I put it in my tea. Although I hate tea. I don’t add milk. In fact, I don’t normally have sugar either. But on this particular day I decided to have tea, with sugar. It was brown. I know, normally you’d have white sugar with tea. But this time it was brown. It was very sweet, and I thought it was probably from sugar cane.
Sugar is anything sweet that we can imagine. Obviously, it’s just a certain type of food, but it’s much more than that in people’s minds. Sugar is sexy, sugar is naughty, sugar is forbidden.
sugar is sweet, used in candy, foods. people describe a loved one as their sugar. ants seem to love sugar, I would bathe in sugar if possible. I love sugar.
Sweet, delicious.
Kind of like you, only you don’t give me cavities.
Sugar doesn’t give me the same rush you do, and there’s never a crash. Love you.
The bane of diabetics, the joy of 3 year olds. My daughter was on a sugar high yesterday after a birthday party that would have made Mickey Rourke blush in both its intensity and fervor.
Me? My sugar is soda. Love it, can’t go without it, think that diet tastes like ass.
Yay, sugar!
sugar sugar oh baby don’t treat me this way i love why would you do that? i can’t i can’t understand things were so sweet and i loved you baby i loved you you knew that i told you and you left me and i am now alone, alone baby without you without anyone in this whole wide world cause when i see them baby, when i see them other girls, all i think of is you
my sister once had a stuffed animal dog which she named ‘sugar’. the first time my family vacationed to hawaii, she brought it with her, and put it in a suitcase, because it was too big to come on the airplane. upon our arrival, we found out that that one bag was lost in the airport and was not sent to hawaii. we ended up spending the whole first day of our trip waiting to talk to people and find out where her stuffed animal was.
MMM. the momentary feeling of sugary bliss melting over my tongue has since elapsed into the annual post-halloween stomachache. everyevery year, nothing ever changes. and maybe that’s the way it needs to be
The fate makes the sugarcubes melt in the water, and just the iceberg Bj
THe sugar cane farm wasn’t far from the coast. The people that lived there were never going to hear from a far off country. They only made three dollars a year. It wasn’t a sad life- it was one that kept them all alive. This life was meant for them, and they for it. No one cried. Everyone worked. Even the children worked.
no thanks, I’m sweet enough!
Sugar. That’s what my momma used to call me as I crawled across the floor. She said I was sweet but my attitude was just a little sticky. I wasn’t really sure what she meant about that until I was 7 years old. then everything clicked. I remember there was a girl who sassed me.
sugar is like glucose, only yummy and not all chemical like. it’s fun for ADD kids, and a parents worst nightmare. personally, i cut a canolope in half, put some SUGAR in the middle after scooping out the seeds and fill the bown of canolope with vanilla ice cream! yum!
i have a predisposition to diabetes and as such find this topic to be extremely offensive. i would like to see some consideration here!!!!!!!! you dummies!
sweet, tasty, bad for you, food, delicious, white, candy, simple, starch, carbohydrate, black, scent, magenta, yellow, original, blue, space, time, yum, yuck, sick
Sugar, spices, cloth and riches. A heavy sweet curtain, decadently red. The merchant stands, an unsincere smile, laden with authority, still for the painter. A relic to be treasured, in thousand years from now, worth more then the profit itself.
sugar is sweet, it’s good with anything. it can also be a nickname for a loved one or be whaen your dad gives you kisses at night. sugar isn’t alwasy good for you, but it tastes great. everyone eats sugar everyday of their
Sugar is the sweet thing that makes cookies better, and it sweetens love. My boyfriend is a cookiemonster, and he always tastes sweet. I wonder if it is because he
its sweet, the living blood of mine, sweet sweet sugar. chocolate, also the thing that haunts me, it makes me think, meaty, and so i refuse the thing that I want most, this delicious need i have, but the even more needy thing is the need to be thin, thin where bones come out and are seen, where everyone thinks i am too thin.
The sugar on her tongue melted and fell down her throat like a waterfall of sweet. She smiled and took another bite of the sugar-laden pie. Her grandmother laughed, patting her full stomach.
“If you eat like that, you’ll start looking like me.”
