thin metallic oxide coating in a coil. two spindles, which bring forth music as they wind on. analog warmth. pleasant sound.
it holds my things together like the loving and strong mother of a dysfunctional family. it keeps things on my wall like a constant wind blowing directly at them. it is sticky like some bodily fluids.
tape is so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so ffffffffffffffffffuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuunnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
tape is what binds us. we view it, we use it. ITs sticks to us like the way we want to stick to another. If only i had the fortitude of tape. but then again i do. i stick to something in the beggining but eventually fail.
Nelson Franklin
Tapes of old interviews, my grandparents and uncles, aunties and great aunts. I recorded them all when I was much younger, interested in family history, and then I forgot about them. Now they sit in a dusty box, I don’t know what to feel. Part of mye wants to go back to those tapes, rediscover ymself, but another part says I’m not in there so much as I’m out here.
The tape is going to go to the theater soon. Billy needs to finish editting it. Julie waits imopaitently for her movie to be done. She worked hard for the shine follower. she hoped it would be good.
tape? probably some thing that can be recorded , mostly used a storage device to contain information such as videos , photos and music. Its really ancient to talk about tape in this digital world.
Chen Chao
Held together like this I am sure we will never be forgotten. Lost in a large bowl of spaghetti. Something tells me this won’t be the last time I twist this fork, or set this table, or touch that hot stove. something tells me this will be something.
He threw the tape away, not even watching as it landed on the hardened floor with a clatter. He didn’t want to hear anymore. Enough was enough.
Rae M
The scotch tape held the christmas present in place so the child couldn’t peek and see what Santa brought. It really didn’t hide the fact that is was just what he had asked for. Mom and Dad were so happy to be able to get the deck of cards for Jimmy, as they were the ones with the fire engine on the back.
Joni Taijeron
tape it down, and listen to it later will make a big different of what you think before. you will be amazed.
with tears streaming down my face, i taped the polaroid we took onto the wall. thinking back of the time when we were all so happy taking pictures together.
The tape sprawled long and thin over the edges, holding my life in place, sealing the visible cracks and leaving the not-so-visible ones alone. I am running into the corner and cutting the tape loose.
Jia Min
The tape stuck out along the edge of the wall. it hung there, suspended above the ground, clinging to it’s place in the world. I reached up slowly, the brown paint splattered on my fingertips, blue tape ready. i reached, pulled… and it came away in an unwilling tear, grasping at the small indentations of the wall as if to remain cemented into that spot forever. Alas. It is not to be.
tape binds things together. It holds and protects, it seals and heals. Without Tape, life would be a mess and things will all just fall apart.
Tape also has origins in the cassette world, where the tape is used for recording audio bytes.
Tape can be used for wallets and fixing things
it’s also totally useful for watching videos and stuff
I miss the days when we used vhs tapes, they were super way more sturdy than the other things.
It’s funny how movie stars think it’s awesome to make sex tapes. Paris Hilton anyone? Yeah I thought so.
I used a masking tape today to pin up my shirt that was threatening to give way. With careful hands, I inserted the tape into the shirt and stick it to the other side of the shirt. Masking tape is a girl’s best friend. No cleavage and no unexpected wardrobe malfunction!
tape is so stickey but very useful tape is also very oldschool for example music tape. Lots of people love duck tape and now there is a lot of varitites of colors like red
Tape the present, capture the essence.
Tape the future and past together.
where’s the damned tape i asked as my colleague looked frantically around the office. if we don’t get it right now he’s going to kill us! give me a break! it was your job to look after it! how should i know where the hell you put it you moron!! i hate this job and i hate you too. goddamit.
i sighed. julius obviously hadn’t taken his pills this morning
tape is history.
John Lee
It’s sticky and nice and sometimes I use it. But tape is not something that I would intentionally buy. I get it for Christmas in my stocking sometimes, but not every time, an though when I get it I feel a bit ripped off, when it’s not there I miss the novelty and practicality of it. It can be clear or it can be Scotch or it can be duct (or Duck) but always, every single time, it is nice.
