
November 14th, 2009 | 734 Entries

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734 Entries for “sugar”

  1. Sugar coated lips pressed against mine, breaths mingling together to form this sweet sensation. Press your body against mine and tell me you love me the way sugar loves tea.

  2. that’s it

  3. sugar sweetens our lives and keeps us going. I like sugar on the light side. Leaning more toward the savory and the tart in life. Too sugary is cloying.

  4. sweet white powdery used in baking and oh so sticky when mixed with water. sweetener. pretty please with sugar on top. lots of sugar to go around with a sweet person.

  5. Sugar makes me think of candy. I don’t really like candy…just gummy bears…mmmmm gummy bears. The red and white ones are my favourite. Most people dont like the white ones. Pineapple is one of my favourite fruits,its delicious.

  6. sweet in your tea but kind of sickly. Horses love it i think but only in cube form. Its white and comes in a bag which costs approximately 60p. When working in a supermarket i used to stock it at the end of the night

  7. not all sugar is vegan. i forgot what the process is called but most people don’t know about it.

  8. one of the sweetest taste i can think of. One of the main ingredients in alot of america’s foods. Some good, some bad. Rots your enamel and once it does you dont get that back. Sweet tea. Kool Aid. 9 teaspoons in a can of soda. Spoonful makes the medicine go down.

  9. Sugar is sweet. It wasn’t used in the western world until it was made widely available during the colonial period and through improved trans-Atlantic trade. It replaced honey as a major sweet flavoring particle.

  10. acress of endless fields, millions of straw, the biggest industry of them all, causing diseases and addiction, and is off course fully allowed, why? i may ask. Is the world such a bad place that we continue to allow such a horrible thing. You can do something. you can save our future children.

  11. acress of endless fields, millions of straw, the biggest industry of them all, causing diseases and addiction, and is off course fully allowed, why? i may ask. Is the world such a bad place that we continue to allow such a horrible thing. You can do something. you can save our future children.

  12. I’ve already wondered about this phenomenon. Somehow, it activates the seritonin in your brain, but in an articifial way. It brings happiness in my chest, but not my heart. The fake happiness og the world.

    Allie S.
  13. sugary espresso with whole fat milk. well, it has been now almost a year, and still the lack of splenda and skim has not hurt me. luckily.

  14. mmmm sweet ambrosia i miss your honey come back to me like i remember you

  15. sweet. dude. surf. salt. hey, that’s nearly the opposite of sugar!

  16. I love it. My mind is addicted, and it rules my life. It is an addiction I can’t get out of. Like drrugs or alchhol, and just as strong. It calls to me, and I can’t live without it.

  17. spice and everything nice

  18. Sweet, makes my tea taste better. Good in chocolate. I like pouring it in cakes but it’s not as fun as flour where to you get to sieve it. Also it’s not as soft, it’s sort of grainy and rough. I like sugar cubes too, all hard and crumbly.

  19. sweet sugar on my tongue.
    hey, sugar. come over here and stay awhile. I got somethin’ for ya that you won’t want to miss.

  20. as sweet as candy. the death of most people today. lots of people worship it. it can be deadly. but its oh so good. i can’t imagine my life without it. its a tricky thing sugar. i love it but loathe it. it is a strange contraption indeed.

  21. “hey, baby, give me som’ sugar!” he sang as he walked though the door. he didn’t know she had heard all about his foolin’ around with mavis jenson over at sapp bros diner. he didn’t know she’d found his secret porn stash. he had no idea she discovered the hidden money.

    “hey, baby, give me som’ sugar!” he sang as he walked through the living room into the kitchen.

    she swung the 25lb burlap sack of sugar at the back of his head when he walked past her, snapping his neck.

    “ask, and ye shall receive!”, she whispered, dragging his body down to the basement, where it fit perfectly in the deep freeze.

    quin browne
  22. the sweetest thing Ive ever known is loving you

  23. Sugar sugar you’re up to my lips
    Licking over everything I miss
    And I got no reason
    Just a slow, slow, slow, slow, suck

  24. It’s cleaned up with a licked finger when spilled.

  25. sugar is a term used for both an endearment or for the actual, physical ‘sugar’ known to must. or you can have that awesome black lady that says “give me some suga’, hun.”

  26. Sugar is fucking sweet. I eat sugar out of sugar packets because it’s so fucking sweet. As a kid I would go to McDonalds with my family and eat a bunch of sugar packets. Today I ate a packet of brown sugar, and put one in my pocket to save for later consumption.

  27. The sweet cakes were filled with the grainy substance that made albert grin. From ear to ear, his smiles could been seen from accross the room, all except his teeth, which were hidden by the sugar.

    David W.
  28. oh honey honey you are my candy girl and you got me wanting you. honey or sugar sugar you are my candy girl and you got me wanting you. when i kissed you girl i knew how sweet a kiss you be. like the summer sunshine pour you sweetness over me.

  29. It is like crack. Once I start, I want more and more and more…and then I want carbs–more carbs; bread, cereal, pop tarts. All because of that damn Halloween candy: IT started it. Which is why I’m sitting here alone–with heartburn. Damn sugar.

    Leslie Cook
  30. my mom called that when i was little. my grandmother never put it in her coffee, she always used saccarine…it look slike little pills and one time i tried them and they tasted so bitter that i swore to never take anything out of her purse again.

  31. Sugar, i love sugar, sugar is amazing, it tastes really sweet, no duh, and adds a lot of taste to everything. though it can cause diabetes. i love it in my ice cream, coffee, anything without sugar tastes less as well then anything with sugar. huzzah sugar. oh no times times running out, so is energy, i need some sugar, bye.

  32. sweet and granules white makes protein break down and ferment and by god there’s very little to say about sugar, but without it I guess we wouldn’t have orange cake and beer. And I giess that sponge cake with strawberries we have for birthdays.
  33. Oh how sweet it is. but too much of anything can make you sick. I believe that may greatest weakness is over indulgence in either direction it causes perhaps the greatest paint/

  34. Sugar Ray Robinson laid one of the most horrific beatings on Jake Lamotta in Raging Bull. The b&w blood and flashing polaroid violence like surgery.

  35. His kiss was as sweet as sugar, but she did not mind. All she had to do was one swift, stabbing motion and it will all be over. She held the knife in her hands as tight as she could. He then asked, “Would you like sugar in that?”. She smiled.

  36. white crystals that taste sweeter than the sun. granules that can make your tongue tingle. don’t get to much, or your sweet tooth will freeze up. tasty tasty tasty

  37. Sugar is so sweet. But it never gets sour or gets hot. I wouldn’t want my life to be sugar because if everything was always sweet you would never aprreciate the hard work. For the longest time I thought i wanted my life to be sugar but I was wrong I want it to be sweet,sour, hot, cold, and all the flavors of the world!

  38. i like sugar it makes me think of pumpkin cheesecake and that tv show with anna olsen she is really annoying i like jamie oliver and fuck ina garten and i like who is it uhhhhhhh michael smith and the guys from food jammers they make cool taco machines it is pretty sweet j dk dgmndf

  39. i like sugar…..its sticky and sweet. from my head….to my feet.

  40. Just a spoonful of … I saw Mary Poppins when I was five, I have refused to go back for any or the reissues or to see it on DVD. I dont want the memory corrupted by adult eyes.
