Eh, caged in. No air, no oxygen. Ah, oxygen and air are the same, right. Ah, well. Closed in.
Poking holes. Oh, that sounds dirty. =D
suffocate suffotate stuff in lake body in lake suffocate suffoplate stuff your plate shrink your fate suffocate suffocate
Suffocating is the art of going in a state of no return, and the passion about it is retrieving that oxygen.. like a transition death.. Death should be kept in our minds at all times. This way, life can be made perfect.
is how i feel like i am right now, it’s hurting me so much. i feel like every person and every problem in my life is doing this to me and it’s completely impposible for them to stop it. i feel like i’m being strangled every second of every day. :(
It was suffocating.
The tear gas seeped into her lungs and made her gag, eyes filled with tears as she choked. He sat next to her, brown eyes filled with some worry. She knew she needed to repeat her social security number and name, but she couldn’t get a breath in to do it.
She heard one number go out and took a deep breath, saying hers’. Then she descended into hysterical laughter, trying to cut the wicked pain of the gas.
She would walk out that chamber and still feel the cold hands of Sir Suffocation around her lungs.
R. D. Wolf
i dont know what suffocate means beacause im a swedish guy with my roots in Sk
To make breathless.
Kristoffer Triumf
Suffocating is the moment I think about the fact that no matter what I try to do, there is no way to force the way you feel for me. It just won’t happen and it suffocates my heart and sucks the life in it.
suffocation. no breathing. dont give a fuck if i cut my arm bleeding. cut my life into pieces. this is my last resort.
suffocation is a scary thing. It is an undesirable way to die and most people would agree. suffocate starts with an s and ends with an e.
man this sucks suffocating is one of the worst things that could happen i feel like im under water or someone has a pillow over my head why do i think of my sister…look at the stars and maybe then youll get a release yeah that would work hahah dont let go of your breath its really not cool.
Shawn Sullivan
breathing is leaving me now. Heavyness is crashing down, crushing, pushing me flat…my shoulders grow heavy and weary. Air… I have come to take you for granted. forgive me. Breathe.
The air is heavy, so heavy i can barely breathe……i try to inhale but it’s not possible. I start sweating….cold sweat is drenching down my sideburn……dead i am, i’m dead at last
Suffocating under the pressure. This pressure that shouldn’t be here. Is it just my imagination? Sometimes I wish I could be suffocating in something real. Something actually there. That way it’d feel rieal, right? But no, here I am suffocating under something in my mind. There’s nothing more to it. Help me. I don’t want it anymore. It something more than nothing, but nothing can be done to solve it.
lungs collapsing i am probably drowning. its the feeling of fighting with a loved one for no reason the feeling of a godless world when enemies surround you and there is no way out but i know there is a way and a god i know i can breathe again and that is all there is to it i will not suffoicate at the hands of the devil
ian rajaniemi
Smother. Strangle. Choke.
Press down tightly. This is not a joke.
Take my breathe away.
I shall see no more.
Dimming dimming dimmer….
meg kd
sometimes with just one breath we can create things such as hate or love. with one breath we can become something we never wanted to become. sometimes we should just suffocate.
steve meyer jr
i dont know what it means, but it sounds wie s
I am suffocating and can’t breathe at all. I am under water. I have a rope around my neck. My face is turning blue. I can’t breathe. Where is the air? No oxygen. Problem. Ouch. Death. Bummer.
Scott Aniol
windpipe closing. cartilage in throat deteriorating. cells crying. blood screaming. lungs on their knees. darkness descending. goodbye.
Terry Vanzetti
I can se her walking towards me, like playful smile on her lips. My heart is pounding in my chest and by brain is buzzing. She leans in to kiss me and I can’t even remember how to breath. Its not painful, though, this lack of breath. It’s a beautiful kind of suffocation. One I endure only for her.
Taylor Oliver
can’t breath
plastic bag
resporitory system
i can’t think of anything else
“let’s do the world a favor”
i sit in a dark place. the air is damp. i can ffel breath on the back of my neck. the hairs stand up. where is my friends? y cant i breath? where is the air? i need the air! where are you, Mac? Help me!
Cheyanne Chadwick
If anyonecould possibly suffocate me…my hopes, dreams, desires, that would be my wel intentioned??? mother. Suggestions are invariably met with resons that whatever plan I present will “never work.” Perhaps she is afraid that if I am no longer dependent on her her place in thie world will lose it’s value. And, in truth perhaps it will as she does seems to erve no other purpose but to kill the dreams of everyone whocomes in contact with her…not only mind…no, not only mone. It has come to the point where poepl avoic her. And yes, they have actually ysed the world “suuffocating” in realtion her her. and if hshe isn’t hegative about ideas, she suffocates by oversteoouibg aboundaries and immidiately being afr, far to close it someone she hs just met. She announces herself at doorsteps without warning…she calls constantly, asks impertinent questions, invites herself to parties and dinners. She is, to use the root insufferable.
