
December 11th, 2009 | 410 Entries

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410 Entries for “stud”

  1. Simply stardom couldn’t sate his hungering need for attention. He fled his tightened confines and sought that one thing which could only satisfy his appetite for loneliness.

  2. a male i’m thinking of. there’s aznother that i feel more of an emotional connection with, but of course he has a girlfriend who he complains about constantly. but the stud is funny. and gentle. and rough when i want him to be. i should be a bit more on time with him and do what i’ll say i will do though. it depends on me i guess! funny enough. i do want to do stuff with him. will i miss him when he’s gone?

  3. A big horse.

  4. my boyfriend’s a stud. he has no idea how he makes me melt everytime he walks, talks, or even throws a glance at me. he has me under his spell. i love him so much, he’ll forever be my secret valentine.

  5. He was a stud. But only in looks. Inside he was as mamby pamby as a ball of salt clay your parents made for you to play with but you used to eat. But she didn’t mind. She wanted him for his outside only. The inside, well, that was better left alone, if you know what I mean.

  6. my husband – ha! A horse is used as a stud, or any male animal used for breeding, for that matter… I wear studs in my ears…

  7. what was in his ear when he kissed me and what wasn’t in his ear when he took off my cloths. i don’t even remember him taking it out, i just remember feeling the scar tissue in his ear and realizing that it was no longer there and wondering where it went.

  8. what was in his ear when he kissed me and what wasn’t in his ear when he took off my cloths. i don’t even remember him taking it out, i just remember feeling the scar tissue in his ear and realizing that it was no longer there and wondering where it went.

  9. diamond stud and silly gold chain… young and stupid in a blazing combination only superceded by an incredible sense of entitilemnet

  10. guido

  11. He wasn’t a stud, that’s for sure. More like a dud.

  12. what a hunk. what a man. six-pack abs, bronze, shirtless, fashionably-torn jeans hanging low, perfect teeth, gently mussed hair, on the beach.

    sex icon.

    who says?

    bet he’s a jerk.

    but who knows?

    it’s all stereotyping. even when it’s anti-stereotyping, it’s still stereotyping.


  13. something in the wall that holds things tightly…you can but a stud finder at the store and it will help to mount pictures securely.

  14. You think that you’re such a stud, eh? You think that everyone loves you, that every single girl wants to bone you. Well you’re wrong. You’re ugly as shit, and you need to take that ego down a bit. Really. You’re not the shit and not every girl wants to bone you. Well, not every girl. Maybe one. Or two. Who knows?

  15. I really wish i was a stud, actually i dont. studs are kinda overrated, i kinda like who i really am, laid back, less concerned with social status and stuff. studs do get alotta girls and stuff, that would be nice, but i dont like the idea.

  16. hha thats a funny word. In the wall, with women, who knows! Like a p[imp or a nail and a stud gun. Even in your ear one of those dumb looking holes and now they are coming out with star shaped ones that open a gaping stare up in your ear!

    joe Schmoe
  17. i know i am, what are you?

  18. griffin is a stud, stud can also mean a horse. i want to marry a stud. a stud can also be something in the wall. why do people call men studs? what does that mean to modern day society? studs. studley. i used to live off of studley road. in mechanicsville. can women be studs? does the term stud about a man ah

  19. The stud in the wall was hard to find. Also they said he was a stud. Couldn’t see it. Just a regular guy working on houses. How many kiddies did he have anyway?

    Chris G
  20. hot hunk fit sexy handsome stallion prince simon cowell chocolate lush strong

  21. hot hunk fit sexy handsome stallion prince simon cowell chocolate lush strong

  22. muffin, ovenly
    dude, burgermeister
    red leather shoe’d.
    ask him time
    of day, merchants
    rumble his head,
    for treasure
    inside your bed.
    blue muffins
    gain the upper hand,
    live out the upper
    room’s opulent
    dream, screaming
    Madonna tricks,
    the alpine side
    of things, never
    too wary for canned
    meat, never too
    cheesy for wuthering

  23. He was a stud. No, he wasn’t one of those “You can’t spell ‘stud’ without ‘STD'” kind of studs, he was a decent kind of stud. As much as that is hard to imagine, everything on this earth can surprise you. He had that skater boy look, plus an indie boy look. The difference was that he was a stud.

  24. “change the button to a pop stud”. Thats what he had yelled at me. Easy fro him to say, This is 100% silk and i am the worst sewer in teh room. I get coffe for gods sake!

  25. The stud fell from the cuff of his pristine shirt with a hollow rattle of despair upon the marble counter. The doctor cursed under his breath and sighed at his dishevelled reflection in the hotel bathroom mirror.

  26. The picture was heavy and worth three months of hard-earned pay, so it had to be hung just right. Where was that stud finder? She had laughed when her brother bought it for her when she first bought the house, but she’d had several occassions to be grateful since.

  27. The picture was heavy and worth three months of hard-earned pay, so it had to be hung just right. Where was that stud finder? She had laughed when her brother bought it for her when she first bought the house, but she’d had several occassions to be grateful since.

  28. The picture was heavy and worth three months of hard-earned pay, so it had to be hung just right. Where was that stud finder? She had laughed when her brother bought it for her when she first bought the house, but she’d had several occassions to be grateful since.

  29. Idiot walking. School. Running around. Stupid.

  30. The picture was heavy and worth three months of hard-earned pay, so it had to be hung just right. Where was that stud finder? She had laughed when her brother bought it for her when she first bought the house, but she’d had several occassions to be grateful since.

  31. tell me about it…stud.

  32. tell me about it…stud.

  33. tell me about it…stud.

  34. oh what a stud! lots of boys think they are all that but really they are not. i think studs are cocky most of the time. gaah la dee dah what else is there to say? I guess a stud is also the part of wood that you look for on a wall.

  35. a young stud walks down the road with a sword on his side and a dagger hanging on his belt hiding behind his cloak and his bracer are colored brown. The road had not many people walking on it. but one person stood out, a blonde girl, their eyes locked for some time.

    ove nordang
  36. I am repelled by the thought, the leather-clad swaggerer dunked in cologne who looks at the world as split by rivals and conquests. His body is all hair, thick, grown together like a primeval thicket where no light enters, a carpet wrapped around a sword, and he is whistling as he kicks sand in your face, the jingle of his neck chains forever in your ears.

    Brian Slusher
  37. Johnny DEPP!!!

  38. a horse stable, male horse, an ornament for the ears, the night sky looks beautiful being star-studded.

    pavalamani pragasam
  39. Muffins were all the rage back in the day. Stud muffins in particular made the grade. From the streets downtown to the dusty side roads of the small towns stud muffins were it, baby! They were it! Nowadays, well, how to describe a proper stud muffin? More and more difficult is the task and is made no easier by the proliferance of low-carb snack.

  40. A really cool guy,like the Fonz. Also a metal rivet that goes into something, attaches them together. What do these two things have in common? Absolutely nothing, but what does that tell you? The Fonz was NOT a metal rivet.

    That’s about all.
