
July 24th, 2024 | 4 Entries

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4 Entries for “sunflower”

  1. Sunflower, lifting to the sun, heart and fields, comfortable sunshine warming your skin, a cool place to stand under

  2. Standing tall amongst an ocean of their peers, all bright and merry with each passing day. They soak in all the sun can give them and spread the light through their many leaves.

  3. The sunflowers grew to amazing heights – a wall of sunflowers were lined up on one side of my yard, their heads following the sun. Then the rains would come and they would droop a bit, then stand up as talk as before, guarding the yard.

  4. Sunflower seeds are delicious. If you didn’t have to peel them, they would be the perfect food. I remember eating sunflower seeds with my mom and my sister when I was young. These were the ones that you had to peel. I understand that they’re really popular with soldiers and with Russians. Kansas is the sunflower state. We used to have a sunflower plant in our yard.