I wish I felt mor elike a stud. But then again, those who know they are studs are always complete cheese dicks. So maybe I love that I don’t really know where I stand, stud or not. Also I get sad when I hear of stud horses. Old washed up racers, turned sex slaves.
I hate this word. First image that comes to mind? The classic fraternity guy – sideways trucker hat, basketball shorts, douche.
im a stud and so is ben. zach isnt really a stud and neither is steve. they’re both [retty gay. but bens my rommmmate so that makes him a std. icant find the stud in my wall. i tried, but i cant hang my picture now. shitty i know. i hate you fuck you piece of shit
The stud on your lip got caught on mine. I expected a tinge of pain to go along with it, but there was none. Only pleasure. I miss how the brush of your lips against mine would make my stomach fly into my heart.
Studs are essentially what most people envision as an alpha male with his shirt off and rippling abs. It’s a glorified CK commercial; a panzy. A bitch. I’m not sure what stud means to most folks but I think it’s a word that should be destroyed.
Studs are essentially what most people envision as an alpha male with his shirt off and rippling abs. It’s a glorified CK commercial; a panzy. A bitch. I’m not sure what stud means to most folks but I think it’s a word that should be destroyed.
that stud that day made all my efforts useless as i was not able to avoid him
it’s a breed of a dog if im not mistaken?
wishing to have one. but it would kinda take a while for me to adopt one.
anyway. stud. dog, huskies, and all that
George Clooney
something that is used to constuct a wall… as in a wood stud for the wall and a man stud to hang it.
Susan Davis
i hate this word. it makes me think of horse dicks.
they think he is the most attractive man around. He has become the one that all the ladies flock too. Or, maybe its a stud of a nail, or, is that even real? What is this, holyy fuc
Stud…potatoes. i like baked potatoes. But only double baked potatoes…am i even spelling potatoes right? Po-ta-toes…like pots have toes. Potted toes. Wonderful
hello at the fuck is stud. i thik a stud is something that mm
Blue eyes
I don’t really like this word.
Stud, you think you’re so cool. Banging chicks left and right, acting like a young playboy. That’s not what it’s all about! Sure, sex is amazing – but there’s more to life than being a stud! Stud = Slut
There was a stud on his jacket and it looked as though he had metal nipples. It would have been odd, but there were also two round balls also made of metal at the crotch of his jeans, which really detracted from the metal nipples somewhat. He also had lovely eyes, and an interest in golfing that made me believe he could be the most attractive man I’d ever met.
Is a potatoe to some, and a hunk to others. When I call someone a stud, they should look a little like Brad Pitt, or a personal favorite, Brandon Boyd.
a big muscular man walks in o a wallaking him into the stereotype of and idoitic muscule head he often mistakes studs for na
conner brennan
a stud is used in the construction of of houses and arpartments. they are used to support walls and roofs. if you need to hang a picture you need to find the stud inorder to hang it properly. it hurts when you hit it.
It’s either a diamond or a man who is the shit. Either way, it’s not for me.
oh my god this hot guy came into workt oday and he was sooo ripped and i wanted to take his hsirt off and then his cock in my mouth because it looked like he could use a good sucklin. karen is now texting him because she likes the c-o-c-k and she wants ryan kissop because he’s at the volleyball house with his douche bag friends, including kyle mcathy and all those other “studs” who like to cheat on their girlfriends.
hot guy
yeaaah. i guess thats what my mom would call it, it’s sort of funny because i don’t use it in my gerneration. You see it in like old movies in bars. it’s weird. it has much more meaning in a more sensable way but that’s what i thought of first. ATTRACTIVE MALE haha
Hey there stud? Tell me about it stud? They say a man will do anything for a woman who calls him ‘stud’. Ask John Travolta… or Danny Zukko. I don’t care. I use this word proudly.
a male horse that likes the wooden beams of a house, maybe a penis verility. conquering women of blonde in sorority houses and collee campuses. a sleek glossy coat standing on a hillside in the dying light of summer
joe jonas is a stud. boy dogs are called studs. i dont really know why i’m writing this. but it looked fun. hehe. anyways. back to studs. it reminds me of spuds. like potatos. and hot guys are studs. woo! ilovehotguys.