She laughed, too, though she didn’t think it was very funny.
sugar is sweet, and convential. cant it also be called convential sugar whats that about. how interesting it comes from a plant. i supose it would have to come from somewhere. white and grainy or granulated is that what its called. I like putting sugar into cold ice tea or in oatmeal. im not so hot on fake sugar its not so tasty
Suga daddy
pour some sugar on meeeeeeee
sugar makes everything great
it’s sweet and makes you hapy
but sugar can also give you diabetes and kil you
stay away from sugar
I want a sugar ruch
i like sugar candy is very sweet
like sugar
sugar sugarwhat will I do withoiut yu?
sugar sugar on my fingers sticky sweet but kind of annoying. should have been more careful pouring it into the measuring cup. now i have to wash my hands before i get the flour out. too bad i cracked the eggs first, thats why my fingers are all crystally and white.
One day, I was baking cookies for a class. After a long time of rolling the dough and mixing the dough, I realized that I didn’t put any sugar in the cookies. I was sad. The cookies tasted bad. I now have really bad tasking cookies.
sweet tea chocolate flavour eat
stress relieving.
white. brown.
the best thing in the world.
what i crave when im on my period.
sugar, baby, sexy, honey, georgeous, darling. dont call me those names because im not yours to love. you dont love me. you only love what i can, and have, given you.
a sweet thing. whether it be a simple tasty snack, an addition to something like coffee, a topping, or a love phrase.
Sugar, sugar. Sweet and mischievous… sugar will rot your teeth. Make them incapable of loving any other sweets. Sugar, oh, how lovely you are.
Is sweet, is processed, is pure. Speaks of the pureness of industrialized life, stark white, clean, civilized. Uninhibited by outside factors.
it’s sweet candylike form? sugar come here? people like to dance around sugar girl?
tasty. hearbal tea. Makes me hyper. Ice cream. sarah sugar cookies. warm. snow. donuts. Yummy. :)
yum delicious
I just ate some, in little cubes from the Indian restaurant. The first time I had those was when Avishag brought them back from India in seventh grade, and I wondered what was in them and whether it was kosher, but she said it was just sugar, so I believed her and didn’t make a fuss.
A Name
sugar is amazing and i have to do this assment and i dont know how to go about doing it and im really bored so therefor im leving peace out homeslice izzle. suger is every where.
sugar cookies on Christmas day. Warm, toasty. Smiles. Happiness. Warmth. Love. Tears. Overjoy. Sweet. Red, Green. Scarves
One of my favorite movies is Army of Darkness…give me some sugar, baby.
I put it in my tea. Although I hate tea. I don’t add milk. In fact, I don’t normally have sugar either. But on this particular day I decided to have tea, with sugar. It was brown. I know, normally you’d have white sugar with tea. But this time it was brown. It was very sweet, and I thought it was probably from sugar cane.
Sugar is anything sweet that we can imagine. Obviously, it’s just a certain type of food, but it’s much more than that in people’s minds. Sugar is sexy, sugar is naughty, sugar is forbidden.
sugar is sweet, used in candy, foods. people describe a loved one as their sugar. ants seem to love sugar, I would bathe in sugar if possible. I love sugar.
Sweet, delicious.
Kind of like you, only you don’t give me cavities.
Sugar doesn’t give me the same rush you do, and there’s never a crash. Love you.
The bane of diabetics, the joy of 3 year olds. My daughter was on a sugar high yesterday after a birthday party that would have made Mickey Rourke blush in both its intensity and fervor.
Me? My sugar is soda. Love it, can’t go without it, think that diet tastes like ass.
Yay, sugar!
sugar sugar oh baby don’t treat me this way i love why would you do that? i can’t i can’t understand things were so sweet and i loved you baby i loved you you knew that i told you and you left me and i am now alone, alone baby without you without anyone in this whole wide world cause when i see them baby, when i see them other girls, all i think of is you
my sister once had a stuffed animal dog which she named ‘sugar’. the first time my family vacationed to hawaii, she brought it with her, and put it in a suitcase, because it was too big to come on the airplane. upon our arrival, we found out that that one bag was lost in the airport and was not sent to hawaii. we ended up spending the whole first day of our trip waiting to talk to people and find out where her stuffed animal was.
MMM. the momentary feeling of sugary bliss melting over my tongue has since elapsed into the annual post-halloween stomachache. everyevery year, nothing ever changes. and maybe that’s the way it needs to be
The fate makes the sugarcubes melt in the water, and just the iceberg Bj
THe sugar cane farm wasn’t far from the coast. The people that lived there were never going to hear from a far off country. They only made three dollars a year. It wasn’t a sad life- it was one that kept them all alive. This life was meant for them, and they for it. No one cried. Everyone worked. Even the children worked.
no thanks, I’m sweet enough!
