Subway.! the fat guys’ fast food. even though in reality its slow…so does that make ti it fast food? or perhaps good food fast? or begtger yet maybe good food slow…? hmm. Speaking of which. what came first,..the chick or the egg? it was prolly some freaky bacteria that gave freakish birth to both
a delicious place for sandwiches, beloved by vegetarians and meatlovers alike.
i find the flavored breads a little too much for my tastes and the salad is weak, but the human assembly line is prety neat to watch
I rode that subway, to and fro everyday. I got to my home from work and vice versa, so much so that it had become part of me, the people, the diversity, the movement…it pulsed forward and drove my life. I moved at that incredible speed, advancing from one stage of life to another like the stations that a train stopped at…until I reached the peak where I go no further, and had to come to terms with what I had left behind.
Eric Harrell
The subway was crowded. There was no place to move. The body sweat was a stench beyond description. Here he was in the middle of the masses.
times square, the n the r the q and w, the catacombs that i now can naviagate with the ease of a seasoned new yorker – they bring me to harlem to my sub-par masters classes, they transport me to weekends in williamsburg, to the hay
He was there with his friends. They were waiting on the train and they started to scuffle like boys will do. He fell from the platform. He started vomiting blood. He was dead within a few days from a subdural hematoma. He never got on the train.
I was on the subway, not quite sure where I was headed. I knew that my stop had passed but I thought if I traveled a little further that I would come to the place from my dreams. I thought about him as I sat on the hard plastic seat and wondered
I think of food – 6 inch and footlong. They don’t cater that well for vegetarians so I don’t go there too often. Their vege patties are pretty gross and stick to the roof of your mouth.
I also think of underground railways but I’m more familiar with the Metro in Paris and the Underground in London…I haven’t been to New York and I think that’s where they have the Subway.
so i took the subway and rode it as far as it goes, or pretty much until i couldn’t see the sun anymore. i got off and didn’t know where i was. oh well i thought to myself. i don’t have much to do for the rest of my life anyway. i wish i had maybe spoken to the girl on the subway. haven’t really spoken to a girl in a while. that’s probably what i need. a girl.
He stepped onto the subway platform and glanced to his right. She was still there. She had gotten off the train too. Where was she headed, who was she going to see. Was she going to work. He thought about how she might be as he glanced over at her again, now next to him on the subway stairs.
Eat Fresh! For real though – I would never ride in a subway. Call me a country bumpkin if yo will, but those are death traps. Oh! Ride on a speeding bullet underground? Ya….No. I suppose that’s why I live in colorado though.
I’ve never been on a subway. I’ve never even been to a city with a subway. But sometimes I go to the sandwich restaurant. You know how they have that wallpaper with maps of new york? I always love looking at that. Sometimes I wonder if there are subways in New York, and if you get lost you can run into a subway restaurant and look at the walls to find your position.
i think of london and all people going by the subway.. i also think of rome and going by the subway to the next stop… it’s dark and crowded, kind of scary actually.. where am i to go? i’m not used to subways since i live in a smaller otwn
He was sitting in the Subway as suddenly a gigantic monkey appeared out of the nowhere! It was both, a fascinating and horrifying moment at the same time!
Victor S.
eat fresh
When I think of fast food I automatically think of McDonald’s and Burger king…not subway. But it is fast food…just slower fast food because it’s made for you and you only.
I took the subway to the Bronx bomber stadium the other day. The only problem is I live in LA and there is no subway connecting LA to NY…in fact there is no subway in LA at all, what the hell did I take?
This is a dangerous zone underground where only those lucky enough to travel in style…and by that i mean with the RATS that rule the roost down there! I love the subway but only as much as the rats do…so yeah a hell of a lot!
Elizabeth Webb
There are so many subway in New York. That is all people ride in over there. I believe that they are soon going to take over the world or something becuase they are so common. I haven’t been in one but i Hope i will some day.
Yep that is my life story
I thought of you on the long ride through the subway. I was alone except for the thought of you and the hundred or so strangers that seemed to crowd around me. I was comforted a bit, as long as I ignored the fact that you weren’t there. You never ride the subway.
subway, do you remember those days when we used to play “who can stay up longest?”
And then the subway would jerk and we’d all fall over, oh those were the days.
Now adays you promise to catch me. Please, I fell again today and there was no catching.
I fell again today, blood down my arms, where are you??
Maybe we should take the subway again, and maybe, maybe we’ll stay up to play.
So if I was Jared, and had mad all that cash, what would I do….probably open up my own subway. I mean if you don’t get sick of eating the same thing for a year, you probably never will
i went to the subway and it was really ugly and i saw hotdogs there and they looked really nasty and they were even purple and then i met my great great grandma eating a purple hotdog and it was nasty
driving with smelly people that you dont know. wondering whats going on in these people like.
Take the subway and ride it all the way to the end of the city. You’ll find me at the bottom of the stairwell, with a little brown notebook and a leather bound journal. I’ll read to you, a poem that I wrote to him, since he’s no longer here for me to read it aloud.
five… five dollar… five dollar SHUT THE FUCK UP
Fred Man Jones
Wide eyed stares at steaming plates
heaped with cabbage, figs and dates.
