
November 14th, 2009 | 734 Entries

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734 Entries for “sugar”

  1. is really sweet and delicious.

  2. sugar is used when baking which reminds me of my grandmother, Nana. She is the one who taught me everything I know about it. It is more to her than just cooking, I get the feeling its her “happy place” and she feels at home when she is doing it. It makes me feel good to know she is happy.

  3. the sweetness and the agony of living with sugar. Today is National Diabetes day, and the thing that brings life and joy to so much cooking and eating also poisons the systems of those who cannot process it. Sugar draws us in, but in the case of the diabetic, it stands on top of the cell and refuses to be shoved in, going to a place instead where it poisons the muscles.

  4. bitter without sugar
    too sweet to add another
    these are the words of the summer

  5. sugar is sweet unlike me

  6. Sugar isn’t sweet. Not any aspect of it. Not any effect of it. Sugar is, in fact, a poison that destroys and diminishes our inner resource and our outer appearance. Strange then that this poison which apes the evolutionary forces we depend on is so revered within society. And indeed that the word itself is so different to its effect.

  7. sweet, for coffee use haha. used for cake and stuff, make people fat. the body has sugar i think. pretty much used everyday. named by parents to their kids. :)

  8. sugar is sweet. i like sugar better than salty but certainly salty has its place. when i think of sugar, i think of cookies, cupcakes, frosting and candy bars. or melted sugar that turns into caramel. oh but don’t burn it. that just tastes bad.

  9. sugar and spice and all things that are nice, thats what little girls are made of. sugar in my coffee, sugar in my tea. why does sugar have to be bad for you? i wanted honey today, but all i could find is sugar. sugar mama, sugar for my baby. lol. sugar

  10. Magical crystals or a simple ingredient to sweeten deserts? Some things you have to form opinions on.

  11. AZUCAR. sugar on my cookies, sprinkled slightly over the stollen. it’s not tasty when its granulated, it crunches and is gritty and gets stuck in your teeth. but when you know how to bake the stollen just right, you only dust it with powered sugar right after, light and soft and pillowy, wonderufl and delicious, just like grandma used to make. and then she woud serve it to you, warm and with hot butter

  12. Lots of calories….problematic to diabetes. One the good side,, everyone has a sugar spot one where

  13. cane, woods, there’s a house my mom talked about where she would steal the sugar cane from through the fence. she got in trouble. i bet it tasted amazing. i wish i had some sugar right now. taco bell is in my immediate future… they don’t sell sugar.

  14. sugar. sugar is sweet. it reminds me of springtime and the flowers in my grandpas garden. it makes me want to have a tea party and eat fresh picked strawberry’s in Maine. My heart is in Maine.

  15. love
    coffee & tea
    not my nickname
    “you know that I love you”
    & spice
    everything nice

  16. “Hey, sugar,” he said, running his hands through his hair smoothly.
    “Hey yourself,” she responded, laughing, which caused him to break character and laugh as well. She walked up to him and gave him a hug and took in the smell of his leather jacket.

  17. baking late at night at first from a box and then from scratch…. borrwing a cup of sugar from a neighor, lucky number slvin is one of my favorite movies…. sugar honey baby names… it’s sweet the way nicknames for loved ones are so

  18. It’s too much to have sugar on the tongue. I hate it, just like I hate chocolate–which is something no one understands about me at all. Oh, chocolate makes you orgasm, people tell me, but I have no way of arguing against that. What could I say? I don’t like sex? I do. I don’t orgasm? I do. What’s to say?

    Ella Emma Em
  19. honey

  20. You

    Amy L. Gleeson
  21. bad for you

  22. sugar

  23. sweet, nice, tasted on my tongue. sugar rush, you feel so good. Sugar, sugar, sugar rush. I change my mind, I never touched when you taste you tease me all night, sugar rush, Just give me a taste tonight

  24. i put brown sugar in my oatmeal. my mother used to make me that for breakfast. i miss the things she used to say to me…’sweet sugar for my sweetie girl’…I can’t enjoy it anymore. Life isn’t sweet when you are alone.

  25. “Come here, Sugar, it’s alright.” My grandmother said, holding her arms out. Her hug was so warm, so comforting, I nearly forgot why I had been crying to begin with.

  26. he used to be my sugar…then i moved onto honey…sweet, brown, perfect with peppermint tea… early morning not yet dawn… alone i contemplate his taste.. it’s better that way.

    one more believer
  27. yumymumymumymumymumymumymumymu

  28. Clouds of sugar floating down from the sky like snowflakes to land on the tongue of an expectant chil who’s face lights up in pleasure. Powdery goodness it brings joy and pleasure to the mundane lives of adults as well in their coffee cups.

  29. Sugar is the best thing ever. It makes you happy when you are down and gives a quick burst of energy when you need it. It lets you show someone how much you care about them and is the best thing for a sad heart. Sugar is the thing that can make anyone happy and cheerful.

  30. sugar is the sweetest decay that you always recognise is bad for you, but will allow in moderation. sugar that you get from love which you know is bad for you is never gained in moderation. always in excess. and we happily want more, no matter how sickly it tastes.

  31. soft brown sugar.
    glistening wet crystal brown grains.

    tough cane sugar.
    sweet big league jungle chew.

    white sugar.
    in every cup of coffee.

    sarah lillian
  32. Sugar is what makes my life happy. It wakes me has me running around wishing i had not had that third piece o cake cause the skinny girl neext to me ois pretyy and has on really cute heels.

  33. I love sugar. It’s something I could not live without. It’s something I try to keep away from my little boy because it makes him crazy. He things sugar is a kiss, which is pretty sweet. I hate it when brown sugar gets hard and you have to try to pack it into the measuring cup. Sugar is awesome

  34. There are a lot of things that need sugar, but there are not a lot of things that really need this substance. We can all do without it by using other natural sources.

  35. A girl i know makes art about sugar. She says the only reciprocal sense is touch. But what about taste? Her art is never messy, but her relationships are.

    Mary Jakse Strebinger
  36. sweet tea me cake cookies baby diabetes pancakes syrup honey white powder splenda buzz sweets desert

  37. sweet splendor of the earth you twinkle with delight and sprinkle so light. The glistening gems dance around like snowflakes in a blizzard.

    Ellie Lockhart
  38. sugar is sweet, but unfortunately I have a stomach ache right now and thinking about sugar just makes me feel sort of sick. Also, my roomate is crunching a sugary loli-pop and that attaches more negative feelings about sugar to my response to it. but generally, I would say, I like sugar and sugary things.

  39. Baby give me sugar.
    And I’ll linger.
    Eat me up honey.
    I’m yours.
    But am I really? Who are we? What do all of these words mean?

    I’m sick of all the details getting in the way of the big picture.
    I’m sorry.

  40. dance
