I hadn’t intended on doing it. It was accident and I’ll never say otherwise. The paint was in my hands and she was in front of me and I couldn’t stop myself from lifting it up and dumping the thick, black substance all over her pretty white coat. I couldn’t stop smiling. But it wasn’t my fault! I had no control over what I was doing. I was just…doing it. In the end, I don’t regret it, but it wasn’t my fault.
He held me so close, all I wanted to do was suspend time. This moment this place this time, I didn’t want reality to sink in to know it would soon be over. Our love was all that mattered but in a world like this it wasn’t enough, too many rules and complications to end it all. Only if I could suspend it.
suspended in air by nothing but a coard, feeling free and so close to unattachment. all you have to do is cut the chord to understand the feeling of being weightless. Is it worth it? you have so much to lose but the unkown would be
kellie fenton
My body, it is suspended. It came on quickly but, I know it is real. Some people, they dont understand. Plant’s have always been the same, roots, just plain roots. I’ve never seen a plant fly, and neither have they, but at least I can dream.I cant say that my heart is flying, but, it is in my eyes, suspended.
Josh Boniello
suspension is something that is hard to write about. it is very vague and not specific. there are suspension bridges. i think it is fun to be suspended like in a hammock. but its close to the ground. maybe it is more fun to be suspended higher up of the ground. It is probably scarier and more of a thrill. I have never been suspended from school.
I was suspended on my delicate thoughts, what is this word? This word, splashed in an orange style almost jokingly… almost laughing. This wasn’t truth, this all was a lie. What do you mean “Death By The Seconds?”? What do you mean “Death?” What Do You Mean Seconds?”
When you suspend belief its something you can’t or do not want to believe, it can be when something is held at height too.
what will i write the suspense is killing me…..
The first time I was suspended I had thrown rocks at my friend. He was throwing rocks at me too, but he never got caught with anything. We were playing a game where we were battling in space. In reality, we wouldn’t have got caught if it weren’t for the fact that we were throwing rocks well after the bell to go in had completed. I am quite surprised that we weren’t punished more harshly.
I was suspended in the air by a thread. I hung there, clinging on for my life. I saw things I never thought I would see, but I was too scared to really appreciate them. Is this how my life will end? Why am I not wearing a parachute? Oh well, here I go, the thread is breaking.
The chandelier, suspended above the mahogany table, came crashing down at his slamming of the door in anger, shattering glass across the floor.
It is time to suspend disbelief when you read a story about ANYTHING – fiction or non-fiction. All writing passes through a very heavy filter of the author’s biases and preconceptions.
Postpone it. Hum and haw and put it off until the next day. Sleep with your eyes wide open, and try to forget about the consequences of your inactions.
Don’t you ever look up. High, high above you is a heavy, heavy weight suspended above your head, and the moment you look up it will drop. So look down, always look down.
Ignore the threat hanging above your head and continue with your life. Walk across the road without looking left, right, left, sleep with your eyes open, and don’t look up. Don’t you ever look up.
It was a beautiful afternoon. One that had the warm sun, light clouds and great warmth. It was on this wonderful afternoon that I decided to suspend my dreams of education so I could follow my heart and marry the love of my life.
I didn’t know what word would come up here. But suspend is an interesting one, I’ll give you that. Calls to mind hanging, suspense, crime, thrillers, excitement. Anything other than what I’m living now. Fantasies of another life, perhaps.
Paragliding monkeys suspended in the air; bobbing up and down in a weary sort of manner. What were they doing there? That is a question not even the monkeys could answer.
He wore suspenders, an unusual choice in clothing in the hot, sweaty climate. Nothing else seemed consistent with this formality, for his shoes were battered and unpolished, his trousers unironed and his hair unruly.
But his smile was one of a divine confidence and it assured me that all would be well. Yes, all — would be well.
kicked out of some where. not allowed back broke the rules an not allowed back until told to.
