
November 14th, 2009 | 734 Entries

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734 Entries for “sugar”

  1. She walked into the room, slipped into the couch, and whispered into my ear, “mind if I borrow a cup of sugar?” Now, in my moment of necessity I realized I had forgotten to refill the sugar tin.

  2. Sugar, we’re going down down and I don’t remember the rest, but that song plays in my head whenever I ask, “Hey, neighbor, may I borrow a cup of sugar? Or are you all I’ve got? Is this world going to turn around, am I taking a stand? Am I sitting down? Who knows what makes up…

  3. His lips tasted just a bit like sugar, the crumbs of the cookies still remnant in the corners. The sweet flavor teased at my taste buds as his lips touched mine, the sweetest kiss I’d ever experienced.

  4. sugar is one of the best substances ever. it makes pretty much anything better. being someone who loves baking sugar is a wonderful substance.

    i love you scott mccaffree.

  5. sugar is sweet. it is good in coffee. they put it in lots of foods. sugar tastes good. but not alone. it is too sweet sometimes. boys sometimes call their girl friends sugar to be sweet. sugar is in so many things and it helps flavor things when you cook. sugar can be used in many different ways when you say it, it can mean many different things.

    Chloe Culbreth
  6. it isn’t half of what it used to be. to be young and devoid of the ‘real world’ burdens. it doesn’t, and will never taste as sweet again.

    Josh Miller
  7. “Sugar in the morning, sugar in the evening, sugar at supper time,” that is what makes us such big fat Americans! Really, sugar and carbs are what has done us in–and TV and the computer and the games that mean we don’t get out to enjoy nature, we have other things to do that do not require us to move…

  8. sweets flour glucose candy white crystals cavity cookies

    Tyler Ham
  9. Sugar is a strong substance, one that many people over look. There are many things that can come out of it whether its sweetness or chaos! And I have come to believe that sugar is the most addicting factor that almost every person in the

  10. sweet. Sugar in is chocolate. Sugar gets me hyper but makes me more enjoyable to be around. I associate it with friendlyness and pretty flowers.

  11. yums

  12. sweet in candy makes people energetic crash later bad 4 teeth spoonful helps the medicine go down dextrose sucrose maltose fructose glucose lactose galactose gross cane

    Ace Perry
  13. Its sweet and goes with a number of things, in particular cereal in the morning. Not great if you’ve got diabetes. Sometimes used in different contexts, like “Hey sugar” to get someone elses attention, particularly if you have some kind of sexual relation with them. It isnt really consumed on its own, that would be a bit strange.

    Ben Fowler
  14. honey honey, I can’t wait to go home and eat a sweet with my sweet. Christmas brings true love with baking and the sugar high part of the brain…it makes us do crazy things. Banana Bread.s

    the archies

    Daniel Arntz
  16. birds cake kiss stuff bags rain candy life sister dog cookies sweet cupcakes cars kane
    cane santa loli

  17. the sweet confection, first cultivated in India, it made its way via the Arabs to the European colonies in the Atlantic. It made huge slave trade to the Caribbean and to Brazil. It tastes good in tea and candy.

  18. white, clean, natural – yea, let’s go. Real simple, stick together.

  19. sugar sweet white crystals powder beignets, cookies, cake, brownies. Ahh yes, brownies. must be the diet, brownies sound so good. Chocolate. Yes, I’m a chocolahalic! isnt’ everyone. If you’re not, you really don’t know what you are missing. Chocolate….ahhhh so goood!

    donna bush
  20. “Pour some sugar on me,” the singer with awful hair wailed, as I flipped the band the finger and sulked off into the fresh night. Amanda was waiting for me and I didn’t need their overdriven guitars or pity. The night was young, they were old, and things were starting for me at last. I inhaled sharply with anticipation.

    Sam Riedel
  21. sweeeet

  22. 3 and a half spoons with tea 4 spoons with coffee.

  23. Sugar is sweet. Sugar is in what we eat. It makes you hyper. Makes children wet their diaper. When it’s in drink that is. It can be bad and also good but all in all it makes us feel good.

    Colby Strickland
  24. I love sugar so much it’s like cupcakes in the sky. Cloudy cloud puffs of cotton candy. Put it in my mouth and let it melt like a sweet dream. I can’t wait to eat cake and cupcakes and cookies everyday. My friend Lily has lots of chocolate in her room and I like to go in there to eat it when I come home from class that’s all I think about.

  25. I LOVE sugar. It’s the best. My favorite foods are cotton candy, Ice cream, and gumballs. All sugar, all the time. I only have a couple cavities. Not too shabby, if I do say so myself :)

  26. sugar sugar! ohhhh honey honey. i talked to you on the phone today. it has been so long since i heard your voice i thought it was a joke. sugar is what i crave. it is what makes me this obese creature that i am. sugar is evil. but it is my evil and i will covet is along with my sins. i enjoy sinning through gluttony and sugar.

    cloudy seattle
  27. I have switched my addiction from cocaine to sugar. Instead of going downtown to buy drugs, I stop at the bakery, buy donuts.

  28. suagar is the tastiest thing in the world. It acts as an awesome food supplicant, and can make almost any meal taste like dessert. Only old people hate sugar, and we all know that the opinions of them are whacked up.

  29. sugar, we’re goin’ down swingin’. I love that song. I once had a cat named sugar. She was an old cat for as long as I can remember, I was practically raised by her. She had apparently lived through a hurricane, a tornado, a sandstorm, a fire, everything. She died at the age of eighteen of kindey failure. It would have been ironic if she had been hit by a car.

  30. i like it. it is sweet. old people call you that. It comes from a corn like stalk. it is white. wo w

  31. sugar is so sweet It’s way better than that saccharin crap. That stuff tastes terrible.

    Sometimes people say “gimme some sugar”, but that’s mostly black people. Old black ladies. That creep me out when they talk about sex. I think they’re better off asexual in my mind.

  32. suger and spice and everything nice…blossum butters and buttercup… suger is the opposite of salt…the best type of suger is the type inthe brown bags in cracker barrel

  33. your so bitter, sweet. you knock me off my feet.

  34. gimme some sugar he said to her after coming home from a long day at work. she didn’t care so she threw two packets of sweet and low at his feet and walked away. he stood there confused and upset.

  35. i think this word is representative of the fallacies regarding feminism. a sugar daddy is the typical man who has money to pay for a skanky, usually over 35, wrinkly whore. it also makes me think of an extremely sexy female holding a twizzler full of sugar, but that is besides the point.

  36. sugar is the most delicious element in the world

  37. sweetness, why aren’t you here?
    the salt stings
    it stings
    you’re so sweet though.
    I need you in my coffee.
    I can’t handle it this black.
    I can’t take the darkness in the mug,
    it burns my throat.
    It’s hell on the throat,
    the screaming
    I need the sweetness to make it better.

  38. sugar is sweet and so are you, coffee, cakes, kisses, names, love, happy, smiles, sweet, sour, candy, baked goods, “give me sugar”, happiness,

  39. Sweet as it touces your tounge. Cubic molecular structure. Almost as addictive as crack cocaine. Cookies, Cakes, Doughnuts, Ice cream, all are in thanks to sugar

  40. i love to put tons of sugar in my coffee to make it sweet b/c without it, coffee tastes like ass!!! sugar cookies = yummmmm i love baking them with my sister when she’s home
