
April 30th, 2009 | 351 Entries

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351 Entries for “tea”

  1. if only you could really tell what was going to happen in tea leaves. then maybe we’d have known, he might not have gone to practice. but he did. and he died. if he’d seen it in the tea leaves, he’d have gone to the doctors. RIP kittim. our school will miss him.

  2. it is wonderful, simple yet a drink of all kinds, where did it come from, how is it here? I wonder as i sit here loking at the steam rising.

  3. i used to have a slight obsession with tea
    i think im over it now
    i used to write a bunch of poems about tea and draw pictures of tea
    its probably because i used to also have an obsession with the british

  4. Boil on the pot.
    Half way through my cup.
    Stick the bag in.
    The herbs soak
    So does your taste buds.

    Hannah Sage
  5. I am drinking tea now i am half way down my cup and i already want another brew it’s so nice but i know the next one won’t be like the last you only get one of “those” cups of tea in a day.
    but i am running out of sugar which is horrid because i like sugar in my tea

    lisa collier
  6. tea leaves are green and sport classy sun glasses that allow them to see in the dark as well as in the extreme sunlight. Whenever my family and I go on vacation we take a hit of tea and go on a drive to the sea shore, where we play hopscotch and drink.

    christ ice
  7. Down in Texas we would have the same kind of tea always made in a pitcher, and it was the best tasting tea in the world, I will never forget the smell or the weird way my mother made it before she died.

  8. It is well known that black people and pancakes have nothing in common, and to say that they do, would draw the reply “What does that have to do with the tea in China?”
    I can’t quite think of an adequate response for that, to be honest. What DO black people and pancakes have in common?? It seems to have been a minute.

  9. I loved the way he made tea, unlike what I was used to. He boiled all the herbs and tea leaves in a pot of water, and the smell filled each corner of the room. It filled me, and warmed me once it entered my body. Like tea does, of course.

  10. its a kind of drink… or the last meal before bed if your english and you don’t eat supper, caused some pretty big issues in history av lost interest if am honest was hoping for a better word

    sean toland
  11. raspberry warmed ice good thirsty delicious lemon blueberry chamomile green tea Texas gram’s house dad tea pitcher

  12. The woman was elderly and had a faded British accent. When I walked in, she immediately poured me some tea and offered it. I didn’t have a taste for tea, but accepted it anyway to not be rude. We chatted the entire afternoon, with her pouring me more tea every time i ran out. By the end, I felt nearly drowned in the stuff.

  13. drinking Meghan England India colonization corruption World War I China cookies teapots Mom collection Beth friends warmth sweet tea sounthern

  14. Tea for two
    Two for tea.
    Me for you and
    You for me.

  15. tea. i want fruit tea like we used to have together. i just read your blog and i miss the yellow apartment. i miss the old days. i miss your laundry hanging in the living room. i miss staying up way too late. i miss the old days. oh gosh. but i don’t want to go back. i miss the five of us. it’s not five of us anymore :)

  16. Tea. Tea is a green leaf grown in countries such as Thailand and India. One of the biggest consumers of tea is Great Britain. Tea is often drank with one or two sugars and a tipple of milk.

    Ben Donaldson
  17. I really enjoy drinking. It makes me think of my childhood, when my mom would make a fresh pitcher before pretty much every meal. I’m a little picky when it comes to tea. ANother one of my neuroses, I guess. I like fresh, hot tea, sweetened in the pitcher and poured over a lot of ice. The mixture of hot tea and ice gives you patches of hot and cool liquid, and I’ve always enjoyed the inconsistency of the temperature of a glass of tea like that.

  18. tea is a wonderful drink composed of various types of leaves and hot water. My favorites are earl grey and chai. chamomile is great too. white tea is interesting. I like it a lot. Tea is a very British thing to drink.

  19. drinking tea with you on the sidewalk. sipping from chipped china in bare feet. spring in the suburbs

  20. I hate tea – it tastes like dishwater. Sometimes I will tolerate a flavored tea when I’m sick -or on a really cold day. But mostly I’m a coffee drinker. Coffee is the best 2 x per day for me – have to have it in the afternoon. There are tea drinkers and coffee drinkers – I’m for coffee. I know a lot of people who love tea. What’s the attraction? Blah, blah, blah….

