subways are warm, packed and you can smell other people’s stinky breaths. People sleep there and they would probably miss their exit.
Ben Peck
Subway is a food place where you can buy sandwiches and drinks. I like to eat there as there is a wide variety of food.
Jordan Yoong
Subway is a place where u can eat sandwiches contently and a place where u can hang out with friends:)
Alex Lee
Subway Eat Fresh. the sandwiches are filled with onions that make you fart.
Subway is splendid, nice , fabulous , famous , wonderful and delicious.
keith chew zikai
Subway is splendid, nice , fabulous , famous , wonderful and delicious.
keith chew zikai
we hate eating sandwiches at subway. subway is not nice at all. i hate subway!boo to subway!
ethan and elisha
i went to subway to eat a delicious chicken sandwitch.
richng and ty
Subway is a nice place to eat healthy sandwiches. I like terriyaki chicken sandwich.
Subway is a place for everyone to eat. The food is delicious.
Timothy Tan
The Subway is a place where we meet to look at trains. Ihave nothing else to say LOLZ:)
mark ong
I walked into the subway and saw a homeless man and a dinosaur. I turned my head away and looked back and saw only a homeless man. Some things go away with time, I concluded.
Subway is a very healthy place to eat you want to try my ultra stupid sandwich shit has absolutely nothing to do with subways and my shit tastes very good!
Yap An Russell
Subway is a wonderful place to go with friends. As you bite into the sandwich with your friend facing you, doing the same, you get a feeling of togetherness.
Edmund Wu
subways kept me going in Canada
read it and weep but don’t wear it well on your sleeve
Very delicious, very juicy and super healthy. This is my favourite SUBWAY sandwich, nothing can ever replace it.
I went in a subway once. We sang with the man who plays guitar for a living. It was fun. Dad didn’t like it. he didn’t want us to do it. He never lets us do anything. No boys, no short skirts nothing. Maybe we didn’t really sing in the subway.
Jennifer Bennett
Subways are really cool. They are sick things that Get you from C to F. Some subway are attcked really stupid people. But some subways taste
the subway is a rather dirty place, well some of them are at least. I don’t really know about any subways other than the new york subway. I remember when I was little, and the trains would go by, it felt like the station was moving and not the train. My dad would always yell at me for getting too close to the edge, saying I’d fall in and die. I dunno if I’d be that unfortunate, but it could be a gruesome way to die.
We were looking at our feet. We both clearly fought the urge to make eye contact. You never really know if it’s unwanted. Make an eye, get a glare. Best to keep to yourself. I still think I fell in love with you.
subway sandwiches make my brother have really bad gas. like one time when we were traveling across the country we stopped in oklahoma and he got a subway sandwich with every kind of meat on it..worst smell ever!! i don’t like to eat there anymore. i have never been on a subway.
i lied about being stuck in the subway today. i wasn’t. i was out filling a bag full of candy at a candystore. i could’ve gone home. i was exhausted.
but candy and me, its a never ending relationship.
The subway is, in many countries, a dark and dreary place; but here in Singapore it so spankingly clean.
“Subway. Eat Fresh!”
That’s what the sign said, anyway. The lukewarm chicken of dubious origin, splattered carelessly with sauce from a plastic container, did little to sate my hunger. I probably should’ve just waited till I got home.
The next week, I got food poisoning.
subway train. subway food eatery.subway standard..subway down the tunnel. Subway meeting you.Subway west. Subway night. Subway time. Subway thinking..
Lately I’ve been so pissed off with driving, with all the lights and traffic. But I forget, when I get that angry, how great it feels to have a car. I don’t live in a subway city, but if I did, I’d probably hate that far worse than the driving and the traffic. The crowds, the germs, not being able to listen to my CDs…sometimes I forget how much I should appreciate some aspects of the stuff I think I hate.
Sweet Emma Rose
i really love subway but my sister is obessed with it i cant belive that she love ssubway that much its almost like horses- hoepfully she’ll be nmore normal in high school oer veen college maybe they will al lgo to uc irvine. its such a great school i hope ken leaves me alone jsut leave me alone and give me space its not cool to coddle me after i break up with you dylan needs to realize he isnt as cool as he thinks im too mean to him i need to chill out for a bit its cool though i hope he realizes i want him only as a big bro only it would be awkward if we were anything more natalie’s sloppy seconds no thanks even though i know theres been more girls i guess i’ll just get jealous if something did happen. gah.
shot on the subway; red coat- can’t see blood; falls to ground -green scarf man helps in technicolour.
