
November 13th, 2008 | 880 Entries

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880 Entries for “suspend”

  1. shoestring habitats. woven thunderbirds and candy like projections that secrete bitter sweetness. perhaps a rope?

  2. i was often suspended from class for too much clowning around with friends, i dont know if this is the correct way of using this site.

    suspend can also mean to hang, ie. suspended from the ceiling

  3. i want to suspend this horrible endless amount of homework that is due. it is taking over like a hurricane over the houses built and the furniture that once was laid out neatly and in place however dusty in my memory. it sat there peacefully the sun might have shone upon it sometimes and might have not because the windows were shut and it was cold and brisk.

  4. i was almost suspended by my college. i had been caught several times drinking beer in the dorms under the premise that the ra’s “smelt the beer” from the hall. i found that hard to believe. they threateend to suspend me. i wrote an article asking for another chance. i saw a counselor. and she helped me.

    marc bennett
  5. Stop. Look. Where are you going? Where have you been? Are you going in the right direction? Are you sure?

    Stop. Think again. Can’t move forward, can’t go back. Nowhere to turn. Look up. Is anyone there?

  6. Suspend. “Suspended civil liberties.” That’s the answer I chose during our American test today. I guessed. I hate that class, but I love looking over across the room at you. You were wearing dark grey today. Your hair was wet and smelled like strawberries, your eyes are so light but almost green.

  7. It wasn’t easy to go on. I had to stop. There are days when gloom settles around like a soupy fog. How does one continue when your heart says stop?

    Keith Peck
  8. Higher and higher I go moving at the speed of sound

    Conkling Kiuio
  9. I was suspended in the air, looking over some ancient valley. Where was I? How did I get here? All of these questions had but one answer. I was home. This is where I belonged, not on the operation table.

    Drew Davis
  10. i’ll have to suspend all my plans from being done. I’m just a boy witohout a heart, having serious problems with discipline. so, i’m suspending.

  11. above a body of water, hush of silence cool crisp glassy water, almost oily. one toe in the oil spill will wreck it. i cannot write tonight i am depressed. this sucks. life sucks. i wanna sleep forever. but first i must exercise.

  12. I see you and my breath
    it’s frozen in time
    hanging on a thread
    and a second passes
    we breath faster
    to make up for the skipped beat
    and we continue
    as normal pretending we didn’t
    all stop breathing
    for that one moment

    Asher Sunn
  13. i can’t suspend anything. i wish that i could make things float or something, but i am not magical. That would be so cool. Just walking around, making things float, you know?

  14. If I suspend my morales, I’m in trouble. If I suspend my inhibitions, I could either be in trouble or I could become more spontaneous. If I suspend thinking and just drift, will I be happier in the end? What will I discover about myself, what’s around me?

    Suspend is a verb. It means action. Do I take action when I suspend, or do I just exist? Hard thing to decide.

  15. i love to suspend myself in a……im not sure what this suspend is
    suspend my life for ever and ever and ever

  16. I’m glad I suspended my ideas, he wouldn’t have liked them anyways, he is so close-minded. Next time I will just go ahead and do it- the thing I was wanting all along. I’m glad I was never suspended from school.

  17. Means to end. I’ve supended all operations. Some people need to suspend their bladders. Yuck! This is called a pessarey. I was a nurse, and now Ive suspended my line of work.

    Kathy Hall
  18. hanging loose but hanging on tight determined not to fall i’m trying to figure out how i got here and what the hell is going on but maybe that isn’t what really matters cause damn check out the view! sometimes we have to just look around

  19. suspend your disbelief when you want to go kill a midgit and do the deed kill it dump its body in a small bathroom trashcan no one will notice because weve developed past the potential of nature to do what she wants to us she can only bare her teeth like a dog and will for someone like you to come from the shadows and kill the midget and toss it into the sea because everyone god included said no more

    k e
  20. once again, he swung around in the breeze, his whole body suspended on the thread of a meager rope tied to his wrist. What a great feeling. What a high; to be able to swing high in teh air with no one around to watch you sway.

