Ice hanging from trees, snow covering the ground, cookies baking in the oven–supreme cliches about this time of year. But I like them.
I am the supreme being in the universe. I love me- yes, I beleive in God and I would never try to take his place, but I was told that If I didn’t love myself then no one else would. so yes i am supreme in my world.
I need love
to ease my mind.
i need to find
someone to call mine.
but mama said…
mike s
the most great concept of the human race, appellative of god and highest rate of something
the supreme ruler of the universe orders everyone to act supremely
A higher being or otherwise someone who feels extremely above average. Also an adjective for something that excels expectations.
supreme sunrise take me with you today for I wish not to stay where I am. I want only your warmth
Mary Lou Wynegar
our last supreme war is for love. when there’ll be nobody and everybody too. and they will stare at us and keep on smiling. and then you will come and kiss me, and i want to eat a bowl of ice with you. i love you, honey
Bist du es. Ich bin es nicht. Zumindest heute nicht. Morgen? Wer wei
supreme power… what is it??? is it actually power or is it responsibility? you work less when you have power or more???
you think you are so much better than i because you’re wearing a jackect made of blue velvet and boots made of baby cow hide. i don’t think you can buy your status with money made from sitting on you ass for 8 hours a day 4 days a week.
When I think of the word supreme I think of something that is really better, is actually the prioerity of words. Itis supreme to be a supreme being and it is supreme to be a supreme, like ‘diana rosee or diana ross, as it really is, and here singing group of the 60[s. I always like the way they sound together, harmonizing and singing about boys and love when i was a yougn. teenager.
King of the World..Jesus
Kathy Dempsey
the amazily supreme word that was fabricated by billy seemed to be in short supply of undergarmits, which an prove troublesome on national undergarment day in onterio cana
Paul Ramey
There is supreme power. This thing, pushing down down down. FORCE. Overarching and massive. Supreme is to be the top. Not the best. The top. In charge of things.
powerpuff girls, intense, amazing, friend, well what the hell am I supposed to say, the supreme people are powerful people that can fucking fly and do cool shit like that, supreme is something super only that better because it has eme at the end and yeah, there is no super, just supr.. but it’s still the same thing, I don’t understand why I have to type this but the first thing that came to mind was powerpuff girls
Chicken supreme pizza. I am hungry. We now have puff crust, which is uniquely Oriental.
oh man, i’m so goddamn thirsty. fuck. i want to fuck right now. i want to thrust my dick into her. oh god yeah.haha, if only. its alright though. i think.
You are supreme,
so great
to hate.
Well done,
blinking your eyelashes at me,
and sorting the boys from the men from the…
I knew it;
the jumps,
the giggles.
The best, of highest excellence; may be said of power, virtue etc.World nations vie with each other for supreme power.
pavalamani pragasam
awesome, the supreme power, to love something out of reach – a higher power, pizza – so many bits and pieces that can’t possibly be matched together but yet seem so good.
The supreme being. I think that is God. The Supremes were a girl singing group. Some foods have the label supreme. The best, the tops, the highest quality.
Chris G
Supreme, as in surpreme power. Power currupts, absolute power currupts absolutely. There is no denying it, you’ll see it in all of histories greatest “leaders”.
H’mmm, absolutes. I mean, even Diana Ross – very good, and some of those Motown records are transcendent, but toppermost of the you-know-what? This is, of course, one of the arguments against a supreme deity – there are inherent paradoxes and contradictions in postulating a supreme being. Being able to make a rock so heavy that he himself can’t lift it, that sort of thing. God as postulated in this way is impossible – and anything less just isn’t god.
Andy C
laugh. loud. because up there. high. high.
pizza. with tons of toppings. extravagant. the biggest and best there is. large. fat man. super important. super extreme. to the largest extent.
He watches-
& i look back into
eyes that by all accounts
should weep and rain fire
onto hearts we claim so deep.
“I don’t think I can go on like this.”
“This. This neverending battle between my head and my heart. This constant strain between logic and love.”
“But that strain is what true love is, I think.”
“I think you’re completely crazy.”
“And that’s why you love me.”