I have to pee. I’m going to take a shower. Those things aren’t really related, except that both mean I’ll have to get up and go into the bathroom. In fact, it kinda makes sense that if I do one, I can then do the other (pee first probably). Then again, maybe I’ll just pee in the shower. They say it’s good for it, it has ammonia which cleans stuff out.
The people on a subway:
You may only be with them for a moment.
You may never see them again.
But in that moment, that piece of life you share:
You may change their life forever.
They may change yours.
For better or for worse.
You don’t know where they came from or who they are.
But for a moment, a moment when you are in the same place at the same time, you share a goal and a destination.
Mimi Dong
train station. I found a note on the seat next to where I sat that had someone’s biggest secret spilled onto it, and I found myself crying because of what they had written. A stranger’s confession affected me more than anything else had lately.
chelsea N.
30 years of Parts & Service experience ranging from a mechanic to service manager.
Develop and motivating distributors in South East Asia areas to provide good after-sale services.
Handling of customers feedback on technical issues and provides solutions.
Verify and approve warranty claims from Distributors
Conducted technical product training for distributors and customers
Established and monitoring KPI monthly on Parts and Service On-Time Delivery for Parts & On-Time-Completion on Service, Quality on Repair and Customers satisfaction
Managed MRP and replenishment of parts inventory
So I have this HORRIBLE, not-so-irrational fear of subway tracks. Really just train tracks in general. It’s horrid. I am always afraid I’ll fall in, and the train will come and I’ll get hurt. So whenever I’m at a train station, I always stand behind the yellow line and lean over to see if the train is coming. Not safe. But it makes me feel better.
a subway…i remember when we went to NYC and we went on the subway, my brother was rolling around on the floor of the station, disgusting i know, but it was kind of funny, and then he kept sliding all over the seats on the train
I have never taken the subway, but one day I will. Only there are so many things that could go wrong on the subway, and I am always thinking of the terrible things that could happen in any situation. You should hear my top five reasons why I will never sky-dive…
cheap, efficient public transportation. we could possibly benefit greatly by congregating in even more large cities than we have and making sure there is a good subway system in all of them
i sit. and you stand. hovering.
let’s pretend you didn’t say what i think you said.
I’ve always wanted to just ride a subway to the end of the line and back and just nap. See where I end up. Maybe I’ll end up somewhere interesting or meet someone but it is something to do and it is better tha nsitting around.
subways are warm, packed and you can smell other people’s stinky breaths. People sleep there and they would probably miss their exit.
Subway is a food place where you can buy sandwiches and drinks. I like to eat there as there is a wide variety of food.
Subway is a place where u can eat sandwiches contently and a place where u can hang out with friends:)
Subway Eat Fresh. the sandwiches are filled with onions that make you fart.
Subway is splendid, nice , fabulous , famous , wonderful and delicious.
Subway is splendid, nice , fabulous , famous , wonderful and delicious.
we hate eating sandwiches at subway. subway is not nice at all. i hate subway!boo to subway!
i went to subway to eat a delicious chicken sandwitch.
Subway is a nice place to eat healthy sandwiches. I like terriyaki chicken sandwich.
Subway is a place for everyone to eat. The food is delicious.
The Subway is a place where we meet to look at trains. Ihave nothing else to say LOLZ:)
I walked into the subway and saw a homeless man and a dinosaur. I turned my head away and looked back and saw only a homeless man. Some things go away with time, I concluded.
Subway is a very healthy place to eat you want to try my ultra stupid sandwich shit has absolutely nothing to do with subways and my shit tastes very good!
Subway is a wonderful place to go with friends. As you bite into the sandwich with your friend facing you, doing the same, you get a feeling of togetherness.
subways kept me going in Canada
read it and weep but don’t wear it well on your sleeve
Very delicious, very juicy and super healthy. This is my favourite SUBWAY sandwich, nothing can ever replace it.
I went in a subway once. We sang with the man who plays guitar for a living. It was fun. Dad didn’t like it. he didn’t want us to do it. He never lets us do anything. No boys, no short skirts nothing. Maybe we didn’t really sing in the subway.
Subways are really cool. They are sick things that Get you from C to F. Some subway are attcked really stupid people. But some subways taste
the subway is a rather dirty place, well some of them are at least. I don’t really know about any subways other than the new york subway. I remember when I was little, and the trains would go by, it felt like the station was moving and not the train. My dad would always yell at me for getting too close to the edge, saying I’d fall in and die. I dunno if I’d be that unfortunate, but it could be a gruesome way to die.
