fall is beginning to approach, leaves are changing colors and school is back in session. I walk across campus, students are throwing Frisbees in the green… I wish I could be free like them, but instead it is off to class for me. Maybe when I’m done…
Ashley G
out everything but the paper and the plastic, please.
One word can set off a women where 10 w0rds can mofify her and make her think she is a converatiol personality.
Joe Phillippe
Well, I guess throwing is something that should not be done unless the thing one throws is utterly useless or has run out of its usefulness. However, I doubt very much if there could be such a thing. Done.
HemRaj Singh
pitching for their next dinner, only those who love the game will tolerate this lifestyle.
I throw my heart into everything. I throw myself into every muddy puddle. I throw myself away . I throw my heart into the puddles. I throw my rain into the puddles. I am thrown. I throw so much away. I throw my thoughts away. I drown in my thrown away ness. I have thrown. I am being thrown. Thrown away and gone. All gone away thrown. Thrown down, throw me away. Throw me down. I love you. Throw me. I threw you.
When she threw me across the room, I knew that was the end. I knew she would never love me again. The wooden floor cracked under my weight, a hole forming under my head; this was an old house, I was reminded. The old house we’d built together. The old house we thought we would live in forever…
I can throw all sorts of things, like my cat and your face…
Jacob, throw the ball to mommy! You can do it, throw the ball! Yes, I know you like baseball, you’re going to be such a big star one day! Daddy will be so proud! Good boy, Jacob!
The other day I threw a cat at my neighbor’s dog. The cat ran away into the ocean behind my house. But all of the sudden a chicken of the sea threw the cat back out. The cat’s name was ironically Dolphin. My neighbor came running from the house screaming. She ran to the cat. Dolphin twitched.
I like to throw things when I’m angry. It calms me down. People need to figure out where they put all the trash cans and throw their trash in it. There seems to be so much on the ground.
pure an simple down to earth ability of self to be able to write of heart and remember all that is due to it’s graphic
Netanel Sandman
‘Don’t throw your life away,’ I whispered through the dark of the dreams, ‘I’m not worth that’. Only the sound of your gentle tears falling answered me. ‘Please,’ I begged silently. Your lips moved delicately around the as you answered me through the blackness.
‘I love you’.
something heavy
give up
mr x
Throw it out the window, he said, quickly before it eats your head. But what good is my head, I wondered, since it already has eaten my left foot and wants to eat the rest of me. And if it eats me, will I become a part of it? And if I do, then won’t I get to travel to its home ans see what it truly is? Who would want to miss that opportunity? I cant imagine a small thing like being eaten stopping me at a time l
throw away sorrows and days of old as a new revolution is in place and seeks to tear away the confines of time and ego
Throw your ideas out there, like strands of spaghetti. See which ones stick and which don’t. The ones that stick are obviously keepers.
Throw away your pessimism, your negativity. This will hold you back from achieving your dreams, your passions.
Throw your heart out there to be captured by a worthy opponent. Let love in. Risk it all. Otherwise, you’ll never have a good thing.
Jen M
I’m throw with this love..I don’t lve any more
THrow. toward the sky. Throw yourself at the future.
Throw yourself at him, at her, at them, at life.
Conqure and destroy,
Throw away the remains.
Remain calm and throw the rotation off,
Confuse the ones that expect something of you.
You throw me away with so much love and so much lust. All this passion throws me and makes me bump against the corners of life, making me feel alive.
Enrique Reynaud
I’m sorry about the little “incident” at the party. You know, being a black belt in karate DOES have its advantages! It’s just that being able to throw your opponent isn’t one of them. Well, when it comes to dancing at least.
Nat Yonce
What kinds of things do we throw? Balls, javelins, attitude, weight, exceptions… Anything that we want to use to get someone’s attention, really. Without throwing we do not project, do not go beyond ourselves. We can push, poke, and prod, but nothing goes as far as throwing.
The thing about throwing is that you really need to wind up to get something thrown solidly. Normally one would not throw something at someone else, but merely toss or lob. Throwing can be quite extreme at times and could possibly hurt someone.
throw the best thing you can think into the well and maybe one day it will return itself back to its original form , not to say that once we begin we cannot stop but onl to say that sometimes the sace within us cannot be filled with simple words and ideas but stars, bright shining stars in our memories that will shine on forever. Even once the ideas are dead, like the actual stars, the image will live on in our minds.
david amodio
It was just a small throw. how was I supposed to know that he’d trip backwards and fall off the roof? Whos idea was it to practice throwing techniques on the roof anyways?! What am I going to do…Should I call the police? He can’t still be alive, can he? It’s so far down…
throw it all away, and you shall be free of all your worry.