It is the everything. It is the complete.
it is as if you have cut open you heart and are bleeding these words out for me because YOU ARE MY EVERYTHING. There is nothing before you and nothing after you. As soon as you end, I end, likea raindrop in an ocean you are gone into the infinte.
I don’t even know anymore, how to describe you. But you are supreme.
the supreme ruler of the mighty sword. mightier than the pen you may say and you would be right. swords are sharper than pens and they don’t have that annoying inky stuff. just blood and cold metal.
“I’ll have the super supreme pizza tonight, Jill,” Tony said over the phone. He’d been ordering from the same girl for the past three months. They’d practically become friends.
“As usual,” Jill said, noting it down. “How’s your night been?”
Supreme. I used to say this alot when something was great.
“That’s supreme, man”
I often use strange adjectives to describe things.
Supreme ruler of the kingdom. The supreme court justice who’s supposed to fight for the rights of the people and defend them from the evil. The supreme right to live as a human being. What has happened to the world as we know it? What has happened. We need to end this feeling of supremacy.
my name is Pockets
Big macs are said to be supreme. i think it’s a big word, it has a big ego. sometimes i feel like my life is too supreme for me to handle, only then i realize it’s not that tough. I’m sure one day i’ll be able to tell my kids that life isn’t that hard and everything’ll be okay.
it will supreme effort to get anywhere today as it is snowing again. The man opposite spend ages clearing his drive and car and now it is covered again. I think I will not bother. Two appointments today and both can wait until after Xmas.
A Weir
Supreme. The supreme leader. The supreme god of the universe. All-powerful, and all-knowing. The greatest. I suppose that this is what many people wish to be. That which is above all else. The most supreme leader. But is it really worth it? It would probably be nice in some respects, but I’m sure there’s a hidden side, that none of us would know about until we finally reach it. Of course, this side would be darker. Know it.
he opened the over on the december afternoon and the kitchen was flooded with the warm, lofty scent of deep dish pizza, mushrooms and peppers and all that good shit. ‘veggie supreme’, which his boyfriend told him didn’t actually count as ‘supreme’ because it’s just a vegetarian cop-out and a sham.
Fast food meals. Royalty. I don’t know
Supreme beings surround the earth and to my mind i cannot convey a time when I could say that I planned to be the supreme being in the space provided.
Ice hanging from trees, snow covering the ground, cookies baking in the oven–supreme cliches about this time of year. But I like them.
I am the supreme being in the universe. I love me- yes, I beleive in God and I would never try to take his place, but I was told that If I didn’t love myself then no one else would. so yes i am supreme in my world.
I need love
to ease my mind.
i need to find
someone to call mine.
but mama said…
the most great concept of the human race, appellative of god and highest rate of something
the supreme ruler of the universe orders everyone to act supremely
A higher being or otherwise someone who feels extremely above average. Also an adjective for something that excels expectations.
supreme sunrise take me with you today for I wish not to stay where I am. I want only your warmth
our last supreme war is for love. when there’ll be nobody and everybody too. and they will stare at us and keep on smiling. and then you will come and kiss me, and i want to eat a bowl of ice with you. i love you, honey
Bist du es. Ich bin es nicht. Zumindest heute nicht. Morgen? Wer wei
supreme power… what is it??? is it actually power or is it responsibility? you work less when you have power or more???
you think you are so much better than i because you’re wearing a jackect made of blue velvet and boots made of baby cow hide. i don’t think you can buy your status with money made from sitting on you ass for 8 hours a day 4 days a week.
When I think of the word supreme I think of something that is really better, is actually the prioerity of words. Itis supreme to be a supreme being and it is supreme to be a supreme, like ‘diana rosee or diana ross, as it really is, and here singing group of the 60[s. I always like the way they sound together, harmonizing and singing about boys and love when i was a yougn. teenager.
King of the World..Jesus
the amazily supreme word that was fabricated by billy seemed to be in short supply of undergarmits, which an prove troublesome on national undergarment day in onterio cana
There is supreme power. This thing, pushing down down down. FORCE. Overarching and massive. Supreme is to be the top. Not the best. The top. In charge of things.
powerpuff girls, intense, amazing, friend, well what the hell am I supposed to say, the supreme people are powerful people that can fucking fly and do cool shit like that, supreme is something super only that better because it has eme at the end and yeah, there is no super, just supr.. but it’s still the same thing, I don’t understand why I have to type this but the first thing that came to mind was powerpuff girls
Chicken supreme pizza. I am hungry. We now have puff crust, which is uniquely Oriental.
oh man, i’m so goddamn thirsty. fuck. i want to fuck right now. i want to thrust my dick into her. oh god yeah.haha, if only. its alright though. i think.
