
September 1st, 2008 | 1,077 Entries

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1,077 Entries for “throw”

  1. To throw something away is to discard it. It can be anything from a physical thing to something intangible. Human beings have been doing it for years, and I’ve always wanted to know just what has been lost in the process. How many times has someone thrown away something seemingly worthless, only to realize later that it was the most important thing? How many times has a life been ruined or lost because of a lack of caring?

    Lylinn Adams
  2. fenway park.
    one of the most beautiful ball parks that i have ever been to.

    to throw away your life.
    your career.
    a drug. a dependance.

    the day after the party.
    you feel sick.
    you have had too much to drink.
    you throw up.

    it’s my sweet sixteen!
    i’m throwing a huge party tomorrow night!
    everyone’s invited!

    throw: depends how you interpret it.

    Sarah Ann D.P.
  3. throw away the towel and dont look back. Everytime you throw this towel, think of all the stress being released in life. think of how much this towel needs to be thrown away in order to clear the clutter in your life. you are truly better off without it

  4. throw your entire being into everything that you do because you only live once, and once is enough if you do it right the first time around.

  5. Don’t throw away this, us. Don’t give up so easily. This can’t be over yet. I won’t let this us end please don’t walk away. Joanne. That’s what I’m thinking, thinking of you, pumping furiously away in my cramped apartment, please don’t leave Joanne don’t toss me in the garbage I don’t know what to do without you. Joanne. Don’t. please


    I’m going to

  6. Throw in the air, airspace, spaceship, ship the package, age of wisdom, dominion bridge, bridge player, play guitar, tar in cigarette.

  7. The ball was in front of him. He couldn’t resist. How could he? Of course he had to pick it up. He took aim. How could he know? How would he have known?

  8. I will throw away all of my bad thoughts about racism, injustice, and bigotry to overcome the rut that americans are in about race, class, and any other unmeaningful thing that we use to define people. I love life and don’t want to throw it away on usless bullshit!

  9. I remember when I was a kid, I did not know the size of my stomach; the size of me. I would stand up to kids bigger than me; eat far too much; leave a hedonistic lifestyle to the core. I would get thrown down and beaten often for saying the wrong thing to the wrong person. Well I’m bigger now; not alas nothing has changed.

  10. the act of releasing. of letting go. could be negative – throwing in the towl. Throwing up. Or it could simply refer to a baseball pitch.

  11. “Shut up and do it.”

    With a grimace, he lifted the steel-lined ball, and threw it at the window. The resounding crash was loud enough to shake the grounds.

    After that crash, total silence filled the ground, and both boys waited for the inevitable. Finally, they heard a yell.


  12. Throwing paste, spitting venom, there’s a taste that’ll get em’. Flinging yogurt, shooting webs, if it don’t hurt, try their heads.

  13. throw a ball you can use alot of force or absolutely none just dpending how far you want something to go throwing is used in sports or breakups it could also be used figuratively like throw out

  14. I wanted to throw the ball

  15. i throw a ball, in the sky. it reminds me of baseball on the fourth of july. my best memory is when i went to the sox’s game with kari the day before graduation. it was one of my favorit times. i miss her a whole lot

  16. i threw a ball and i loved it. is that so cliche, yes, is suppose so. especially now that it is summer. but isn’t that part of the part of the majesty of throwing, of flight, that it has become an archetypal action, innate.

  17. I was expecting todays word to be ‘labor’. I don’t know why… so this has thrown me off.

  18. I throw
    I get
    I use

    I throw my wallet, and nobody picks up but this girl, very beautiful but very young
    all i had was 50 pennies
    all she had was 50 beauty styles

    i throw my clothes
    and i got a homo

  19. throw the ball
    throw the ball

  20. I think to throw something is to channel your anger into something physical. To not only show people that your mad, but to show the intensity of your anger. It’s as if to say “Stay out of my way or your gonna get hurt.” It makes you think, is this an appropriate way to display your anger?

  21. i threw the dishes at my exasperating husband today. he and i are fighting again for the fifth time this week. i’m not happy…

  22. a ball, larger than the moon, over a steep mountain to the front of your door knocking gently like a soft touch of dream

  23. I wish I could throw away all of the painful thoughts you left behind- like cleaning out the garage before you move. Unfortunately, my memories are harder to throw away than your 57 chevy was to tow.

