
September 1st, 2008 | 1,077 Entries

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1,077 Entries for “throw”

  1. reminds me of times spent as a little girl playing softball. the smell of the freshly cut grass and the feeling of victory, sitting sweaty and disgusting in my softball uniform with a big smile on my face. the feel of the bat in my hand as it connects with the ball, the feeling of pitching a perfect inning. smiles and cheering for my teammates with dirt streaked across my face.

  2. I’ve thrown everything beyond my reach, now. I’ve been chained here for hours. On my feet, my wingspan is useless. On my stomach, I can almost reach what I’ve lost.

  3. In order to throw the ball, you have to have a glove.
    If you don’t have a glove, and throw a ball at 90 MPH, it’s probably going to hurt.
    When I threw my first home run, it was a memorable day that I’ll never forget.

    Ellie Arnold
  4. I love to throw! up down all around, in the bathroom in the potty, just in a loop de loop, throwing is cool and I do it a lot! Go throwing in the pot! Go throwing! Whoo! Hey guys you can have more time! Just keep on typing after the time limit. It works!

    It really works!
  5. Oh god I have to throw up! Blargh! Run to the potty! Gross! Blah!!!

  6. This word threw me for a loop. Throw up. Throw down. Throw the match. Throw rug. I think that this word throws out any sort of necessary thinking.

  7. “Just Throw it.” He said.

    “I’m not sure, where did you even find this thing?”

    “It doesn’t matter, just throw it at the window.”

    I heaved the weird looking rock through the air, it flew straight through the pane of glass.

    Then there was this weird hissing sound coming from the room.

    “Okay, now you want to duck.”

  8. don’t throw another temper tantrum, or you’ll be sorry! act like a grown up, not a spoiled child. i’m your wife not your mother. how did you ever make it this far in life. no nevermind this far, how did you wipe your own ass this morning without mommy deareast to help? sometimes i wonder what the hell i was thinking when i got tangled up with you. you’re lucky the sex is good, otherwise that would be the end of us.

  9. thorwing a baseball to friends in the park with a small wooden bat or peice of wood. You could use a stone to throw to each other but its not as fun if it hits someone. In the army people throw grenades and petrol bombs, this is really stupid because it hurts people! Babies throw tantrums to get what they want

  10. throw, as far as you can, as high as you’re able. Reach upwards never halting. Throw away the rubbish of the mind, throw away the pain that holds you down.

  11. I would like to throw a ball really well. In addition I would like to concur that we as a society are comin to a tippin point in time in which our very own existence will be questioned. Natural and chill is where it is at. Bra.

  12. If you show me one more of those comics with the tentacles and young girls in sailor suits, i will forever change my opinion on the sanity of Japanese Society.

    Jackson Browne
  13. to throw is to heave something into the sky, usually upward and away from yourself. it may also be downward at the ground.. either one works for me.

    Casey Garcia
  14. i throw myself in eternity throwing all my dreams with my body

  15. ball, party, catch, sports, throw a game, throw up, i can’t throw a ball, i have terrible aim,

  16. throw a ball, throw something else, dosent matter, things are for throwing. But it is is crucial you mind what you throw and where, eg at someone, never ever good.

    Browns disciple
  17. throw a cat out of a window and it goes squash squash squashe meow ow that hurt you git. Of course or you could throw a ball in that classic all-American game of baseball. Don’t understand that one myself but hey ho, not everyone’s as tip-top perfect as me. And that’s some irony for those that don’t geddit.

  18. Throw the race and you maintain control. You can’t be successful at the perceived competition, but by keeping control of it by deliberately scuttling it you are admitting you cannot manage the reality of the chance of defeat; ironically, being afraid of a possible defeat brings on an early and certain defeat.

  19. Throw away nation. Wait, scrap that sentence.

  20. i stood there doing nothing daydreaming
    i had to do something fast i had to react to the game im in the game i have to throw the ball
    i cradle the baseball in my hand and pull back and release it.