I suspend him beneath me, the length of my arms between us, and swing him back and forth until he breaks into smile and dribble gushes from his tiny mouth.
I take my dreams and suspend them beyond the length of my vision. I suspend what I have learned and lived and stretch it beyond elasticity. Then it just breaks. Back to the starting point.
Mid air I hang. Stripped of my way. Feet hang in the cold, exposed and shaking. Fear is an accomplice of freedom. Liberation is near.
Bridges. Never understood how it works, and frankly, it terrifies me. Doesn’t stop me from going to Cherry Hill though.
Like detention but way worse. Only the really bad kids ever got suspended but how is that even punishment anyway? Seems like more punishment for the parents than anyone else…
Animation. Creepy. Suspended animation. Sometimes I feel my life is that way…
i was suspended from my college because of misbehaviour. u can suspend a cork by a spring and check k for the spring.suspend a spring.
abhi dhamija
I’m thinking about the time I left her, she was still in shock. I knew it was easier to just say goodbye.
derrick shaffer
I’m afraid you’ll have to suspend your disbelief for a moment if we’re going to have a serious discussion about the nature of magic. I know you’ve gone on with your life for years under the belief that magic doesn’t exist, but take it on a little faith that it does. I should know, as I’ve been using it for most of my life. My livelyhood is magic. It’s real. How’s that disbelief coming?
if i got suspended in the air, i would not know what to do. how do you learn in an instant how to fly? would you flop your arms as wings like they did on those early cartoons? or would you stretch your arms forward as superman in his flight?
Hang mid air, limit movement or progress, take license away, levitate,
Bern Hilson
The word suspend leaves me hanging, without the slightest knowledge of what I ought to be writing about. Under preassure, not the song, I feel as though I need to preform. I keep making speeling errors, never really knowing if my corrections are correct, deleting what I’ve written, trying to remember what to write, all because of ‘suspend’
she was such a bitch. herself. not anyone else. she had officially screwed everyone else over. that’s why she wasn’t working there anymore. at least not for now. not until she was trusted again. her boss had really given her a break when she didn’t fire her completely.
Suspend. Suspend. Dammit why won’t you suspend. I don’t care about your carbon foot print, I just want the red light of solitude that means suspend.
I press this button and you suspend…
no you don’t…
yes you do…
no you don’t
ohh someone painted the wrong button red
i am suspended above this life, watching as events unfold below me. the bridges are burning and all i can do is swing from side to side, struggling to break free of these bonds that tie me to the sky. forgetting the feel of the earth beneath my feet, i’m afraid to be swallowed by the gray clouds.
Shall we suspend time as time suspends us? Time captures all of us in its web and spins us around.
Being suspended can also be suspensful. But, more like a pair of suspenders. It holds us up.
Up and not down. that is where we are when we are suspended.
I feel suspended from life, like I should not exist– like I’m breaking a law by simply being. I should be in time-out, I’m making a mistake by breathing.
Suspended in time is how i wish i felt right now, everything is going so fast i can barly keep up. What i need is to be stopped in time for a few days so i can get stuff done
I will suspend Mark Brown from school if he doesn’t stop taunting the other students. I have spoken with his mother several times and she has said that she has talked about it with him. Still he chooses to continue the bad behavior.
at the moment i feel like i have to suspend all my other thoughts and processes and write something profound about the word ‘suspend’ because the green bar is whizzing across the screen. its funny how one minute is all it takes.
Matt Henderson
suspend. danger. school. getting kicked out of school. fighting. discrimnation. drugs. violence. driving with a suspended liscense. suspended mother. brittany spears, bad influence. in so many ways. but to loose all my estensials? why would u get suspended.
School is out and the kids are going to get suspended if they dont show there report cards to us very soon!
