
July 14th, 2024 | 3 Entries

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3 Entries for “thistle”

  1. He was angry, fuming at the thought that these little insignificant nobodies would dare enter the domain of his Lord. How many monster did he was to make? How many traps would he set? Those ruffians and come and stripped every inch of grandeur from the palace yet were still hungry for more.

  2. Thistles grow purple. Before the flower, the buds look like the burdocks I would build with but thistles do not make a good substitute. They are, after all, the spikes that saved Scotland.

  3. The thistle snagged her dress as she walked through the tall grass. She hadn’t noticed the plants, with their purple flowers and spikes along the stems and flowers but when she unloosed her dress, she saw that she had walked into a field of thistles.