Sallys appetite abates
mouth shut tight she waits and waits.
Hunger barely kept at bay
not allowed outside to play.
Thats the price that she must pay
when shell only eat Subway.
Sabrina Podsobinski
subway hmmmm……. i dont no it is a under ground train it runs on electricity
i rode in a subway before it was awesome it was in canada
i was sitting there, in the dim light, a fluorescent bulb flickered off at the end of the waiting staion. I was alone but for an old woman, who sat quietly on a bench a few yards away. her tattered clothes were hanging from her pail frame,
ella fiasco
she swayed, dangerously. her lips were stained red, still a remnant of the wine that had seeped from the bottle now broken and laying at her feet.
they watcher her, riding the cars to their homes, their work places, their lovers.
jessi m.
The subway is a crowded place, and also a resturant. when you happen to get on the one that isn’t a train, your first thought is usually one of relief. “thank god, i’m not in the middle of the crowd anymore.”
i like subway sandwiches but one time there was a spider in the subway so i started going to jimmy johns instead. now i don’t even think about going to subway. i rode the subway in new york city but chicago doesn’t have subways, instead we have l trains. but i would rather take my car since i can sing as loud as i want by myself.
i can’t wait to go to newyork next week. me and my friend are going to sneak out one night to go with out all the school chaporones. WOOT. yeah i hope we get to ride the subway.
I don’t know where I would go if there were no subway. When all the thoughts in my head get too noisy for me to hear what I’m really thinking it makes sense that I would go here. The place where it’s busier and more hectic then in my mind. The only place where people are coming and going more than they are in real life.
the rusty metal plunged into my chest
ripped at vannila-bean skin that bound frail blanched bones together. Black cascaded my vision, screaming filled my ears, and i tasted that horrible flavour of death on these chapped lips.
I always hated this bloody subway.
The subway
cold dark forboding
it’s freezing
dank damp daring
it’s too slow
it’s too bumpy
it’s too fucking uncomfortable
I don’t
no billions
of peoples sickness
or germs
they’re all over the
plastic seats
the fucking glass windows
I need a car
train in a tunnel with darkness and many people crowded into it. stairs leading underground and some very shady people that hang out near it. Chicago, New York, Los Angeles are some cities that have subways.
Ty Cobb
I left the subway station at six o’ clock in the morning. I had slept there all night. It’s not like I had chosen to sleep there but I had drank a few bottles of nice red wine and it warmed me to sleep. Now I’m walking around in a slump with all the others.
benjamin paynter
Subway is not a nice place to be. It is stinky and smelly. I have been there before but I do not think you would want to go. I loathe it
Subway.! the fat guys’ fast food. even though in reality its slow…so does that make ti it fast food? or perhaps good food fast? or begtger yet maybe good food slow…? hmm. Speaking of which. what came first,..the chick or the egg? it was prolly some freaky bacteria that gave freakish birth to both
a delicious place for sandwiches, beloved by vegetarians and meatlovers alike.
i find the flavored breads a little too much for my tastes and the salad is weak, but the human assembly line is prety neat to watch
I rode that subway, to and fro everyday. I got to my home from work and vice versa, so much so that it had become part of me, the people, the diversity, the movement…it pulsed forward and drove my life. I moved at that incredible speed, advancing from one stage of life to another like the stations that a train stopped at…until I reached the peak where I go no further, and had to come to terms with what I had left behind.
The subway was crowded. There was no place to move. The body sweat was a stench beyond description. Here he was in the middle of the masses.
times square, the n the r the q and w, the catacombs that i now can naviagate with the ease of a seasoned new yorker – they bring me to harlem to my sub-par masters classes, they transport me to weekends in williamsburg, to the hay
He was there with his friends. They were waiting on the train and they started to scuffle like boys will do. He fell from the platform. He started vomiting blood. He was dead within a few days from a subdural hematoma. He never got on the train.
I was on the subway, not quite sure where I was headed. I knew that my stop had passed but I thought if I traveled a little further that I would come to the place from my dreams. I thought about him as I sat on the hard plastic seat and wondered
I think of food – 6 inch and footlong. They don’t cater that well for vegetarians so I don’t go there too often. Their vege patties are pretty gross and stick to the roof of your mouth.
I also think of underground railways but I’m more familiar with the Metro in Paris and the Underground in London…I haven’t been to New York and I think that’s where they have the Subway.
so i took the subway and rode it as far as it goes, or pretty much until i couldn’t see the sun anymore. i got off and didn’t know where i was. oh well i thought to myself. i don’t have much to do for the rest of my life anyway. i wish i had maybe spoken to the girl on the subway. haven’t really spoken to a girl in a while. that’s probably what i need. a girl.
He stepped onto the subway platform and glanced to his right. She was still there. She had gotten off the train too. Where was she headed, who was she going to see. Was she going to work. He thought about how she might be as he glanced over at her again, now next to him on the subway stairs.
Eat Fresh! For real though – I would never ride in a subway. Call me a country bumpkin if yo will, but those are death traps. Oh! Ride on a speeding bullet underground? Ya….No. I suppose that’s why I live in colorado though.
