Little girls shouldn’t ride the subway alone. That’s what grandma says but I still do it. I am very careful and I always make sure to bring extra money just in case.
clearly composed
I love Subway’s sandwiches. I wonder how it got it’s name… like from a real subway… i love the meatball marinara.
Regina C.
I still remember my first time on the subway. I was only five, and I had heard stories from my friends about children my age getting kidnapped by bad people on subways like these. I locked my mother’s hand in a death grip, until I got into the train itself and transferred the grip onto the steel rod the voice above me told me to hold onto.
I was on the subway and some random smurf midget came up to me and started humping my leg and I kind of liked it.
Meredith Swaim
The subway was full of people as I got on. A dashing young man gave me his seat. I took it gratefully. He was handsome and I wondered if i would ever know his name.
The subway was cramped and no way was I going to be able to fit in there, especially when I saw my crush… my long time crush sitting there. Boy… this was going to be interesting. Avoid him, or be late to work. Lovely. Karma, I really, REALLY hate you sometimes. Sometimes… I hear her reply back “I know.”
Elizabeth Kilburn
my left hand stopped working as i entered the subway.
i cried a little.
touhj for a kid.
next stop things were all right again.
My first experience in taking the subway was in London this past spring break. I have to admit that it was pretty scary at first. Once I got the hang of it, I soon realized how efficient their system is. I enjoyed being able to travel all over the city very quickly.
I remember being on the subway in New York. it was VAlentine’s Day and SuZ and I were with her nieces. I got stickers from the drugstore — little red heart stickers, several packages. I said it was our duty to stick one on every person that we met. The girls looked at me with doubt. Then we went into the subway.
I went up to the baddest meanest looking dude I could find and stuck him right on the lapel of his coat. He looked at me through harsh eyes and then down at the heart. I said, “Happy Valentine’s Day.” You should have seen the smile. The four of us started sticking everyone and pretty soon people were talking and laughing together.
That’s what love does.
Shelley Heller
I think of a subway as a means of transportation, to make the transportation easier for humans that don’t own a car or don’t want to pay a fee for the cab everyday. This also reminds me of the Subway sandwiches, which are delightfully appetizing. However, I must admit that I enjoy Quizno’s a lot better because I love my sandwiches when they are toasted :)
I was riding the subway on Tuesday, a pigeon joined me. Colors like plums, blues, unnatural, yet this bird was one of us. Human. City dwellers find hope in adaptation.
i love the subway it is a fast reliable way of transportation, i like living in cities with subway system becaUSE i dont need a car.
aida wyland
the subway scares me a little. so many strangers with no barriers to protect me from what could be dishonorable intentions. but they’re also magical. musical. there’s talent to be seen by the subway. talent and music that carries through the musty breeze from the cars passing by, carrying strangers with unknown intentions.
i ate subway for lunch. it was really good i had a veggie delight. the bread was kind of stale though. and it needed a little more sauce. actually, it was not that good. i always think that i am going to like my subway more than i really do. maybe i should start getting something different, something i might enjoy more. also, the subway down the street from my house is really skimpy on the fixings. it annoys me.
caroline smith
I went on the subway for the first time a few weeks ago. I was with my best friend and we were waiting for the B Train to come so we could go to the Natural History Museum to see dinosaurs since I hadn’t been there before. We’d taken the bus in for the day and we were going to visit his friend Austin.
“Should be getting back now,” Yuusei murmurs softly to him as he walks along the long-since disused tracks, throwing a solemn, blue glance at Jack, walking right beside him. There was something comforting in the silence between them after those words and Jack wasn’t sure why. He only knew that he wanted to kiss the younger man beside him.
And he would.
