
October 5th, 2009 | 643 Entries

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643 Entries for “survive”

  1. To survive is impossible death to all this life is gone, we have no freedom! To survive in an age of slaughter of self is to push through the thought that will kill, and the idea that will no longer sustain.

  2. Survive. What kind of word is that? To toil and strive on through anything. Or is this specifically meant for life or death matters?

  3. The survival of human beings in this world has only been the result of the survival of the other species which had broken down with pleasures to human beings. And that’s why tyhey say “I survive”

  4. I survive in the split of a second between laughing and crying, pleasure and pain…living and dying.

  5. Surviving is pretty rad. I survive all day long, I hope I will still do so for a while. Destinys Child did a song called “Survivor” back in the days. Also there are quite a lot other songs by indie/emo bands on this topic. As a kid surviving did not have that much meaning to me, even less when i hit puberty. but now i like it :)

  6. surviving the day here at the office. not an easy thing, u know. but I got my fantasy, and it helps me a lot. now I

  7. How will i ever survive? all this time thinking and typing and thinking and typing is making my brain kill. After an hour of dancing, my feet kill, the soles burn and Ican’t bear it. I’m exhuasted yet I must keep going, I must keep fighting. i will survive . . . i hope.

  8. She did what she could to survive. Eat, breathe, sleep, the basics – they were all necessities. But she didn’t know what she was missing. She avoided the laughter, the crowds, the masses of people…until he showed her the world. It was like she had been color blind and could finally see the world for what it truly was. Beautiful, indescribable, amazing.

  9. If you are to survive, it is best to ball yourself up and breathe very slowly. Begin to imagine yourself as a solid mass, as a stone covered with steel spikes. Start to spin, so the earth beneath starts to erode and you sink into the ground. Churn into the depths until you are surrounded by jet black silence. There. Safe, at last.

    Brian Slusher
  10. i will survive. one of my favourite songs. one of the first songs i ever sang for an audience (after I started lessons). has a lot of strong messages. the word itself is strong. strength…. strength….. god. i don’t have either.

  11. It

  12. survive danger, be a man, brave, victory, bold.

  13. There is nothing better than waking up one morning, and thinking to yourself, “It feels nice to be alive.” Even when the rest of the world turns to hell, as long as you survive another day. As long as you keep moving on, trudging through the darkness, someday this moment will come again. And it will be worth everything.

  14. survive

  15. survive this. just keep breathing, ignore the pain and all will be well. willpower. I refuse to go under. I Will Not Give In. Find an anthem….Chumbawumba..I get knocked down but I get up again…..just keep swimming keep on swimming

  16. Survival of the fittest. Natureal selection, mutation, evolution. {Omg too much Biology} Robinson Crusoe shipwrecked. Disasters, especially at sea.

    I will pull through.
    I will survive.

    Heather Syncellia
  17. I knew that no matter what, I could get through what I was being put through right now. This was tough, you see. The person you love is supposed to love you back. Not beat you, not scream at you until their throat bleeds, not hate you, not make you feel worthless, and especially not.. ignore you. I don’t understand.. But I will survive.

    Blue Disastrous
  18. “survival of the fittest we hear many a times. but what is to survive? is it that negative feeling where you just want to pass the phase,or is it the one where you want to prove,whatever may be the case to survive is TOUGH!!

  19. Head my every warning and you might survive. The qualify rings in Mulan’s head. First she has to survive training at the hands of Captain Li Shang, along with a hundred other men who seem to hate her guts.

  20. how do you survive life? Is it an art or is it luck? Somethimes i wonder hwo the stupid masses manage to survive through everything they do. It’s intriguing how in a life or death situation, teh instincts kick in and we survive no matter what. Fight or flight.

  21. i will always no matter how high the water ruises i will stay afloat like a life of amvbtion i must niot fakletr lie thinks for mstinkning singsong so of baies crying past fears dead to the newness the usesless ness of fritu gone bad shelved

  22. Liyah
  23. As long as I know how to live, I know that I’ll survive.

    lizzie frances
  24. we cannot survivve without water. survive means something important. survive survive survive survve sure to survive is the survive. purush cannot survive without cigar.

  25. La survie cest trop cool.

  26. we have to survive everyday but no one knows why.

  27. I think i can survive the ordeal through which I am going. It seems hard at the moment, but I know I am strong and that I can find a way out. At first I was afraid, I was petrify

  28. I will survive against the evil of mankind. No matter what they say, survival of the fittest is true and no matter how people beat me down, I will s

  29. I will survive. I will survive this. Life can be hard and cruel, and almost impossible to understand, but I will survive this. I’m tired. I need rest, but I will survive. I am so confused. So confused. How do I know what is true and what isn’t when so many people sing different songs from the same hymn sheet?

  30. first i was afraid, i was petrified, kept thinking i could never live without you by my side.
    then i realized thats what a little bitch would say.
    im no wendy, im a tiger lilly!
    yeah bitch!
    take that!

    I will survive.
  31. you shouldn’t be able to click on this site more than once, i can come back after thinking about the word….whatever

  32. How do we survive this postmodern druge. How can we maintain our spirit and soul in an atmosphere of corporate mandate, of dictated style, enforced cool? This is a question that each an every one of us muso…. no….absolutely must, answer with naked authenticity and brutal honesty. We find ourself on the precipice of existential collapse, a complete emptiness and withering of soul. Now is the time to begin the process of recapturing the life and light that was once the promise to humanity.

    We must tear free from papparazzi defined, hiphop swung, hollywood described irrelevance that we call “pop” culture. Long live true and authentic individualism

  33. I gasped for breath then evrey thing went black

    winnie the pooh
  34. i will survive.

  35. Survivor is a dumb show.

  36. to survive is to learn how to handle any situation under any circumstance. survive and give in are opposites of sorts. one needs to survive to grow. animals survive in desert conditions to live. also film producers survive public criticism to make better movies.

  37. what else is there? The orange turns to red as we try our best to struggle against the aging gsa

  38. there are more jungles in the heart than i care to untangle. i stand as far above as i can imagine, and there below me they wind and caress the rivers and the fleeing feelings of time immortal.

    sometimes i wish i could be flung into the rivers by a higher-up. swim and breathe, and dance and survive.

  39. to live after getting shot or ran over by a car

  40. To survive is to cast all else aside in order to ensure that you stay alive. Man is pushed to his limit in order to survive, and that can be both terrifying and awe-inspiring.
