
November 13th, 2008 | 880 Entries

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880 Entries for “suspend”

  1. Suspended in mid air I wondered about the rabbit hole and if All I had heard about it was true. I Won’t know unless I get the chance to take that trip and see for myself. I’m sure the rabbit hole is around here somewhere, I just need to find it.

  2. to lose something

    yadira guzman
  3. Suspend is my queue.

  4. Suspended above the ground. No matter how hard I try, I cannot touch my feet to any surface.

  5. suspend me from loving
    suspend me from all of my irrational feelings and all my crazy thoughts…suspend me from daydreaming and romanticism. Suspend me from angry thoughts and gossip and bitterness. Suspend me from the ways of this world. Suspend me from christianity and forums but release me to spirituality and freedom in my God. Suspend me from idealism.

  6. I am told that we suspend reality when we rise and fall. The moment dangles above me as I fall in love with you. My reality is suspended, and my heart is falling. Ironic it seems. I am nothing more than a see saw. Suspended in time. I hang on your words.

  7. Suspend means to npt be allowed. it means that you lose a provilige. I was never suspended. It also means

  8. People get suspended from school for doing stupid shit like cursing at teachers and being idiots and getting in fights.
    You can also suspend a campaign, like John McCain did for a little bit because he’s a dick.

    erin martin
  9. in the air or a long amount of time or from school or waiting for something ive never been suspended from school but ive been suspended in the air in gym glass by a large guy and then go in trouble for it i hate being in suspense because i hate suprises i dont know what else to say about susepend im running out of time

  10. Suspending downward from the fact of what was originally mine, I decided that my own thoughts weren’t a very original or intelligent plan. That was the day my entire life changed.

    Jason Saint
  11. Suspend the moment
    Draw out the breath
    Hang in time

    Never let go.
    Eye contact forever.

  12. suspended in animation. i mean, suspended animation. you know what i mean. i’m talking about that shit that keeps you from dying. no wants to die. umm, i didn’t mean any medical thing.. well maybe it’s a medical science.

  13. It is a shame how schools and such have to even deal with such a thing as suspending children form schools. The world’s become bad now, and we’re not even allowed to whip them for their terrible actions. That seemed to get them. None really care about being suspended. And yet it feels like its called suspend for a reason. To suspend someone isn’t meant to sound like a good thing to begin with

  14. suspended over the water, she drifted. i suppose this is what will be left of my life, or, my not life, she thought. when you can’t go home (because you’re dead) and you can’t leave earth (because you’re afraid), what else are you going to do? you could pulverize your former enemies, but that’s not fulfilling.

  15. A student was suspended today, a long drawn out argument between an revolutionist and a principal. This time he wasn’t the studnets “pal,” censorship can be the dirtiest word of them all!

    Bill Shears
  16. Suspension. I see this word and my sanity comes to mind. I think of how I’m suspended between reality and the world I cherish inside of my own mind.
    I feel strung up by expectations and thoughts. Fleeting thought that disturb me and send me into despair.

  17. Suspension. A schoolboy would look at the work and his eyes would widen in surprise or fear, depending on who it’s directed to.
    A climber would see it and raise an eyebrow. This situation would prove to be dangerous and quite challenging.
    I look at this word and see my sanity.

  18. Above a bridge, hovering there, you look at me with your dead eyes, those round lifeless orbs. The rope is entwined almost gracefully but you wouldn;t notice anymore, not now that you’re hanging there waiting.

    Caroline Foster
  19. On the top of a mountain with nothing below you can’t even think of what happens if you let go. No other worries in the world except for your life, in your own hands, nothing else you can do. This is you, your life and your moment.

  20. The moment stayed suspended before her eyes, the horror of looking into the dull, lifeless eyes and knowing they were Ethan’s, shivers racked her thin spine and her hair billowed in long waves around her face, her eyes thick and brimmed with tears, her life seemed insignificant, her problems few, compared to the emotional roller coaster she was on, and it would not stop. “This cannot be how it ends,” she whispered as the rain and wind wipped against her pale frame, silhoutted in the shining light of the full moon, God forbid, but she had no idea of what was to come, but she would face it full on. No matter what. To be continued…

    Elizabeth Cullen
  21. Suspend from a time when nothing exists. Suspend form a moment that used to exist. Suspend the disbelief of yourself, until there is nothing left but the hanging force of your own gravity, the useless attraction towards a body greater than yours.

