In what do yo suspend yourself in this life? Were will you suspend your worries, fears and dreams? I believe the suspension or attachment should be strong enough to suspend everything of my life. God can and he will suspend you carefully unlike the world
its time holding you for one more second then it is allowed. Dangling you over that pit of dark abyss, filled with the maggots or spiders or personal fear. It is the knife at hand before the sink into flesh.
Spyro Glaretas
Suspend is a fun word but not really. I love pie and cow’s, but not cow pies, because cow pies are poop. Poop is not an appropriate word for school. I love ponies.
Quack Duckling
suspended in the air
there is
a lamb heart
with paper dolls
drifting in the breeze
my time
nearly gone
and we
are suspended
without a plan in the pages
of this book
here is the string
that ties us together
carina finn
taking time to suspend the teapots above the fridge allowed Janice the right perspective to see just what she what the professor was talking about in the lecture hall today. Just as she tied down the last line Matt walks in just in time to witness this fantastic sight.
charles ratteray
My paycheck has been suspended. I’m really mad. I was also suspended from school…I suspended a student today – I saw an apple suspended from a tree. I was suspended by wires…
attract life on a little twin mocking bird that goes south for the winter. In over 20 seconds suspension grew further to the despair of the bird, who felt drawn back to the roots of the western civilasation.
Suspended in mid air she hangs. I just got home from a long day at work, longing to be back home with her. She has been more depressed than usual lately and I was looking forward to cheering her up. With a bouquet of flowers I stand in the doorway just staring a the sight of my dead wife before me.
being hung in place without reason- sense of uncertainty, hanging hanging hanging no where to go what is happening to me here oh lordy the tension the height the sweat I can’t wipe from my face hitting the ground far below
will surrette
glow in the dark stars suspended from my ceiling. i wish that you could watch them with me. i wish that you’d wish that.
i should be suspended from school right now.
i recently cheated on my poli sci test and was caught.
i tried to lie and weasel my way out of it, but to no avail.
i have to go to the deans office today because i have to sign a paper saying that i haven’t been an honest student.
i want to be an elementary school teacher.
This has been the word for far to long. I’m starting to suspend my interest. I want a new word. Perhaps append. How about giving us a new word, peeps? I’d like to suspend my disbelief that you
one must suspend disbelief in order to adequately author an excerpt such as this, and to associate oneself witht he interesting typographical mistakes and flailing linguistics that may occur as a result of a rapidly expiring time limit.
M. Hart
It hung suspended in the air in front of us. Nothing could make that go away. So she went instead. Leaving me to hold this feeling to deal with this pain. Will she ever come back, will she ever understand how i feel. That I went after her knowing she would leave because i know this feeling was more important. I needed to know
I wish that we could suspend the rules of engagement for this tournament for the next fortnight. I am tired of having to follow the rules set by someone who I don’t care to follow and pretending that their rules make sense. They don’t. It is worse then football. It is worse then soccer. Let’s just play and the rules be damned.
Jan B
school go out of everywhere. bridges in california
bad child. misunderstood the world is out to get you trouble being away isolation
briana greenlee
Suspended in the air 500 feet over new york city the wire shook and for a moment it seemed she would tumbled down into the abyss of mankind and be a tragedy lost to time… But the wind ceased and she straightened her back and walked on across the bridge to the next day and the next suspended city walk
hanging by a thread. That’s how I feel sometimes. Like I’m barely connected. should I let go? No! I climb back to what matters. I keep going.
I’m hanging from a bridge on a bungee cord that has been stretched too far and lost it’s elasticity I have no where to go, no where I can go. I have to remove myself from this cord and fall into whatever will catch me. Hopefully, where I land is somewhere I can tolerate being. Tolerate more than this dangling anyways.
Dana Jay Bein
Not legally married
you have to suspend your disbelief. or rather hold it down and kick the shit out of it for however long it takes for you to believe. Then one you’ve suspended it, the world will make more sense. how about a blue moose eating a grapefruit. with a suspended disbelief, it
my head was suspended from time. i couldn’t tell what i was suppose to have been doing, or tasting. my mind drew a blank and although she closed her eyes gently, I knew she wanted to aggressively spank me.
Suspend time in the midst of turmoil
Can it be done for the desperate?
Let humanity hope so for it depends
in it.
hanging from the ceiling wish i could touch the floor. running out of breath. running out of time. help.
In every simple act that is ever performed by a cognitive being there is the need to suspend disbelief. Suspension of disbelief is a natural occurance due to the evolution of perception and mental process. We all inherently know that what we experience from day to day is not real and that any act we may perform is also a ‘non’ act. This inherent knowledge must go through a suspended state in order for us to function or even for us to exist as an individual at all. Without this process which perpetuates survival of the individual consciousness there would be no consciousness to begin with. For nothing to be something it would have to deny what it truly is in order to become other than itself.
suspension of disbelief
Matt Davis
i got suspended once for overdosing on xanax with a friend in 9th grade. It was a weird experience but it was kind of fun.