  21. I am drinking to as I write. I enjoy tea it can be very refreshing. They make all kinds of tea now. When I was younger you brewed it yourself. You added your own sugar if you wanted. They make green tea now which is suppose to be very healthy. I do not understand why it is healthy all things are healthy in moderation aren’t they.

    Ron Eickmeyer
  22. I have always fancied iced tea to the hot kind. Maybe it is simply the American in me.

  23. Tea, many say it is the drink of youth. When talking to a senior citizen, they may often say that it is tea that has kept them living so long. Tea has been a part of our culture since the dawn of time., and will so until the dusk of time.

  24. Anna drank earl gray. She stirred in much more cream than I would use and less sugar than most. As she takes the first sip, she looks you in the eye, and you know she is on a pedestal.

  25. Afternoon tea for you and me
    let’s start something new
    I’ll be on my best behavior
    I promise not to upset you.

    Will you promise to always love me?
    I have to have you with
    afternoon tea.

    My god this is the stupidest thing I’ve ever written!

  26. It seasoned my latest cup of creation this afternoon. Cold as it was. I feel a cold coming on, in fact> it’s a good thing I have tea to relieve myself. It was cinnimony and a little bit thymey. Tension tamer, they say. With a dragon on the front of it. Burn out the germs in this girl. My dragon is coming for the Swine.

  27. tea is for british people. and also chinese people. it was invented in china a million years ago. i like most tea. you can make tea out of weed and get high.

  28. I’m not the biggest fan of tea. Unless it’s Milk Tea with boba. Or lavender or rose or some froofy shit. I do, however, find the tea-bagging *hilarious* and the fact that a ton of douchebags gathered around government buildings to make a statement on taxes calling themselves teabaggers just tickled me to pieces. This one chick had a hat with a wide brim and a shit ton of teabags dangling all around it… Old lady kept getting tea bagged in the face…. Joyfully.

  29. I lifted a china decorated precious cup of black tea.

  30. Tea is one of the simplest and most delicious things invented by mankind. Leaves in water. How could be any sipler? And yet it delivers caffeine, vitamins, nutrients. Tea, in short, is beautiful.

    Tyler Brummet
  31. Tea is a drink the British Make
    La di da la di da dee
    and if tea could tell you what I wish to do
    then la di da dee is what it would say

    No Socrates
  32. tea is a drink best served hot..drink with a friend and contemplate life, listen to music, laugh, think of the past and future but mostly enjoy the present, enjoy each other, enjoy your tea.

  33. i just had a delicious cup of apple cinnamon tea… annnnnd just wrote about how I was looking forward to curling up with a book and a cup of tea on my twitter. irony,lol

  34. Soothing, calming, refreshing, energizing, ritualistic. I love tea, but don’t take the time to drink it often enough. Why is that?

  35. Tea is kinda like coffee, only more distinguished. After all, Stephen Fry drinks tea, and who doesn’t wanna be Stephen Fry? I’ll tell you who. Green Day. Those f**kers.

    James Ashton
  36. I dont know much about tea but it went well at parties back in the day.

  37. british. reminds me of my english boyfriend. twinings was his favorite. earl grey he liked, lady grey was my favorite. i miss him so much. remember walking through the grocery store to buy that tea and he was so elated that America had twinings. such a beautiful man.

  38. while jon looked at helga he realised that the sex was not that good, he did not love her; he only spent the night with her for the promised cup of tea in the morning.

  39. i hate tea….it is the nastyest drink i have ever tasted@!!! i will only drink brisk tea form a store

    i hate it eewwwwwww youck it gives me a headache and a stomach ache!!!!!!! yuck!!!

    Jessica White
  40. yummy ilove it why does nt it come pre made? i love tea. i like iced tea. dominic is stupid. i hate him. lalalalalala i want tacos. tea is good why don’t i make sense anymore? ah oh well, SHAKESSPEARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
