
September 1st, 2008 | 1,077 Entries

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1,077 Entries for “throw”

  1. Throw
    Gone away
    I cannot get it back
    It’s gone away

    Don’t throw it away
    If you’re not ready to depart
    Don’t throw it away
    It’s gone away

    Lost for good
    It will never return
    It’s gone away

    Far, so far
    I cannot see that far
    It’s gone away

  2. I want to throw up sometimes. I want to throw a ball, but I am afraid of balls, not testicals, just balls. Like in baseball when i was little whenever I was pitched a ball I would run away and cry.
    Have you ever had a ball hit you square in the nose? it’s a traumatic experience.

    kaitlyn Bridge
  3. darkness prevailed over that wet, dead plain.
    and though the clouds sang grey
    and the rain spat heavy
    on the lonesome ground
    a greenness they never knew would come
    in high grass fields we lay
    contemplating childish things.

  4. You can throw a ball. When in anger people often throw things which they are holding that time. I have also been thrown out of my cricket team in school. You should throw away anger from your life.

    Nishant Sheth
  5. what the fuck, this is the same goddamn word…this website is pretty pointless…it gives you a word and you write about it. but how about you front me some work and ill slang that shit on the corner. anti up bitch its Christmas.

  6. throw. throwing up. throwing down. what the hell am I writing? I’m not thinking at all. I’m just throwing random words out of my fingers on to this keyboard, and onto the internet. I’m so sorry. I wish I could think of a better contribution but I can’t. Because I’m thinking of physics. And a boy. Damn them and their attractiveness and Christian-bale appearance.

  7. And it happens just like that.
    I throw up.
    All the peas, all the asparagus, all the nasty stuff. He should’ve known better than to throw a punch when I had a full stomach.

  8. a sphere pierces the sky
    up, down
    limits meet the limitless.

  9. There’s one thing I would like to throw out the window right now, and I can’t pick a better thing than myself. Sometimes I want to die, but I stop myself because I know people care about me. It’s only that one fact that stops me. If I knew that nobody would be affected by my death, I don’t see what would stop me.
    I’m not even sure why I’m so fascinated with the thought of dying, anyhow. It’s not like everybody wants to die; although I’ve heard that many people consider suicide at some point in their lives.
    On another note, I want to learn how to throw a baseball.

  10. i throw to you, you throw back to me
    there is no ball we can share
    only toss back and forth
    not a game
    not fun
    but tragic
    no room to grow
    only throw
    no magic

  11. I throw my life into a crazy world of dreams and risks and thus ultimately lose my self in fantasy. Sometimes less words are more effective than even a picture could depict. With brevity comes beauty. Thus I end this narrative now.

  12. To throw a ball is like falling in love, you never know where it is going to go but you hope for the best and somewhere you know that your experience and hand eye coordination will guide you right. Maybe it’ll land where you want it, and maybe it won’t, but at least you tried.

  13. a ball a stick your friend, anything you can get your hands on, it’s all fair in this place, just be sure to aim well^_^

  14. throw it all away.
    let go and let live. dear, this is your life and it’s going to be forever, like it or not, so you’re better off making it likeable.
    forget them, mom, dad, classmates, society, and live for you only. your heart is forever.

  15. let me be honest for a second
    let me just throw this out there
    did we ever believe in things like love
    and peace on earth and olives and branches and doves
    or do we throw it all away
    and build it back up our own way

  16. I threw the bag down. i Knew i had reached the end of the line. I stood facing the wall of the far side fo the bank pondering my last fleeting moments of freedom before a swarm of swat and police persnel forced me ot the ground and placed hand cuffs on me. retainig me and capturing me. this was it. it was over.

  17. Say a laod, ” I am the solution to this problem and my intuition guides me to its manifestation. I am happy and thanful for the same.”