the studliest muffin i have ever seen. i want to eat every bit of it, it tastes like sweet candy on top of a chocolate mountain mixed with a truffle of love and pudding. i love chocolate pudding as well as chocolate troubadors. troubadors is a ridiculous word that rhymes with tub of whores. i really like men but most men only appreciate the loose women
a man is a stud if many women are into him. once, i was a stud, but then i grew up and became the only one without a girlfriend in my group of friends. as lonely as i felt inside, i started to finally understand that you dont need a women in your life, you just need the thought of someone that cares for you.
Mason Victoria
Tell me about it stud. That’s all I said, and he looked at me like I was crazy. Embarrassed, I continued the little song and dance that made teenagers back in the day feel like they were so badass. I felt like an idiot.
Jen B. 26
I am such a stud that it is not even a big deal. Actaully not. Because I am a girl. And the definition of stud is something like a male with a lot of sexual prowess. I am basically a male with a lot of sexual prowess though. Weird how I know that definition.
stud… stud muffin… cranberry muffins… with butter… at Starbucks… with a chai latte…. while studying… economics… my worst subject.
stud…huh it semmed nice to learn its meaning and that too by practical examples.
in college every wants to be it
its cool
its soomething that attracts girls.
oh la la
handsome creature, with that back full of water– on the commercials, for cologne, body spray. a foreign actor with broad lips, dark eyes, cropped hair. toned body, with the muscles at his ribs and the tucked bellybutton you just want to poke your finger in– the crash of waves and the streak of his body through the black-and-white waves; he is watching through the screen and I want to buy that product if he is what comes with it.
The stud in my ear fell out after that resounding hearing I got! What’s more, was that it fell into horse dung…sigh.
Who’s gonna dig that out for me now?
Or should I just let it get fossilized and be discovered in enons to come…
sex pike i loved him jerk
someone who is hot and nice. a lot of people want him, not just me. athletic, nice muscles.
I wish I felt mor elike a stud. But then again, those who know they are studs are always complete cheese dicks. So maybe I love that I don’t really know where I stand, stud or not. Also I get sad when I hear of stud horses. Old washed up racers, turned sex slaves.
I hate this word. First image that comes to mind? The classic fraternity guy – sideways trucker hat, basketball shorts, douche.
im a stud and so is ben. zach isnt really a stud and neither is steve. they’re both [retty gay. but bens my rommmmate so that makes him a std. icant find the stud in my wall. i tried, but i cant hang my picture now. shitty i know. i hate you fuck you piece of shit
The stud on your lip got caught on mine. I expected a tinge of pain to go along with it, but there was none. Only pleasure. I miss how the brush of your lips against mine would make my stomach fly into my heart.
Studs are essentially what most people envision as an alpha male with his shirt off and rippling abs. It’s a glorified CK commercial; a panzy. A bitch. I’m not sure what stud means to most folks but I think it’s a word that should be destroyed.
Studs are essentially what most people envision as an alpha male with his shirt off and rippling abs. It’s a glorified CK commercial; a panzy. A bitch. I’m not sure what stud means to most folks but I think it’s a word that should be destroyed.
that stud that day made all my efforts useless as i was not able to avoid him
it’s a breed of a dog if im not mistaken?
wishing to have one. but it would kinda take a while for me to adopt one.
anyway. stud. dog, huskies, and all that
George Clooney
something that is used to constuct a wall… as in a wood stud for the wall and a man stud to hang it.
i hate this word. it makes me think of horse dicks.
they think he is the most attractive man around. He has become the one that all the ladies flock too. Or, maybe its a stud of a nail, or, is that even real? What is this, holyy fuc
Stud…potatoes. i like baked potatoes. But only double baked potatoes…am i even spelling potatoes right? Po-ta-toes…like pots have toes. Potted toes. Wonderful
hello at the fuck is stud. i thik a stud is something that mm
Blue eyes
I don’t really like this word.
