
May 1st, 2009 | 211 Entries

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211 Entries for “sweep”

  1. i sweep the streets everyday, looking for that one person to change everything. Nothing ever changes tho, everything remains the same and maybe thats ok. Maybe thats all we can ever ask for, maybe thats our best shot thats all we’re capable off. I wish i would just sweep away and stop thinking about this.

  2. i sweep this floor every day, sweep sweep sweep and still it gets dirty. I stare at the pieces of dirt and think about how im going to just sweep sweep sweep it all up once again. Dirt comes and go. You always sweep

  3. A broom sweeps gently over the floor clearing it of the dirt and grime of the day and helping to make the room appear more open and pleasant. A girl is swept into the room by her boyfriend who is twirling her gently as the dance over the newly cleaned floor.

  4. sweep is the job of a good broom. And it has been said that a good broom sweeps clean. Perhaps we can use this thought to sweep all the negative and nagging thoughts that needlessly clutter our minds.

  5. I dont like to sweep. It reminds me of work.

  6. there is only one word that describes the world; marvelous. It is sad that more people do not appreciate how wonderful our world is. As a result they do not take the time to explore it fully.

  7. Sweep me off my feet, make me fall in love,, swwep weep,, so close yet so different

  8. sweep my heart away i tell my self. sweep as I have swept these tears away from brotherly abuse. sweep. sweep. one letter away from weep. i have to re-read things in order

    laura Moya
  9. Sweep. Makes you think of chores, or men and your feet, or the sweep of a woman’s hair across her shoulder blades. I’ve been swept in so many ways, swept over, swept up, I’ve wept.

  10. sweep
    ah i hate this job

  11. broom, dust, floors, dirt, dog hair, wooden, dust pan, house, housekeeping, cleaning, mop,bucket/water/soap, clean, spic and span, done, swiffer,

  12. the house. use a broom. pile of dust.
    – me off my feet, romance

  13. i wear dresses every day
    when i’m with you –
    skirts that flow about my ankles
    or knees or thighs – and
    i can hold my head high.

  14. I wonder what today’s word is. Ah, “sweep”. It reminds me that I should sweep the floor of my room very soon. I wonder how many strands of hair I can find on the floor if I pick them up one by one. Sweep is also one letter away from sweet, which is a feeling you get when someone sweeps you off your feet. Oh, so many “e”s in that sentence.

  15. sweeping away everything that happened to me in my past, impossible- i say. i think everything happens for a reason, in fact- it’s unreal how many things happen in a day that we wish we could take back.

  16. The best idea ever created is possibly the Swiffer. It sweeps all dust and particles with so little effort, for a person like me who really have a hard time dealing with dust and hair and such, the Swiffer is like a best friend.

  17. Time sweeps across your face. I can see it as sweat drops from my brow. I don’t know how to handle it.

    It drives me. Insane.

    Stop, stop, I say. But that is not what I want at all. Go by faster; let this foolish charade that we call Life end as quickly as possible.

  18. The broom seemed to leap into my hands, bound for an adventure to clean every dust particle in sight. We began our dance to revive these hardwood floors, to turn them into sparkling grounds for feet to tread upon.

  19. Sweep means brooms and cleaning and old fairy stories like Cindarella. Sweep means princesses finding their princes and old corners getting clean again. Sweep means witches with brooms maid out of straw. Sweep means a winning streak, one team becoming unbeatable.

  20. It’s absolutely unfair how those girls treated Cindarella. Really? But I guess she got what she wanted in the end. It was super unrealistic though. Nobody moves classes like that.

  21. I love to sweep the kitchen floor. It feels like I am cleaning up my whole world. Even the things that can’t be changed, have the appearance of being under my control and in good condition. In my mind’s eye, for that one moment, everything in my life seems to be neat and tidy.

  22. Passing deftly along the wood grain, dulled by many years of walking, she so roughly takes away the many months of dust and grime that cover the oak floors. Oh it has been so long since she had last been to this place. So long…

  23. Sweeping the floor is a labourous task for some, who are rather unaccustomed to manual work: This was the case of Little Botty Booboo. She worked and worked for something beyond her reach — so the work collapsed before her face and that was that; life was done; her entire existance lost meaning within the span of a minute from a heirloom watch.

