Stud is an interesting word. it can stand for someone attractive or something completely mundane. The reason why I mention this? because I believe this duality is part of me. I just wish I could be more attractive than mundane.
sexy boy oh my god
big mufins everywhere. I wonder if people ever see me and think “wow he’s a giant muffin” I like chocolate chips.
Stud muffin.
Hot piece of ass.
defined as stupid high school boys who would like to be called men but are silly boys with attitudes and pink noses…we all dislike them secretly even though we all date them
I sit in the cafe, twirling my ear. A bit of a habit of mine when I’m nervous. I saw them walk through the door, and I guess I twisted my ear too much because next thing I know, the stud of my earring popped off
I first got my ears pierced when I was is second grade. By third, I decided it wasn’t for me. By sixth I reconsidered, and re-pierced them myself with diamond studs
A flashy button on a belt of jacket of some sort.
man, male horses, the silver studs on the belt that you gave me so long ago for my birthday; did you ever see me wearing it? i wore it for you. did you notice?
silver like the silver in your eyebrow piercing, the one you took out after your mother saw it.
i still remember you but in better circumstances than before.
i still remember…do you?
A kid
ehm i’m from germany, and i don’t even know the meaning of the word. it remindes me of “mud”.
the stud hurt as it pierced my ear. After all that time begging my parents for the decorations, I suddenly regretted their approval. Remarkably, it was easier the second time. But I didn’t remember the redness that followed. And I kept the studs.
He was walking down the street as though he owned the place. Not knowing how to react I stopped and stared, mesmerized by his face. He seemed to have lived a life full of stories adventures that I could but dream of. Now if I could just grab him, his attention and get him to know me. So that I might have a chance to be his story.
Anna Martinson
stud farm..the best place on earth horses roam free and squirrels love to jump from tree to tree.
Milo learned very early that he had a gift. He had sex for the first time at 12 years of age. A young neighb
Someone sexy. Horses are studs when they have a lot of sex. That man is a stud because he is so sexy and I want to do him. There is a stud in my belt. A studded leather jacket will look good on a stud. Stud. What a stud. So sexy and flashy. I want him. Stud.
i look at him and i’m like “omg, he’s such a stud”. i might be in loooove.
hey hey hey hey hey
not going to lie, i kinda am a stud. i walk around with that swagger that just screams that i’ve got it going on. i get looks. people want to be me. it’s not that i’m cocky or anything, everybody just kows i’m ridiculously good looking.
caitlin clifford
みくがすきです!—asian men are sexy—like miku from an cafe I LOVE HIM!!!!!! he is a stud….
a stud is a funny word for the way that a guy is deamed attractive. I never really understood who actually fits in this catagory. Is it the way he walks that makes him a stud? Or maybe he would have to have a certain pair of shoes on. Who knows. I will not use this word to describe him.
mmmmhmm. Look at you. Muscles, eyes, hair. You manly man. I want a piece of that. No chest hair–yummmmmyyyyyy.
He looked at me, his eyes sort of dim with the heaviness of the air. It was steamy, we were both sweating, but only one of us could take off their shirt by social law.
Shia LaBeouf is gorgeous. Nuff said.
lauryn page
he’s a stud. studded earrings. a stud beam in the house. stud makes me think of someone my mom might have said was sexy 20 years ago.
There he was. There was no doubt about it. First day of school and already, she was already hungry… for her english teacher. How embarrassing. I mean, he’s OLD. But oh so sexy. With that polished bald head, he was completely and utterly, a studmuffin.
Stud. Stud is a word.
so and so
um, i don’t know what this is. Write? Write, write, write. School is stupid and so is choir this year. I love chocolate and Chipotle burritos. Music is fun
So and so
stud… THAT SUCKS! i was hoping for something profound! i think that my time will be up very very soon. you know who’s a stud?! my boyfriend. yowza. what a stud. i’m afraid one day he will realize he is too attractive for me…
manly word i don’t use muffin um cowboy? wall support
i miss you so much. i feel lost in the dark without you. please please friday wont you come soon enough. bananas are yellow. i am so not hungry. i am so sad. i cant make up my mind anymore. i hope this whole fututre thing works out. if it doesn’t this cant be it for you and me. ther most b more.
you totally think you are don’t you. Well, I might agree, but I’m never going to let you know that. Just going to keep on eating up the eye candy/
Stud – a guy who knows that he is attractive. Kind of unfortunate, because humility is the most attractive thing about a person. But, oh well, I suppose. There’s just something about him…
a tall, dark man, standing in the corner of the park, eyeing another girl. this was his habit, his lifestyle. in high school, he had always had the girlfriend every guy had dreamt of, and then in college, although he had dropped out, he still had a girl to stand by his side. now, there was no one there with him, he was alone,
Sarah D'Arienzo
I can’t believe I was called a stud, it’s unbelievable. I would never picture myself as a stud, I’m too much of a pretty boy to be a studd… but, hey, that’s a good thing right? I’m not so sure it is though…
Him. Out of reach. Meat? Object? Automaton? Tool? My Desire. My Wish. My Goal: not noticing, not hearing, not seeing.
Her back was killing her. Standing up was an ordeal, but sitting in one place was even harder. Finding the studs just above her bed, she pounded in the hooks that would support the prescribed inversion sling designed to take pressure off the buldging disks. She wondered halfheartedly if it could possibly have more exciting purposes in the future once her back was healed.
stud. we always said he was. the way he walked, flipped his thick brown hair, and especially the cocky grin on his face. he was the love of my life. I loved that stud until the day i watched him drive away.
every six inches- or is it sixteen?
sixteen inches is a long
time ticks so
softly and so sweetly by.