Living in a society slowly corriding like the cavity creeping in the back of my mouth. Suspended in time. Every second counts. Count every second.
Shawn Harding
I want to suspend my soul. I want to raise it up to the sky, but first I need to suspend everything that prevents me from doing it. I need to suspend permanently my addictions, my fears, my hate. Mental suspension, which is what I search for so much, will be impossible if I don’t suspend my habits…
you’re suspending me from your fingers
like a marionette with strings. i have no control over my actions with you. i’m not trying to smile; in fact, i’m trying to hold back from smiling too much so you don’t notice how happy i am when i’m with you, walking with you.
you’re dangling your love in front of me but it’s just out of reach.
the time to suspend my belief is now. I dont think it is important to consider what I am writing. I am just supposed to write. So I am. The suspend time is approaching, so I best finish.
Lance powers
i have never been suspended from school but i remember when andrew makepeace was for licking a girls ear drunkenly at a chorus trip dance rave. he was not embarrassed at all and when we missed him on that day of school all of the guys wore black that day, i didn’t though because i didnt want to get in trouble
I looked at the body, suspended in midair. I felt lie I should say a kind word, a mantra perhaps. In today’s world, everything is too “inappropriate”. I would get scolded if that weren’t of his religion. I suficed to say “May you be blessed.”
animation ton a watery landscape between layers of dimension and dimension; a gentle cataclysmic place of wonder, doubt, and thought;
gina marina bobena
Life = shambles.
Please suspend time, so that I might figure out what to do about it.
suspened up metal hey justcough and don’t look down dont drop your eggs dont be afraid to be silly or did I say that before don’t be afraid to draw doily hexelograms on your face don’t be afraid to be red
Aviv Cohn
Suspention has always been in the back corner of my mind. I think about it when I am tempted to do something wrong at school. The teachers threaten with it. They use it as a control device. Very seldom will they actually follow through.
Ashton Powers
I was suspended in the air. Nothing was holding me up, but I was just…there. It was a beautiful sight. Nothing but sky above me and below me. Blue in the truest sense. I did not know what would come next, but I was complacent in the fact that I had no commitments there. No worries, no deadlines, no problems. Just one, though, how do I get down?
Suspend your disbelief and live a better life. Imagination is a wonderful thing. Cherish it forever.
her thoughts were suspended in her mind, frozen in time and space, as if they were material, palpable objects she could hold in her own mind. the phrase wasn’t running through her mind repeatedly in a broken record fashion, but they stood still, the words did. the letters formed in her mind and didn’t dare move and let her think of anything else, let her forget that he was dead. dead.
She was suspended above the gap by a web of ropes, tied tightly to eliminate the dangers of falling, but not tight enough to reassure her that there was no chance that she could die.
In what do yo suspend yourself in this life? Were will you suspend your worries, fears and dreams? I believe the suspension or attachment should be strong enough to suspend everything of my life. God can and he will suspend you carefully unlike the world
its time holding you for one more second then it is allowed. Dangling you over that pit of dark abyss, filled with the maggots or spiders or personal fear. It is the knife at hand before the sink into flesh.
Suspend is a fun word but not really. I love pie and cow’s, but not cow pies, because cow pies are poop. Poop is not an appropriate word for school. I love ponies.
suspended in the air
there is
a lamb heart
with paper dolls
drifting in the breeze
my time
nearly gone
and we
are suspended
without a plan in the pages
of this book
here is the string
that ties us together
taking time to suspend the teapots above the fridge allowed Janice the right perspective to see just what she what the professor was talking about in the lecture hall today. Just as she tied down the last line Matt walks in just in time to witness this fantastic sight.
My paycheck has been suspended. I’m really mad. I was also suspended from school…I suspended a student today – I saw an apple suspended from a tree. I was suspended by wires…
attract life on a little twin mocking bird that goes south for the winter. In over 20 seconds suspension grew further to the despair of the bird, who felt drawn back to the roots of the western civilasation.
Suspended in mid air she hangs. I just got home from a long day at work, longing to be back home with her. She has been more depressed than usual lately and I was looking forward to cheering her up. With a bouquet of flowers I stand in the doorway just staring a the sight of my dead wife before me.
being hung in place without reason- sense of uncertainty, hanging hanging hanging no where to go what is happening to me here oh lordy the tension the height the sweat I can’t wipe from my face hitting the ground far below
glow in the dark stars suspended from my ceiling. i wish that you could watch them with me. i wish that you’d wish that.
i should be suspended from school right now.
i recently cheated on my poli sci test and was caught.
i tried to lie and weasel my way out of it, but to no avail.
i have to go to the deans office today because i have to sign a paper saying that i haven’t been an honest student.
i want to be an elementary school teacher.
This has been the word for far to long. I’m starting to suspend my interest. I want a new word. Perhaps append. How about giving us a new word, peeps? I’d like to suspend my disbelief that you
one must suspend disbelief in order to adequately author an excerpt such as this, and to associate oneself witht he interesting typographical mistakes and flailing linguistics that may occur as a result of a rapidly expiring time limit.
