The supreme commander is a concept of ultimate hurbirs, and so many of the people in history ahve had it. I think we all have it at times. May we forgive isath other othe necescity to get over it . I fear most of us never do. San
I am the supreme being of the world. Women should rule over men, and nothing more. That is really how the world should be. Women as the leaders and men as their understudies.
you rein supreme!
supreme court
the best thing there is. why not accept it. it is what it is. nothing can be more and all things are less.
I am the most supreme being in existence. I am none other but the historical mE.
When the world ends there is no other option but to dwell in the memories of the life I lived. Perhaps even out in the ether.
Schuyler J Wood
He was the supreme warrior! No one could beat him. He was too powerful. Immortality was in his grasp.
Lady Psychic
Supreme court. I wish I could go in there and see how everything is going an to get knowm to people who wor thrre T
i score not important. team win, it is important. it is supreme, i mean. supreme supreme and supreme. bye.
Supreme, gasoline. Was it ever worth it to buy it, luckily its not very fashionable for gas stations to even have that option anymore. Well lucky is over stating it and fashionable is hardly the proper word to use.
It’s a word that has kind of lost meaning.
A ruler of the free world or not so free world. God gave us free will, but in a nation where our basic freedoms are taken away are we really free?
a being with heightened awareness of things going on around them and within them-they know where they stand in the world and are in touch with their feelings-extraordinary, intense, amazing, awesome
Not being able to control yourself, the supreme is what rules your life, unitl you see dstiny upon the hills. The unbelievable amount of control the supremacy hold over society and your own destiny is amazing as ot decides what you decide to live with
mihuel zuniga
the supremes were a pop group from the sixties. Their lead singer was diana ross. they had many hits in the sixties. diana ross had a solo carreer after the supremes. she had several more hits in the seventies. I’m not sure where she was born. Perhaps she was born in detroit. Who knows?
Anyway, she was very successful. And I believe she must be a millionaire now. Wherever sh lives, I bet it’s a nice place. Why would someone live in a place they did not like unless they could not afford to get away?
being sex supreme drawing girls in with their tongues and curls and curves the answers in her eyes where i die a little every night for some prize i have no idea what it’s ever worth after it’s over. love me. love me. this is for sure.
kate crash
The supreme being of the universe, apples, oranges. Slightly lopsided tomatoes with avocados in January. Not sure why I just thought of that. Green. Indigo.
The supremity of this idea left me thinking. About his eyes and how they made my stomach drop. How my nails pulled at my heart and I felt fit to burst in my mind.
the Almighty. Supreme is the top being. Doens’t mean it’s the best, doens’t mean it’s the worse. It is greater in some way or manner. Supreme eater-eats a lot. Supreme Dater-dates alot. Supreme being?-God.
Not quite perfection but close enough. If something is supreme it’s good enough for me.
Awesome being creator of the Universe All Power All Love all knowing perfection total peace
supreme beings. the one who may just rule the world. But of course they might just be the ones to be DEFEATED and thrown from their homes. Their evil, and cruel kingdoms thrown over by the ones who suffered for oh so long. Oh so long they waited for this.
Katrina Louise Anne Somers
The epitome of everything, the ruler of all. The supremely talented, wondrously beautiful, superbly fantastic… It. No words to describe. Enough to strike the most verbose dumb with wonderment.
Big mac and superman are uber supreme here we go this is another day to fly and eat there goes the sun there goes the moon lets talk about this another afternoon I got $2 in my pocket can’t afford no big mac.
Supreme chicken nugget. I don’t see why I thought of that first, maybe it makes me a typical american citizen. I thought of McDonalds first. What’s wrong? Everything. This also reminds me of World War II, of Germany, mainly. I don’t really want to do this anymore. FUCK I HATE THIS.
i love being the supremem mama of this house. There is the supremem court, supreme human beings I am all of the above. I cook, clena, care for . you name it I do it. I also think that I am a supreme friends. I go out of my way to see and maint
The Supreme cupcake of the Universe looked down at the land that lay before him. Yes, this was going to be a good land; a fine land to raise other pastry goods like himself. He was going to take over the world, and it was his responsibility to make that land a wonderful place for his minion army
king of the world. the best, doesn’t get any better. God. the almighty. nothing beats the supreme
Supreme is the kind of bean that I am. I like being a supreme bean because beans should be supreme because they give you gas and gas is very expensive you know. I mean think of it, if supreme beans gave off enough gas then you can drive your
supreme indicates the very best and highest and most powerful of something. it means power…it means the best…I don’t know what else to say about it, really. I guess this answer is far from supreme.
As we all recognize, the Supreme Court holds too much power in this country. They say it’s because of the fucked up legal system we have woven over the past 200 years. I believe that to be true. I am going to become a lawyer. I am going to sue your ass. A suit will be filed against your ass. By me.
dunne 113
Burrito Supreme. Big Beef Burrito Supreme. Goes into my belly. Makes me sick. But I continue doing it. Why? Why would I continue doing it? God bless America. God bless Big beef Burrito Supremes…
levatino II
I am a supreme being,
what I see is all around power,
the thoughts of greed and hate,
But I am a supreme being,
I fight for what is right,
I embrace what is around me,
I make the best of what should come,
I will never be overrun.
Dr. King had a dream
When we work together, we call it a team
When the sunlight hits the snow it gleams
These things, to me it seems
Are the definition of supreme
i am supreme.
we will never know if there is a supreme being. some questions will never have answers and the difference between an athiest and a person of faith is how comfortable one is with the unknown.
i had a surpeme taco from taco bell.
If I’m being honest, the first thing I think of when I hear the word ‘Supreme’ I think of the Darleks. You know, Darlek Supreme and all that. Yes. I’m a nerd, what of it?