Carol Stanley
i’m suffocating in this world of unemployment and over qualified nonscence…..i need a life…my non existent one is suffocating me to the point where i dont want to leave my house or eat just sleep…i’m drowning in a haze of lonelyness and i dont want to be saved anymore
looking at this box here, i feel i might suffocate. i feel like i might never make it out of the space. might never write something worthwhile. these fears suffocate me. the green bar ticks on. it lets me know that air is running out. that time is running out. the bar turns red, my fears are realized.
I do not want to die from suffocation. It can be underwater, which would be scary as hell or by someone else suffocating me. I think it is probably one of the most helpless and disturbing happening. People that smoke a lot have to have a pen inserted in their trachea so they do not die from suffocation
inhale, power comes through in tubes. the wind of the world is broken. care for those who breath. care for these sunny days. don’t advocate the rain. embrace the breeze. locate your wind.
Bron Heintz
suffocation can be good if your suffocating on something thats not really suffocating you. such as suffocation on a substance such as marijuanna. but suffocation is rape! its never really good unless your doing it to yourself, and then its good cause you do what you love. unless your pathetic.
erica lee
I feel my heart explode as my being suffocates in the dimness of my soul
The world closes in on itself and leaves me to pine for lost worship and feelings sublime
i will suffocate myself under you. i can feel it. nothing is getting done like wading through thick air in a dream. frustrated. trying to get something done but forgetting over and over or not being able to move my limbs fast enough. pulling through thick air. thick like jamsetter has been poured thruogh my atmosphere. i will suffocate myself with my longing for you. i would have the weight of your body suffocate me but i’m doing a well enough job of it myself. when you are gone i turn in circles pushing all to-do lists aside. when you are near i gaze into your blinding gallaxy, your reality television show. you pull me into your orbit. i am now nothing but a planet to be eventually consumed by your gravitational pull.
one word is basically two words but the name of the word is oneword so basically thats a word on its own so i feel spcial for sounding like an english teacher but i didnt say it so clearly even tho english is my first language not really actually it was farsi and hebrew but i forgot hebrew whcih sucks and caitlin is asking me e3hat im typing and she thinks im talking to someone shes going insane wanting to know this thing is wsio weuirddd lma fioguyerhklghdfbglnh lalalalalallalalalala suffocate what is thissssssss
When I was little I remember my brother asking my mom if a person trapped inside of a giant marshmallow would suffocate. At the time I did not know what “suffocate” meant, but I remember really liking the idea of a giant marshmallow. I was completely oblivious to the morbidity of the question, and to this day when I hear the word “suffocate” my inner-child smiles a little bit.
Goldsboro suffocates me. The people are closed minded, mean spirited, and naive. There are all kinds of people in the world, but I feel so suffocated here. DOes that mean I’m closed minded too? I feel trapped. Is that the same? suffocate…………….. wow………..
I feel so lost inside, like I can’t breathe. Work is insane, my home life is seriously screwed up and though I can hardly breathe from it all, I feel like choking myself just to get away from it all.
Gina Mureli
feels like i’ll suffocate sometimes here in this basement apartment with the dog i love yet am tragically allergic too as well. also it’s small and sometimes dark and often a bit stuffy, and 30 minutes from the city so i get stuck in traffic which is a bit better than sitting net to a coughing guy on the train.
Suffocating under pressure. Under hearts, under flesh. Under linen and under water. Under God and above the Devil. Always under self.
breathe, life, eternity, help me, save me, struggle, tomorrow will never come again, danny, grip, strangle, tunnel, light, light, light
suffocation no breathing just one of those songs but suffocating would be a horrible way to die
suffocation hyperventalation suffocation its a game we all can play, take a bowling ball, roll it down the hall, hit your dad make him mad, suffocation lol jk but seriously dont suffocate others its not cool and not in the physical way but the metaphorical way as well
matt martin
suffocating isn’t good here anymore. when y9ou’re younger you dream of fantastical, amazing, dramatic ways that you will die. your hands around your throat, trying to scream but no one hears you. and then you die with your lover looking on. you grow older and you realize it’s more likely that you’ll die alone in your house surrounded by old take out boxes and an unmade bed, three months of cable bills piling up. happy day.
jaci j
i am suffocating. there is an almost noxious gas in this room. i wish i could go outside with the sunshine and the flowers. i can hear the birds chirping out of the window. i hate this place. its not that i’m alone, because this room is filled with people. but they’re only adding to the disgusting environment. im choking. i wish this party were over.