Jennifer Sickles
to suspend from the top of somewhere very high gives you the rush like no other. You feel more gratitude for your life knowing you are still alive but to suspend for a long period of time is not tghe business
To delay certain activities until some time. You can suspend machines
I hadn’t intended on doing it. It was accident and I’ll never say otherwise. The paint was in my hands and she was in front of me and I couldn’t stop myself from lifting it up and dumping the thick, black substance all over her pretty white coat. I couldn’t stop smiling. But it wasn’t my fault! I had no control over what I was doing. I was just…doing it. In the end, I don’t regret it, but it wasn’t my fault.
He held me so close, all I wanted to do was suspend time. This moment this place this time, I didn’t want reality to sink in to know it would soon be over. Our love was all that mattered but in a world like this it wasn’t enough, too many rules and complications to end it all. Only if I could suspend it.
suspended in air by nothing but a coard, feeling free and so close to unattachment. all you have to do is cut the chord to understand the feeling of being weightless. Is it worth it? you have so much to lose but the unkown would be
My body, it is suspended. It came on quickly but, I know it is real. Some people, they dont understand. Plant’s have always been the same, roots, just plain roots. I’ve never seen a plant fly, and neither have they, but at least I can dream.I cant say that my heart is flying, but, it is in my eyes, suspended.
suspension is something that is hard to write about. it is very vague and not specific. there are suspension bridges. i think it is fun to be suspended like in a hammock. but its close to the ground. maybe it is more fun to be suspended higher up of the ground. It is probably scarier and more of a thrill. I have never been suspended from school.
I was suspended on my delicate thoughts, what is this word? This word, splashed in an orange style almost jokingly… almost laughing. This wasn’t truth, this all was a lie. What do you mean “Death By The Seconds?”? What do you mean “Death?” What Do You Mean Seconds?”
When you suspend belief its something you can’t or do not want to believe, it can be when something is held at height too.
what will i write the suspense is killing me…..
The first time I was suspended I had thrown rocks at my friend. He was throwing rocks at me too, but he never got caught with anything. We were playing a game where we were battling in space. In reality, we wouldn’t have got caught if it weren’t for the fact that we were throwing rocks well after the bell to go in had completed. I am quite surprised that we weren’t punished more harshly.
I was suspended in the air by a thread. I hung there, clinging on for my life. I saw things I never thought I would see, but I was too scared to really appreciate them. Is this how my life will end? Why am I not wearing a parachute? Oh well, here I go, the thread is breaking.
The chandelier, suspended above the mahogany table, came crashing down at his slamming of the door in anger, shattering glass across the floor.
It is time to suspend disbelief when you read a story about ANYTHING – fiction or non-fiction. All writing passes through a very heavy filter of the author’s biases and preconceptions.
Postpone it. Hum and haw and put it off until the next day. Sleep with your eyes wide open, and try to forget about the consequences of your inactions.
Don’t you ever look up. High, high above you is a heavy, heavy weight suspended above your head, and the moment you look up it will drop. So look down, always look down.
Ignore the threat hanging above your head and continue with your life. Walk across the road without looking left, right, left, sleep with your eyes open, and don’t look up. Don’t you ever look up.
It was a beautiful afternoon. One that had the warm sun, light clouds and great warmth. It was on this wonderful afternoon that I decided to suspend my dreams of education so I could follow my heart and marry the love of my life.
I didn’t know what word would come up here. But suspend is an interesting one, I’ll give you that. Calls to mind hanging, suspense, crime, thrillers, excitement. Anything other than what I’m living now. Fantasies of another life, perhaps.
Paragliding monkeys suspended in the air; bobbing up and down in a weary sort of manner. What were they doing there? That is a question not even the monkeys could answer.
He wore suspenders, an unusual choice in clothing in the hot, sweaty climate. Nothing else seemed consistent with this formality, for his shoes were battered and unpolished, his trousers unironed and his hair unruly.
But his smile was one of a divine confidence and it assured me that all would be well. Yes, all — would be well.
kicked out of some where. not allowed back broke the rules an not allowed back until told to.
