
June 17th, 2009 | 446 Entries

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446 Entries for “suffocate”

  1. my heart hurt. i couldn’t see clearly. my ears felt like cotton was wadded into them. it wasn’t real suffocation, god no. i wish it was though. it was that kind of suffocation when you realize that you weren’t good enough. you didn’t meet standards. no one wanted you. i was that person. i wasn’t good enough. i was unwanted.

    stephany g
  2. more suffocation. i can’t hold onto you, when you can’t hold onto your self. maybe it’s better this way, daniel. maybe you should leave. stop asking me for advice. don’t you remember me, daniel? im the useless one. fuck your apologies.

    you can suffocate in your own time. decide how you want to die, instead of making me do it for you.

    fuck you daniel, im already dead.

    no nonsense
  3. no more air the time is running my breath is out of order please give me some air exit me out of water

  4. I worry I will suffocate her.

    So every night, I sit reading in the back room, while she sit reading in the front.

    She says, “don’t worry about it,”

    But I’m never really sure.

  5. She was suffocating in her own emotions. There was nothing she could do to stop herself from drowning in her own sadness. She was so ashamed that she was unable to reach out to him. She wanted very badly to let him know how she was suffering and didn’t know what to do in order to repair the damage. She lay there crying, allowing herself to suffocate.

  6. Today I suffocated it wasn’t my fault it just happened. Lightening perhaps I’m not sure. But the frogs should know the answer. One day I’ll ask them. It’s funny to think that an animal might just be more intelligent then humans.

    Nicole Morrison
  7. I was trapped underneath the lage metal dresser. Suffocating. Was this the end of my life? I saw my entire life flash before my eyes. I never got to say goodbye to my true love..

  8. plane crashing down on the waters, chaos,
    people crying, thought i would die in the fall
    emergency, for real, could istill be living?

  9. its so scary. suddenly being trapped inside a box, you weren’t dead. shit, man. you’re trapped in a fucking coffin. you scream, because you’re scared and that seems smart but really you’re just using up the oxygen even faster.

  10. Jag kv

    Mats Nilsson
  11. suffocate a cause for many ills. anything that is a mispell results to suffocate. can be physical, mental or anything that avoids your healthy thinking to grow and nuture.
    in medical terms suffocate is used in relation to the lungs or respiratory system.

  12. I look at the stars and the image of you begins to suffocate me. You grin and scream and tear me apart and I can’t find a word, not a single word to make you stop. Your grip tightens and my hands go cold and my eyes can no longer see the stars. You are all I need to see before everything disappears.

    Milka Mitrovic
  13. it feels like the walls are closing in. The darkness is to heavy there is not even enough air to breath what is this? What did i ask for? What is the meaning of jumping straight in if you’re not ready? Give me a break. Is it right to punish me for trying?

  14. This is a very scary subject for me as I have always been deathly afraid of suffocation. When I see people being buried alive on TV I have actual physical reactions and cannot watch. My brother tried to suffocate me when I was 8 years old, he used a pillow, I screamed and screamed but my mom never came to help me. To this day I cannot sleep with a cover over my head or be in a position where I cannot breathe. I even sleep with a fan just to keep the air moving

    Michelle Brower
  15. Right now, I feel like I might suffocate in this life I’m living. I don’t know why, but I am terrified that I am going to get stuck with someone I don’t want to be with, somewhere I don’t want to live, being a person I’m not proud of.

  16. breathing, harder stiffer i am suffocating, help fainter fainter, the colors are turning to black and grey i see nothing fading fading i am suffocating – slowly slowly no more breath left

  17. I waited for the train. It was late. Thousands of people started whispering from behind me. I suffocated.

  18. Er erdrosselte sie bei Mitternacht, als sie im Bette lag. Er kam durchs Fenster in der Nacht vorm lieben hellen Tag. Ein Kissen das lag neben ihr, dass nahm er ganz geschwind er erdrosselte sie nahm ihr das Leben wie ein kleines Kind. Erdrosseln ist ne schlechte Sache, wenn man am leben bleiben will.