Eh, caged in. No air, no oxygen. Ah, oxygen and air are the same, right. Ah, well. Closed in.
Poking holes. Oh, that sounds dirty. =D
suffocate suffotate stuff in lake body in lake suffocate suffoplate stuff your plate shrink your fate suffocate suffocate
Suffocating is the art of going in a state of no return, and the passion about it is retrieving that oxygen.. like a transition death.. Death should be kept in our minds at all times. This way, life can be made perfect.
is how i feel like i am right now, it’s hurting me so much. i feel like every person and every problem in my life is doing this to me and it’s completely impposible for them to stop it. i feel like i’m being strangled every second of every day. :(
It was suffocating.
The tear gas seeped into her lungs and made her gag, eyes filled with tears as she choked. He sat next to her, brown eyes filled with some worry. She knew she needed to repeat her social security number and name, but she couldn’t get a breath in to do it.
She heard one number go out and took a deep breath, saying hers’. Then she descended into hysterical laughter, trying to cut the wicked pain of the gas.
She would walk out that chamber and still feel the cold hands of Sir Suffocation around her lungs.
i dont know what suffocate means beacause im a swedish guy with my roots in Sk
To make breathless.
Suffocating is the moment I think about the fact that no matter what I try to do, there is no way to force the way you feel for me. It just won’t happen and it suffocates my heart and sucks the life in it.
suffocation. no breathing. dont give a fuck if i cut my arm bleeding. cut my life into pieces. this is my last resort.
suffocation is a scary thing. It is an undesirable way to die and most people would agree. suffocate starts with an s and ends with an e.
man this sucks suffocating is one of the worst things that could happen i feel like im under water or someone has a pillow over my head why do i think of my sister…look at the stars and maybe then youll get a release yeah that would work hahah dont let go of your breath its really not cool.
breathing is leaving me now. Heavyness is crashing down, crushing, pushing me flat…my shoulders grow heavy and weary. Air… I have come to take you for granted. forgive me. Breathe.
The air is heavy, so heavy i can barely breathe……i try to inhale but it’s not possible. I start sweating….cold sweat is drenching down my sideburn……dead i am, i’m dead at last
Suffocating under the pressure. This pressure that shouldn’t be here. Is it just my imagination? Sometimes I wish I could be suffocating in something real. Something actually there. That way it’d feel rieal, right? But no, here I am suffocating under something in my mind. There’s nothing more to it. Help me. I don’t want it anymore. It something more than nothing, but nothing can be done to solve it.
lungs collapsing i am probably drowning. its the feeling of fighting with a loved one for no reason the feeling of a godless world when enemies surround you and there is no way out but i know there is a way and a god i know i can breathe again and that is all there is to it i will not suffoicate at the hands of the devil
Smother. Strangle. Choke.
Press down tightly. This is not a joke.
Take my breathe away.
I shall see no more.
Dimming dimming dimmer….
sometimes with just one breath we can create things such as hate or love. with one breath we can become something we never wanted to become. sometimes we should just suffocate.
i dont know what it means, but it sounds wie s
I am suffocating and can’t breathe at all. I am under water. I have a rope around my neck. My face is turning blue. I can’t breathe. Where is the air? No oxygen. Problem. Ouch. Death. Bummer.
windpipe closing. cartilage in throat deteriorating. cells crying. blood screaming. lungs on their knees. darkness descending. goodbye.
I can se her walking towards me, like playful smile on her lips. My heart is pounding in my chest and by brain is buzzing. She leans in to kiss me and I can’t even remember how to breath. Its not painful, though, this lack of breath. It’s a beautiful kind of suffocation. One I endure only for her.
can’t breath
plastic bag
resporitory system
i can’t think of anything else
“let’s do the world a favor”
i sit in a dark place. the air is damp. i can ffel breath on the back of my neck. the hairs stand up. where is my friends? y cant i breath? where is the air? i need the air! where are you, Mac? Help me!
