An underground way or gallery, especially a passage under a street, in which water mains, gas mains and telegraph wires are conducted.
a short tunnel or underground passageway for pedestrians, automobiles, etc.; underpass
i want to move to a city which there is a subway. to smell peoples dirty socks and ‘read’ the newspaper to cover my true feelings of the day.
never have i ridden a plane, never have i been in a taxi, never have i climbed aboard a subway.
In the subway is where I will go. Taking the narrow tunnel to a place of eternity. Grasp the truth before it is too late.
i rushed to the subway to catch the last train.
Once upon a time there were three mice who lived under the subway tracks. The subway was a very dangerous and terrifying world yet full of adventures waiting to be undertaken. Now, Alex, the eldest of these three mice went out one day.
the subways are pretty dirty. i mean, it seems like they would hire janitors to clean them and stuff, but theyre always so filthy. a giant metal worm crawling through tunnels below the earth, now that i think about it, is a pretty dumb idea. ideas should probably be filtered from now on so that the bad ones get left out and the good ones are allowed in.
The subway train sped past me, just a blur amongst all of the commuters. I would have to wait for the next one, and my eyes gravitated towards the electronic timetable above me. The next train would come in ten minutes time. As the train had sped away and left the station completely, that’s when I saw her, on the other side of the tracks.
i took the subway and arrive unexpectedly at a location not on any map, or time. A trip into my past as I caught a glance of my past.
I love eating subway sandwiches. Especially the chicken teriyaki sandwich. Whenever there is a chance, I will drive down to the nearest subway (at Midvalley Morwell) and grab a footlong, which will fill me up for both lunch and dinner. When I am in the city over the weekends, I usually visit the Subway near the Queen Victoria Market. Subway is the best fast food ever.
Tony Thio
a sandwich that is really really great to eat and will fill your stomach whenever and wherever!:D
the subway was the one place they would always consider home. rose, an interior decorator, was terrified of crowds and awkward situations. nick, a teacher, was quite the opposite. they always wanted the best things in life. but they never really went around to get their licences.
jordan o'halloran
I stood at the platform, at the very edge of it. I felt my insides freeze over and my throat suddenly felt stuck. The train was coming. I only had seconds to act.
I’ve only ridden on a subway once. It was gross and much to big of a hassle. I don’t like them. On the flip side I like the sandwich shop. It’s not the best but it’s simple and sometimes it just hits the spot. Plus ya know, it worked for Jared.
trains cars and planes all moving swiftly between the sidewalk grates.
people running tripping slipping falling on their way to catch the train.
movers shakers and producers, why is that in my head?
Alexandra Reissig
The subway is the most difficult section of the no mercy campaign. The tight corners, invisible blind spots, and small quarters.
dark deep black train below the ground noisy tunnel sometimes dirty token stairs lost crowded new york traffic transportation
You know me,
I’ll ride this train back and forth five times
just so I know this is the right place.
I’ll sit here and write this letter ten times
just to make sure that I tell you the right thing.
Subway raised the price on my veggie-burger sandwiches. I’m out.
hmm… few things that i miss about subway.
the one in italy. run down with tons of graffitti all over.
the one in paris. didnt pay and got multiple free rides.
the one in london. complicated like anything.
singapore ntu. subway; eat fresh! hahaha (:
riding in small cars, which aren’t cars, with people. some who smell, they hold the rails, they seem so dirty, and their hands are wiping off the dirt and a young couple with 2 kids and the dad puts the little girls hand on the rail (euuuch) and it’s red nose day and the little boy pulls a soft red nose out of the sack on the pram and hands it to his mom and starts reading the paper insert but surely he can’t
dina Grasko
I imagine it’s a rattling ride,
shutter here, shake there,
rumbling so hard that it numbs where ever it touches you,
but perhaps I’m imagining a little too hard
and what I really want is to ride away from you.
subway sandwiches are non fattening
subway cookies are a bit boring
subway trains pack lives in like sardines
but a subway marathon sounds good for datin’!
it was dank and full of pee. the walls were smeared with mucus and a fresh batch of germs. the light flickered almost monotonously. but he lay there immobile and unnoticed by those who passed him.
the sandwiches that you eat
the man you see staring at you across the car
the underground railroad that free the corporate slaves from the shackles of business
here to there, it goes where there need not be roads
freedom under ground.
is there a subway to your heart? sometimes it seems that it’s just a one way road to it. Hm… maybe i will, maybe i won’t, will you?
