supreme being. being supreme. super. superb. the best, the greatest of all. what makes you better? supreme in the sense of hierarchy or quality.
supremacy, an urge to take over the world. what gives you the right?
My favourite word is supreme because if you order a chicken supreme some poncy guy will say “no that’s supremm!” and I will go “no sir, it’s suprEME” and then I’ll demand a free dinner when he serves me a chicken suprEMM because that is NOT what I ordered!
supremem pizza is my favorite food. With peppers, onions, sausage, pepperonis, jalopenoes, onions, pinapple (if you’re feeling frisky) and anything else under the sun, supreme pizza is an unstoppable force of the world. I will serve supreme pizza at my wedding. I had supreme pizza, Chicago style, last night from papa murphey’s mmmmm. With a supreme Bud Light of course.
Squash supreme is one of his favorite recipes of his grandmother. I took it, made it vegetarian and low-sodium, low-fat, and low-carb. The reincarnation was an entirely different creature. But it sure was tasty to me (and our friends like it, though Zach, who has tasted Gran’s version, turned up his nose just a slight bit).
IT took place, during the supreme madness of battle. . that is where I met him. He had a heart of gold, and my armor matched his heavely. I hoped that he would see me, and how my skills were that of his. I hoped we would sail off together, to win the fight we so wanted to. . I hoped he loved me.
Muahahahaha (drippy letters)
yyttuiuiyuiuioyioiooioopopiopiiopiip[]ip[p[iopjkojkjlhkjhkjgjhfjhfyufyuttyuiyuiyauieysuiYUQW890Weurwioerioqyeryioqewriiowhtqrehwioehrhiojrtjyogjrejtgkojnkgnkjnfklgnkoh’pt5u5knnvmnbjighihigadhifhgiaphrighrejhjkdfkjla;’a’ptropiteyoujtygklngklnkodnfglkjkoljtrljrlgj,mmgn,mngljkljtj430-42904rjgkljreki43o5gjkfjkljmgklvmkljvufujfunkhiourhwejofgj;kldsjkljdafkljkljsklgjdsklgfkldsgklhkljsgkljouwepwrp[topureurgje,mmmnbnkljvckb g
I was standing in front of the supreme court. This moment scared the crap out of me! Accused of murder. Not a good thing to be accused of.
I am supreme screamed president Obama as his healthcare package passed through the senate with promises of saving America from herself and making this country one that he could be proud of once and for all. Meanwhile the American people all are wondering, “Who named this guy God.”
the supreme ruler of a country is the highest monarch. They make the most major decisions and matter more than anyone else. It would be really cool to be the supreme ruler, but it would also be very stressful
I don’t believe you are. Supreme ice cream Snowmen. What? I don’t know. She doesn’t like cats. Supremely beautiful. Am i? National parks? Yosemite. Trees. Supreme. I love my honey. I think I’m falling for you.
what the hell? i already got this word? really, supreme? i already said everything i possibly could say about supreme? as if theres anything more to say about the word supreme, no there isnt. there is however a lot to say abotu whats not supreme. people are nto supreme. they suck, big time. and theyre dumb and dont know anything. not supreme.
awesome amazing better how about that roast beef where super hero my love singing diana ross wait was that her or was that a different band uhm dreamgirls i dont like this word, there are so many better words, i am not supreme, i am far from it. i am no superman. its not easy being green. top of everything.
tom martini
Supreme with lots on top
I want to be that one in the pot
Screaming for everything that i can get
Not giving a damn about the rest
I want that life
Of course I can’t have that life cause I’m too nice
Someday I will have that life though, and when I do, it will be powerful!
Am I supreme? What is supreme? The birds fly through the air, overlooking all, not cognizant of life on the ground. Buenos tardes amigo, they say, buenos tardes.
i like to read about the holocaust. it really interests me. i feel the pain of those poor people. i feel an aching depression in my stomach when i think of their suffering. i only wish i couldve helped.
again, the word supreme. i really don’t know what i should write, except for being supreme is a great thing.
chicken supreme
tenacious d
supreme commander
Supreme is great. To be supreme is a complimen. It is more than supre! It’s SUPREME.
Absolute amazement, in the literal sense, whatever you deem high, however long the time, love in the soulful way, beyond measure of the mind, regal, fascinating, wonderfully thought provoking, taco,
I am supreme.
I rule the castle you reside,
once inside,
my rules, abide.
I am supreme.
Haha right now im watching my little brother XD pretty perfect.
tacos. supreme, meaning with tomatoes and sour cream. i crinkle my nose at the smell of the sour cream, but enjoy pulling the trigger despite the smell. throwing the gun back, i hear the clank of metal on metal. i shove the tacos down the line.