  19. suffocate again…I thought there would be something different today. :(

  20. I love to suffocate myself in your love. I wrap my fingers around your happiness and twirl the long curls of your smiles. I hate when the outside air gets in….its as if pandora’s box has opened and all the crazy gets out…my heart can’t contain itself in the open air…it dies like a fish out of water….want to lose myself in your suffocating presence

    magen hahahahaha
  21. with air blowing too fast need a slow down right now—can’t suck in air–not like a pillow but a motorbike

  22. depth, braedth and longing, surrounding me, flowing over me, I am awash with rawness and emotion and then… All of a sudden nothingness; Days take on life.

    Dan Rowe
  23. Can’t breath. No air. Can’t inhale.

    Dallas Strong
  24. These days i feel as if i do not see him i will fall apart. But why? he is just a silly man. A typical man. I am sick of myself and my inability to breath on my own. I need help. I need to find the real me.

  25. pain, stuck, choke. Cant breath. tied. Helpless. Hopeless. Crying. Sad. Sun will come out.

  26. my breathing is cut off.
    i feel as though i only have a couple moments left of my pathetic life.
    the lights shines brighter with every struggled breath.
    my skin goes pale, wet, i can taste the salt in my tears.

    Taylor Baldwin
  27. to die ah hidoeus death. training for me, it’s something i’ve grown a costum to. the tingeling feeling of being choked to the point it turns black in front of your eyes is a wierd but not totally crappy feeling.

  28. it was a stormy night, and he had a pillow in his hand. I didnt know at the time what he was doing but i wish i did. I wish i did because my baby boy would still be here today.

  29. He couldn’t breathe. In the silent vacumn of space he lost conciousness and drifted slowly away.

  30. The walls pushing in around me. The pale musty palour of plastered walls. Every dimple, every crack, I know its face. The floor cold and sudden against my feet. How long have I been here? How will I leave? A crack will become a doorway, a gateway out of this damp interior. Out Out Out I must find a way..

    Laura Smith
  31. breathing learning allowing to let my self let go knowing that there will come a time when i will exhale being one with my inner self and releasing that which is holding me. my self. holding me in a state of suffocation.

  32. not breathing, being unproductive, hopelessness, despai

  33. where is this coming from, she wondered as she clawed her way across the carpet, down the hall and to the left, where the front door should have been. the smoke pressed down on her, and an unbearable heat felt like it was consuming her slowly. the door should have been there. in its place was a brick wall and a note that said, we will destroy you.

  34. he lowered the pillow unto her sleeping face and presssed down, gently at first, but with increasing pressure once she started to wake. he could hear her muffled screams

  35. i can’t breathe like this
    smothered in darkness
    gulping light when it filters in
    bathing my skin yet i can’t breathe
    plastic surrounding me
    keeping me fresh
    next to death…

  36. So sometimes when I go swimming I fall asleep in the pool and I think that I’m swallowing water and SUFFOCATING. The lack of oxygen just heightens the dream state and I have the most fantastic hallucinations. I’ve spoken to the dead this way. Of course, we don’t recommend this to the public because suffocation is dangerous. Obviously.

  37. I think of concrete shoes put on me by the mafia.
    Why I don’t know why would need to put me at the bottom of the sea.

  38. At the point and time that I was located at, perhaps even situated at, the rope had wrapped itself tightly around my neck. Slowly suffocating whatever life I had out of me. It wasn’t long before a breathed my last breath. To suffocate by a mere piece of twine, what a way to die.

    A Day To Panther
  39. pain disaster hatred dsire love. hidden in plain site are the things that make the drowning air around me. I plead with myself to not be myself and to lead on the very principles that will improve my path. Never before have i had this moment.

  40. dying underneath a pillow. under a rock being crushed by the thousands of pounds of water pressure flowing down stream, though the gully of the canyon of the mountains. it flows over you and into the ocean hundreds of miles away.
