
October 5th, 2009 | 643 Entries

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643 Entries for “survive”

  1. survive. this word makes me think of the book The Hunger Games. in this book, dozens of children are dumped in a jungle and left to survive– and kill each other off. whoever is left last, wins food, and therefore: survival. survival wins survival. ironic.

  2. Mark had to end his time at the office, it was killing him. He needed a change. This was his chance. As the Corporate Zombie busted in the door he knew it was over. He quickly grabbed he stuff and headed for the door. They wern’t going to get his things, no way.

  3. if you need to survive on an island, you should get a shelter and find supplies as fast as you possibly can. surviving in real urban life is crazy and more difficult then it sounds.

  4. she knew she couldn’t survive like this. Not tasting his lips was utter torture but it was wrong. She sat with him in her car in the deep darkness of the warm night wondering if she was born a cheater or conditioned to be one.

  5. My mother sends me an email, as a message, a manifesto of resiliency; against bankruptcy, inadequacy, losing of fortunes (what small ones they were.) She says we are survivors, we will become bigger and brighter with each bit of darkness we swallow. She says it will be okay.

  6. And as his breathing shutters, I close the blinds hoping to alleviate the pain caused to him by the sun hitting his eyes. I wonder as I turn, watching him gasping for air, if his survival was ever so tangible as now. I don’t think he has ever beens so close to meeting Death. How exciting, the next great adventure.

  7. There was only a couple of days left until he would be gone. Shortly after the break-up I’d wondered if I would even be able to survive without him, and now I couldn’t wait for his ghost to leave. He haunted the hallways. At night his voice would carry over to the spare room where I slept. Not only would I survive, I’d thrive.

  8. Doesn’t matter how I feel, if I want to survive I have to keep pushing on. God helps me each day. In the end he has over come and I will survive. Even when I’m in the deepest valley I will not fear for you are with me your rod and staff comfort me.

  9. Survive is a perfect word for me today. I kept my 3 yr. old granddaughter today. She got into my lipstick and you should have seen her. Then when I was taking a nap on the couch late this afternoon while my husband was watching her, she gets right in my face and asks me why I’m snoring like a pig.

  10. I thought I survived the cancer. After 40 weeks of chemo, and 3 months of remission, I thought I was done. But apparently Osteosarcoma didn’t think so. Now I don’t know if I’ll survive this round, but I’m gonna put up a fight.

  11. Survival, it’s the desire that all human beings have. In fact, it’s probably what makes us human to begin with. We all strive to survive, knocking down any obstacle that we may come across. That is the wonder of self-preservation, even the meek become vicious.

  12. Si un ultimo deseo se me pudisese conceder esta noche, seria el de sobrevviir despues de tremenda noche que me pasare pegada a la pc escribeindo la puta monograf

  13. survival is a word that, when used correctly, is amazingly powerful, but difficult to really understand.

  14. That’s all she could think of right now — survive at any and all costs. She grabbed the rope again and pulled with all her might. It moved! One more pull would do it. She summoned every ounce of strength she had left and heaved. At last! It came free!

  15. In love are in you are in I are in we

  16. human

  17. i will not survive this week because I have an incredible amount of work that I should be doing now but instead I am wasting my time on this website. I have to finish an essay tonight. Tomorrow I have to write a 5 page essay and study for a midterm.

  18. To survive anything is to emerge a new person. I survive you knocking me down, only to be pushed down again. I survive that, only for you to pray that you’ll survive my becoming stronger. How can you think that I will not come back and let you feel the pain? Will u survive?

  19. survival is perhaps the most important part of life, it is a blend of skills that make a living thing exist, and persist through time, making it timeless, and hence lifeless. True survival derives into immortality, as it is its highest expression

    jose barria
  20. I’ve never been able to survive on fat lies and cigarettes. I’ve wanted to, but my insides bite down and I feel like they know I’m made of bullshit.