The tape that wound round her hand was dirty and coarse. A testament to the harsh conditions her desert life had place on her. Why the tape was there I couldn’t say. I would’ve asked her but that language was as twisted the wounding bands of tape around her honey colored hand.
There are so many different kinds of tape that I don’t think I’ll have the time to mention all of them. Of course, there is Scotch tape and video tape and duct tape and masking tape and painters tape and I could go on and on but the time is running out on this happy little writing exercise so I’ll have to stop now.
You can use tape in so many different ways.You can use it to wrap presents,paint,to keep things together,and many,many other things.
Tape is so helpful in so many different ways,it’s like a second hand,exept it’s tape.You can also cover someones mouth when your trying to kidnapp someone.
the video tape disappeared into the recorder. before long the black magnetic strip was filled with all sorts of wonderous images that were beamed down from the satellite that carried a foreign culture to our land everyday.
why do i need to listen to a boring tape of voice?
The greatest invention! I like to have a stockpile of it in my drawer. I get nervous when I run out of it.
tape is very sticky …
very useful if you have two cats and lots of cat hair on your suit…
oh i’m talking about sticky-type tape and not the measuring type..
tape my mouth
i tape a piece of paper on the wall
must tape this moment before its over!
it was a dark and stormy night. i was all alone in the car suddenly there was a creature behind me and i started to scream …
phillip hou
Tape the relationship that is falling apart.
i love you
and i want you
so know that
listen to this
mixtape i made
in the near mornings
after our lovemaking
it smells and tastes
just like you
even when you left me alone
the morning after
the tape made way for the disc.
The thing that stifles creativity in government the most is red tape. The world could do with less of it. However, it can be necessary and useful at times.
He clung desperately to the streamer and tape while the pandemonium softened to a murmur.
The tape ran tightly across her lips. She was sweating, dots of pespiration all over her forehead.
I taped my mouth shut, then i set to work doing my homework. This prevented me from talking or eating, which distracted me from focusing on my work. It soon became obvious that this method did not work, for i became distracted instead by the itch that was resulting from the tape around my mouth.
thin metallic oxide coating in a coil. two spindles, which bring forth music as they wind on. analog warmth. pleasant sound.
it holds my things together like the loving and strong mother of a dysfunctional family. it keeps things on my wall like a constant wind blowing directly at them. it is sticky like some bodily fluids.
tape is so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so ffffffffffffffffffuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuunnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
tape is what binds us. we view it, we use it. ITs sticks to us like the way we want to stick to another. If only i had the fortitude of tape. but then again i do. i stick to something in the beggining but eventually fail.
Tapes of old interviews, my grandparents and uncles, aunties and great aunts. I recorded them all when I was much younger, interested in family history, and then I forgot about them. Now they sit in a dusty box, I don’t know what to feel. Part of mye wants to go back to those tapes, rediscover ymself, but another part says I’m not in there so much as I’m out here.
The tape is going to go to the theater soon. Billy needs to finish editting it. Julie waits imopaitently for her movie to be done. She worked hard for the shine follower. she hoped it would be good.
tape? probably some thing that can be recorded , mostly used a storage device to contain information such as videos , photos and music. Its really ancient to talk about tape in this digital world.
Held together like this I am sure we will never be forgotten. Lost in a large bowl of spaghetti. Something tells me this won’t be the last time I twist this fork, or set this table, or touch that hot stove. something tells me this will be something.
He threw the tape away, not even watching as it landed on the hardened floor with a clatter. He didn’t want to hear anymore. Enough was enough.
The scotch tape held the christmas present in place so the child couldn’t peek and see what Santa brought. It really didn’t hide the fact that is was just what he had asked for. Mom and Dad were so happy to be able to get the deck of cards for Jimmy, as they were the ones with the fire engine on the back.
tape it down, and listen to it later will make a big different of what you think before. you will be amazed.
with tears streaming down my face, i taped the polaroid we took onto the wall. thinking back of the time when we were all so happy taking pictures together.