Stud, you think you’re so cool. Banging chicks left and right, acting like a young playboy. That’s not what it’s all about! Sure, sex is amazing – but there’s more to life than being a stud! Stud = Slut
There was a stud on his jacket and it looked as though he had metal nipples. It would have been odd, but there were also two round balls also made of metal at the crotch of his jeans, which really detracted from the metal nipples somewhat. He also had lovely eyes, and an interest in golfing that made me believe he could be the most attractive man I’d ever met.
Is a potatoe to some, and a hunk to others. When I call someone a stud, they should look a little like Brad Pitt, or a personal favorite, Brandon Boyd.
a big muscular man walks in o a wallaking him into the stereotype of and idoitic muscule head he often mistakes studs for na
a stud is used in the construction of of houses and arpartments. they are used to support walls and roofs. if you need to hang a picture you need to find the stud inorder to hang it properly. it hurts when you hit it.
It’s either a diamond or a man who is the shit. Either way, it’s not for me.
oh my god this hot guy came into workt oday and he was sooo ripped and i wanted to take his hsirt off and then his cock in my mouth because it looked like he could use a good sucklin. karen is now texting him because she likes the c-o-c-k and she wants ryan kissop because he’s at the volleyball house with his douche bag friends, including kyle mcathy and all those other “studs” who like to cheat on their girlfriends.
hot guy
yeaaah. i guess thats what my mom would call it, it’s sort of funny because i don’t use it in my gerneration. You see it in like old movies in bars. it’s weird. it has much more meaning in a more sensable way but that’s what i thought of first. ATTRACTIVE MALE haha
Hey there stud? Tell me about it stud? They say a man will do anything for a woman who calls him ‘stud’. Ask John Travolta… or Danny Zukko. I don’t care. I use this word proudly.
a male horse that likes the wooden beams of a house, maybe a penis verility. conquering women of blonde in sorority houses and collee campuses. a sleek glossy coat standing on a hillside in the dying light of summer
joe jonas is a stud. boy dogs are called studs. i dont really know why i’m writing this. but it looked fun. hehe. anyways. back to studs. it reminds me of spuds. like potatos. and hot guys are studs. woo! ilovehotguys.
the studliest muffin i have ever seen. i want to eat every bit of it, it tastes like sweet candy on top of a chocolate mountain mixed with a truffle of love and pudding. i love chocolate pudding as well as chocolate troubadors. troubadors is a ridiculous word that rhymes with tub of whores. i really like men but most men only appreciate the loose women
a man is a stud if many women are into him. once, i was a stud, but then i grew up and became the only one without a girlfriend in my group of friends. as lonely as i felt inside, i started to finally understand that you dont need a women in your life, you just need the thought of someone that cares for you.
Tell me about it stud. That’s all I said, and he looked at me like I was crazy. Embarrassed, I continued the little song and dance that made teenagers back in the day feel like they were so badass. I felt like an idiot.
I am such a stud that it is not even a big deal. Actaully not. Because I am a girl. And the definition of stud is something like a male with a lot of sexual prowess. I am basically a male with a lot of sexual prowess though. Weird how I know that definition.
stud… stud muffin… cranberry muffins… with butter… at Starbucks… with a chai latte…. while studying… economics… my worst subject.
stud…huh it semmed nice to learn its meaning and that too by practical examples.
in college every wants to be it
its cool
its soomething that attracts girls.
oh la la
handsome creature, with that back full of water– on the commercials, for cologne, body spray. a foreign actor with broad lips, dark eyes, cropped hair. toned body, with the muscles at his ribs and the tucked bellybutton you just want to poke your finger in– the crash of waves and the streak of his body through the black-and-white waves; he is watching through the screen and I want to buy that product if he is what comes with it.
The stud in my ear fell out after that resounding hearing I got! What’s more, was that it fell into horse dung…sigh.
Who’s gonna dig that out for me now?
Or should I just let it get fossilized and be discovered in enons to come…
sex pike i loved him jerk
someone who is hot and nice. a lot of people want him, not just me. athletic, nice muscles.