You are supreme,
so great
to hate.
Well done,
blinking your eyelashes at me,
and sorting the boys from the men from the…
I knew it;
the jumps,
the giggles.
The best, of highest excellence; may be said of power, virtue etc.World nations vie with each other for supreme power.
awesome, the supreme power, to love something out of reach – a higher power, pizza – so many bits and pieces that can’t possibly be matched together but yet seem so good.
The supreme being. I think that is God. The Supremes were a girl singing group. Some foods have the label supreme. The best, the tops, the highest quality.
Supreme, as in surpreme power. Power currupts, absolute power currupts absolutely. There is no denying it, you’ll see it in all of histories greatest “leaders”.
H’mmm, absolutes. I mean, even Diana Ross – very good, and some of those Motown records are transcendent, but toppermost of the you-know-what? This is, of course, one of the arguments against a supreme deity – there are inherent paradoxes and contradictions in postulating a supreme being. Being able to make a rock so heavy that he himself can’t lift it, that sort of thing. God as postulated in this way is impossible – and anything less just isn’t god.
laugh. loud. because up there. high. high.
pizza. with tons of toppings. extravagant. the biggest and best there is. large. fat man. super important. super extreme. to the largest extent.
He watches-
& i look back into
eyes that by all accounts
should weep and rain fire
onto hearts we claim so deep.
“I don’t think I can go on like this.”
“This. This neverending battle between my head and my heart. This constant strain between logic and love.”
“But that strain is what true love is, I think.”
“I think you’re completely crazy.”
“And that’s why you love me.”
It is the everything. It is the complete.
it is as if you have cut open you heart and are bleeding these words out for me because YOU ARE MY EVERYTHING. There is nothing before you and nothing after you. As soon as you end, I end, likea raindrop in an ocean you are gone into the infinte.
I don’t even know anymore, how to describe you. But you are supreme.
the supreme ruler of the mighty sword. mightier than the pen you may say and you would be right. swords are sharper than pens and they don’t have that annoying inky stuff. just blood and cold metal.
“I’ll have the super supreme pizza tonight, Jill,” Tony said over the phone. He’d been ordering from the same girl for the past three months. They’d practically become friends.
“As usual,” Jill said, noting it down. “How’s your night been?”
Supreme. I used to say this alot when something was great.
“That’s supreme, man”
I often use strange adjectives to describe things.
Supreme ruler of the kingdom. The supreme court justice who’s supposed to fight for the rights of the people and defend them from the evil. The supreme right to live as a human being. What has happened to the world as we know it? What has happened. We need to end this feeling of supremacy.
Big macs are said to be supreme. i think it’s a big word, it has a big ego. sometimes i feel like my life is too supreme for me to handle, only then i realize it’s not that tough. I’m sure one day i’ll be able to tell my kids that life isn’t that hard and everything’ll be okay.
it will supreme effort to get anywhere today as it is snowing again. The man opposite spend ages clearing his drive and car and now it is covered again. I think I will not bother. Two appointments today and both can wait until after Xmas.
Supreme. The supreme leader. The supreme god of the universe. All-powerful, and all-knowing. The greatest. I suppose that this is what many people wish to be. That which is above all else. The most supreme leader. But is it really worth it? It would probably be nice in some respects, but I’m sure there’s a hidden side, that none of us would know about until we finally reach it. Of course, this side would be darker. Know it.
he opened the over on the december afternoon and the kitchen was flooded with the warm, lofty scent of deep dish pizza, mushrooms and peppers and all that good shit. ‘veggie supreme’, which his boyfriend told him didn’t actually count as ‘supreme’ because it’s just a vegetarian cop-out and a sham.
Fast food meals. Royalty. I don’t know
Supreme beings surround the earth and to my mind i cannot convey a time when I could say that I planned to be the supreme being in the space provided.
Sing to the new day
its under way
supreme being