Sugar. That’s what my momma used to call me as I crawled across the floor. She said I was sweet but my attitude was just a little sticky. I wasn’t really sure what she meant about that until I was 7 years old. then everything clicked. I remember there was a girl who sassed me.
sugar is like glucose, only yummy and not all chemical like. it’s fun for ADD kids, and a parents worst nightmare. personally, i cut a canolope in half, put some SUGAR in the middle after scooping out the seeds and fill the bown of canolope with vanilla ice cream! yum!
i have a predisposition to diabetes and as such find this topic to be extremely offensive. i would like to see some consideration here!!!!!!!! you dummies!
sweet, tasty, bad for you, food, delicious, white, candy, simple, starch, carbohydrate, black, scent, magenta, yellow, original, blue, space, time, yum, yuck, sick
Sugar, spices, cloth and riches. A heavy sweet curtain, decadently red. The merchant stands, an unsincere smile, laden with authority, still for the painter. A relic to be treasured, in thousand years from now, worth more then the profit itself.
sugar is sweet, it’s good with anything. it can also be a nickname for a loved one or be whaen your dad gives you kisses at night. sugar isn’t alwasy good for you, but it tastes great. everyone eats sugar everyday of their
Sugar is the sweet thing that makes cookies better, and it sweetens love. My boyfriend is a cookiemonster, and he always tastes sweet. I wonder if it is because he
its sweet, the living blood of mine, sweet sweet sugar. chocolate, also the thing that haunts me, it makes me think, meaty, and so i refuse the thing that I want most, this delicious need i have, but the even more needy thing is the need to be thin, thin where bones come out and are seen, where everyone thinks i am too thin.
The sugar on her tongue melted and fell down her throat like a waterfall of sweet. She smiled and took another bite of the sugar-laden pie. Her grandmother laughed, patting her full stomach.
“If you eat like that, you’ll start looking like me.”
She laughed, too, though she didn’t think it was very funny.
sugar is sweet, and convential. cant it also be called convential sugar whats that about. how interesting it comes from a plant. i supose it would have to come from somewhere. white and grainy or granulated is that what its called. I like putting sugar into cold ice tea or in oatmeal. im not so hot on fake sugar its not so tasty
pour some sugar on meeeeeeee
sugar makes everything great
it’s sweet and makes you hapy
but sugar can also give you diabetes and kil you
stay away from sugar
I want a sugar ruch
i like sugar candy is very sweet
like sugar
sugar sugarwhat will I do withoiut yu?
sugar sugar on my fingers sticky sweet but kind of annoying. should have been more careful pouring it into the measuring cup. now i have to wash my hands before i get the flour out. too bad i cracked the eggs first, thats why my fingers are all crystally and white.
One day, I was baking cookies for a class. After a long time of rolling the dough and mixing the dough, I realized that I didn’t put any sugar in the cookies. I was sad. The cookies tasted bad. I now have really bad tasking cookies.
sweet tea chocolate flavour eat
stress relieving.
white. brown.
the best thing in the world.
what i crave when im on my period.
sugar, baby, sexy, honey, georgeous, darling. dont call me those names because im not yours to love. you dont love me. you only love what i can, and have, given you.
a sweet thing. whether it be a simple tasty snack, an addition to something like coffee, a topping, or a love phrase.
Sugar, sugar. Sweet and mischievous… sugar will rot your teeth. Make them incapable of loving any other sweets. Sugar, oh, how lovely you are.
Is sweet, is processed, is pure. Speaks of the pureness of industrialized life, stark white, clean, civilized. Uninhibited by outside factors.
it’s sweet candylike form? sugar come here? people like to dance around sugar girl?
tasty. hearbal tea. Makes me hyper. Ice cream. sarah sugar cookies. warm. snow. donuts. Yummy. :)
yum delicious
I just ate some, in little cubes from the Indian restaurant. The first time I had those was when Avishag brought them back from India in seventh grade, and I wondered what was in them and whether it was kosher, but she said it was just sugar, so I believed her and didn’t make a fuss.
sugar is amazing and i have to do this assment and i dont know how to go about doing it and im really bored so therefor im leving peace out homeslice izzle. suger is every where.
sugar cookies on Christmas day. Warm, toasty. Smiles. Happiness. Warmth. Love. Tears. Overjoy. Sweet. Red, Green. Scarves
One of my favorite movies is Army of Darkness…give me some sugar, baby.