I’ve never been on a subway. I’ve never even been to a city with a subway. But sometimes I go to the sandwich restaurant. You know how they have that wallpaper with maps of new york? I always love looking at that. Sometimes I wonder if there are subways in New York, and if you get lost you can run into a subway restaurant and look at the walls to find your position.
i think of london and all people going by the subway.. i also think of rome and going by the subway to the next stop… it’s dark and crowded, kind of scary actually.. where am i to go? i’m not used to subways since i live in a smaller otwn
He was sitting in the Subway as suddenly a gigantic monkey appeared out of the nowhere! It was both, a fascinating and horrifying moment at the same time!
eat fresh
When I think of fast food I automatically think of McDonald’s and Burger king…not subway. But it is fast food…just slower fast food because it’s made for you and you only.
I took the subway to the Bronx bomber stadium the other day. The only problem is I live in LA and there is no subway connecting LA to NY…in fact there is no subway in LA at all, what the hell did I take?
This is a dangerous zone underground where only those lucky enough to travel in style…and by that i mean with the RATS that rule the roost down there! I love the subway but only as much as the rats do…so yeah a hell of a lot!
There are so many subway in New York. That is all people ride in over there. I believe that they are soon going to take over the world or something becuase they are so common. I haven’t been in one but i Hope i will some day.
Yep that is my life story
I thought of you on the long ride through the subway. I was alone except for the thought of you and the hundred or so strangers that seemed to crowd around me. I was comforted a bit, as long as I ignored the fact that you weren’t there. You never ride the subway.
subway, do you remember those days when we used to play “who can stay up longest?”
And then the subway would jerk and we’d all fall over, oh those were the days.
Now adays you promise to catch me. Please, I fell again today and there was no catching.
I fell again today, blood down my arms, where are you??
Maybe we should take the subway again, and maybe, maybe we’ll stay up to play.
So if I was Jared, and had mad all that cash, what would I do….probably open up my own subway. I mean if you don’t get sick of eating the same thing for a year, you probably never will
i went to the subway and it was really ugly and i saw hotdogs there and they looked really nasty and they were even purple and then i met my great great grandma eating a purple hotdog and it was nasty
driving with smelly people that you dont know. wondering whats going on in these people like.
Take the subway and ride it all the way to the end of the city. You’ll find me at the bottom of the stairwell, with a little brown notebook and a leather bound journal. I’ll read to you, a poem that I wrote to him, since he’s no longer here for me to read it aloud.
five… five dollar… five dollar SHUT THE FUCK UP
Wide eyed stares at steaming plates
heaped with cabbage, figs and dates.
Sallys appetite abates
mouth shut tight she waits and waits.
Hunger barely kept at bay
not allowed outside to play.
Thats the price that she must pay
when shell only eat Subway.
subway hmmmm……. i dont no it is a under ground train it runs on electricity
i rode in a subway before it was awesome it was in canada
i was sitting there, in the dim light, a fluorescent bulb flickered off at the end of the waiting staion. I was alone but for an old woman, who sat quietly on a bench a few yards away. her tattered clothes were hanging from her pail frame,
she swayed, dangerously. her lips were stained red, still a remnant of the wine that had seeped from the bottle now broken and laying at her feet.
they watcher her, riding the cars to their homes, their work places, their lovers.
The subway is a crowded place, and also a resturant. when you happen to get on the one that isn’t a train, your first thought is usually one of relief. “thank god, i’m not in the middle of the crowd anymore.”
i like subway sandwiches but one time there was a spider in the subway so i started going to jimmy johns instead. now i don’t even think about going to subway. i rode the subway in new york city but chicago doesn’t have subways, instead we have l trains. but i would rather take my car since i can sing as loud as i want by myself.
i can’t wait to go to newyork next week. me and my friend are going to sneak out one night to go with out all the school chaporones. WOOT. yeah i hope we get to ride the subway.
I don’t know where I would go if there were no subway. When all the thoughts in my head get too noisy for me to hear what I’m really thinking it makes sense that I would go here. The place where it’s busier and more hectic then in my mind. The only place where people are coming and going more than they are in real life.
the rusty metal plunged into my chest
ripped at vannila-bean skin that bound frail blanched bones together. Black cascaded my vision, screaming filled my ears, and i tasted that horrible flavour of death on these chapped lips.
I always hated this bloody subway.
The subway
cold dark forboding
it’s freezing
dank damp daring
it’s too slow
it’s too bumpy
it’s too fucking uncomfortable
I don’t
no billions
of peoples sickness
or germs
they’re all over the
plastic seats
the fucking glass windows
I need a car
train in a tunnel with darkness and many people crowded into it. stairs leading underground and some very shady people that hang out near it. Chicago, New York, Los Angeles are some cities that have subways.
I left the subway station at six o’ clock in the morning. I had slept there all night. It’s not like I had chosen to sleep there but I had drank a few bottles of nice red wine and it warmed me to sleep. Now I’m walking around in a slump with all the others.
Subway is not a nice place to be. It is stinky and smelly. I have been there before but I do not think you would want to go. I loathe it