Sweet and sensual it adds a certain unique experience to ones dish … From making love to enjoying a cake sugar is truly irresistible
Jesse Robert B
Sugar is the most essential ingredient of food…the process by which it is made will make many say it stinky but it is very good to have in a diet but consuming too much may cause health hazards and may cause diabetes so sugar has a mixed effect on the diet.
Hi Sugar. I’ve waited for 4 weeks to see you. Sometimes I think we can’t do this, just because of the distance. Next year will be different. If you move everything will be different. That’s the only way.
Sugar. That oh so tasty thing that all kids seem to love. I once met a kid who didn’t like candy. It kind of creeped me out. I mean, I’m a teenager, and I love the stuff. To each his own, I suppose. Although, what really got me was that the little bugger asked me for Starburst. I gave her one, and she spat it out…What a waste.
sweet, tasty. it’s bad for you but still very good. brown sugar in a mason jar. sometimes eat it by the spoonful. used to coat cereal with it when i was a child.
sugar is sweet, reminiscent of younger years when my age also made me sweet in personality. “Sweet you rock and, sweet you roll,” sweet is used so often in pop culture for a plethora of meanings.
cold cofee
It’s been at least 7 years now that I’ve been trying to cut down the amount of sugar I use. It’s a difficult task, almost everything I really like eating contains too much sugar. I tried using honey and other sweeteners but nothing
She was beautful at first. Sweet, light, but coarse and infintely useful. I loved her with the innocence of a child.
is sweet. you ppu it in tea, or coffee.
It’s used to make cakes.
Comes from canes.
Reminds me of a book I read once where the child ate sugar canes.
Spice and all things nice.
I like sugar a lot, granted I’m pretty hungry. Reminds me of living in England, Laurence always said “oh sugar!” Also I suppose can mean sweet for a person but I never use it that way. The south, it reminds me of the south.
Do it!
poor man’s cocaine feels good and i’m up all night and this next hit i promise you won’t be as good as your first.
sugar and spice
and death lace this space.
we’ll swallow the poison
and wallow in pain.
NightlyLies @ dA
i could have been sweeter but i’ll just let you keep waiting this feeling is fading sugar at first but after the bubble burst it’s bitter now.
Sugar is sweet
and yummy
it makes me want some in my tummy
when i see it my mouth drools
because who wouldnt want some
i know i do!
Stefani Glavin
I heard on TV about a kid who drank over 2 liters of Coca Cola every day. Popping a top on my own red can, I wandered over to the fridge and wondered “Is that a lot?”
is sweet, we add it in tea. i like food that contains sugar, like chocolate and stuff. people use too much of it.
honey iced tea… all the sweet things that make up me! sugar sugar nice tiny cup of tea don’t add any milk it’ll ruin the taste for thee. sugar sugar money honey sex on a stick
sweet, love, diabetics, chocolate, girl
def leppard
to start off, its very sweet. Just works fine with tea or coffee.. sweetend your life. Add it practically in your life and see the hard works being converted to simple tasks. A little bit of sugar works fine for those angry ones. produced fron sugar canes, its very productive for some people specifically in certain areas. Badsides of it, high amount of it causes diabetes.
theres too much blood in my sugar system.
tasty sweet I like it, I love the things it goes in, the cookies, the brownies. I love the fruit it makes taste so good. Sugar keeps me going, without it I don’t know what I would do, how I could get by.
brian Tetrud
The sugar was sweet to her mouth and rough on her tongue. She had never tasted cane sugar before. It had an interesting texture and a most wonderful taste. She could not believe that she had never had cane sugar before now. It tasted so unbelievable marvelous!!
I don’t even know if this is what cane sugar is really like….
sweet and i often take to much
its a good invention and i like it :D
as a kid i thought that sugar salt and pepper were relatives and a familly :)
i often think that many people die to make it possible for us to have sugar :/
In my coffe, which I am currently drinking. It’s raw sugar, which I have heard isn’t really better for you than white because it actually goes through more processing. They bleach it (just like the white sugar) and then dye it with molasses (hence the different taste) to achieve the “natural”-looking brown look of the granules.
Sugah sugah, gimme some sugah. I love it when you blush, sugah. Do you know how much I love you sugah? You’re the one for me sugah. I luhh you sugah sugah. I be yo’ sugah daddy, sugary sweet sugah.
suger z very sweet .i love sugar .i love suger in tea and cake. suger is the most carbohydrated thng to eat.it gives u energy.it has great taste.suger z mostly produced in india and pakistan.sugar came from sugar cane. sugar farms need planty of water to grow.it takes months to grow properly…..
sugar is sweet and makes everything taste good
what would my coffee in the moringing be without this sweetness
so white and pure
so delicious and needed
what would food be without the sweetness
i love pouring it into my mouth
feel it slide down my throat
Monique Valenzuela
She brought in a pot of tea for the whole of her family, and the adults all took a cup. Tetsuo strained the leaves through a filter; he knew he needed sugar for this, but he was also aware that his mother-in-law would only snap at him for doing so.
sickly ans sticky makes you fat cae oh my god he calls me that all the time wot aout sir alan such a ridiculous ame for a ma who is far from sweet
“Hey Sugar,” said the old man. The girl walked past, without looking at him. “Hey Sugar!” he said again. He stood up and started to follow her. Despite his limp, he could keep up with her walk. She started to run.
an absolute necessary thing it has a valuable that cannot be measured.
my mom has sugar in an open jar at her house. I always thought it was gross. all the other food making materials were kept in closed boxes or something. sometimes I would play in it when she wasn’t looking.
This sweetness is intoxicating, the basis of all life, this sticky sweet addiction. Reminds me of a time long come and gone. Every single little grain, like edible sand.
