the ball against the wall watch it fall and bounce and roll away perhaps never to be seen again. fare well ball.
Throw a fit,throw a dog a bone, throw up, throw out, throw a curve ball, throw game…………….
“Why do you want to throw it all away”, she said. I had no good answer for her, really.
It just seemed like a good time to start over.
Don’t throw away your life, love or happiness for the sake of the motion. Let life happen. I throw myself into situations, I throw a fit when things dont go my way. I throw up when I eat bad food my dad makes. Why is our society such a throw away one?
I once threw something into a lake. It went out so far and it made me think. What if I were a lake? Would I want to have some rock thrown at me? I thought about it, and being a kid I asked my dad.
“Dad if you were a lake would you want a rock thrown at you?”
“No.” And that was the end of my rock-throwing days.
Do not throw mouse pads at one another, god damn it! (I really hate working in this computer lab. It’s the only one on campus that is reserved for chimps. These aren’t just any chimps. Most of them are retired from acting or lab testing. Educated and doped up bastards.)
He threw the ball across the yard. The dog pounced, throwing itself after the ball. It hit the fence like a back board and it the ball went toppling in the other direction, the dog following haphazardly. She wantched as he finally caught it in his mouth.
throw away inhibitions.
mean to be who you want to be.
throw away a life that means nothing.
throw yourself into work.
throwing is an action, how it works out is up to you.
lock yourself in life and throw away the key.
sometimes i throw things. i throw rocks. i throw garbage. i even throw tantrums. whats in the word? to resist. to give away. now thats easy…to take back… now thats a challenge. try to throw less, and hold on more. :]
abbey gail
sometimes i throw things. i throw rocks. i throw garbage. i even throw tantrums. whats in the word? to resist. to give away. now thats easy…to take back… now thats a challenge. try to throw less, and hold on more. :]
abbey gail
in fragments flying spinning hurtling from the point on the wall where my anger and your picture in the frame kissed and let go
sometimes i throw things. i throw rocks. i throw garbage. i even throw tantrums. whats in the word? to resist. to give away. now thats easy…to take back… now thats a challenge. try to throw less, and hold on more. :]
abbey gail
throw yourself into the mix of infinite possibility, where all things are possible. the initiating act will take you whereever you need to go, just puush yourself into the unknown steps of spirit
balls with my little brother in the halls because we weren’t to trample on the clean white carpet of my mothers living room. the sound that patent leather shoes and their little girl heels made on the tile. the clicking. and how it didn’t make that sound that sneakers make, that squeak
i throw the ball. no one catches it. it falls to the ground unceremoniously and rolls a bit before stopping at the feet of a passing stranger who says merely, dropped yer ball, before continuing on his way. i pick up the almost pristine red laced baseball. pristine except for the scratches it got when it rolled onto the sidewalk.
Sometimes I fear that it’s too easy for me to throw things away. It’s not that I fear clutter or anything, it’s more like I’m afraid of being reminded of who I am today or the day before that or the day before that. I throw away everything.
throw me under, baby. i see it coming from a mile away. You’re so predictable, so obvious. Do it now, do’t wait. let’s just get it over with and move on. Throw me, toss me,
sometimes I want to throw a few of my students out of class for being obnoxious. I know if I do it though they won’t have the opportunity to learn, but by keeping them in the classroom, are they learning? Are they letting others learn? I wish I knew if they were learning anything at all. I hate that they throw insults across the room like paper airplanes….
the little boy threw the hot pink and white ball at the big yelow man dressed in blue and pinkk stripes. he fell to the ground and yelled ouch.
Gabrielle Garley
throw the old ideas out of your head. bring in ones of tolerance and acceptance. throw out your habits of judging by looks, and first get to know the person before you make an assumption on who they are.
I love it when the word doesn’t update. It makes me want to throw things at my computer, I like this site but there’s never a new word. >_>
throw out your trash. trash is trashy. i’m not trashy. but don’t throw out things that can be reused. or recycled. throw a party. have some fun.
“Throw me the ball.” she said. I stared at her, 5 years old then, and wondered how things would be when she grew older. 20 years later…
throw away your life for an idea, throw away your soul for a concept, throw away an empty can because you are told to, throw up all what you have ever been taught and all that you have ever been told, throw it up into the face of authority throw it up into the face of society.
Throwing away all the improtant things. one mans trash is another mans treasure. tearing through the memories searching to destroy or to remember. throwing away yourself.
throw a party for all your best friends, and a few of them you don’t like but you feel obligated to invite because they know people you know, or you had the misfortune to mention your party in front of them and they asked if they could come. So you have a few drinks, shots of tequila really, to get through the torture of having those horrible people there, and you dinf they’re not actually that bad when you’re a little tipsy, actually, you understand why people like them now, and they’re not total pariahs.
dont throw my love away
dont throw my memories in the fire
i loved you
and i will love you
Really? It’s throw again? I was in love with this site until every time I click on it, it’s throw. Where’s the creativity of that? What I loved most was the opportunity to rant and rave for 60 seconds about whatever my mind desired on a certain topic, it simplified the diary aspect and just narrowed my mind. This is damn stupid.
