
January 22nd, 2009 | 117 Entries

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117 Entries for “sublime”

  1. This may be the one word that I have nothing to say anything about. Noting, at all. Sublime. I like limes. Can’t I just write about limes? They are green and lovely. Tart and they make an awesome pie. I like pie too. But not sublime.

  2. the glow of the blacklight against her porcelain flesh and those skeleton bleached teeth burned cruel images into my retinas and the way the beat pulsed through the stereo of her body.

    i thought that she looked perfectly sublime in the spotlight.

  3. i hate this word.

  4. in latin sublime means to float. I looked that up the other day while procratinating during my latin exam. not the best thing to do during an exam i know. but i think i did good on it so. go me. oh and thier a great band too. woot woot

    kat the great
  5. Sublime is known as when a solid turns straight into a gas. This process is also known as sublimation. It occurs with ‘dry ice’, which is carbon dioxode, frozen. It is used for halloween parties and by theaters across the nation.

    Eve A.
  6. a band name. I actually dont like that band except for one song that is about date rape. Does that mean im crazy? I dont know, this is really random.

  7. I don’t really know what the fuck it is, something to do with limes? Sumarines? I don’t know, my brain isn’t really programmed to understand limes that can swim underwater. :D

    Lucas Smith
  8. Sublime.
    Sometimes i feel like Santeria.
    Sumtimes I feel like a lime.
    Sometimes I dream rappy
    Summertimes I spend in the eh eh street.

  9. this is how I imagine your ears
    strange like blueberries and bellybuttons.
    I know you’re surge protector
    and a biodegradable watch
    but this
    is how I imagine your eyes
    crescent coffee stains
    or an endless morning.
    always pointing East
    you swear your blood runs
    like a river
    and this
    is how I imagine your chest
    present tense proverbial
    and weightlessness in a jar.

    Hannah Wells
  10. My hair on end and insides twisted. Sleepless lust and butterflies drifted. Gift your soul in me then lifted.

  11. the limes in the summer heat were sweating. the green acid poured over my hands, the stain of the citrus smells stayed on my palms the whole afternoon. It was the delicious memory that

  12. Sweet and juicy and soft and succulent. Eating ripe rasberries in a sun-drenched field where your skin glows and you lie down to take a nap as the blue sky grows a brighter turquoise with each passing moment. Delicious, warm, all your needs being met in the simplest of ways. In a word…sublime.

    Christine Mason Miller
  13. sublime:pure, true, eternal. the eye of the storm, my immortal forever. the dream, my dream and only mine.

  14. What do I know that might be sublime. Well there is a show on Food Network that is going to deal with “the best thing I ever ate” and I was trying to think of what I would pick for that. But I think for me the most sublime moment in my life was the healthy birth of my daughter. I never could understand what “maternal instinct” was all about, since I didn’t think my mother displayed any of it, but looking at your baby’s face for the first time, that my friends is sublime. Then there are the hands and fingers, feet and toes and all the in between parts, all there, all working properly. Ah, I don’t know if “daddies” feel the same thing, but I know I sure discovered what that “maternal instinct” was all about. After that moment, my life held new meaning. I have never been the same as I was before her arrival. Not that diapers, spit up, and later on raising a teenager was all that “sublime”, but it did have it’s moments. The rough spots have always been outweighed by the wonderful spots. Thirty-two years later, I can look at her face and still feel that moment of her birth. There is nothing else I can think of, in my long and interesting life that has been able to compare. The next time will probably be the moment of my death and liberation from my tired body. I think that instant I will again experience “sublime” freedom, love, and a joyful reunion with those I loved who have gone before me.

    Beatrice Collins
  15. Soft, supple, smooth. To the emotive, to the feeler. Transcendent. Pure and passionate consecrated together. Awe with ectasy. Orgasmic and reflective.

  16. this is a hard thing to describe, the feeling is something of an enigma to me. something that needs to be original and at the same time perfectly beautiful. I don’t feel that i have ever experienced anything in my like that can be described as sublime.

    Paxton Means
  17. sublime is a great band.

  18. oh it makes me think of the moment at Ananda Ashram when I was walking to lunch with my friend. And we started laughing. We immediately called it bliss, but the feeling was sublime. I think that was the rare moment of true happiness and being really connected with who we both are.
    It was sublime

  19. The music was sublime. As she closed her eyes, thoughts came of that year in Ibizia. The year she learnt to drink tequila (like a grown-up), the year she walked in high heels and a basque for him and the year she fell in love with Evie.