  22. hey im chantel. i am pretty cool and nice i have a mom and a brother and a sister and a cat and a nother cat and another cat and anothe rcat and another cat and another cat i hope i just typed 5 cats blah blah blah blah blsh blah blah blah i have nothinbg esle to say i hope this ends sonn

  23. thinking about running away, hanging, screaming. wondering wha’s going to happen. I miss you, I’ll miss you. Hello? Hello? are you okay? hello? What the fuck is going on, tell me what the fuck is going on. fuck. shes dead, you killed her. it’s the end of time. time is over. dead.

  24. i am suspended in a cloud of dust, and the world floats aimlessly about me. there are cosmic little particles claiming me as i drift through their communities. i suspend my animation and become an inanimate object, like them. now we’re alike and they accept me into their space home.

  25. Above the waters a fairy was suspended, eyeing her reflection like n auctioner, weighing her life in those tiny eyes.

  26. Under wire over table, floating without wings. On top of wire under light. Open your faith to your new god, of light.

    Matthew Bahnsen
  27. suspended, he hung. hands wrapped around the tree branch, forarms taught. his ankles swung back and forth head looking up at the sun in the leaves

  28. her breath suspended in the air. Watching the killer down the street, staring at her, wondering if she’d seen what he suspected she had. Air exacped her red lips, like cigarette smoke.

  29. Suspend my belief in all thats right
    Suspend my love of things that are good
    suspend my membership in the family human

  30. hanging silently in the air, the marshmallow looked as it it were about to float up into the sky, except instead of sky, it was a giant, wide-pen mouth. a very hungry one, at that.

  31. suspended aniamation, the new worlds desire, fantastic dreams and made up seams, that bind the world toegether. hanging from the rafters in an old forgoettned mill, the bailer hails the one that call the new day to a still.

  32. Being suspending from school isn’t the most fun thing that I’ve ever done, but it most certainly is the most interesting. Where else can you get a mocha latte at the height of the day when all the little kiddies are sitting in chairs rotting their brains away? Never else! Never else!

  33. suspend from a string, like all those purple oranges, like purple carrots, only one of them is real. Why should I write about suspending? I’d rather write about suspense and the roots of trees and of words, which are basically the same thing. Suspending hope? Suspending suspense.

  34. My life, even my mind is on a permanent suspension. Your thoughts consume mine and soon enough I forget my own. I know longer am on a suspension, I’m forever stuck in a world where my heart is suspended upon a strand that means nothing more to you than the words I speak to myself in emptied rooms. My mind, my life, my heart are all constantly suspended and on hiatus until they give out and let me fall.

  35. Things that hang in the air, a trapeze artist is above, and the clowns look up with trepidation for fear he should tumble and yet… a hush from the audience now and the tension couldn’t be slathered with a butter knife… a suspension of belief as the acrobat flips, twists and glides, defying the laws of physics… and does indeed tumble. And now, a gasp of surprise, awe: witness the performer now, suspended three meters from the ground, floating, hovering. How? The answer soon is apparent; one strap of his suspenders has tangled in the high wire and saved a life in this dank circus tent this portentious eve. Suspend incredulity; it truly happened.

  36. it was my day of suspension. he sat there in frot of me and gave me a wink. come here. no, not another pervert, i thought. my mom lectured me about the webpages i had been submitting my photos to.

  37. Suspended above the air, a golden leaf in a cellestial wind, floating down to the my terrestrial domain where the snags of reality attempt to grab me from the divine, threatened by my freedom.

  38. John didn’t know how he was going to get out of this. He had been suspended from school and it was no one’s fault but his own. He had thought it would be a cool idea to “protest” the war in Iraq by convincing his friends to join him in a flagpole sitting during second period English class.

  39. Suspended? What the frig? Just because I threw a chair at some kid, shouldn’t get me kicked out of school! This is outrageous! The other guy started it! Stupid Mr. Hengil. I hate him. Always have, always will. But, suspended? This man really was retarded.

  40. the word hung still, suspended in air, awaiting release from the moment it was uttered from his mouth. his gaze was less than piercing and almost needed permission for access. the word suspended, had much more valid gravity to it.