Without another word, Jack slid up next to him, pinning him to the wall and pressing their lips together intimately, tasting the sweetness of Yuusei’s lips that was simply his human taste, the tang of metal and oil that clung to his skin from working.
the subway does not run in Reno. That’s a good thing, to. Because if it did, Tom would get lost everytime he had to go somewhere. I’m sure of it. He already gets lost just driving around town. NOw that he has to get cancer treatment, it would not ba a good thing to be getting lsot at all anywhere. That’s the way it goes.
i really love the samdwiches i always order the same thing. ham american cheese,
sometimes people have sex on the subways, but dave doesnt’ like pda i understand it, but i just want to hold his hand, or get a kiss on the forehead before class, i really like his hugs wait subway subway we’re going to boston to visit tory, who he hasnt seen in a year im excited to meet her
meg Murphy
an underground train system, primarily used in major urban centers to transport the masses efficiently. The system is used around the world with some cities using the mode of transportion more effectively than others.
brian benard
the subways just keeps flying past as i wait for my turn to come, wait for the right time to tell her i love her. here it comes i can hear it coming my way and my heart races into the unknown along with the train.
the subway was a cold and empty tunnel. nothing but a lone man consumed its vacant halls. The screeching tracks pierced the airwaves and pervaded the depths of his brain. There was nothing for a man to do but wait. Then he saw her..
She sat on the subway and she thought about what it had all come to. People walked on and off the subway, all kinds of people. Her life would bend and crack and still people would walk on and off the subway and grind to a stop at their destinations. She looked out the window.
She got on the subway train on her way to the city. It was early and the morning, and she could barely think straight…not before her coffee.
Then something caught her attention – a glimmer.
The train was engulfed in flames.
I wish I could take the subway. I spend all my time above ground. The bus system pisses me off, and the lightrail is just a cheap imitaion. I’d love to be submerged, for just a bit. Make my busride something that occurs in a whole different world.
the subway is filled with people. completely and utterly filled. it smells award and seem to be a place devoid of emotion. people lost in vacant stares and i.pod blaring music far to loudly into their ears. they don;t notice. they don’t care to notice.
SOmething I don’t go on enough. Scary writhing underground worms that twist though cities. People assume they are mindless, but what if they became self aware?
All I can think about is the subway food. sweet onion chicken teryaki. good i could go for some sub right about now. it would be a pretty fucking good sub.
Subways make me think of 9/11. Probably because I’m reading Foer’s “Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close” right now, and Oskar, the protagonist, is afraid of subways because of 9/11.
5. 5 dollar. 5 dollar footlong.
Always costs like $7. What’s up with that?
I entered the subway and there you were, standing out as if you were the only one. Yet I didn’t dare to walk over to you, I didn’t dare to move. Thank God I didn’t forget to breathe. Too bad I couldn’t say a word. You’ve got me overwhelmed.
it is gross and nasty but quick and fun it is easily navigable but smells but is navigable even a word? oh well the subway is scary and terrifying but it is fun to feel independant and i enjoyed it but what now?
Subway… I am so hungry, all I can think of are Sandwiches… wow.
She entered the subway. But it seemed all the gum commercials lied. She had not met her soul mate that day.
subways goes to different places, sometimes it goes off the track then people gets hurt. russian subways are instable due to suicide bombers and communists. but they look pretty and they represent what the people can accomplish together.
I like subway. It’s very good. The delectable bread that’s baked on the stove.. mmm. Pus every is fresh, which makes my stomach grumble. If only it wasn’t only sundays!
Plus, subways with trains are romantic. So cute. I know, it’s cheesy, but whatever.
i cant even find the subway im supposed to be on. goddamn it. every time i come down town i have no idea where the hell i am. NE corner… am i on the ne? am i on the.. shit. ugh! i hate it. im going to take a cab
i find the right subway, sit down on the train, ipod in ears, and people watch.
this isnt so bad. i like riding the subway. its so peaceful.
i feel free
caitrin o'sullivan
There he was. Standing on the platform, waiting for the next train to come. And my subway train left…
like a subway restaurant? i love me some of that sandwich. Genoa salami. Mmmmmm. With all the veggies they can give me. And no matter how good their sandwiches are, they will never be a “restaurant”. I don’t care if they ARE owned by doctors, it’s fast food and that can never have the r word attached to it.
subs are good there is no way out of a subway once it is in motion. they take you from place to place. they are more like a prison than a transportation device. speaking of prisons, we are all in one controlled by the global elite and ultimately the prison warders on the fourth dimension.
