sugar is use in may differnt ways such as cakes cookies candy and many so therefor sugar is part of everyday life for every human being on this planet called earth
Cody Harris
I’m addicted to sugar. Candy, cookies, cakes,. Sweet tasting things. Splenda works but sugar is sweet.
Chris G
I’m addicted to sugar. Candy, cookies, cakes,. Sweet tasting things. Splenda works but sugar is sweet.
Chris G
sweet kindness that may be referred to sugar coated emotions waiting for someone to see the true meaning.
I’d really rather wish my neighbor would stop coming to my home asking for sugar. I DO NOT HAVE ANY. Plus I don’t like the looks he gives my fish. If you have something against my fish, tell me dang it!
I like sugar and spice and everything nice! Well, I guess that means I like girls. In particular I like one girl. My wife. She has given me 4 children, and will soon give me our fifth. Thank God for women!
Frederick J. Grothe
food. making different types of foods. sweet. coffee, tea, it can be used as a sweetener
Sugar is sweet and coarse. It can be good in small amounts but after a while you tend to get sick of it.
Candy melodies in the air
Chocolate rain,
sugar clouds,
Slip and slide across
caramel mud
i remember those days, a long time ago, when we would dance. we would play. and by we, really, i mean i.
i borrowed a cup of sugar from you once, just walked into your apartment as bold as brass. “a cup of sugar?” you asked and i laughed. neither of us believed that such a cliche could happen.
the candy canes on the christmas tree and white piles. cookie commercials on tv dusting a powdered shake. winter time and snow.
it is sweet. sometimes i use it in my coffee. i use granulated white sugar, but also sometimes brown sugar. i like it sprinkled on donuts sometimes. i was born in trinidad where sugar cane is one of the primary exported products. the taste of sweet sugar cane cannot be forgotten. i sometimes call my girlfriend “sugar face.”
sugar is sweet, it is pretty much in everything. little kids love sweets. they claim that is what makes them happy. but we all know that when you give a child sugar they go crazy. and they get all hyper. but we also know that what comes up must come down.
It sweet additive to most things in life. I find that one who is like sugar is one who I would most rather be around. The sweetness rubs off on those around them and soon enough we find a small part of the world to be a bit better than before. How delicious it all could be.
Sugar is sweet. It and salt are the two things humans crave most. It comes in many forms- Glucose, sucrose, galactose, pretty much anything ending in ose. It’s used by the body for energy.
It’s also used for cooking, and there was a hit song in the 60’s about it.
sugar sugar sugar sugar sugar
sweet awesome fatning what i taste when i kiss jezzi omg neverm ind i dont like sugar because it judges an d outspeaks a lot about EFERYTHING
in my tea and making my thighs a little more prone to stares, but nonetheless, it makes the chocolate cake edible and the sad moments bearable.
“C’mon,” he oozed, pulling her closer. “Gimme a bit o’ sugar. His hair gel left a stain on the back of the sofa. “Okay,” she snapped. She grabbed the sugar pot from the coffee table and emptied it over his head.
R. Panic
sugar, sweet as a child’s smile. makes my ass look huge after a few too many cupcakes.
like many things far too delicious to pass up.
addictive, the simple man’s heroin, but beautiful and satisfying like a sunny afternoon.
brings me back to my childhood, innocence and joy.
cookies! love it.
sweet coffee tea! life! daddy! dandy! love health good times! sugardaddy time heeling nice sweet sour chinese food! tea and cakes cocaine! salt ! baking powder! happiness sadness emotions ups! top of the world amazing joy!
Sugar taste sweet. It makes everything taste better.
it can be used in tea, milk. Make good sweets.
sweet thing from latin america and another countries, in cubes, now due the light
sweet like honey,makes any child happy.To much may even make an adult happy. But to much is never healthy.
Laticia Stuhlmiler
i added suger to my diet when i found out what happened to roger last week. i went to the morgue and saw him, and then i got a glazed donut. i dont think it matters anymore.
gotta enjoy the little things.