We were looking at our feet. We both clearly fought the urge to make eye contact. You never really know if it’s unwanted. Make an eye, get a glare. Best to keep to yourself. I still think I fell in love with you.
subway sandwiches make my brother have really bad gas. like one time when we were traveling across the country we stopped in oklahoma and he got a subway sandwich with every kind of meat on it..worst smell ever!! i don’t like to eat there anymore. i have never been on a subway.
i lied about being stuck in the subway today. i wasn’t. i was out filling a bag full of candy at a candystore. i could’ve gone home. i was exhausted.
but candy and me, its a never ending relationship.
The subway is, in many countries, a dark and dreary place; but here in Singapore it so spankingly clean.
“Subway. Eat Fresh!”
That’s what the sign said, anyway. The lukewarm chicken of dubious origin, splattered carelessly with sauce from a plastic container, did little to sate my hunger. I probably should’ve just waited till I got home.
The next week, I got food poisoning.
subway train. subway food eatery.subway standard..subway down the tunnel. Subway meeting you.Subway west. Subway night. Subway time. Subway thinking..
Lately I’ve been so pissed off with driving, with all the lights and traffic. But I forget, when I get that angry, how great it feels to have a car. I don’t live in a subway city, but if I did, I’d probably hate that far worse than the driving and the traffic. The crowds, the germs, not being able to listen to my CDs…sometimes I forget how much I should appreciate some aspects of the stuff I think I hate.
i really love subway but my sister is obessed with it i cant belive that she love ssubway that much its almost like horses- hoepfully she’ll be nmore normal in high school oer veen college maybe they will al lgo to uc irvine. its such a great school i hope ken leaves me alone jsut leave me alone and give me space its not cool to coddle me after i break up with you dylan needs to realize he isnt as cool as he thinks im too mean to him i need to chill out for a bit its cool though i hope he realizes i want him only as a big bro only it would be awkward if we were anything more natalie’s sloppy seconds no thanks even though i know theres been more girls i guess i’ll just get jealous if something did happen. gah.
shot on the subway; red coat- can’t see blood; falls to ground -green scarf man helps in technicolour.
I have to pee. I’m going to take a shower. Those things aren’t really related, except that both mean I’ll have to get up and go into the bathroom. In fact, it kinda makes sense that if I do one, I can then do the other (pee first probably). Then again, maybe I’ll just pee in the shower. They say it’s good for it, it has ammonia which cleans stuff out.
The people on a subway:
You may only be with them for a moment.
You may never see them again.
But in that moment, that piece of life you share:
You may change their life forever.
They may change yours.
For better or for worse.
You don’t know where they came from or who they are.
But for a moment, a moment when you are in the same place at the same time, you share a goal and a destination.
train station. I found a note on the seat next to where I sat that had someone’s biggest secret spilled onto it, and I found myself crying because of what they had written. A stranger’s confession affected me more than anything else had lately.
30 years of Parts & Service experience ranging from a mechanic to service manager.
Develop and motivating distributors in South East Asia areas to provide good after-sale services.
Handling of customers feedback on technical issues and provides solutions.
Verify and approve warranty claims from Distributors
Conducted technical product training for distributors and customers
Established and monitoring KPI monthly on Parts and Service On-Time Delivery for Parts & On-Time-Completion on Service, Quality on Repair and Customers satisfaction
Managed MRP and replenishment of parts inventory
So I have this HORRIBLE, not-so-irrational fear of subway tracks. Really just train tracks in general. It’s horrid. I am always afraid I’ll fall in, and the train will come and I’ll get hurt. So whenever I’m at a train station, I always stand behind the yellow line and lean over to see if the train is coming. Not safe. But it makes me feel better.
a subway…i remember when we went to NYC and we went on the subway, my brother was rolling around on the floor of the station, disgusting i know, but it was kind of funny, and then he kept sliding all over the seats on the train
I have never taken the subway, but one day I will. Only there are so many things that could go wrong on the subway, and I am always thinking of the terrible things that could happen in any situation. You should hear my top five reasons why I will never sky-dive…
cheap, efficient public transportation. we could possibly benefit greatly by congregating in even more large cities than we have and making sure there is a good subway system in all of them
i sit. and you stand. hovering.
let’s pretend you didn’t say what i think you said.
I’ve always wanted to just ride a subway to the end of the line and back and just nap. See where I end up. Maybe I’ll end up somewhere interesting or meet someone but it is something to do and it is better tha nsitting around.