  21. timmy threw his sammich at the doctor. How he had a sammich at the doctors was unknown. no one really cared. But he threw it. Mayo got EVERYWHERE. The doctor was mighty pissed. But then he didn’t mind, he realized there was yummy things in the sammich. He gave Timmy a lolli and told him to go play while he ate the sammich and made out with his mummy- and of course, Timmy shouldn’t tell his daddy or the nurses.

  22. Throw it all away. I do that a lot. Throw things away. Sacrifice. Except for sacrifice is giving up something good for something better. Usually with me it’s something good for something mediocre. Bad habit.

  23. i threw it all up, yes every last bit of it, it went so high in the air i couldnt see it. I get thrown every weekend and this is what happens, projectile vomiting. its my favorite pastime i guess you could say. it loves me almost as much as i love it. I throw little cats too, the ones that can’t even see yet

  24. And he spoke one word, “throw”.
    Nothing more.

  25. i throw up on purpose from time to time, does this make me not human or uber human?

  26. trowing my life away never was so easy, now that i have meth ,there is nothing simpler.

  27. throw it away before it clutters up the whole place!

  28. Throw it over to me!

    the words were swept away with the wind as the boy looked at the sphere of gold in his hands, his hair slapping him in the face. he looked at his friend, holding her hands out and pleading. Then he twisted it open.

  29. I threw the ball down the toilet. Why ? I don’t know why. It just seemed like the logical thing to do. Aren’t we told to throw our trash away? DON’T LITTER read the city signs. So what if I think the ball is trash? Shouldn’t I then throw it away. Right… wait. Throwing it in the toilet somehow doesn’t seem very logical. We throw fish down the toilet – is that very logical? Well, they do live in water.

    Ruben Samson
  30. I have the urge to throw it all away. To give it all up. To let go of all the pain and terrible feelings that have welled up inside me.

    I only hope that I can throw it all up downwind. No one likes throw-up on their shoes.

  31. a pitch. It’s fast and hard, the ball bright against the mulicolored wash of fans. The roar starts up as soon as the ball hits the soft mitt, dust floating up. The pitcher has done it.

    Katharine Clark
  32. I hate throwing thinks. Maybe it is the soccer influence, but I just don’t feel comfortable. I’m not weak or anything. Twelve years of soccer will do that to you. I’m much more comfortable handling things with my feet. That is totally backward from what people usually do it.

  33. I don’t think you should be throwing that man glances. She spun on her bar stool. Why not? He’s not the kind of fella a pretty girl like you should mix with. I know he looks like he has money and like he could show you a good time, but seriously, just take my word for it.

  34. She throws the ball, and he doesn’t catch it. It’s raining, the ground’s slippery underneath her feet, and she skids as she runs to pick it up. It’s too cold. She wants her coat, all that warm thick red around her, but instead there’s grey and blue and black. And him. He isn’t any of those colours.

  35. today i threw my shoes in the washer. the mud still was sticking on them, so i went to trow my other shoes in the washer and they came out fine.

  36. I will throw off the weight on my shoulders with a rapid shrug. The bricks will break as they hit the ground and reveal themselves to be hollower than I thought. As I walk ahead, I will long for the complexity they added to my life and, on occasion, throw my head over my shoulder and look back at those brittle pieces.

  37. throw the gauntlet down but kiss me first; drop on one knee and say, sure, it wouldn’t be that hard to watch Legally Blonde yet another time

  38. I’d like to throw my sadness through the window. Unfortunately it is still there…

  39. throwing krono in the fountain… watching pretty couples pass by laughing… wishing for winter so this joyous summer will be over…

  40. i am throwing a fit as i think about how much i have done in the last few days. So much in this world simply isnt right, and i am not exactly helping. Fifty things run threw my mind, but i cant nail anything down. I cant decide what to do. But that isnt even true. I am just not thinking things out. I need to give it time.