Henry Huntington
Sugar …I remember when I was little and we went to visit my low life uncle. I was thirsty and I needed to pee. He gave me a newspaper to wipe with in the bathroom and some lukewarm tap water with some sugar in it to drink. I loved him but I never wanted to visit him again.
sugar is sweet.. so as your love .. sweet like the melody of chimes.. your kiss so sweet .. like a ray divine.. sweet sweet sweet.. so are you..
the sweet sent of the cupcakes and sugar cookies floated through the room up the stairs entwined in the smell of candles and matches recently extinguished it crept under the doorway to where he lay asleep as anything or anyone had every been and it registered with him and he remember through a process he learned about so long ago of all those days even longer before and he woke up.
jacob cz
it feels great satisfaction to write what we have in our mind.. nowadays writing has come up with various scopes. blogging has been a latest trend this days
sugar is really sweet, you dont even want it all the time but its really good, it can be so unhealthy though, i know some sweet guys, well 2 litrally 2. i want one of them, sugar is white and its like sand. i hate the feel of sand. i use too many commas!!!
amy spiller
makes me upset that I am so vulnerable to it. I wish that I could not want sugar at any time for the rest of my life. I do not drink it in my coffee any more, and that is a fete of great proprotions,
ballsack taste good lololol eat poop
carolina johnson in north part of west virginia
the sugar spilled from the jar all over the floor. Damnet! she cried. Just another thing that i’ll clean up. Go ahead, go to work, as usual I’ll fix everything around here. How had things gotten this way between us? What happened to the times we’d spend just laughing for no reason, riding the ferris wheel together or just sitting without talking? what happened to the love? it disinegrated, like the sugar did as her tears fell into it.
JS fields. lips. honey. psychocandy. spookasem. damn i like sugar but id like to think that im sweet enough thank you.
sugar is unhealthy yet it taste so good and is very addicting i wish healthy food tasted good so this world wouldnt be a giant mcdonaldization and instead it will be a civilization.
Sweet. Tasty. The essence of freshly baked cookies at home on a Sunday afternoon. Sugar is what our tongues long to taste, it is what all good mothers forbid their children to eat, but they eat it anyways.
The sweetest thing they say outside of love is sugar. As for me, I’ll stick with the sugar. It may do a number on my teeth, but I’ll take my chances.
sugar is use in may differnt ways such as cakes cookies candy and many so therefor sugar is part of everyday life for every human being on this planet called earth
I’m addicted to sugar. Candy, cookies, cakes,. Sweet tasting things. Splenda works but sugar is sweet.
I’m addicted to sugar. Candy, cookies, cakes,. Sweet tasting things. Splenda works but sugar is sweet.
sweet kindness that may be referred to sugar coated emotions waiting for someone to see the true meaning.
I’d really rather wish my neighbor would stop coming to my home asking for sugar. I DO NOT HAVE ANY. Plus I don’t like the looks he gives my fish. If you have something against my fish, tell me dang it!
I like sugar and spice and everything nice! Well, I guess that means I like girls. In particular I like one girl. My wife. She has given me 4 children, and will soon give me our fifth. Thank God for women!
food. making different types of foods. sweet. coffee, tea, it can be used as a sweetener
Sugar is sweet and coarse. It can be good in small amounts but after a while you tend to get sick of it.
Candy melodies in the air
Chocolate rain,
sugar clouds,
Slip and slide across
caramel mud
i remember those days, a long time ago, when we would dance. we would play. and by we, really, i mean i.
i borrowed a cup of sugar from you once, just walked into your apartment as bold as brass. “a cup of sugar?” you asked and i laughed. neither of us believed that such a cliche could happen.
the candy canes on the christmas tree and white piles. cookie commercials on tv dusting a powdered shake. winter time and snow.
it is sweet. sometimes i use it in my coffee. i use granulated white sugar, but also sometimes brown sugar. i like it sprinkled on donuts sometimes. i was born in trinidad where sugar cane is one of the primary exported products. the taste of sweet sugar cane cannot be forgotten. i sometimes call my girlfriend “sugar face.”
sugar is sweet, it is pretty much in everything. little kids love sweets. they claim that is what makes them happy. but we all know that when you give a child sugar they go crazy. and they get all hyper. but we also know that what comes up must come down.