The supreme commander is a concept of ultimate hurbirs, and so many of the people in history ahve had it. I think we all have it at times. May we forgive isath other othe necescity to get over it . I fear most of us never do. San
I am the supreme being of the world. Women should rule over men, and nothing more. That is really how the world should be. Women as the leaders and men as their understudies.
you rein supreme!
supreme court
the best thing there is. why not accept it. it is what it is. nothing can be more and all things are less.
I am the most supreme being in existence. I am none other but the historical mE.
When the world ends there is no other option but to dwell in the memories of the life I lived. Perhaps even out in the ether.
He was the supreme warrior! No one could beat him. He was too powerful. Immortality was in his grasp.
Supreme court. I wish I could go in there and see how everything is going an to get knowm to people who wor thrre T
i score not important. team win, it is important. it is supreme, i mean. supreme supreme and supreme. bye.
Supreme, gasoline. Was it ever worth it to buy it, luckily its not very fashionable for gas stations to even have that option anymore. Well lucky is over stating it and fashionable is hardly the proper word to use.
It’s a word that has kind of lost meaning.
A ruler of the free world or not so free world. God gave us free will, but in a nation where our basic freedoms are taken away are we really free?
a being with heightened awareness of things going on around them and within them-they know where they stand in the world and are in touch with their feelings-extraordinary, intense, amazing, awesome
Not being able to control yourself, the supreme is what rules your life, unitl you see dstiny upon the hills. The unbelievable amount of control the supremacy hold over society and your own destiny is amazing as ot decides what you decide to live with
the supremes were a pop group from the sixties. Their lead singer was diana ross. they had many hits in the sixties. diana ross had a solo carreer after the supremes. she had several more hits in the seventies. I’m not sure where she was born. Perhaps she was born in detroit. Who knows?
Anyway, she was very successful. And I believe she must be a millionaire now. Wherever sh lives, I bet it’s a nice place. Why would someone live in a place they did not like unless they could not afford to get away?
being sex supreme drawing girls in with their tongues and curls and curves the answers in her eyes where i die a little every night for some prize i have no idea what it’s ever worth after it’s over. love me. love me. this is for sure.
The supreme being of the universe, apples, oranges. Slightly lopsided tomatoes with avocados in January. Not sure why I just thought of that. Green. Indigo.
The supremity of this idea left me thinking. About his eyes and how they made my stomach drop. How my nails pulled at my heart and I felt fit to burst in my mind.
the Almighty. Supreme is the top being. Doens’t mean it’s the best, doens’t mean it’s the worse. It is greater in some way or manner. Supreme eater-eats a lot. Supreme Dater-dates alot. Supreme being?-God.
Not quite perfection but close enough. If something is supreme it’s good enough for me.
Awesome being creator of the Universe All Power All Love all knowing perfection total peace
supreme beings. the one who may just rule the world. But of course they might just be the ones to be DEFEATED and thrown from their homes. Their evil, and cruel kingdoms thrown over by the ones who suffered for oh so long. Oh so long they waited for this.
The epitome of everything, the ruler of all. The supremely talented, wondrously beautiful, superbly fantastic… It. No words to describe. Enough to strike the most verbose dumb with wonderment.
Big mac and superman are uber supreme here we go this is another day to fly and eat there goes the sun there goes the moon lets talk about this another afternoon I got $2 in my pocket can’t afford no big mac.
Supreme chicken nugget. I don’t see why I thought of that first, maybe it makes me a typical american citizen. I thought of McDonalds first. What’s wrong? Everything. This also reminds me of World War II, of Germany, mainly. I don’t really want to do this anymore. FUCK I HATE THIS.
i love being the supremem mama of this house. There is the supremem court, supreme human beings I am all of the above. I cook, clena, care for . you name it I do it. I also think that I am a supreme friends. I go out of my way to see and maint
The Supreme cupcake of the Universe looked down at the land that lay before him. Yes, this was going to be a good land; a fine land to raise other pastry goods like himself. He was going to take over the world, and it was his responsibility to make that land a wonderful place for his minion army
king of the world. the best, doesn’t get any better. God. the almighty. nothing beats the supreme
Supreme is the kind of bean that I am. I like being a supreme bean because beans should be supreme because they give you gas and gas is very expensive you know. I mean think of it, if supreme beans gave off enough gas then you can drive your
really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really awesome!
supreme indicates the very best and highest and most powerful of something. it means power…it means the best…I don’t know what else to say about it, really. I guess this answer is far from supreme.
As we all recognize, the Supreme Court holds too much power in this country. They say it’s because of the fucked up legal system we have woven over the past 200 years. I believe that to be true. I am going to become a lawyer. I am going to sue your ass. A suit will be filed against your ass. By me.
Burrito Supreme. Big Beef Burrito Supreme. Goes into my belly. Makes me sick. But I continue doing it. Why? Why would I continue doing it? God bless America. God bless Big beef Burrito Supremes…
I am a supreme being,
what I see is all around power,
the thoughts of greed and hate,
But I am a supreme being,
I fight for what is right,
I embrace what is around me,
I make the best of what should come,
I will never be overrun.
Dr. King had a dream
When we work together, we call it a team
When the sunlight hits the snow it gleams
These things, to me it seems
Are the definition of supreme
i am supreme.
we will never know if there is a supreme being. some questions will never have answers and the difference between an athiest and a person of faith is how comfortable one is with the unknown.
i had a surpeme taco from taco bell.
If I’m being honest, the first thing I think of when I hear the word ‘Supreme’ I think of the Darleks. You know, Darlek Supreme and all that. Yes. I’m a nerd, what of it?