  24. The broom felt loose in my hands. I was barely gripping it as I dragged it across the floor, pushing last night’s remnants inside a plastic blue dustpan. Glass bottles and plastic red cups and napkins and lost cell phones and shoes and clothing all heaped together into one pile until I

  25. I swept the stairs with all my might but i just couldnt get all the dirt…that annoyed me..stupid dirt I muttered to myself…I wish I didnt have to do this…but noo my mom says that if i want to go to the ball then i have to get all my chores done..which i find completely stupid.

  26. To sweep. To be swept. The feeling to sweep…someone off their feet.
    Or use your broom to sweep the things off your floor for spring cleaning.
    To sweep. to be swept.
    The feeling to sweep.

  27. sweep things qith a broom sually to clean things i dont really sweep very much it could be also usued as a baseball reference when a baseball team sweeps a series usually between 2 and 4 games. im sure its used in other sports. when theres a possibility for a sweep some fans usuallybring brooms to the game if

  28. Backwards and forwards, over and over, I’ve been sweeping the same spot now for over five minutes, not really paying attention to what I’m doing. My thoughts are a million miles away. My unfocused eyes fix on the wall ahead, as the eyes inside my mind fix on worlds indescribable.

  29. The other day I thought it’s about time to sweep. I grabbed the broom and made a nice little pile in the middle of the kitchen. Then I went back to Stumble upon, and the pile is still there.

  30. sweep is like cleaning completely or erasing one thing. Its also used for saying sweeping a serries of matches. Likes INdia sweeps newzy land

    kumar gaurav
  31. I dont want to sweep dont you dare make me! ok ok I’ll sweep because during the course of a normal day I sweep about 3 times or so. or so or so. ok but its important so that people dont slip on turkey pieces and have to go home. well.. ok its to prevent the lazyness from spreading.

  32. I decided one day that I had to make a clean sweep of everything in my life. Everything I had said or done, prepared or thought. I decided that the best way to do that would be to move out of the country and leave family and friends behind, and hope for the best.
    My life has been shaped by this action: by the sweeping of things.

  33. i swept the floor of the little cabin. sweep it all away. all the dust, the cobwebs. sweep away the summer, the years before. sweep away the memories, the love, the laughter. take that broom and sweep it all into the corner, into the dustbin. sweep every corner until its all gone. a clean slate.

  34. When I was in kindergarten, I was sweeping the deck and my dad yelled at me for just spreading the dirt around instead of actually cleaning. The next week, I yelled at a girl at school for doing the same during clean-up time. I’m very careful about how I sweep now.

    Joseph McMahan
  35. A clean sweep is when you finish something completely. I would like to suggest a new term, the dirty sweep. When you complete something inefficiently or without all the steps or in a way that was wrong. I would rather do that, wipe out my enemies in one dirty sweep.

    Andrew Meare
  36. one day, i found a broom. i loved this broom. it was fun to sweep with. i cleaned everything from my bathroom to my kitchen. my mother was very pleased. she gave me money to go out.

    alayna tomaselli
  37. the broom went sweep sweep as it swished across the florr. My mum uses it alto to clean the house but the house never seems dirty. I cant believe sh actually likes to clean. When will she stop

  38. i saw the aurora borealis
    reflecting in your eyes
    and it swept me away.
    i’m breathless,
    but not from the cold.

    eyes are the windows
    to the soul, they say
    and it’s true.
    the northern lights
    are beautiful.

    you’re beautiful.

    j. kai
  39. i work at cracker barrel.

    and every day, after i get done working, i have to sweep before i’m allowed to go home.

    some days, i hate it.
    other days, it’s the highlight of my life.

    i’d never thought about it before, but sweeping is just so calming. i collect my thoughts, breathe easily, and just sweep. simple motions, simple thoughts, and an uncomplicated life.

    sweeping is more than you’d think it is.

  40. she swept me away of my feet. i sweep the dirt beneath hers to clean her away and forget about my bad ways that await. to sweep is a verb something we do but can it also be something we think? im thinking of sweeping.