I can throw up just like anybody else who could through a ball. Tall? Not when you throw up, ya shrink, but you still can’t monitor those with mental problems, because you are short, and not a shrink.
Franz Ferre
when you throw things, you toss them somewhere. you can trow things to people or throw things to yourself. you can throw balls or anythign you want. you throw balls in sports and you can throw food if you want to have a food fight. throwing things is fun but if you get hit by something it can hurt. when people throw things you shouldn’t hit anyone beause it might hurt them . idont know what else to write about throwing.
Throw a ball throw up throw down throw like a game like a player throw far throw short, throw like in fitness class, throw like the quarter back. Throw a punch, like in a fight. Throw HIGH and throw LOW.
As I throw the rock the corner of my eye catches a glimpse of the police man’s fist about to knock out my teeth.
D. Alvarez
Throw down, it’s a showdown, hell no I ain’t gonna slow down.
I can’t get those words out of my head. She always used to rap them out when she was excited and I know I’ll never hear them again. So I try as hard as I can not to forget what they sounded like when she said them.
throwing rocks so they can skid against the water, sadly depressing, the scene would be quite opposite with you around but you threw yourself away from my careful embrace.
throw? throw again??
he threw the ball at the wrong angle, it ended up killing her instantly. he was quite upset naturally. it was unfortunate but inevitable. he was a homo.
There are times when I would just like to throw in the towel and give up on trying to make the world a better place. All around me, I see people who are oblivious to the major problems in the world. Instead they focus on the little thingsoverlooking the forest for the trees. But to me, the forest is everything, so I must persevere.
I threw the thoughts out as if they were garbage. Garbage I didn’t need to be shuffling thruogh. I watched the skies shuffle as I threw the playing cards out. I threw them out as if they were garbage. Garbage I didn’t need to keep around. THey were sticking to my eyes. My thoughts always tip toed in their direction. And now I throw. I throw away the smiles that you lent me. Throw them out as if they are garbage. Garbage I can make on my own.
I should throw all these pictures at him. Photos don’t always lie.
sandra santos
in the kickhanded little job you wouldn’t think if it was some other have it your way then but don’t say i didnt warn it were only a hug first the rest later dont dont look back
throwing the ball at my father’s head didn’t seem like a good idea at the time, it still isn’t. but that’s what heppened, accidental or not. it was a hard throw too. not like a lobbed underhanded toss, though some may have seen it as an underhanded mjove. a sort of backstabbing wut more of a forehead balling. whatever. they’re idiots.
fall is beginning to approach, leaves are changing colors and school is back in session. I walk across campus, students are throwing Frisbees in the green… I wish I could be free like them, but instead it is off to class for me. Maybe when I’m done…
out everything but the paper and the plastic, please.
One word can set off a women where 10 w0rds can mofify her and make her think she is a converatiol personality.
Well, I guess throwing is something that should not be done unless the thing one throws is utterly useless or has run out of its usefulness. However, I doubt very much if there could be such a thing. Done.
pitching for their next dinner, only those who love the game will tolerate this lifestyle.
I throw my heart into everything. I throw myself into every muddy puddle. I throw myself away . I throw my heart into the puddles. I throw my rain into the puddles. I am thrown. I throw so much away. I throw my thoughts away. I drown in my thrown away ness. I have thrown. I am being thrown. Thrown away and gone. All gone away thrown. Thrown down, throw me away. Throw me down. I love you. Throw me. I threw you.
When she threw me across the room, I knew that was the end. I knew she would never love me again. The wooden floor cracked under my weight, a hole forming under my head; this was an old house, I was reminded. The old house we’d built together. The old house we thought we would live in forever…
I can throw all sorts of things, like my cat and your face…
Jacob, throw the ball to mommy! You can do it, throw the ball! Yes, I know you like baseball, you’re going to be such a big star one day! Daddy will be so proud! Good boy, Jacob!
The other day I threw a cat at my neighbor’s dog. The cat ran away into the ocean behind my house. But all of the sudden a chicken of the sea threw the cat back out. The cat’s name was ironically Dolphin. My neighbor came running from the house screaming. She ran to the cat. Dolphin twitched.
I like to throw things when I’m angry. It calms me down. People need to figure out where they put all the trash cans and throw their trash in it. There seems to be so much on the ground.
pure an simple down to earth ability of self to be able to write of heart and remember all that is due to it’s graphic
‘Don’t throw your life away,’ I whispered through the dark of the dreams, ‘I’m not worth that’. Only the sound of your gentle tears falling answered me. ‘Please,’ I begged silently. Your lips moved delicately around the as you answered me through the blackness.
