
September 18th, 2024 | 4 Entries

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4 Entries for “teacher”

  1. Some were nice, though in my formidable years there were some I hated. Dreamt of destruction and malice. Getting older helped to quell my inner rage and realize these bossy adults are just people too. Maybe I just don’t like being told what to do.

  2. I am a teacher, I am a holder of hands, an opener of new worlds, an interpreter of knowledge, a translator of lines into words. I am one who carries the future.

  3. My teacher was the only person to notice my dirty clothes. My teacher was the first person to notice my small lunches. My teacher noticed me… but no one noticed their own struggle.

  4. Whenever she went into the village, she reassured the gathered villagers. “I’m here to learn about your lives, and your perception of what needs to be done in your village. I am your student and you are my teacher.” The villagers looked at each other, then at her; they had never heard anything like this before.


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