I once threw a baseball. It was the farthest thrown in history. This throw was so far that the catcher had to run for nearly a mile to get it. My throw went down in the record books. This throw will never be beaten.
Sometimes when I drink alot of alcohol I “throw” up! Its not a pleasant sensation but in the long run it makes you feel so much better than pre-puke session. So next time you go to throw up, remember how much better it is after the initial heave. :)
often i’ve thrown things carelessly behind me, brushing them…putting them off…i’ve never considered actually throwing them in front of me, so as to not discard, but merely postpone things. i guess i’ll finish this some other time…
it was a long day, but i couldn’t resist it anymore. I had long forgetton about the joys that I had once had in my life. The joys of torementing, kicking and throwing the household cat. I couldn’t take the stress of the day, the long conversation, the boring work enviroment… the same people day in and day out. It all came back though, thank God… just throw the cat.
stretch your arm back; feel the muscles burn as you sling it forward as hard as you can. the projectile travels in a smooth arc, vaguely calling forth all the background noise in physics class. your arm rests at your side as you watch the grenade touch down.
So my apartment flooded and this thing came up on stumble upon and my one word is “oh shit, not again!” You see, my apartment flooded several weeks ago. The jackass upstairs doesn’t seem to know how to make a home function with the turning off the water and walking softy. He is fat too, a grotesque person, chaotic and disorganized.
I don’t throw very well unless it is throwing a fit! I can respond to my kids like a kid myself sometimes…maybe I should try throwing a baseball instead…it would be better for all involved!
Throw it all away. Live this.
Throwing… throw… rug? Like… the cheap knock off oriental pieces that you see flung over wires on the side of the road. Who buys those things? I’ve never seen anyone actually there besides the owners, who look like they haven’t moved from the spot they inhabit since time immemorial.
UP!! Ralph. Hurl. This word makes me think of being in college with my head in the toilet after drinking too much. Crying and saying, “I’ll never do that again! Am I going to die? This is the worst.” Truly being convinced that this is the end of life. Killer. Absolutely terrible. For the most part, I listened to myself. Haven’t done it in 15 years.
to throw something far away, like a puppy or a small plant, its an interesting concept, so have fun with it! buy buy ! yes away throw it, anonther fun thing is to kick a small object or pet or plant! try it!
There was an orange, all it had ever gotten was thrown. It was bruised, its juices leaked out of its cracked skin. It tumbled, rolled on the ground like a disposed piece of garbage. No one will ever eat it, no other oranges in the bunch was thrown. It sat there in the heat and its spirit died.
the ball against the wall watch it fall and bounce and roll away perhaps never to be seen again. fare well ball.
Throw a fit,throw a dog a bone, throw up, throw out, throw a curve ball, throw game…………….
“Why do you want to throw it all away”, she said. I had no good answer for her, really.
It just seemed like a good time to start over.
Don’t throw away your life, love or happiness for the sake of the motion. Let life happen. I throw myself into situations, I throw a fit when things dont go my way. I throw up when I eat bad food my dad makes. Why is our society such a throw away one?
I once threw something into a lake. It went out so far and it made me think. What if I were a lake? Would I want to have some rock thrown at me? I thought about it, and being a kid I asked my dad.
“Dad if you were a lake would you want a rock thrown at you?”
“No.” And that was the end of my rock-throwing days.
Do not throw mouse pads at one another, god damn it! (I really hate working in this computer lab. It’s the only one on campus that is reserved for chimps. These aren’t just any chimps. Most of them are retired from acting or lab testing. Educated and doped up bastards.)
He threw the ball across the yard. The dog pounced, throwing itself after the ball. It hit the fence like a back board and it the ball went toppling in the other direction, the dog following haphazardly. She wantched as he finally caught it in his mouth.
throw away inhibitions.
mean to be who you want to be.
throw away a life that means nothing.
throw yourself into work.
throwing is an action, how it works out is up to you.
lock yourself in life and throw away the key.
sometimes i throw things. i throw rocks. i throw garbage. i even throw tantrums. whats in the word? to resist. to give away. now thats easy…to take back… now thats a challenge. try to throw less, and hold on more. :]
sometimes i throw things. i throw rocks. i throw garbage. i even throw tantrums. whats in the word? to resist. to give away. now thats easy…to take back… now thats a challenge. try to throw less, and hold on more. :]
in fragments flying spinning hurtling from the point on the wall where my anger and your picture in the frame kissed and let go
sometimes i throw things. i throw rocks. i throw garbage. i even throw tantrums. whats in the word? to resist. to give away. now thats easy…to take back… now thats a challenge. try to throw less, and hold on more. :]
throw yourself into the mix of infinite possibility, where all things are possible. the initiating act will take you whereever you need to go, just puush yourself into the unknown steps of spirit
balls with my little brother in the halls because we weren’t to trample on the clean white carpet of my mothers living room. the sound that patent leather shoes and their little girl heels made on the tile. the clicking. and how it didn’t make that sound that sneakers make, that squeak
i throw the ball. no one catches it. it falls to the ground unceremoniously and rolls a bit before stopping at the feet of a passing stranger who says merely, dropped yer ball, before continuing on his way. i pick up the almost pristine red laced baseball. pristine except for the scratches it got when it rolled onto the sidewalk.