  21. i would like to suspend stuff off a suspension bridge. it seems like fun. I like yellow suspenders. They keep trousers up which is really good if you don’t have a belt. Belts are important. Belts are made from elather and have cool buckles. My mate has one with a bottle opener and hip flask on it. It is rather sqanky if you ask me.

    Thome Sadler
  22. I hang suspended from a tree limb, hair falling toward the ground. My knees face the sky and my shoes hang from my feet that swing. I lower my arms and stretch wide. A smile that remembering childhood creates.

    Luce Cannon
  23. Suspending feelings to get on with life, daily tasks, suspending them in a glass bottle for when you’re alone, to sit alongside you dreams, floating in the air…suspended

  24. I suspended my disbelief and found that I did indeed find myself attracted to the stage magician’s tussle-haired assistant.

    andre tartar
  25. suspending from the balcony of a fifty story building, his body swung in the wind; his tongue blue, thick an fuzzy, his head lollying limp on his shoulder, he tried to talk, to scream, to beg for help. He didn’t mean to do this!

  26. suspend your disbelief for a minute.
    I don’t want to.
    what about that time?
    forget that, just think about what I’m saying
    you never say anything.
    I’m done. It’s time —
    no. don’t.
    Well, what would you say if I would listen?
    I would say it’s over.

  27. I never was suspended form school, I think I may have narrowly escaped the fate in the fifth grade. Squirt guns are not a serious threat. I’ll never forgive him for telling the teacher about the jet stream. Water is not a bullet, Ben.

    Sam Erickson
  28. He was hanging above the world. Suspended above civilisation. It was an unusual feeling, watching the world below. Going about its business. He felt like a god, all-seeing, all-knowing.

    But of course he wasn’t. He was just hanging from a cord, from a building.

  29. suspend me over the edge and I will bungee jump on the curls of your hair
    skate me over the ice and i will see my reflection not below my feet
    but in your emerald eyes
    set me at the foot of a mountain and i will climb if it means I can see your perfect beautiful smile

    florrie wheeler
  30. i’ve been trying to convince myself NOT to suspend myself…from the rope in my back yard, hanging from my favorite tree. strangulation can’t be fun.

  31. I was suspended from school one time. It was for something totally stupid that I should not have done but I did it anyway. A kid and I were making jokes back and forth throughout the day and eventually I got fed up. He made increasingly racist remarks and I punched him in the face. After this I was sent to the principal’s office, where my parents were contacted.

  32. to hang free
    free from obligations
    free from responsibility
    free from expectations

    freedom to chase your dreams
    freedom to love
    freedom to be you

  33. I am tired of this word. Can we have a new one?

  34. to keep away suspended from school not allowed in o hold up a suspension bridge to be help in the air to sway and stay free and moving

  35. I want to suspend disbelief, but only about fantasy. I want to suspend myself.

    red frog
  36. Suspended animation. Neither living nor dead. A paradox. Reminds me of water bears! Apparently, a water bear in suspended animation can survive outer space.

  37. i need to suspend all chaos in life and study for this dumb chem test that is tom and need to get a good grade on or im gonna be fucked and fail this dumb class. i wont really fail just not get a good grade

  38. sometimes i feel as though i’m on the edge of something. cliff, bridge, mountaintop, my seat. does it really matter? it’s that feeling you get when you’re at the top of the hill, just waiting for the rollercoaster to drop into oblivion. it can be one of the best feelings in the world, but in this case, i just feel scared, like maybe no one’s going to catch me this time.

  39. suspenso da minha cabeça, na escola, em casa, no trabalho, só o que nao aparecem são as idéias, que somem quando eu mais as preciso. Tão preciosas quando aparecem e taão facilmente perdidas.

  40. In school it sound borring I dont know what supendtion actually is…I have never been suspended…But lifee is a kind of suspention…last sentence.

    Pablo Gonzalez