  21. survive. survival. i wonder who will read this. someone’ll probably skim it. survive. survival. this is stupid and im trying to make it look poetic. survive. survival. failure. its late. i need to sleep. goodnight i suppose.

  22. all i have to do is keep writing, letting the words flow from these fingers of mine, pressing down on keys in a choppy beat. What if I stop writing? What if I continue.

  23. I couldn’t survive this. I just couldn’t. He was to unbearably attractive, and to brooding and angry to be around. I loved him, and I shouldn’t have, and now he owns my very soul. It would have been better to make a deal with the devil himself.

    Kaytee Amattea
  24. i have to do what i can. pay bills eat. yet still somehow remain the person i am, not someone i turn into

  25. To survive is to look struggle in the face and say “not today my friend.” To struggle makes the nice parts of life sweet. The sour, sweet.

  26. Will I survive this day? Probably. Will I survive until then? Well, ultimately, none of us survive. Going to a funeral is the best way to remember that survival isn’t enough…living is what matters. Live, breathe, care, love. Do more than survive. Each day is a testament to survival.

  27. basic

  28. Survival of the fittest is the reward to anyone who is intelligent enough to use their wits, physical strength, and other resources (other people, their ideas, etc) to their advantage and to become the best organism that they can. It involves thinking on your toes and

  29. I will survive, how ironic. Survive. Die. Thrive. Pathetic.
    Who really survives in this world?
    No one.
    We either thrive or sit in the streets, cockroaches as our peers. This is how the world works.
    How pathetic.

    Chrys Wise
  30. There was a chance I wouldn’t survive the accident. Everyone around me was screaming and all i could see was black. There was nothing I felt more than the burn on my neck, I was going in and out o

  31. i ran through the forest, head ducking under branches as I sped along. The rainwater seeped through the ground, catching my feet in the mud.

    Fuck, I thought as my heart began to race faster. The panther was behind me, but oh, he was playing with me. Stalking me. I knew he was there and I knew that he could catch me if he really wanted to.

    Obviously I was his mouse.

  32. I will survive when I leave Bradenton. I’m terrified but I think that I’ll make it. Godspeed to me.

    LN K
  33. survive help kill love need water food shelter bear grylls boyfriend love hope forest stranded dark cold dry hot animals meat fire shelter woods wood lighter fire

  34. He would rather sit there and guess who his captors were, but there was no alternative. It was a room with no doors, no windows and somehow there he sat. Each night it was the same conundrum of guessing not just his location but the essence of his being; the presumed rising of the sun equated his life as that of being a new born child.

  35. Survival is his middle name.

    He has been fighting for his life since Day One.

    To stay alive in a new world. (1)
    To stay alive in a house with his father. (2)
    To stay alive in a school with no friends. (3)
    To stay alive in a school with people who tried to kill him. (4)
    To stay alive as a Bad Guy. (5)
    To stay alive as a Spy for the Good Guys. (6)
    To stay alive.

  36. survival is key to existence. In order to succeed as a species in the most basic sense, our species must continue to survive. So much of what we do is driven by our desire to survive. We constantly fund and encourage research to cure disease so that we may survive longer

  37. i will likke to survive because i enjoy living and survuvin is kinda key for that. i iwish ,meghan would just learn how she could just become

  38. What happens after the sun sets doesn’t matter, he thought, picking his way through the rocks that jutted from the coastline. There was a fragment of old poetry in his head. It didn’t scan. The sand clung to his legs, and he thought he was still bleeding. It would be all right– the wound wasn’t serious.

  39. I will survive. The song made by that one woman. Survival of the fittest. Biology and stuff. :] I really like to survive. And out in the world that’s needed of course. Darwin. Breathing and eating is needed in order to survive. Its a seven letter word that starts with an s and has two vs. It makes me think that I have to breathe a lot.

  40. I will survive the most brutal winter, in the comfort of a cabin in the woods. The trees stand guard over my form, sentries in the vast and quiet wood.

    Jo Taylor