It sweet additive to most things in life. I find that one who is like sugar is one who I would most rather be around. The sweetness rubs off on those around them and soon enough we find a small part of the world to be a bit better than before. How delicious it all could be.
Sugar is sweet. It and salt are the two things humans crave most. It comes in many forms- Glucose, sucrose, galactose, pretty much anything ending in ose. It’s used by the body for energy.
It’s also used for cooking, and there was a hit song in the 60’s about it.
sugar sugar sugar sugar sugar
sweet awesome fatning what i taste when i kiss jezzi omg neverm ind i dont like sugar because it judges an d outspeaks a lot about EFERYTHING
in my tea and making my thighs a little more prone to stares, but nonetheless, it makes the chocolate cake edible and the sad moments bearable.
“C’mon,” he oozed, pulling her closer. “Gimme a bit o’ sugar. His hair gel left a stain on the back of the sofa. “Okay,” she snapped. She grabbed the sugar pot from the coffee table and emptied it over his head.
sugar, sweet as a child’s smile. makes my ass look huge after a few too many cupcakes.
like many things far too delicious to pass up.
addictive, the simple man’s heroin, but beautiful and satisfying like a sunny afternoon.
brings me back to my childhood, innocence and joy.
cookies! love it.
sweet coffee tea! life! daddy! dandy! love health good times! sugardaddy time heeling nice sweet sour chinese food! tea and cakes cocaine! salt ! baking powder! happiness sadness emotions ups! top of the world amazing joy!
Sugar taste sweet. It makes everything taste better.
it can be used in tea, milk. Make good sweets.
sweet thing from latin america and another countries, in cubes, now due the light
sweet like honey,makes any child happy.To much may even make an adult happy. But to much is never healthy.
i added suger to my diet when i found out what happened to roger last week. i went to the morgue and saw him, and then i got a glazed donut. i dont think it matters anymore.
gotta enjoy the little things.
Sugar …I remember when I was little and we went to visit my low life uncle. I was thirsty and I needed to pee. He gave me a newspaper to wipe with in the bathroom and some lukewarm tap water with some sugar in it to drink. I loved him but I never wanted to visit him again.
sugar is sweet.. so as your love .. sweet like the melody of chimes.. your kiss so sweet .. like a ray divine.. sweet sweet sweet.. so are you..
the sweet sent of the cupcakes and sugar cookies floated through the room up the stairs entwined in the smell of candles and matches recently extinguished it crept under the doorway to where he lay asleep as anything or anyone had every been and it registered with him and he remember through a process he learned about so long ago of all those days even longer before and he woke up.
it feels great satisfaction to write what we have in our mind.. nowadays writing has come up with various scopes. blogging has been a latest trend this days
sugar is really sweet, you dont even want it all the time but its really good, it can be so unhealthy though, i know some sweet guys, well 2 litrally 2. i want one of them, sugar is white and its like sand. i hate the feel of sand. i use too many commas!!!
makes me upset that I am so vulnerable to it. I wish that I could not want sugar at any time for the rest of my life. I do not drink it in my coffee any more, and that is a fete of great proprotions,
ballsack taste good lololol eat poop
the sugar spilled from the jar all over the floor. Damnet! she cried. Just another thing that i’ll clean up. Go ahead, go to work, as usual I’ll fix everything around here. How had things gotten this way between us? What happened to the times we’d spend just laughing for no reason, riding the ferris wheel together or just sitting without talking? what happened to the love? it disinegrated, like the sugar did as her tears fell into it. fields. lips. honey. psychocandy. spookasem. damn i like sugar but id like to think that im sweet enough thank you.
sugar is unhealthy yet it taste so good and is very addicting i wish healthy food tasted good so this world wouldnt be a giant mcdonaldization and instead it will be a civilization.
Sweet. Tasty. The essence of freshly baked cookies at home on a Sunday afternoon. Sugar is what our tongues long to taste, it is what all good mothers forbid their children to eat, but they eat it anyways.
The sweetest thing they say outside of love is sugar. As for me, I’ll stick with the sugar. It may do a number on my teeth, but I’ll take my chances.