Sometimes I fear that it’s too easy for me to throw things away. It’s not that I fear clutter or anything, it’s more like I’m afraid of being reminded of who I am today or the day before that or the day before that. I throw away everything.
throw me under, baby. i see it coming from a mile away. You’re so predictable, so obvious. Do it now, do’t wait. let’s just get it over with and move on. Throw me, toss me,
sometimes I want to throw a few of my students out of class for being obnoxious. I know if I do it though they won’t have the opportunity to learn, but by keeping them in the classroom, are they learning? Are they letting others learn? I wish I knew if they were learning anything at all. I hate that they throw insults across the room like paper airplanes….
the little boy threw the hot pink and white ball at the big yelow man dressed in blue and pinkk stripes. he fell to the ground and yelled ouch.
throw the old ideas out of your head. bring in ones of tolerance and acceptance. throw out your habits of judging by looks, and first get to know the person before you make an assumption on who they are.
I love it when the word doesn’t update. It makes me want to throw things at my computer, I like this site but there’s never a new word. >_>
throw out your trash. trash is trashy. i’m not trashy. but don’t throw out things that can be reused. or recycled. throw a party. have some fun.
“Throw me the ball.” she said. I stared at her, 5 years old then, and wondered how things would be when she grew older. 20 years later…
throw away your life for an idea, throw away your soul for a concept, throw away an empty can because you are told to, throw up all what you have ever been taught and all that you have ever been told, throw it up into the face of authority throw it up into the face of society.
Throwing away all the improtant things. one mans trash is another mans treasure. tearing through the memories searching to destroy or to remember. throwing away yourself.
throw a party for all your best friends, and a few of them you don’t like but you feel obligated to invite because they know people you know, or you had the misfortune to mention your party in front of them and they asked if they could come. So you have a few drinks, shots of tequila really, to get through the torture of having those horrible people there, and you dinf they’re not actually that bad when you’re a little tipsy, actually, you understand why people like them now, and they’re not total pariahs.
dont throw my love away
dont throw my memories in the fire
i loved you
and i will love you
Really? It’s throw again? I was in love with this site until every time I click on it, it’s throw. Where’s the creativity of that? What I loved most was the opportunity to rant and rave for 60 seconds about whatever my mind desired on a certain topic, it simplified the diary aspect and just narrowed my mind. This is damn stupid.
I once threw a baseball. It was the farthest thrown in history. This throw was so far that the catcher had to run for nearly a mile to get it. My throw went down in the record books. This throw will never be beaten.
Sometimes when I drink alot of alcohol I “throw” up! Its not a pleasant sensation but in the long run it makes you feel so much better than pre-puke session. So next time you go to throw up, remember how much better it is after the initial heave. :)
often i’ve thrown things carelessly behind me, brushing them…putting them off…i’ve never considered actually throwing them in front of me, so as to not discard, but merely postpone things. i guess i’ll finish this some other time…
it was a long day, but i couldn’t resist it anymore. I had long forgetton about the joys that I had once had in my life. The joys of torementing, kicking and throwing the household cat. I couldn’t take the stress of the day, the long conversation, the boring work enviroment… the same people day in and day out. It all came back though, thank God… just throw the cat.
stretch your arm back; feel the muscles burn as you sling it forward as hard as you can. the projectile travels in a smooth arc, vaguely calling forth all the background noise in physics class. your arm rests at your side as you watch the grenade touch down.
So my apartment flooded and this thing came up on stumble upon and my one word is “oh shit, not again!” You see, my apartment flooded several weeks ago. The jackass upstairs doesn’t seem to know how to make a home function with the turning off the water and walking softy. He is fat too, a grotesque person, chaotic and disorganized.
I don’t throw very well unless it is throwing a fit! I can respond to my kids like a kid myself sometimes…maybe I should try throwing a baseball instead…it would be better for all involved!
Throw it all away. Live this.
Throwing… throw… rug? Like… the cheap knock off oriental pieces that you see flung over wires on the side of the road. Who buys those things? I’ve never seen anyone actually there besides the owners, who look like they haven’t moved from the spot they inhabit since time immemorial.
UP!! Ralph. Hurl. This word makes me think of being in college with my head in the toilet after drinking too much. Crying and saying, “I’ll never do that again! Am I going to die? This is the worst.” Truly being convinced that this is the end of life. Killer. Absolutely terrible. For the most part, I listened to myself. Haven’t done it in 15 years.
to throw something far away, like a puppy or a small plant, its an interesting concept, so have fun with it! buy buy ! yes away throw it, anonther fun thing is to kick a small object or pet or plant! try it!
There was an orange, all it had ever gotten was thrown. It was bruised, its juices leaked out of its cracked skin. It tumbled, rolled on the ground like a disposed piece of garbage. No one will ever eat it, no other oranges in the bunch was thrown. It sat there in the heat and its spirit died.