The tape sprawled long and thin over the edges, holding my life in place, sealing the visible cracks and leaving the not-so-visible ones alone. I am running into the corner and cutting the tape loose.
The tape stuck out along the edge of the wall. it hung there, suspended above the ground, clinging to it’s place in the world. I reached up slowly, the brown paint splattered on my fingertips, blue tape ready. i reached, pulled… and it came away in an unwilling tear, grasping at the small indentations of the wall as if to remain cemented into that spot forever. Alas. It is not to be.
tape binds things together. It holds and protects, it seals and heals. Without Tape, life would be a mess and things will all just fall apart.
Tape also has origins in the cassette world, where the tape is used for recording audio bytes.
Tape can be used for wallets and fixing things
it’s also totally useful for watching videos and stuff
I miss the days when we used vhs tapes, they were super way more sturdy than the other things.
It’s funny how movie stars think it’s awesome to make sex tapes. Paris Hilton anyone? Yeah I thought so.
I used a masking tape today to pin up my shirt that was threatening to give way. With careful hands, I inserted the tape into the shirt and stick it to the other side of the shirt. Masking tape is a girl’s best friend. No cleavage and no unexpected wardrobe malfunction!
tape is so stickey but very useful tape is also very oldschool for example music tape. Lots of people love duck tape and now there is a lot of varitites of colors like red
Tape the present, capture the essence.
Tape the future and past together.
where’s the damned tape i asked as my colleague looked frantically around the office. if we don’t get it right now he’s going to kill us! give me a break! it was your job to look after it! how should i know where the hell you put it you moron!! i hate this job and i hate you too. goddamit.
i sighed. julius obviously hadn’t taken his pills this morning
tape is history.
It’s sticky and nice and sometimes I use it. But tape is not something that I would intentionally buy. I get it for Christmas in my stocking sometimes, but not every time, an though when I get it I feel a bit ripped off, when it’s not there I miss the novelty and practicality of it. It can be clear or it can be Scotch or it can be duct (or Duck) but always, every single time, it is nice.
The tape that wound round her hand was dirty and coarse. A testament to the harsh conditions her desert life had place on her. Why the tape was there I couldn’t say. I would’ve asked her but that language was as twisted the wounding bands of tape around her honey colored hand.
There are so many different kinds of tape that I don’t think I’ll have the time to mention all of them. Of course, there is Scotch tape and video tape and duct tape and masking tape and painters tape and I could go on and on but the time is running out on this happy little writing exercise so I’ll have to stop now.
You can use tape in so many different ways.You can use it to wrap presents,paint,to keep things together,and many,many other things.
Tape is so helpful in so many different ways,it’s like a second hand,exept it’s tape.You can also cover someones mouth when your trying to kidnapp someone.
the video tape disappeared into the recorder. before long the black magnetic strip was filled with all sorts of wonderous images that were beamed down from the satellite that carried a foreign culture to our land everyday.
why do i need to listen to a boring tape of voice?
The greatest invention! I like to have a stockpile of it in my drawer. I get nervous when I run out of it.
tape is very sticky …
very useful if you have two cats and lots of cat hair on your suit…
oh i’m talking about sticky-type tape and not the measuring type..
tape my mouth
i tape a piece of paper on the wall
must tape this moment before its over!
it was a dark and stormy night. i was all alone in the car suddenly there was a creature behind me and i started to scream …
Tape the relationship that is falling apart.
i love you
and i want you
so know that
listen to this
mixtape i made
in the near mornings
after our lovemaking
it smells and tastes
just like you
even when you left me alone
the morning after
the tape made way for the disc.
The thing that stifles creativity in government the most is red tape. The world could do with less of it. However, it can be necessary and useful at times.
He clung desperately to the streamer and tape while the pandemonium softened to a murmur.
The tape ran tightly across her lips. She was sweating, dots of pespiration all over her forehead.
I taped my mouth shut, then i set to work doing my homework. This prevented me from talking or eating, which distracted me from focusing on my work. It soon became obvious that this method did not work, for i became distracted instead by the itch that was resulting from the tape around my mouth.