
November 14th, 2009 | 734 Entries

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734 Entries for “sugar”

  1. sweet sweetness over the top of my world crazy sweet your so sweet your a sweetheart who has stolen my heart! thank you sugar my sweet sweet suga.

  2. soft brown sugar.
    glistening wet crystal brown grains.

    tough cane sugar.
    sweet big league jungle chew.

    white sugar.
    in every cup of coffee.

    sarah lillian
  3. I love sugar. Sugar is in all of my favorite foods. Without sugar, all my food would be so dull. Heck, my life would be dull. Sugar rocks, and salt sucks. Fuck yeah! Sour Patches for the win!

  4. is whire yummy, cate loves it, do you like it? i do now sugar lalalallalalala hahahahahha popopop sugar this is what it deoes to u

  5. i am only a human

  6. gimme some sugar sugar gimme a squeeze I’ll say what you want and do whatever I want gimme please I need I need gimme some sugar sugar please

  7. I dont really consume a lot of sure. Usually when I drink tea I dont put any sugar, with coffee I’ll only put in a bag or maybe two. But I do like cakes and sweets.

  8. sweet, salty. honey. An appetizing little addition to the most pleasant of courses, the dessert. A luscious cake or perhaps a souffle? Regardless of the variety is will be consumed.

  9. i like sugar because it is very lovely and it smells good and it tastes good in tea and whitney thinks im a douchebag cause i wont get off the computer but its okay because i love sugar sugar sugar in my tea yay!

  10. She looked at the container of sugar. It sat, tantalizing her, begging her to give in to her urges. Today, sugar would not win the battle however. Today, she had more important goals in mind. Today, she would take the lumberjack test. Until next time, sugar.

  11. Man, that’s too sweet. Everything has a ton of sugar in it these days. Due to our evolving social status, humans love sugar. It’s a sign of wealth and good fortune, much like eating foods with high salt content.

  12. I love sugar pie, sugar dumplings, sugar cookies, sugar scrub, sugar in my coffee, sugar in my tea. What would I do without sugar. I am a carb addict.


  13. i love sugar. i love candy. i put sugar in my coffee. i love sugar. i love when someone says yo give me some sugar. why do they call it that. you giving them a kiss. unless there is sugar on their lips your not giving them sugar. or people call people sugar. remember that show on the disney channel and the ladts name was suga mama

  14. sugar is sweet. it makes everything go down. it makes the world happier. i really love sugar, but too much of it will make you sick. sugar reminds me of rainbows and blue skies. sugar is yummy to my tummy.

    Brittany Sears
  15. suga suga how you get so flyyyy. coffee. booboo.. shittttttttt. sugasuga tea splenda

  16. Is sweet. It melts your teeth.

  17. sweet powder, white crysals similar to sand
    come from long green stalks that sway in hawaii
    under the warm breeze, the sun caresses them
    carry the sweetness until processed, travel to the states and is sprinkled on top of red strawberries

    [ ]
  18. We’re going down, down in an earlier round.

    Oh good lord, that’s ridiculous.

    The rain is pounding on my flimsy coat, threatening to dissolve it. I like the weather today.

  19. The sweet smell of baking rose up from the oven as she fell the tiny cubes of sugar under her feet against the cool tile flooring.

  20. sugar is sweet,
    but you’re so much sweeter.

    but then again, maybe it’s
    crystal i’m thinking of.

  21. i looked at the bag of sugar in the grocery store for a long time. i wanted so bad to make homemade cookies for my mom and all i needed was sugar, but no meney. i looked at the sugar and my hand reached out. i grabbed it and ran for the front door.

  22. sweet honey

  23. sweet , delisius

  24. As I licked the sugar off my fingers, I realized nothing is sweeter than being with you.

  25. Sugar, ah honey honey. I think Alan Sugar has got a bit above himself. Apprentice is great but the rest of his recent stuff . . . . .

    Annabel Weir
  26. Sugar is the nectar of happiness, used in metaphors as a way of making things tolerable, or bearable.

  27. blah blah blah blah blah blah lollipops candy shop dont stop giving the sweet shit fiddy fiddy fiddy abs shoe on my hands

  28. “You’re sweet like sugar.”
    Probably the worst pick-up line I’ve ever heard, but.. it’s kinda sweet too ;)

  29. Sugar, ah, honey, honey
    You are my candy girl
    And you’ve got me wanting you
    Honey, ah, sugar, sugar
    You are my candy girl
    And you’ve got me wanting you

  30. Sugar.
    He whispers this in my ear.
    “Sugar, come on now, don’t be like that.” His breath is hot and pungent and his stubble is tickling my neck.
    I can barely breath. My stomach rolls and rolls and keeps rolling.I feel sick. I don’t feel anywhere as sweet as that particular nickname suggests.

    Molly McGhee <3
  31. bbb

  32. oh sweet sweet poison. you make people fat, you make them fall in love, or get over past love. i want to eat you all the time but i do not want to be in the first category. so i will just love you from afar from now until my deathbed when i can finally stop caring what people think about my body and say fuck it. i pine for that day. oh sugar wait for me.

    screening blyss
  33. sugar is sweet. some people call people sugar as a sort of “pet” name, but i don’t like it much. actually, an odd “pet” name i heard was bucket, it was in the movie casper, a dad just calls his daughter it and says it as nomrally as saying sweetheart or soemthing.

  34. spice and everything nice what are little girls made of? frogs and snails and puppy dog tails -don’t trust boys. don’t trust snails. or puppy dog tails.

    bowls. smoking bowls. eating cereal out of bowls while smoking bowls.

    bowels. bowels filled with bowls of sugar. spice. everything nice.

    what are little girls made of? made from?
    better yet,
    why are boys filled with such yucky things?

  35. sweet wonderful good fattening unhealthy

    it brings life to food

    little crystals white

    sexy sexy diamonds shine

    transparent true small powder

    warm wamth

    sand feel soft

  36. the candy is sweet and strong. something that could only be found in the smallest and oldest of schops. i cant believe i found it here. the sugar itself is made from a very fine plant, not easily found here. the old woman running the shop was the sweetest woman i had ever seen. kind of like the one from that board game. candyland i think it was.

  37. sweet, tongue.
    Why are you eating so much candy? Don’t you know how much sugar is in that?
    I’m completely cutting sugar out of my diet.
    You’re as sweet as sugar, you know that?
    Oh, sugar, you know you shouldn’t have said that to him.
    I laugh because I’m so high on sugar, and I’ll probably crash soon.

    Gin P
  38. Sugar eh? I’ve wanted some fucking candy all day, and now some silly story I read has me thinking about sex too, so that word has some heavy connotations for me on this particular day. I could really go for a good fuck and some skittles. That would be superb. Where oh where is Keith when I need him? Fuuuuccckkk meeee…

  39. put sugar on as many peoples sport coas as I could. Jacob kept watch while I tore open each and every packet and poured them over the coatracks. Now the would remember my name.

  40. Sugar is sweet
    is good
    is sticky
    is white
    is brown
    is powdered
    is granulated
    makes tea sweet tea
    tastes good
    is empty calories
    makes the world go round
    just a spoonful makes the medicine go down.