If anyonecould possibly suffocate me…my hopes, dreams, desires, that would be my wel intentioned??? mother. Suggestions are invariably met with resons that whatever plan I present will “never work.” Perhaps she is afraid that if I am no longer dependent on her her place in thie world will lose it’s value. And, in truth perhaps it will as she does seems to erve no other purpose but to kill the dreams of everyone whocomes in contact with her…not only mind…no, not only mone. It has come to the point where poepl avoic her. And yes, they have actually ysed the world “suuffocating” in realtion her her. and if hshe isn’t hegative about ideas, she suffocates by oversteoouibg aboundaries and immidiately being afr, far to close it someone she hs just met. She announces herself at doorsteps without warning…she calls constantly, asks impertinent questions, invites herself to parties and dinners. She is, to use the root insufferable.
i’m suffocating in this world of unemployment and over qualified nonscence…..i need a life…my non existent one is suffocating me to the point where i dont want to leave my house or eat just sleep…i’m drowning in a haze of lonelyness and i dont want to be saved anymore
looking at this box here, i feel i might suffocate. i feel like i might never make it out of the space. might never write something worthwhile. these fears suffocate me. the green bar ticks on. it lets me know that air is running out. that time is running out. the bar turns red, my fears are realized.
I do not want to die from suffocation. It can be underwater, which would be scary as hell or by someone else suffocating me. I think it is probably one of the most helpless and disturbing happening. People that smoke a lot have to have a pen inserted in their trachea so they do not die from suffocation
inhale, power comes through in tubes. the wind of the world is broken. care for those who breath. care for these sunny days. don’t advocate the rain. embrace the breeze. locate your wind.
suffocation can be good if your suffocating on something thats not really suffocating you. such as suffocation on a substance such as marijuanna. but suffocation is rape! its never really good unless your doing it to yourself, and then its good cause you do what you love. unless your pathetic.
I feel my heart explode as my being suffocates in the dimness of my soul
The world closes in on itself and leaves me to pine for lost worship and feelings sublime
i will suffocate myself under you. i can feel it. nothing is getting done like wading through thick air in a dream. frustrated. trying to get something done but forgetting over and over or not being able to move my limbs fast enough. pulling through thick air. thick like jamsetter has been poured thruogh my atmosphere. i will suffocate myself with my longing for you. i would have the weight of your body suffocate me but i’m doing a well enough job of it myself. when you are gone i turn in circles pushing all to-do lists aside. when you are near i gaze into your blinding gallaxy, your reality television show. you pull me into your orbit. i am now nothing but a planet to be eventually consumed by your gravitational pull.
one word is basically two words but the name of the word is oneword so basically thats a word on its own so i feel spcial for sounding like an english teacher but i didnt say it so clearly even tho english is my first language not really actually it was farsi and hebrew but i forgot hebrew whcih sucks and caitlin is asking me e3hat im typing and she thinks im talking to someone shes going insane wanting to know this thing is wsio weuirddd lma fioguyerhklghdfbglnh lalalalalallalalalala suffocate what is thissssssss
When I was little I remember my brother asking my mom if a person trapped inside of a giant marshmallow would suffocate. At the time I did not know what “suffocate” meant, but I remember really liking the idea of a giant marshmallow. I was completely oblivious to the morbidity of the question, and to this day when I hear the word “suffocate” my inner-child smiles a little bit.
Goldsboro suffocates me. The people are closed minded, mean spirited, and naive. There are all kinds of people in the world, but I feel so suffocated here. DOes that mean I’m closed minded too? I feel trapped. Is that the same? suffocate…………….. wow………..
I feel so lost inside, like I can’t breathe. Work is insane, my home life is seriously screwed up and though I can hardly breathe from it all, I feel like choking myself just to get away from it all.
feels like i’ll suffocate sometimes here in this basement apartment with the dog i love yet am tragically allergic too as well. also it’s small and sometimes dark and often a bit stuffy, and 30 minutes from the city so i get stuck in traffic which is a bit better than sitting net to a coughing guy on the train.
Suffocating under pressure. Under hearts, under flesh. Under linen and under water. Under God and above the Devil. Always under self.
breathe, life, eternity, help me, save me, struggle, tomorrow will never come again, danny, grip, strangle, tunnel, light, light, light
suffocation no breathing just one of those songs but suffocating would be a horrible way to die
suffocation hyperventalation suffocation its a game we all can play, take a bowling ball, roll it down the hall, hit your dad make him mad, suffocation lol jk but seriously dont suffocate others its not cool and not in the physical way but the metaphorical way as well
suffocating isn’t good here anymore. when y9ou’re younger you dream of fantastical, amazing, dramatic ways that you will die. your hands around your throat, trying to scream but no one hears you. and then you die with your lover looking on. you grow older and you realize it’s more likely that you’ll die alone in your house surrounded by old take out boxes and an unmade bed, three months of cable bills piling up. happy day.
i am suffocating. there is an almost noxious gas in this room. i wish i could go outside with the sunshine and the flowers. i can hear the birds chirping out of the window. i hate this place. its not that i’m alone, because this room is filled with people. but they’re only adding to the disgusting environment. im choking. i wish this party were over.