
April 30th, 2009 | 351 Entries

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351 Entries for “tea”

  1. the tea is black and bitter sweet
    does your kiss taste like this?
    the mug is black
    like my new found heart
    do you drink your tea with sugar?
    will my heart find sweetness once more?

  2. “You could take, all the tea in China” sings Van Morrison, and I sway to the melody he dreams with his voice. Tea is the poor man’s coffee, in my opinion; it is a last resort, a second-choice, an option only when I’m sick and coffee isn’t advisable. But somehow, caught up in the Tupelo Honey web that Van weaves, tea seems to be, to me, a romantic currency.

  3. people of our time always do not have the time to have a cup of tea with their friends to catch up on each others achievements, we just moved on.
    in our fast paced lifestyle, we should always take some time off and look at the things around us, the things that we often neglect

  4. I love the way tea taste it come in many favors I think drinking tea is a southern thing until I went west and realize everyone love tea just as must as the people down south i mean there is so many ways to make it and it all taste good.

    sonya johnson
  5. China has lots of tea. It is soothing and is comparable to wine. It relaxes, and strong aroma. I like tea.

    Dax R. Estorioso
  6. They sat down to a cup of tea. “So….I understand you wanted to share something with me?” The other woman replied, “Yes, I need you to know that your husband and I slept together.” It’s funny the things that a cup of tea will bring out.

  7. Trying very hard to stand up with her short legs,
    the toddler fell with a thud onto the marble floor.
    She struggled and tried to stand up again
    but all her mother did was sit there,
    sipping her red tea with a smile
    because she knew that one day
    she’ll have to get up by herself
    again should she ever fall.

  8. A nice hot cuppa. Mmm. Lovely, comforting brown liquid. So exciting! Tastes more delightful when someone makes it for you. Wakes me up when there’s no coffee. Sorry you are my second favourite drink, but nothing beats coffee for aroma.

  9. i like tea. my mom always buys green or white teas. sometimes she gets the tisanes – ones that don’t have actual tea in them. it doesn’t matter, i’ll drink it. all gone!

    Aleisha Hamilton
  10. hello i am so tried this morning. it is unbelievable i cannot believe i am about to graduate i am so ready. it is about time. our principal sucks so much. i hate my school more and more everyday. i don’t know why i just didn’t go to private school when I had the chance to go. oh well biology two is finally almost over.

  11. I woke my girlfriend so we could have some tea. She told me she was having doubts and left me.

  12. The tea party of my life. I’ve spent days in its shallow seats and sipped on life, and crunch my scones.

  13. celon china brew boiled water sugar milk drink refreshing cuppa grren
    tea bags herbal tea pot

  14. I drink tea for a variety of reasons; even if none of those reasons exist I still drink tea. All of my friends take coffee as their vice and when offered I shake my head and state that I’ll keep my tea instead. They look at me with weird stares when they discover I don’t like the stuff, but it doesn’t bother me, I like being different.

  15. Flavoured water that’s hot or cold and you can drink it.

  16. one cup in the washer honey on the handle drink till it is gone have more in the cupboard

  17. As she burns her tongue on the hot tea she remembers that time when her lovely grandmother beat the shit out of her. That old hag always smelt like tea. Take a shower you old skank.

  18. Teas like a trip to china except American’s ruin it grinding it to a pulp. Why ruin a good thing?

    Chris Geisler
  19. Forget tea…..New Colour?

    Oliver Brookeshore
  20. Tea makes me feel like it’s time to go to sleep.

    Chris Geisler
  21. Green, lapsang, whatever. Give me a fine english tea such as the one that kept captain Scott and his team fortified in the antarctic wastes. Simple, strong, irreplacably british despite it’s origins half a world away.

  22. Why TEA? I really feel tea has a yucky aftertaste that makes my tongue and the top of my mouth sort of stick together, so I usually use a lot of milk and a lot of sugar.

  23. He sipped at his cup of earl grey tea while waiting at the coffee house for the lady. Shivering inside, he was unsure of what to expect.

  24. green sweet refreshing hot dont drink good for u prefer coffee ceylon India tea pickers poor bad pay conditions exploited by britain tea partyboston ameriacn war independance time brown strong tannin china tea weak lemon flavoured sweet enjoy

  25. i prefer coffee

  26. My parents drink tea but I don’t. I only learned how to make tea a little while back. Does this constitute an FML?

  27. tea is good for me because it is healthy and i love the taste. I also know that tea helps with diseases and helps increase metabolism. I love the tea from home because of the honey. the tea is made with love and care and i hope that i can always have good tea. Elf’s love tea.

  28. yum yum i love tea it makes me happy! couldn’t make it through the day without it. It has become a huge part of my life. In the evening i switch to none cafinated tea, at the moment I have jasmine and rooibos and I like them both very much.

  29. Drink, relaxing, company, sun, nice day, nature, England- London, Shekspeare, books, divine

  30. After the first taste of tea, I didn’t understand why nations had made such a fuss about it, throwing it into harbors, dressing up and serving it in fancy rituals, making it some kind of super sip for the rigid of lip. But in time, I have come to relish it’s bitter beauty, especially with a pound of sugar added.

    Brian Slusher
  31. “Why don’t you come for tea?”. Yes, usually used in old- fashioned houses in England. Can also be called “chai” in good old India, and is regarded as two things. One: an upper class drink. Two: a sidey drink!

  32. a beverage that is hot but cools, refreshes and invigorates. made from the tips of camelia plant leaves ruined by oil of bergamot, drunk by discerning people

  33. Tea is a delicious substance made from the blood of small animals. It is known to have magical healing powers that leave the drinker well off and well-hung. It is an aphrodiasic that leaves men rip raring to go. It is delicious and nutritious and lots of british people drink it.

  34. I love to drink it because it makes me feel better than who I really am. I love green tea. I love VERY COLD tea as well. Leaves

    Eduardo Ulises Martinez
  35. i love tea, used to drink it by the gallons. Now it’s not a part of my life so much. I drink non-caffineated forms. Herbal mainly – peppermint, nettle etc. It’s a ritual though really isn’t?

  36. the chinese are infamous for their wealth of tea, an endless mass of that mid-afternoon must. But the Chinese barely speak like the queen, now do they? Herro prease, i’d rike two sugars and one mirk.

  37. No thanks, already got one

  38. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm i love tea, I drink far too much every day but I love it so.

    I’m drinking a cuppa right now,

    Go stick the kettle on.

  39. Tea is a drink i love to drink at any time of day – around mid-morning, after lunch and then perhaps at around 9pm. I prefer Tetley’s tea with milk – no sugar. Tea is also a euphemism for cannabis, but I don’t engage in cannabis consumption, I’d rather just drink proper old-fashioned tea. It’s quite nice when someone makes me a cup of tea at work.

  40. The drink that built the British Empire. Drink of Emperors, Kings, Queens, builders, workers and Mrs. Hemmings of the Methodist Church Sunday School.