    Adeline Dozer
  24. throw? i feel like throwing my books all over my room in frustration. or maybe throwing myself on a train home. what is is not ok. it’s needs to be thrown apart and changed. that’s how i feel, and i don’t know what it is that needs to change. how confusing…

  25. It was a long time before I was able to bring myself to throw the piece of cake away. How wasteful, I thought, there are starving children in Africa and I’m throwing this away? How ungrateful.

  26. i love throwing fits. it feels good to mess things up for a change. not to be the tape or the glue but the stupid child who ruined that book on marry poppins in the first place. i like to throw drinks. i like to throw plates and rakes and if i had a snake, i’d throw that too. my stomach is calm now, the eye of the storm, but just a moment ago i felt like crying and laughing and hurting things all at once. i wanted to break exquisite china and giggle at raunchy jokes and shed liquid drops of emotion. instead i threw back my neck and laughed openly, supressing tears and fears and screams stuck in my throat. i wish my life were more like the movie Vicky Christian Barcelona. i wish woody allen would make a cameo.

  27. throw the ball
    then go fetch it
    throw the ball
    then go fetch it
    throw the ball
    then go fetch it
    throw the ball
    then go fetch it
    throw the ball
    then go fetch it
    throw the ball
    then go fetch it
    throw the ball
    then go fetch it
    throw the ball
    then go fetch it
    throw the ball
    then go fetch it
    throw the ball
    then go fetch it
    throw the ball

  28. I like to throw the ball back and forth with my daughter. Even though I am left handed, I throw the baseball with my right hand. I am often the one that has to throw the garbage out too. Just this morning, I had to throw my bathroom in the washer because the cat decided to use it instd of her kitty litter. Sometimes life can throw a curve ball. Just today, Hurricane Gustav began to throw its fierce winds and rain across the flatlands of Louisiana. Many people had to throw clothes in a suitcase and drive out of the sotrm.

  29. Have you ever seen a young child throw a fit of anger? My youngest cousin will stretch his mouth into a distorted line and make terrible noises that make my ears just hurt. When he throws a fit the room clears and he is alone to enjoy the display

  30. away good stuff with the bad, and in the end, we all lose out as so much in the way of energy and resources have been wasted by the simple action of throwing it all away. What a wasteful society we’ve become

    Andrew the Organic Maven
  31. In throws of pure ecstasy, her body seemed to writhe out of control. The damp feeling in the air, the cold and slimy bricks against her warm, tender skin. This was what he’d imagined. Every moment, as the crimson washed across his face, she lay still.

  32. lovers love it
    friends need it
    relationship start with it
    life ends eith it.

  33. My girlfriend threw up last night from drinking, and thankfully it wasn’t in my car. I’m so happy that I’m with her, and even though I’m a girl, and we both have boyfriends, it works for us and we know that we will outlast anyone else life throws at us. We love eachother and we will always be there. I can’t wait to see her everyday and can’t wait to kiss her goodnight. I love this girl, with more than I can ever scribble down in this box.

  34. reminds me of a song from the pale saints i think

  35. Just chuck it out – noone wants it anymore – noone wants you anymore. Give up. There is no point. Too bad. Life is short, cancer is harder.

  36. it was the biggest throw if his life, if he could the ball over the plate all the terrors of the last year would be over. he coiul forget the girlefriend who dumped because she wanted to be with a winner, the father who thought he was usesless because he failed every time he stood up at the plate, All he had to do was get one pitch over the plate, one throw and life would be as it should.

  37. I have thrown a ball to you.. You did not want to catch it. It was red and like a balloon. It has flown away.

  38. throw that ball all the way down the field where you can put it in its home and there it can be counted for six and six is better when its seven but that’s a kick and a kick can be one or three it’s weird right well fucking shit I’ve got football on my mind

  39. throw up. throw out. throw over and out. throw in the towel. throw away. a pillow and a throw sat on the couch. throw it over here. worht. throwing a fit.

  40. Sometmies I’d just like to throw everything out of my window, pack my bags and leave. Just to throw my regular life away and start all over again. Just for fun…