I suspend him beneath me, the length of my arms between us, and swing him back and forth until he breaks into smile and dribble gushes from his tiny mouth.
I take my dreams and suspend them beyond the length of my vision. I suspend what I have learned and lived and stretch it beyond elasticity. Then it just breaks. Back to the starting point.
Mid air I hang. Stripped of my way. Feet hang in the cold, exposed and shaking. Fear is an accomplice of freedom. Liberation is near.
Bridges. Never understood how it works, and frankly, it terrifies me. Doesn’t stop me from going to Cherry Hill though.
Like detention but way worse. Only the really bad kids ever got suspended but how is that even punishment anyway? Seems like more punishment for the parents than anyone else…
Animation. Creepy. Suspended animation. Sometimes I feel my life is that way…
i was suspended from my college because of misbehaviour. u can suspend a cork by a spring and check k for the spring.suspend a spring.
I’m thinking about the time I left her, she was still in shock. I knew it was easier to just say goodbye.
I’m afraid you’ll have to suspend your disbelief for a moment if we’re going to have a serious discussion about the nature of magic. I know you’ve gone on with your life for years under the belief that magic doesn’t exist, but take it on a little faith that it does. I should know, as I’ve been using it for most of my life. My livelyhood is magic. It’s real. How’s that disbelief coming?
if i got suspended in the air, i would not know what to do. how do you learn in an instant how to fly? would you flop your arms as wings like they did on those early cartoons? or would you stretch your arms forward as superman in his flight?
Hang mid air, limit movement or progress, take license away, levitate,
The word suspend leaves me hanging, without the slightest knowledge of what I ought to be writing about. Under preassure, not the song, I feel as though I need to preform. I keep making speeling errors, never really knowing if my corrections are correct, deleting what I’ve written, trying to remember what to write, all because of ‘suspend’
she was such a bitch. herself. not anyone else. she had officially screwed everyone else over. that’s why she wasn’t working there anymore. at least not for now. not until she was trusted again. her boss had really given her a break when she didn’t fire her completely.
Suspend. Suspend. Dammit why won’t you suspend. I don’t care about your carbon foot print, I just want the red light of solitude that means suspend.
I press this button and you suspend…
no you don’t…
yes you do…
no you don’t
ohh someone painted the wrong button red
i am suspended above this life, watching as events unfold below me. the bridges are burning and all i can do is swing from side to side, struggling to break free of these bonds that tie me to the sky. forgetting the feel of the earth beneath my feet, i’m afraid to be swallowed by the gray clouds.
Shall we suspend time as time suspends us? Time captures all of us in its web and spins us around.
Being suspended can also be suspensful. But, more like a pair of suspenders. It holds us up.
Up and not down. that is where we are when we are suspended.
I feel suspended from life, like I should not exist– like I’m breaking a law by simply being. I should be in time-out, I’m making a mistake by breathing.
Suspended in time is how i wish i felt right now, everything is going so fast i can barly keep up. What i need is to be stopped in time for a few days so i can get stuff done
I will suspend Mark Brown from school if he doesn’t stop taunting the other students. I have spoken with his mother several times and she has said that she has talked about it with him. Still he chooses to continue the bad behavior.
at the moment i feel like i have to suspend all my other thoughts and processes and write something profound about the word ‘suspend’ because the green bar is whizzing across the screen. its funny how one minute is all it takes.
suspend. danger. school. getting kicked out of school. fighting. discrimnation. drugs. violence. driving with a suspended liscense. suspended mother. brittany spears, bad influence. in so many ways. but to loose all my estensials? why would u get suspended.
School is out and the kids are going to get suspended if they dont show there report cards to us very soon!
to suspend from the top of somewhere very high gives you the rush like no other. You feel more gratitude for your life knowing you are still alive but to suspend for a long period of time is not tghe business
To delay certain activities until some time. You can suspend machines