I ran as fast as I could down the narrow stairway to just in time to catch the subway car. the doors slid shut just as I ran through and found the only seat next to a large man who took up half of my seat too.
subway.. yummy sammiches.. or the way you get to work.. or anywhere for that matter. what about those sammiches though? you know what i mean, they’re great. can’t go wrong with the FIVE DOLLAR FOOT LONG! yummm, i want subway right now. as for getting there, i should take the subway.. if only i had an idea where one was located.
Mark stepped onto the subway as it came to a grinding halt in front of him. He checked the pistol holstered at his hip before looking at his watch. It read 11:45. He nodded to himself, looked around at his fellow passengers, drew his pistol and started shooting. Let the cops catch me now, he thought.
Kyle Voss
when i was in sixth grade, i took a mission trip to DC with my church youth group. It was my first subway experiance. I love the underground! Such a fun way to travel, useful and convieniant. I love the acoustics of the halls. So cool!
it is a place where train like items ride. it is underground. it is colder undergroung. it could also be a large sandwich that has a long length. it comes in many flavors and is sold a subway and quiznos. it is cool. so cool. i wonder wtf im doing. this is so cool. this is the last sentence.
I have never ridden a subway but i have always wanted to. I never thought the subway would seem interesting until I read Neil Gaiman’s Neverwhere. Then all i wanted to do was ride the Underground in Londin. It has always been a weird dream of mine to try it out. Probably smells like piss though.
dark, dank, rancid
the smells infiltrate
i feel woozy
the damp surroundings overwhelm
the rush of the train
screeching sounds of metal against metal
running out
i feel safer, out of the subway.
subway is a fast and hot train to send people around wherever you are
richng and ty
Sandwiches I eat to often and then wonder why it seems there’s a Subway near every newspaper office at which I’ve worked. Except not true of Austin’s, where options are MUCH more interesting. Thing to ride on, of course, which I don’t have access to because I live in a tiny town in the mountains. Sometimes they crash. Rarely. Mostly in movies. Or with monsters.
subway is nice to eat because it is very delicious and healthy.
ryan and justen
If it is a hot day,subway is the place to go.It sells all types of delious sandwiches.
Joel Chan
Subways are like MRT of USA,Britain and Australia. It is found underground many gangfights take place over there. it is the common transport for many citizens of USA and is usually very crowded just like singapores MRT. Subways are found not only in USA but in other countries such as Britain and Austraia. Subways are always crowded no matter where it is.
I don’t like subway where it is too crowded.
I don’t like subway where it is too crowded.
An underground way or gallery, especially a passage under a street, in which water mains, gas mains and telegraph wires are conducted.
a short tunnel or underground passageway for pedestrians, automobiles, etc.; underpass
i want to move to a city which there is a subway. to smell peoples dirty socks and ‘read’ the newspaper to cover my true feelings of the day.
never have i ridden a plane, never have i been in a taxi, never have i climbed aboard a subway.
In the subway is where I will go. Taking the narrow tunnel to a place of eternity. Grasp the truth before it is too late.
i rushed to the subway to catch the last train.
Once upon a time there were three mice who lived under the subway tracks. The subway was a very dangerous and terrifying world yet full of adventures waiting to be undertaken. Now, Alex, the eldest of these three mice went out one day.
the subways are pretty dirty. i mean, it seems like they would hire janitors to clean them and stuff, but theyre always so filthy. a giant metal worm crawling through tunnels below the earth, now that i think about it, is a pretty dumb idea. ideas should probably be filtered from now on so that the bad ones get left out and the good ones are allowed in.
The subway train sped past me, just a blur amongst all of the commuters. I would have to wait for the next one, and my eyes gravitated towards the electronic timetable above me. The next train would come in ten minutes time. As the train had sped away and left the station completely, that’s when I saw her, on the other side of the tracks.
i took the subway and arrive unexpectedly at a location not on any map, or time. A trip into my past as I caught a glance of my past.
I love eating subway sandwiches. Especially the chicken teriyaki sandwich. Whenever there is a chance, I will drive down to the nearest subway (at Midvalley Morwell) and grab a footlong, which will fill me up for both lunch and dinner. When I am in the city over the weekends, I usually visit the Subway near the Queen Victoria Market. Subway is the best fast food ever.
a sandwich that is really really great to eat and will fill your stomach whenever and wherever!:D
the subway was the one place they would always consider home. rose, an interior decorator, was terrified of crowds and awkward situations. nick, a teacher, was quite the opposite. they always wanted the best things in life. but they never really went around to get their licences.
I stood at the platform, at the very edge of it. I felt my insides freeze over and my throat suddenly felt stuck. The train was coming. I only had seconds to act.