These muffins were supreme.
What is supreme in life? Love, justice, truth, morality? I don’t know.
the top of the mountain is unattainable
it’s much easier to fall than to fly
if only anyone loved me
It was like a chocolate pie. creamy, and unforgettable
I miss it. More than I care to admit. I’ve had desserts since, but none of them have come up to scratch.
David S
Feels like power feel like god
can be as solid like an iron rod
some can be great others can be fraud
Almighty is supreme everyone praise the lord
My brother went to school with one of the Supremes. That was a great name for a revolutionary group in the 1960’s
i don’t like th supreme power of our government. I wanted to be changed so everyone is equal in the making of decisions in our great country. The supreme court and the supreme Judge are all too powerful nowadays.
the supremes are the band that we learned about a while back in one of my classes we also learned about other bands i could really go for a supreme pizza right now actually i think we have one down in my refrigerator i want to go get it but this thing is taking to long i’m now listening to the foo fighters i wish i could remember what this song is called.
the supreme being its like god but is there infact a god and if there is is there really any reason he needs to be told how awesome he is all the time? I mean if I was the supreme being then I dont think Id need to hear about it all the time. I be happy withe the knowledge that I’m the best.
The dictator stared down the crowd of Germans, arms raised high above the air. They looked so powerful against the weak, against the mice hiding in the cupboard. They yelled into the frozen air like they were warriors. They felt empowered, alive. But they were misguided.
the supreme being of ones existence is that of the mind and only the mind. there is no reality or actual knowledge on any supreme deity.. it is all fake. We only create what we want to believe to feel more safe like we know everything.
Lyon Scarlett
the superior of the two siblings.
a supreme meal, a large juicy steak.
Big, huge someting that has to do with food?
it’s interminiably so. the furtherest monstrostification into murderiforous extremities. so, you may think, the wonderosities of nominortato en therestoern? too! so for the norstroninotorus, i indentificate the fortoritousness.
“Gimme one order of the Cheeseburger Bacon Supreme, please!”
The register jingles and the man hands over his money. It’s been a while since he’s had one of these babies, all dripping condiments and shimmering grease and fat, and for good reason–it’s a horribly guilty pleasure. But a pleasure nonetheless.
“Number 42!”
Ah. There’s his order. He grabs his tray and readies his stomach.
Supreme one. Above all. Over all. Ruling one. Abundant one. Pizza. with everything.
supreme being. being supreme. super. superb. the best, the greatest of all. what makes you better? supreme in the sense of hierarchy or quality.
supremacy, an urge to take over the world. what gives you the right?
My favourite word is supreme because if you order a chicken supreme some poncy guy will say “no that’s supremm!” and I will go “no sir, it’s suprEME” and then I’ll demand a free dinner when he serves me a chicken suprEMM because that is NOT what I ordered!
supremem pizza is my favorite food. With peppers, onions, sausage, pepperonis, jalopenoes, onions, pinapple (if you’re feeling frisky) and anything else under the sun, supreme pizza is an unstoppable force of the world. I will serve supreme pizza at my wedding. I had supreme pizza, Chicago style, last night from papa murphey’s mmmmm. With a supreme Bud Light of course.
Squash supreme is one of his favorite recipes of his grandmother. I took it, made it vegetarian and low-sodium, low-fat, and low-carb. The reincarnation was an entirely different creature. But it sure was tasty to me (and our friends like it, though Zach, who has tasted Gran’s version, turned up his nose just a slight bit).
IT took place, during the supreme madness of battle. . that is where I met him. He had a heart of gold, and my armor matched his heavely. I hoped that he would see me, and how my skills were that of his. I hoped we would sail off together, to win the fight we so wanted to. . I hoped he loved me.
Muahahahaha (drippy letters)
yyttuiuiyuiuioyioiooioopopiopiiopiip[]ip[p[iopjkojkjlhkjhkjgjhfjhfyufyuttyuiyuiyauieysuiYUQW890Weurwioerioqyeryioqewriiowhtqrehwioehrhiojrtjyogjrejtgkojnkgnkjnfklgnkoh’pt5u5knnvmnbjighihigadhifhgiaphrighrejhjkdfkjla;’a’ptropiteyoujtygklngklnkodnfglkjkoljtrljrlgj,mmgn,mngljkljtj430-42904rjgkljreki43o5gjkfjkljmgklvmkljvufujfunkhiourhwejofgj;kldsjkljdafkljkljsklgjdsklgfkldsgklhkljsgkljouwepwrp[topureurgje,mmmnbnkljvckb g
I was standing in front of the supreme court. This moment scared the crap out of me! Accused of murder. Not a good thing to be accused of.