Jake hoffman
The subway was full of people going somewhere, doing something, meeting someone. Like a group of ants. All over the place. They crawled all over.
Little girls shouldn’t ride the subway alone. That’s what grandma says but I still do it. I am very careful and I always make sure to bring extra money just in case.
I love Subway’s sandwiches. I wonder how it got it’s name… like from a real subway… i love the meatball marinara.
I still remember my first time on the subway. I was only five, and I had heard stories from my friends about children my age getting kidnapped by bad people on subways like these. I locked my mother’s hand in a death grip, until I got into the train itself and transferred the grip onto the steel rod the voice above me told me to hold onto.
I was on the subway and some random smurf midget came up to me and started humping my leg and I kind of liked it.
The subway was full of people as I got on. A dashing young man gave me his seat. I took it gratefully. He was handsome and I wondered if i would ever know his name.
The subway was cramped and no way was I going to be able to fit in there, especially when I saw my crush… my long time crush sitting there. Boy… this was going to be interesting. Avoid him, or be late to work. Lovely. Karma, I really, REALLY hate you sometimes. Sometimes… I hear her reply back “I know.”
my left hand stopped working as i entered the subway.
i cried a little.
touhj for a kid.
next stop things were all right again.
My first experience in taking the subway was in London this past spring break. I have to admit that it was pretty scary at first. Once I got the hang of it, I soon realized how efficient their system is. I enjoyed being able to travel all over the city very quickly.
I remember being on the subway in New York. it was VAlentine’s Day and SuZ and I were with her nieces. I got stickers from the drugstore — little red heart stickers, several packages. I said it was our duty to stick one on every person that we met. The girls looked at me with doubt. Then we went into the subway.
I went up to the baddest meanest looking dude I could find and stuck him right on the lapel of his coat. He looked at me through harsh eyes and then down at the heart. I said, “Happy Valentine’s Day.” You should have seen the smile. The four of us started sticking everyone and pretty soon people were talking and laughing together.
That’s what love does.
I think of a subway as a means of transportation, to make the transportation easier for humans that don’t own a car or don’t want to pay a fee for the cab everyday. This also reminds me of the Subway sandwiches, which are delightfully appetizing. However, I must admit that I enjoy Quizno’s a lot better because I love my sandwiches when they are toasted :)
I was riding the subway on Tuesday, a pigeon joined me. Colors like plums, blues, unnatural, yet this bird was one of us. Human. City dwellers find hope in adaptation.
i love the subway it is a fast reliable way of transportation, i like living in cities with subway system becaUSE i dont need a car.
the subway scares me a little. so many strangers with no barriers to protect me from what could be dishonorable intentions. but they’re also magical. musical. there’s talent to be seen by the subway. talent and music that carries through the musty breeze from the cars passing by, carrying strangers with unknown intentions.
i ate subway for lunch. it was really good i had a veggie delight. the bread was kind of stale though. and it needed a little more sauce. actually, it was not that good. i always think that i am going to like my subway more than i really do. maybe i should start getting something different, something i might enjoy more. also, the subway down the street from my house is really skimpy on the fixings. it annoys me.
I went on the subway for the first time a few weeks ago. I was with my best friend and we were waiting for the B Train to come so we could go to the Natural History Museum to see dinosaurs since I hadn’t been there before. We’d taken the bus in for the day and we were going to visit his friend Austin.
“Should be getting back now,” Yuusei murmurs softly to him as he walks along the long-since disused tracks, throwing a solemn, blue glance at Jack, walking right beside him. There was something comforting in the silence between them after those words and Jack wasn’t sure why. He only knew that he wanted to kiss the younger man beside him.
And he would.