Stud is an interesting word. it can stand for someone attractive or something completely mundane. The reason why I mention this? because I believe this duality is part of me. I just wish I could be more attractive than mundane.
sexy boy oh my god
big mufins everywhere. I wonder if people ever see me and think “wow he’s a giant muffin” I like chocolate chips.
Stud muffin.
Hot piece of ass.
defined as stupid high school boys who would like to be called men but are silly boys with attitudes and pink noses…we all dislike them secretly even though we all date them
I sit in the cafe, twirling my ear. A bit of a habit of mine when I’m nervous. I saw them walk through the door, and I guess I twisted my ear too much because next thing I know, the stud of my earring popped off
I first got my ears pierced when I was is second grade. By third, I decided it wasn’t for me. By sixth I reconsidered, and re-pierced them myself with diamond studs
A flashy button on a belt of jacket of some sort.
man, male horses, the silver studs on the belt that you gave me so long ago for my birthday; did you ever see me wearing it? i wore it for you. did you notice?
silver like the silver in your eyebrow piercing, the one you took out after your mother saw it.
i still remember you but in better circumstances than before.
i still remember…do you?
A kid
ehm i’m from germany, and i don’t even know the meaning of the word. it remindes me of “mud”.
the stud hurt as it pierced my ear. After all that time begging my parents for the decorations, I suddenly regretted their approval. Remarkably, it was easier the second time. But I didn’t remember the redness that followed. And I kept the studs.
He was walking down the street as though he owned the place. Not knowing how to react I stopped and stared, mesmerized by his face. He seemed to have lived a life full of stories adventures that I could but dream of. Now if I could just grab him, his attention and get him to know me. So that I might have a chance to be his story.
stud farm..the best place on earth horses roam free and squirrels love to jump from tree to tree.
Milo learned very early that he had a gift. He had sex for the first time at 12 years of age. A young neighb
Someone sexy. Horses are studs when they have a lot of sex. That man is a stud because he is so sexy and I want to do him. There is a stud in my belt. A studded leather jacket will look good on a stud. Stud. What a stud. So sexy and flashy. I want him. Stud.
i look at him and i’m like “omg, he’s such a stud”. i might be in loooove.
not going to lie, i kinda am a stud. i walk around with that swagger that just screams that i’ve got it going on. i get looks. people want to be me. it’s not that i’m cocky or anything, everybody just kows i’m ridiculously good looking.
みくがすきです!—asian men are sexy—like miku from an cafe I LOVE HIM!!!!!! he is a stud….
a stud is a funny word for the way that a guy is deamed attractive. I never really understood who actually fits in this catagory. Is it the way he walks that makes him a stud? Or maybe he would have to have a certain pair of shoes on. Who knows. I will not use this word to describe him.
mmmmhmm. Look at you. Muscles, eyes, hair. You manly man. I want a piece of that. No chest hair–yummmmmyyyyyy.
He looked at me, his eyes sort of dim with the heaviness of the air. It was steamy, we were both sweating, but only one of us could take off their shirt by social law.
Shia LaBeouf is gorgeous. Nuff said.
he’s a stud. studded earrings. a stud beam in the house. stud makes me think of someone my mom might have said was sexy 20 years ago.
There he was. There was no doubt about it. First day of school and already, she was already hungry… for her english teacher. How embarrassing. I mean, he’s OLD. But oh so sexy. With that polished bald head, he was completely and utterly, a studmuffin.
Stud. Stud is a word.
um, i don’t know what this is. Write? Write, write, write. School is stupid and so is choir this year. I love chocolate and Chipotle burritos. Music is fun
stud… THAT SUCKS! i was hoping for something profound! i think that my time will be up very very soon. you know who’s a stud?! my boyfriend. yowza. what a stud. i’m afraid one day he will realize he is too attractive for me…
manly word i don’t use muffin um cowboy? wall support
i miss you so much. i feel lost in the dark without you. please please friday wont you come soon enough. bananas are yellow. i am so not hungry. i am so sad. i cant make up my mind anymore. i hope this whole fututre thing works out. if it doesn’t this cant be it for you and me. ther most b more.
you totally think you are don’t you. Well, I might agree, but I’m never going to let you know that. Just going to keep on eating up the eye candy/
Stud – a guy who knows that he is attractive. Kind of unfortunate, because humility is the most attractive thing about a person. But, oh well, I suppose. There’s just something about him…
a tall, dark man, standing in the corner of the park, eyeing another girl. this was his habit, his lifestyle. in high school, he had always had the girlfriend every guy had dreamt of, and then in college, although he had dropped out, he still had a girl to stand by his side. now, there was no one there with him, he was alone,
I can’t believe I was called a stud, it’s unbelievable. I would never picture myself as a stud, I’m too much of a pretty boy to be a studd… but, hey, that’s a good thing right? I’m not so sure it is though…
Him. Out of reach. Meat? Object? Automaton? Tool? My Desire. My Wish. My Goal: not noticing, not hearing, not seeing.
Her back was killing her. Standing up was an ordeal, but sitting in one place was even harder. Finding the studs just above her bed, she pounded in the hooks that would support the prescribed inversion sling designed to take pressure off the buldging disks. She wondered halfheartedly if it could possibly have more exciting purposes in the future once her back was healed.
stud. we always said he was. the way he walked, flipped his thick brown hair, and especially the cocky grin on his face. he was the love of my life. I loved that stud until the day i watched him drive away.
every six inches- or is it sixteen?
sixteen inches is a long
time ticks so
softly and so sweetly by.