering drinks
and dick
and an end to longing
i am xley miguel. girls call me stud. that’s what they think. but i think otherwise. i’m just a simple guy… who rocks their world hehe
offering drinks
and dick
and an end to longing
He’s my stud muffin.
I think he’s kinda a cute.
And when we walk and talk about.
All he says is mute.
I wore studded boots today.
stud muffin. cranberry muffin. tator tots. sexy beast. yum. grease. hello hello. buttered bread. gator hater traitor
Stud rhymes with Chud, my last name, which is the common way i help someone remember my name. Chud muffin is a quick replacement. Studs make me think of Alaska and putting them on our car tires so as not to skid all over the snow and ice. Stud is what the hs kids
someone who is very handsome. like johnny bravo. he has to be muscular and probably wears a black tight shirt. with the black tight shirt comes some jeans but not ripped jeans. he can look professional but he’s usually young and deals well with the ladies. he must be tan, tooo. as artificial as it gets
A stud is someone who’s hot, sexy, and irresistable. Many tweens think Rob Pattinson is a Stud, but I don’t think so. What’s so studly about a pale necrophiliac? Who I really think is a stud is John Mayer. He’s sweet, funny, and classy. That’s a real stud ;)
She wore two sliver studs on each of her ears. Her mom wasn’t happy that she got her ears pierced.