Without another word, Jack slid up next to him, pinning him to the wall and pressing their lips together intimately, tasting the sweetness of Yuusei’s lips that was simply his human taste, the tang of metal and oil that clung to his skin from working.
the subway does not run in Reno. That’s a good thing, to. Because if it did, Tom would get lost everytime he had to go somewhere. I’m sure of it. He already gets lost just driving around town. NOw that he has to get cancer treatment, it would not ba a good thing to be getting lsot at all anywhere. That’s the way it goes.
i really love the samdwiches i always order the same thing. ham american cheese,
sometimes people have sex on the subways, but dave doesnt’ like pda i understand it, but i just want to hold his hand, or get a kiss on the forehead before class, i really like his hugs wait subway subway we’re going to boston to visit tory, who he hasnt seen in a year im excited to meet her
an underground train system, primarily used in major urban centers to transport the masses efficiently. The system is used around the world with some cities using the mode of transportion more effectively than others.
the subways just keeps flying past as i wait for my turn to come, wait for the right time to tell her i love her. here it comes i can hear it coming my way and my heart races into the unknown along with the train.
the subway was a cold and empty tunnel. nothing but a lone man consumed its vacant halls. The screeching tracks pierced the airwaves and pervaded the depths of his brain. There was nothing for a man to do but wait. Then he saw her..
She sat on the subway and she thought about what it had all come to. People walked on and off the subway, all kinds of people. Her life would bend and crack and still people would walk on and off the subway and grind to a stop at their destinations. She looked out the window.
She got on the subway train on her way to the city. It was early and the morning, and she could barely think straight…not before her coffee.
Then something caught her attention – a glimmer.
The train was engulfed in flames.
I wish I could take the subway. I spend all my time above ground. The bus system pisses me off, and the lightrail is just a cheap imitaion. I’d love to be submerged, for just a bit. Make my busride something that occurs in a whole different world.
the subway is filled with people. completely and utterly filled. it smells award and seem to be a place devoid of emotion. people lost in vacant stares and i.pod blaring music far to loudly into their ears. they don;t notice. they don’t care to notice.
SOmething I don’t go on enough. Scary writhing underground worms that twist though cities. People assume they are mindless, but what if they became self aware?
All I can think about is the subway food. sweet onion chicken teryaki. good i could go for some sub right about now. it would be a pretty fucking good sub.
Subways make me think of 9/11. Probably because I’m reading Foer’s “Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close” right now, and Oskar, the protagonist, is afraid of subways because of 9/11.
5. 5 dollar. 5 dollar footlong.
Always costs like $7. What’s up with that?
I entered the subway and there you were, standing out as if you were the only one. Yet I didn’t dare to walk over to you, I didn’t dare to move. Thank God I didn’t forget to breathe. Too bad I couldn’t say a word. You’ve got me overwhelmed.
it is gross and nasty but quick and fun it is easily navigable but smells but is navigable even a word? oh well the subway is scary and terrifying but it is fun to feel independant and i enjoyed it but what now?
Subway… I am so hungry, all I can think of are Sandwiches… wow.
She entered the subway. But it seemed all the gum commercials lied. She had not met her soul mate that day.
subways goes to different places, sometimes it goes off the track then people gets hurt. russian subways are instable due to suicide bombers and communists. but they look pretty and they represent what the people can accomplish together.
I like subway. It’s very good. The delectable bread that’s baked on the stove.. mmm. Pus every is fresh, which makes my stomach grumble. If only it wasn’t only sundays!
Plus, subways with trains are romantic. So cute. I know, it’s cheesy, but whatever.
i cant even find the subway im supposed to be on. goddamn it. every time i come down town i have no idea where the hell i am. NE corner… am i on the ne? am i on the.. shit. ugh! i hate it. im going to take a cab
i find the right subway, sit down on the train, ipod in ears, and people watch.
this isnt so bad. i like riding the subway. its so peaceful.
i feel free
There he was. Standing on the platform, waiting for the next train to come. And my subway train left…
like a subway restaurant? i love me some of that sandwich. Genoa salami. Mmmmmm. With all the veggies they can give me. And no matter how good their sandwiches are, they will never be a “restaurant”. I don’t care if they ARE owned by doctors, it’s fast food and that can never have the r word attached to it.
subs are good there is no way out of a subway once it is in motion. they take you from place to place. they are more like a prison than a transportation device. speaking of prisons, we are all in one controlled by the global elite and ultimately the prison warders on the fourth dimension.
The subway was full of people going somewhere, doing something, meeting someone. Like a group of ants. All over the place. They crawled all over.