
March 25th, 2009 | 400 Entries

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400 Entries for “subway”

  1. It was pouring outside. He was alone on the subway.
    A stranger dropped into a seat just beside his, but he didn’t bother to look up.
    “Do you believe in life after death?”

  2. subway eat fresh
    the 71 year old lady who fainted and fell onto the mrt track and died.
    which made the train delay and made me almost late for school
    sub and way = half way
    sub x=mx +c

  3. I take trains from the subway.

  4. A stream of strangers shoving, jostling, pushing, laughing, crying, screaming, complaining and griping their way through the subway.

  5. I LOVE THE SUBWAY. The one time I was on it was in Washington, D.C. for a closeup trip. APparently it’s one of the nicest ones. I remember when my friend and I rode it by ourselves and got smooshed between all the other passengers. It was crowded that day. I remember liking the feeling of being close to everyone and hearing their conversations. As if their lives were my own.

  6. Jane waited impatiently at the subway as people came and go, not caring whether it was pouring outside.

  7. He glanced at his watch, noting the time, while at the same time tapping his foot impatiently. Overhead, the old lights flickered on and off, reflecting the little care the government had for this area. Without warning, the lights came off, plunging the subway into darkness and setting off alarm bells in the head of the mysterious man.

  8. I am inside the subway, looking into the tunnel reminds me that there is still a long way ahead until I reach my goal.

  9. Eating a sandwich on an underground train, one wonders where the redundancy starts. How many sandwiches are there at Subway anyway? That’s a good question. Probably too many.

    C’est la vie.

    Bennett Jackson
  10. I used the subway and found a buster singing an old song.

  11. There was a chicken mascot standing outside the subway. It offered me a leaflet on how chickens are cruelly killed in farms. The mascot’s big, unblinking eyes stared at me. I ignored it and moved on, feeling oddly influenced by its presence.

  12. Time to go to work again. Not much different today, but I don’t tot the usual…


    Today I have death in my hands, instead of a briefcase….

  13. subway again? how lochanges to another workd? ng before it -ping al horros the typing always jump around and words flung all over…

  14. I love trains! Fast trains, slooow trains, trains that plow through the snow! It’s lots and lots of trains! Put your ex on the tracks and watch your problems disappear! Don’t forget to tie them up! TRAINS! TRAINS! TRAINS! YEAH!

  15. take to town to do shopping. met friend on the way and talked abt good times. saw an a fight aboard two women pulling each others hair. dropped off at toto to buy tickets for the show tonight – phantom of the paradise. who knows i may like it have heard its very good. then tomorrow i will go to the dentist

  16. you better jump before you miss your train, she would be sad if you left too late. and she would be sad if you came back home. and she would be sad if you actually had left her that note in your pocket, at somewhere deep inside you hope she finds it without blood on it, preferably.

    March 26th, 2009.

    Christine Oania
  17. take to town to do shopping. met friend on the way and talked abt good times. saw an a fight aboard two women pulling each others hair. dropped off at toto to buy tickets for the show tonight – phantom of the paradise. who knows i may like it have heard its very good. then tomorrow i will go to the dentist

  18. Subways are fast speedy underground trains in Canada that bring people everywhere anytime. There are many Subway stations!

    Ed Peh
  19. Subways are fast speedy underground trains in Canada that bring people everywhere anytime. There are many Subway stations!

    Ed Peh
  20. Low down underground, i see you make your way through the crowd of this smoky subway. You dodge from left to right, fighting against the work time rush. Its hard to keep up with you as you try to evade my eyes, with quick darts and tight sqeezes through the tide of people.

  21. i took the subway to school today.

  22. I trudged slowly in the snow towards the subway.Aunt Cleon was going to meet me there to bring me to a restaurant for my birthday.

    Tay Jaslyn
  23. The subway train takes 30 minutes to arrive on average.

  24. Subways connect one side of the road to the other.They save us from the traffic and are especially useful for our safety.they are modern ways to cross the road.

  25. Sandwiches and underground metro public transit, Paris subway is much prettier than the DC metro. Easy to use and kinda messy.

  26. Subways are fast, subways are cool. Subways are fun, subways are exciting. Subways are useful, subways are passenger full. Subways take you from here to there and everywhere. Most of them are air-conditioned. We are so fortunate to have such a wonderful transport like the subway trains whizzing busily twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, fifty- two weeks a year, and maybe for the next few thousands of centuries. There is definitely no mode of transport as quick and effective as the amazing subways at every corner of the globe.

  27. I was chillin in the morning and i saw this dude come up to me with a knife he was crazy. So i punched him in the mouth and through him on the railway. A train was coming by so i through the trash can to hit him and keep him down. The train came by and hit him and I just walked away and laughed. People looked at me like i was crazy so i looked at them and said do you want some?

  28. plACE WHERE we take the train to another place, very busy place and very good for obseving. There is also a place called “subway” where you will eat fresh sandwiches

  29. 1

    Amy Tan
  30. jumping jalapenos flash before my tastebuds
    teasing little buggers with their
    salami whores in tow
    will i bite more than i can chew
    will i chomp and cherish you
    my growing tummy is delighted:
    B.M.T. – too good to fight it.

  31. i think of new york…they use subways all the time to get to places. I think of food…i want a sandwich. i want to go to new york and ride a subway to get where i want to go. i won’t have to drive and i won’t miss out on driving since ive already driven before.

  32. HI,

    Just trying to write something . . .

    fajar barianto
  33. The hapless tourist was lost in the ridiculously complicated New York subway system.

  34. Eat Fresh!

    Oliver Brookeshore
  35. People filed into the subway as they usually did. Sarah stood back and watched the hordes of people moving in and out of the cars, going about their daily lives.

  36. the new york subway spilled the masses of people like little ants from a charred hill on some madagascar plain.

  37. “Subway eat fresh!” That constant whirl of a nagger rang loudly in my header.Still working in the F&B shop which prides itself on providing the freshest and taste-savvy sandwiches makes me beam with enthusiasm.

  38. Riding on the subway depresses me.I see the same old masks on everyone’s face,lost in their own thought,their faces bore not a single expression,not a muscle twitch.Just the same dour,umsmiling face heading for the daily grind of their everyday life.

  39. He stood there staring….
    “I took the subway to reach you; and yet it still isn’t enough? You know how much I detest it!”

    His body moves towards mine
    “I can’t believe you, I was stuck in the most crowded car and I kept thinking….it’s for him…I can do this.”


  40. I don’t like subway where it is too crowded.