It hung suspended in the air in front of us. Nothing could make that go away. So she went instead. Leaving me to hold this feeling to deal with this pain. Will she ever come back, will she ever understand how i feel. That I went after her knowing she would leave because i know this feeling was more important. I needed to know
I wish that we could suspend the rules of engagement for this tournament for the next fortnight. I am tired of having to follow the rules set by someone who I don’t care to follow and pretending that their rules make sense. They don’t. It is worse then football. It is worse then soccer. Let’s just play and the rules be damned.
school go out of everywhere. bridges in california
bad child. misunderstood the world is out to get you trouble being away isolation
Suspended in the air 500 feet over new york city the wire shook and for a moment it seemed she would tumbled down into the abyss of mankind and be a tragedy lost to time… But the wind ceased and she straightened her back and walked on across the bridge to the next day and the next suspended city walk
hanging by a thread. That’s how I feel sometimes. Like I’m barely connected. should I let go? No! I climb back to what matters. I keep going.
I’m hanging from a bridge on a bungee cord that has been stretched too far and lost it’s elasticity I have no where to go, no where I can go. I have to remove myself from this cord and fall into whatever will catch me. Hopefully, where I land is somewhere I can tolerate being. Tolerate more than this dangling anyways.
Not legally married
you have to suspend your disbelief. or rather hold it down and kick the shit out of it for however long it takes for you to believe. Then one you’ve suspended it, the world will make more sense. how about a blue moose eating a grapefruit. with a suspended disbelief, it
my head was suspended from time. i couldn’t tell what i was suppose to have been doing, or tasting. my mind drew a blank and although she closed her eyes gently, I knew she wanted to aggressively spank me.
Suspend time in the midst of turmoil
Can it be done for the desperate?
Let humanity hope so for it depends
in it.
hanging from the ceiling wish i could touch the floor. running out of breath. running out of time. help.
In every simple act that is ever performed by a cognitive being there is the need to suspend disbelief. Suspension of disbelief is a natural occurance due to the evolution of perception and mental process. We all inherently know that what we experience from day to day is not real and that any act we may perform is also a ‘non’ act. This inherent knowledge must go through a suspended state in order for us to function or even for us to exist as an individual at all. Without this process which perpetuates survival of the individual consciousness there would be no consciousness to begin with. For nothing to be something it would have to deny what it truly is in order to become other than itself.
suspension of disbelief
i got suspended once for overdosing on xanax with a friend in 9th grade. It was a weird experience but it was kind of fun.
Living in a society slowly corriding like the cavity creeping in the back of my mouth. Suspended in time. Every second counts. Count every second.
I want to suspend my soul. I want to raise it up to the sky, but first I need to suspend everything that prevents me from doing it. I need to suspend permanently my addictions, my fears, my hate. Mental suspension, which is what I search for so much, will be impossible if I don’t suspend my habits…
you’re suspending me from your fingers
like a marionette with strings. i have no control over my actions with you. i’m not trying to smile; in fact, i’m trying to hold back from smiling too much so you don’t notice how happy i am when i’m with you, walking with you.
you’re dangling your love in front of me but it’s just out of reach.
the time to suspend my belief is now. I dont think it is important to consider what I am writing. I am just supposed to write. So I am. The suspend time is approaching, so I best finish.
i have never been suspended from school but i remember when andrew makepeace was for licking a girls ear drunkenly at a chorus trip dance rave. he was not embarrassed at all and when we missed him on that day of school all of the guys wore black that day, i didn’t though because i didnt want to get in trouble
I looked at the body, suspended in midair. I felt lie I should say a kind word, a mantra perhaps. In today’s world, everything is too “inappropriate”. I would get scolded if that weren’t of his religion. I suficed to say “May you be blessed.”
animation ton a watery landscape between layers of dimension and dimension; a gentle cataclysmic place of wonder, doubt, and thought;
Life = shambles.
Please suspend time, so that I might figure out what to do about it.
suspened up metal hey justcough and don’t look down dont drop your eggs dont be afraid to be silly or did I say that before don’t be afraid to draw doily hexelograms on your face don’t be afraid to be red
Suspention has always been in the back corner of my mind. I think about it when I am tempted to do something wrong at school. The teachers threaten with it. They use it as a control device. Very seldom will they actually follow through.
I was suspended in the air. Nothing was holding me up, but I was just…there. It was a beautiful sight. Nothing but sky above me and below me. Blue in the truest sense. I did not know what would come next, but I was complacent in the fact that I had no commitments there. No worries, no deadlines, no problems. Just one, though, how do I get down?
Suspend your disbelief and live a better life. Imagination is a wonderful thing. Cherish it forever.
her thoughts were suspended in her mind, frozen in time and space, as if they were material, palpable objects she could hold in her own mind. the phrase wasn’t running through her mind repeatedly in a broken record fashion, but they stood still, the words did. the letters formed in her mind and didn’t dare move and let her think of anything else, let her forget that he was dead. dead.
She was suspended above the gap by a web of ropes, tied tightly to eliminate the dangers of falling, but not tight enough to reassure her that there was no chance that she could die.