I’ve only ridden on a subway once. It was gross and much to big of a hassle. I don’t like them. On the flip side I like the sandwich shop. It’s not the best but it’s simple and sometimes it just hits the spot. Plus ya know, it worked for Jared.
trains cars and planes all moving swiftly between the sidewalk grates.
people running tripping slipping falling on their way to catch the train.
movers shakers and producers, why is that in my head?
The subway is the most difficult section of the no mercy campaign. The tight corners, invisible blind spots, and small quarters.
dark deep black train below the ground noisy tunnel sometimes dirty token stairs lost crowded new york traffic transportation
You know me,
I’ll ride this train back and forth five times
just so I know this is the right place.
I’ll sit here and write this letter ten times
just to make sure that I tell you the right thing.
Subway raised the price on my veggie-burger sandwiches. I’m out.
hmm… few things that i miss about subway.
the one in italy. run down with tons of graffitti all over.
the one in paris. didnt pay and got multiple free rides.
the one in london. complicated like anything.
singapore ntu. subway; eat fresh! hahaha (:
riding in small cars, which aren’t cars, with people. some who smell, they hold the rails, they seem so dirty, and their hands are wiping off the dirt and a young couple with 2 kids and the dad puts the little girls hand on the rail (euuuch) and it’s red nose day and the little boy pulls a soft red nose out of the sack on the pram and hands it to his mom and starts reading the paper insert but surely he can’t
I imagine it’s a rattling ride,
shutter here, shake there,
rumbling so hard that it numbs where ever it touches you,
but perhaps I’m imagining a little too hard
and what I really want is to ride away from you.
subway sandwiches are non fattening
subway cookies are a bit boring
subway trains pack lives in like sardines
but a subway marathon sounds good for datin’!
it was dank and full of pee. the walls were smeared with mucus and a fresh batch of germs. the light flickered almost monotonously. but he lay there immobile and unnoticed by those who passed him.
the sandwiches that you eat
the man you see staring at you across the car
the underground railroad that free the corporate slaves from the shackles of business
here to there, it goes where there need not be roads
freedom under ground.
is there a subway to your heart? sometimes it seems that it’s just a one way road to it. Hm… maybe i will, maybe i won’t, will you?
I ran as fast as I could down the narrow stairway to just in time to catch the subway car. the doors slid shut just as I ran through and found the only seat next to a large man who took up half of my seat too.
subway.. yummy sammiches.. or the way you get to work.. or anywhere for that matter. what about those sammiches though? you know what i mean, they’re great. can’t go wrong with the FIVE DOLLAR FOOT LONG! yummm, i want subway right now. as for getting there, i should take the subway.. if only i had an idea where one was located.
Mark stepped onto the subway as it came to a grinding halt in front of him. He checked the pistol holstered at his hip before looking at his watch. It read 11:45. He nodded to himself, looked around at his fellow passengers, drew his pistol and started shooting. Let the cops catch me now, he thought.
when i was in sixth grade, i took a mission trip to DC with my church youth group. It was my first subway experiance. I love the underground! Such a fun way to travel, useful and convieniant. I love the acoustics of the halls. So cool!
it is a place where train like items ride. it is underground. it is colder undergroung. it could also be a large sandwich that has a long length. it comes in many flavors and is sold a subway and quiznos. it is cool. so cool. i wonder wtf im doing. this is so cool. this is the last sentence.
I have never ridden a subway but i have always wanted to. I never thought the subway would seem interesting until I read Neil Gaiman’s Neverwhere. Then all i wanted to do was ride the Underground in Londin. It has always been a weird dream of mine to try it out. Probably smells like piss though.
dark, dank, rancid
the smells infiltrate
i feel woozy
the damp surroundings overwhelm
the rush of the train
screeching sounds of metal against metal
running out
i feel safer, out of the subway.
subway is a fast and hot train to send people around wherever you are
Sandwiches I eat to often and then wonder why it seems there’s a Subway near every newspaper office at which I’ve worked. Except not true of Austin’s, where options are MUCH more interesting. Thing to ride on, of course, which I don’t have access to because I live in a tiny town in the mountains. Sometimes they crash. Rarely. Mostly in movies. Or with monsters.
subway is nice to eat because it is very delicious and healthy.
If it is a hot day,subway is the place to go.It sells all types of delious sandwiches.
Subways are like MRT of USA,Britain and Australia. It is found underground many gangfights take place over there. it is the common transport for many citizens of USA and is usually very crowded just like singapores MRT. Subways are found not only in USA but in other countries such as Britain and Austraia. Subways are always crowded no matter where it is.