‘I love you’.
something heavy
give up
Throw it out the window, he said, quickly before it eats your head. But what good is my head, I wondered, since it already has eaten my left foot and wants to eat the rest of me. And if it eats me, will I become a part of it? And if I do, then won’t I get to travel to its home ans see what it truly is? Who would want to miss that opportunity? I cant imagine a small thing like being eaten stopping me at a time l
throw away sorrows and days of old as a new revolution is in place and seeks to tear away the confines of time and ego
Throw your ideas out there, like strands of spaghetti. See which ones stick and which don’t. The ones that stick are obviously keepers.
Throw away your pessimism, your negativity. This will hold you back from achieving your dreams, your passions.
Throw your heart out there to be captured by a worthy opponent. Let love in. Risk it all. Otherwise, you’ll never have a good thing.
I’m throw with this love..I don’t lve any more
THrow. toward the sky. Throw yourself at the future.
Throw yourself at him, at her, at them, at life.
Conqure and destroy,
Throw away the remains.
Remain calm and throw the rotation off,
Confuse the ones that expect something of you.
You throw me away with so much love and so much lust. All this passion throws me and makes me bump against the corners of life, making me feel alive.
I’m sorry about the little “incident” at the party. You know, being a black belt in karate DOES have its advantages! It’s just that being able to throw your opponent isn’t one of them. Well, when it comes to dancing at least.
What kinds of things do we throw? Balls, javelins, attitude, weight, exceptions… Anything that we want to use to get someone’s attention, really. Without throwing we do not project, do not go beyond ourselves. We can push, poke, and prod, but nothing goes as far as throwing.
The thing about throwing is that you really need to wind up to get something thrown solidly. Normally one would not throw something at someone else, but merely toss or lob. Throwing can be quite extreme at times and could possibly hurt someone.
throw the best thing you can think into the well and maybe one day it will return itself back to its original form , not to say that once we begin we cannot stop but onl to say that sometimes the sace within us cannot be filled with simple words and ideas but stars, bright shining stars in our memories that will shine on forever. Even once the ideas are dead, like the actual stars, the image will live on in our minds.
It was just a small throw. how was I supposed to know that he’d trip backwards and fall off the roof? Whos idea was it to practice throwing techniques on the roof anyways?! What am I going to do…Should I call the police? He can’t still be alive, can he? It’s so far down…
throw it all away, and you shall be free of all your worry.
I can throw up just like anybody else who could through a ball. Tall? Not when you throw up, ya shrink, but you still can’t monitor those with mental problems, because you are short, and not a shrink.
when you throw things, you toss them somewhere. you can trow things to people or throw things to yourself. you can throw balls or anythign you want. you throw balls in sports and you can throw food if you want to have a food fight. throwing things is fun but if you get hit by something it can hurt. when people throw things you shouldn’t hit anyone beause it might hurt them . idont know what else to write about throwing.
Throw a ball throw up throw down throw like a game like a player throw far throw short, throw like in fitness class, throw like the quarter back. Throw a punch, like in a fight. Throw HIGH and throw LOW.
As I throw the rock the corner of my eye catches a glimpse of the police man’s fist about to knock out my teeth.
Throw down, it’s a showdown, hell no I ain’t gonna slow down.
I can’t get those words out of my head. She always used to rap them out when she was excited and I know I’ll never hear them again. So I try as hard as I can not to forget what they sounded like when she said them.
throwing rocks so they can skid against the water, sadly depressing, the scene would be quite opposite with you around but you threw yourself away from my careful embrace.
throw? throw again??
he threw the ball at the wrong angle, it ended up killing her instantly. he was quite upset naturally. it was unfortunate but inevitable. he was a homo.
There are times when I would just like to throw in the towel and give up on trying to make the world a better place. All around me, I see people who are oblivious to the major problems in the world. Instead they focus on the little thingsoverlooking the forest for the trees. But to me, the forest is everything, so I must persevere.
I threw the thoughts out as if they were garbage. Garbage I didn’t need to be shuffling thruogh. I watched the skies shuffle as I threw the playing cards out. I threw them out as if they were garbage. Garbage I didn’t need to keep around. THey were sticking to my eyes. My thoughts always tip toed in their direction. And now I throw. I throw away the smiles that you lent me. Throw them out as if they are garbage. Garbage I can make on my own.
I should throw all these pictures at him. Photos don’t always lie.
in the kickhanded little job you wouldn’t think if it was some other have it your way then but don’t say i didnt warn it were only a hug first the rest later dont dont look back
throwing the ball at my father’s head didn’t seem like a good idea at the time, it still isn’t. but that’s what heppened, accidental or not. it was a hard throw too. not like a lobbed underhanded toss, though some may have seen it as an underhanded mjove. a sort of backstabbing wut more of a forehead balling. whatever. they’re idiots.