Sweet and sensual it adds a certain unique experience to ones dish … From making love to enjoying a cake sugar is truly irresistible
Sugar is the most essential ingredient of food…the process by which it is made will make many say it stinky but it is very good to have in a diet but consuming too much may cause health hazards and may cause diabetes so sugar has a mixed effect on the diet.
Hi Sugar. I’ve waited for 4 weeks to see you. Sometimes I think we can’t do this, just because of the distance. Next year will be different. If you move everything will be different. That’s the only way.
Sugar. That oh so tasty thing that all kids seem to love. I once met a kid who didn’t like candy. It kind of creeped me out. I mean, I’m a teenager, and I love the stuff. To each his own, I suppose. Although, what really got me was that the little bugger asked me for Starburst. I gave her one, and she spat it out…What a waste.
sweet, tasty. it’s bad for you but still very good. brown sugar in a mason jar. sometimes eat it by the spoonful. used to coat cereal with it when i was a child.
sugar is sweet, reminiscent of younger years when my age also made me sweet in personality. “Sweet you rock and, sweet you roll,” sweet is used so often in pop culture for a plethora of meanings.
cold cofee
It’s been at least 7 years now that I’ve been trying to cut down the amount of sugar I use. It’s a difficult task, almost everything I really like eating contains too much sugar. I tried using honey and other sweeteners but nothing
She was beautful at first. Sweet, light, but coarse and infintely useful. I loved her with the innocence of a child.
is sweet. you ppu it in tea, or coffee.
It’s used to make cakes.
Comes from canes.
Reminds me of a book I read once where the child ate sugar canes.
Spice and all things nice.
I like sugar a lot, granted I’m pretty hungry. Reminds me of living in England, Laurence always said “oh sugar!” Also I suppose can mean sweet for a person but I never use it that way. The south, it reminds me of the south.
poor man’s cocaine feels good and i’m up all night and this next hit i promise you won’t be as good as your first.
sugar and spice
and death lace this space.
we’ll swallow the poison
and wallow in pain.
i could have been sweeter but i’ll just let you keep waiting this feeling is fading sugar at first but after the bubble burst it’s bitter now.
Sugar is sweet
and yummy
it makes me want some in my tummy
when i see it my mouth drools
because who wouldnt want some
i know i do!
I heard on TV about a kid who drank over 2 liters of Coca Cola every day. Popping a top on my own red can, I wandered over to the fridge and wondered “Is that a lot?”
is sweet, we add it in tea. i like food that contains sugar, like chocolate and stuff. people use too much of it.
honey iced tea… all the sweet things that make up me! sugar sugar nice tiny cup of tea don’t add any milk it’ll ruin the taste for thee. sugar sugar money honey sex on a stick
sweet, love, diabetics, chocolate, girl
def leppard
to start off, its very sweet. Just works fine with tea or coffee.. sweetend your life. Add it practically in your life and see the hard works being converted to simple tasks. A little bit of sugar works fine for those angry ones. produced fron sugar canes, its very productive for some people specifically in certain areas. Badsides of it, high amount of it causes diabetes.
theres too much blood in my sugar system.
tasty sweet I like it, I love the things it goes in, the cookies, the brownies. I love the fruit it makes taste so good. Sugar keeps me going, without it I don’t know what I would do, how I could get by.
The sugar was sweet to her mouth and rough on her tongue. She had never tasted cane sugar before. It had an interesting texture and a most wonderful taste. She could not believe that she had never had cane sugar before now. It tasted so unbelievable marvelous!!
I don’t even know if this is what cane sugar is really like….
sweet and i often take to much
its a good invention and i like it :D
as a kid i thought that sugar salt and pepper were relatives and a familly :)
i often think that many people die to make it possible for us to have sugar :/
In my coffe, which I am currently drinking. It’s raw sugar, which I have heard isn’t really better for you than white because it actually goes through more processing. They bleach it (just like the white sugar) and then dye it with molasses (hence the different taste) to achieve the “natural”-looking brown look of the granules.
Sugah sugah, gimme some sugah. I love it when you blush, sugah. Do you know how much I love you sugah? You’re the one for me sugah. I luhh you sugah sugah. I be yo’ sugah daddy, sugary sweet sugah.
suger z very sweet .i love sugar .i love suger in tea and cake. suger is the most carbohydrated thng to eat.it gives u energy.it has great taste.suger z mostly produced in india and pakistan.sugar came from sugar cane. sugar farms need planty of water to grow.it takes months to grow properly…..
sugar is sweet and makes everything taste good
what would my coffee in the moringing be without this sweetness
so white and pure
so delicious and needed
what would food be without the sweetness
i love pouring it into my mouth
feel it slide down my throat
She brought in a pot of tea for the whole of her family, and the adults all took a cup. Tetsuo strained the leaves through a filter; he knew he needed sugar for this, but he was also aware that his mother-in-law would only snap at him for doing so.
sickly ans sticky makes you fat cae oh my god he calls me that all the time wot aout sir alan such a ridiculous ame for a ma who is far from sweet
“Hey Sugar,” said the old man. The girl walked past, without looking at him. “Hey Sugar!” he said again. He stood up and started to follow her. Despite his limp, he could keep up with her walk. She started to run.
an absolute necessary thing it has a valuable that cannot be measured.
my mom has sugar in an open jar at her house. I always thought it was gross. all the other food making materials were kept in closed boxes or something. sometimes I would play in it when she wasn’t looking.
This sweetness is intoxicating, the basis of all life, this sticky sweet addiction. Reminds me of a time long come and gone. Every single little grain, like edible sand.
sweet crystals