
August 15th, 2024 | 4 Entries

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4 Entries for “superhero”

  1. A dull, corporate grey where colors used to shine. Never cared much for the perfect character or their sci-fi feats but I feel for those who once clung to such an image.

  2. Superhero, flap-flap of your cape behind you, lifting high, jumping over skyscrapers, touching clouds, don’t we all seem small from there, do you feel the hurt of unsent text messages, of never belonging, of grandmas dying from cancer, or is it only world-destroyers that get your attention? When we all look like ants, is it hard to care?

  3. She always looked up to her father. He was like a superhero in her life, able to lift boxes of books in a single bound, and he knew so much when he helped her with her homework. In the hospital, as he fought for his final breaths, she realized that being a superhero was not just being physically strong but being able to face the unknown.

  4. Think about being a superhero to everyone you know. Being a superhero isn’t always easy.
