
October 5th, 2009 | 643 Entries

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643 Entries for “survive”

  1. I will survive this even if I fail. A strange thought but failure in itself is survival as it enables me to face new and exciting failures in which I will survive again!

  2. I knew what I had to do I had to be the one to take full control over my mind. Ira could not be allowed to win. She was too strong, stanidng there tanunting me as I looked on helplessly as she held the dagger to the throat of Isobel. I had to save her, save me. I lubged at her wipping out omaga.

  3. I hope to survive as long as I can. I want to live and see and experience everything possible. I might not live to be 100, but I sure do want to try. I hope beyond hope that I get to see my kids grow up, maybe even see some grandkids! I hope to live and live and live. Eat well, drink well and have a good life!

    Jennifer Birch