  18. god, run, baby, run, and I’m going to rocket the ball to you, i’m going to send you running back, back, back in time, back to before she took away everything, back before you knew what losing meant, and I’ll throw it to you, and you will catch it and your life will be full of that one. pure. moment.

  19. Best way to talk yourself as you are talking to someone, it will give you satisfaction , solution to your problems and creation of your destiny the way you like.

  20. He threw the ball. It came at me, hard and fast, straight for my head. I couldn’t move. I couldn’t think. Nothing was working. All i could do was to pray. My hands moved of their own will. They reached to the sky, grabbed the ball and i ran.

  21. towels in the sink & don’t think about whether or not they are clean or dirty or if there are anymore in the cupbard. see if i care if i dont have a dry towel

  22. Ilove myself as I am and love everybody as they are.

  23. throw all your cares away-
    we fill the bin up everyday-
    anxieties, sadness, fault, insecurities-
    trying to keep whats best of me-
    worry warts scar up their bodies-
    while the carefree find all they can embody

  24. Throw the game or throw the ball. Vastly different as they are, they are a stones throw from one another in some ways. Throw up, or out, throw in the towel.

  25. You throw down the gauntlet,
    and I’ll throw up the vestiges of my soul that I choked down,
    swallowed whole in hopes of keeping it from leaving me completely.

    I don’t want to be empty anymore.

  26. cheer yourself and everyone.

  27. throw your self into the sea at the edge of insanity. bring three pillars of light standing overhead. we will look to the stars in the sky, defining our path to life.

    Old Blue Eyes
  28. love is the essence of life

  29. people throw objects, like balls and they also throw emotions like anger in the form of tantrums they can throw up and be sick there are lots of meanings for throw

  30. Sometimes i want to just completely revert back to childhood and throw a complete temper tantrum! Life just isn’t fair, and I’m not just talking about myslef. Why does it seem like whenever things are going bad they just get worse?

  31. i want to throw up. ive drank so much, my stomach is turning. i can taste the whickey coming back up. its disgusting. why am i such a drunk? why did i drink so much? why cant i just be happy abd stop drinking until i puke? uuuughgggggghhhhhhhhhhhhh

  32. pennies into a fountain, its magic created at home with your friendly side profile friend, pocket companion
    throwaway, what else can you do with it
    you think its silly to save a cent but not to make a wish?

  33. I threw a rock at a window today. the window belonged to an abandoned house that belonged to an abandoned man who belonged to his gin. He didn’t know It was me who broke the window but I killed him anyway. Will anyone miss him. It doesnt matter.

    andrew casasanta
  34. There’s nothing wrong with throwing old things out.. Old things need to go in order to replace new stuffs..

  35. I wanted to throw something. Throw something at him. Throw something he owned. I wanted him to feel physically, what he had caused me to feel emotionally. Pain.

  36. i ama procrastinator when it comes to cleaning things, it pretty much sucks cause i wanna clean it but it’s so much that i put it aside and do other stuff and it gets bigger and bigger and i wish that i could clean it up but i don’t and i get mad at myself and then it’s just there and my mom has to clean it up for me.

  37. dreams and thoughts thrown into the void of space where thoughts are rejected and recycled. everything is lost inside the darkness of creation. an encircling of infinite potential explodes into light

    joe jiko
  38. I have always thought myself as beautiful, but for some reason now its just not the same. I feel fat even though I know that I’m just healthy but I know I won’t be happy till I am skinny. So I throw up, thats just what I do and I don’t know why.

  39. Throwing your life can get you very far. If you take it seriously it will land at a far distance, but if you choose to waste your time, it will only go so far. Limit your strength.

  40. throw like a dog
    why a dog, I’m not sure
    throw the ball
    throw the ball
    throw my life away
    on top of the garbage can with stupid mistakes and stupid choices
    and oh god
    Why did I take the chance.
    Why did I make the change.
    Why did I force her…
    I didn’t, actually. Not really.
    Did I?
    Oh my god, i hope not. I really really hope not