  20. Dead and gone. That is, his every dream, his every hope, his every perfectly marinated rib and brew. A future as dead and gone as Brad.

  21. cruising down a river with someone i love and of course my big dog and i have on a frilly dress and a soft big straw hat we have champagne
    there is a sweet breeze and lots of smiles.

    Joanie Hoffman
  22. Sublime. That is a band and it also seems to be less of a lime than a normal lime. SUBlime. har har. I know. Ok well sublime is like WHOA on a subtle kind note and it’s smoother sounding than whoa. How sublime. Say that next time. You’ll get numbers and you’ll have dates. You’ll be, well, sublime.

  23. ‘slowwww riide, take it easy.’ sublime reverbrates throughout my dormroom. I’ve got the towel under the door again, and I’ve spent the day just blazing here and not really do anything. I haven’t been to class in days.

    Darren Thompson
  24. sublime…sublimation…elimination…substitution…math exam. i failed one of those today for sure. something about factoring makes me scream.

  25. Sub-lime. Sublimation. Never mind, scratch that. Completely good. Amazing. Awesome. Terrific. Socks. Sort of. Bliss. Lack of stress, such as that I’m feeling now. Years later, facing the firing squad, I hope this is not the first thing that comes to my mind.

    Jonathan Polin
  26. What gorgeous language. Language is so often sublime, but what really gets me, is the way we use that word to describe something kind of transcendant and wonderful. But I guess that’s right. What baout sublimation – the process of changing from a solid to a gas, nothing in between? Isn’t that an amazing process? Can’t sublimation be sublime? Oh how wonderful to watch dry ice makes clouds that hang.

  27. The fog on a cold day after a rainstorm reflecting the sunset is sublime. The complicated flavors of a salted caramel from Fran’s is sublime. You, my dear, are not sublime. You are an asshole. I love You.

  28. sublime
    lemons hanging from the tree
    i rode by on my bicycle
    i stopped and filled my basket with as many as I could pluck before he owner of the house came running out to stop me in his bathrobe with a broom in his hand..

  29. It was sublime, she thought. Three big scoops of expensive ice cream, topped with a mountain of sugary sprinkles and chocolate sauce. She grabbed the spoon with her large hand, and put a big scoop in her gaping mouth. It was delicious. She just couldn’t help herself.

  30. The feel of your lips on mine was euphoric. We were laying in the middle of a field wet with evening dew, (or maybe it was dog piss, in hindsight), and tripping on whatever drugs you had in your glove compartment. Sublime was playing from the radio you had at your elbow. I loved spending summer doing nothing with you except what we did in our minds as we lay drugged under the stars.

  31. Cinnamon swirled coffee cake is so sublime some mornings.

  32. True brilliance. Really when I think of something sublime I picture a shimmer so fine and thin that I can’t even see it, something so beautiful, so perfect and whole that I am no longer able to see it with these flawed senses in this bitter world.

    Andrew Meare
  33. Death is a sublime
    a recession of time
    and all of Life’s
    Death is a silent
    a haunting, violent
    leading to endless depression.

    Rick Veloz
  34. Sublime. I know what it means and yet the first thing that popped into my head was someone who didn’t care for lemons. ‘Well it’s absolute crap next to the lime. Definately a sub-lime standard of excellence’.

    Mark Clarke
  35. Ah what sweetness
    is sung in the air
    as fog drifts heavy across
    streets, like snow across lampshades
    and a spotlight shimmers.

  36. soooooo sublime.
    like lime.
    obama is definetlys sublime.
    i really want sprite.

  37. “you’re beautiful, you know that?” you placed butterfly kisses on my cheeks and neck.

    “i love you too much.” you whispered caressing my cheek.

    “but am i perfect?” i asked you while you
    weaved too-cold fingers through me hair.


  38. One word, one smile, one laugh can make the world one.

  39. There is nothing as sublime as knowing how to end the world, but waking up without the motivation to do so, because you have every reason in the world to live on with the one you love.

  40. Sublime— music cd— fresh fruit — hot summer days— jumping off a cliff into the water at the lake— laying out and getting baked by the sun— anything that is sun related.