I am supreme screamed president Obama as his healthcare package passed through the senate with promises of saving America from herself and making this country one that he could be proud of once and for all. Meanwhile the American people all are wondering, “Who named this guy God.”
the supreme ruler of a country is the highest monarch. They make the most major decisions and matter more than anyone else. It would be really cool to be the supreme ruler, but it would also be very stressful
I don’t believe you are. Supreme ice cream Snowmen. What? I don’t know. She doesn’t like cats. Supremely beautiful. Am i? National parks? Yosemite. Trees. Supreme. I love my honey. I think I’m falling for you.
what the hell? i already got this word? really, supreme? i already said everything i possibly could say about supreme? as if theres anything more to say about the word supreme, no there isnt. there is however a lot to say abotu whats not supreme. people are nto supreme. they suck, big time. and theyre dumb and dont know anything. not supreme.
awesome amazing better how about that roast beef where super hero my love singing diana ross wait was that her or was that a different band uhm dreamgirls i dont like this word, there are so many better words, i am not supreme, i am far from it. i am no superman. its not easy being green. top of everything.
Supreme with lots on top
I want to be that one in the pot
Screaming for everything that i can get
Not giving a damn about the rest
I want that life
Of course I can’t have that life cause I’m too nice
Someday I will have that life though, and when I do, it will be powerful!
Am I supreme? What is supreme? The birds fly through the air, overlooking all, not cognizant of life on the ground. Buenos tardes amigo, they say, buenos tardes.
i like to read about the holocaust. it really interests me. i feel the pain of those poor people. i feel an aching depression in my stomach when i think of their suffering. i only wish i couldve helped.
again, the word supreme. i really don’t know what i should write, except for being supreme is a great thing.
chicken supreme
tenacious d
supreme commander
Supreme is great. To be supreme is a complimen. It is more than supre! It’s SUPREME.
Absolute amazement, in the literal sense, whatever you deem high, however long the time, love in the soulful way, beyond measure of the mind, regal, fascinating, wonderfully thought provoking, taco,
I am supreme.
I rule the castle you reside,
once inside,
my rules, abide.
I am supreme.
Haha right now im watching my little brother XD pretty perfect.
tacos. supreme, meaning with tomatoes and sour cream. i crinkle my nose at the smell of the sour cream, but enjoy pulling the trigger despite the smell. throwing the gun back, i hear the clank of metal on metal. i shove the tacos down the line.
These muffins were supreme.
What is supreme in life? Love, justice, truth, morality? I don’t know.
the top of the mountain is unattainable
it’s much easier to fall than to fly
if only anyone loved me
It was like a chocolate pie. creamy, and unforgettable
I miss it. More than I care to admit. I’ve had desserts since, but none of them have come up to scratch.
Feels like power feel like god
can be as solid like an iron rod
some can be great others can be fraud
Almighty is supreme everyone praise the lord
My brother went to school with one of the Supremes. That was a great name for a revolutionary group in the 1960’s
i don’t like th supreme power of our government. I wanted to be changed so everyone is equal in the making of decisions in our great country. The supreme court and the supreme Judge are all too powerful nowadays.
the supremes are the band that we learned about a while back in one of my classes we also learned about other bands i could really go for a supreme pizza right now actually i think we have one down in my refrigerator i want to go get it but this thing is taking to long i’m now listening to the foo fighters i wish i could remember what this song is called.
the supreme being its like god but is there infact a god and if there is is there really any reason he needs to be told how awesome he is all the time? I mean if I was the supreme being then I dont think Id need to hear about it all the time. I be happy withe the knowledge that I’m the best.
The dictator stared down the crowd of Germans, arms raised high above the air. They looked so powerful against the weak, against the mice hiding in the cupboard. They yelled into the frozen air like they were warriors. They felt empowered, alive. But they were misguided.
the supreme being of ones existence is that of the mind and only the mind. there is no reality or actual knowledge on any supreme deity.. it is all fake. We only create what we want to believe to feel more safe like we know everything.
the superior of the two siblings.
a supreme meal, a large juicy steak.
Big, huge someting that has to do with food?
it’s interminiably so. the furtherest monstrostification into murderiforous extremities. so, you may think, the wonderosities of nominortato en therestoern? too! so for the norstroninotorus, i indentificate the fortoritousness.
“Gimme one order of the Cheeseburger Bacon Supreme, please!”
The register jingles and the man hands over his money. It’s been a while since he’s had one of these babies, all dripping condiments and shimmering grease and fat, and for good reason–it’s a horribly guilty pleasure. But a pleasure nonetheless.
“Number 42!”
Ah. There’s his order. He grabs his tray and readies his stomach.
Supreme one. Above all. Over all. Ruling one. Abundant one. Pizza. with everything.